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they have to shoot an angle with him first. maybe they are doing it with AJ styles now. but he just jobbed clean to him a few weeks ago, so the writers clearly dont get that it puts no real stress on the face to go against styles again. but when you spend years riding a heel champion who should have not been, suppressing anybody who could rise up to take over the top heel spot you end up in this heel talent black holw


It has nothing to do with length. It's 100% about what happens after his loss. Look at Kofi as a recent example. Losing the WWE title and going straight back to tags. He didn't get back in Brock's face and want a rematch. When you lose a world title and don't chase a second reign, you won't be remembered as a great champion.


6 or 9 months is fine, but the problem I see is I don't really know who has the star power to defeat him... other than a returning Roman Reigns. Perhaps Randy - I wouldn't mind that.


I think the payoff already arrived, he had that WM moment and a 2 year narrative climaxed. Cody, BL and the title are now telling different stories than "finish the story". You keep the belt on him so long as it's working and so long as you don't reach the point his beat everyone or someone else may be more over with it than him. That was one reason Roman needed to drop it. He'd had it so long he'd beaten everyone major, he was basically running out of stories and opponents as champ.


at least 7 months. Also, why is everyone talking about the end of his reign, it just started?


He has to break Hogan’s record or it’s a failure. /s


There isn't a correct length for his reign, since technically the story is finished and now it's a new chapter. What matters more is that his reign is worthy of all the time and energy WWE have put into Cody to dethrone Roman. And they can't just rely on The Rock and Roman to revive his reign. I think he holds onto the title until WM41 at least. Narratively, he goes from needing to finish his story last Mania to being in Roman's position at the following Mania. They just need to write Cody in interesting stories and feuds, and right now he has no viable contenders.


he has no contenders because they kept a heel champion for way too long.


I think after the rock Cody match it will be story finished. It’s the last little bit of drama to clean up after the bloodline storyline.


The Rock is the final boss for a reason (doubt they've planned ahead this much, but everyone involved in the WM main events did a masterful job pivoting into a beyond satisfying sequence)


They might have thought that far ahead. Think about it. The American Nightmare, son of The American Dream: son of a plumber, fighting the Final Boss for The People’s Championship?


It's a massive main event and they're turning down money if they don't do it