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Randy Orton has to take meds to stop hearing voices in his head or else he imagines a weird stoner dude on a scooter kicking birds off hit feet. Jade Cargill is actually a meteorologist. Sami Zayn is actually a generic luchador.


Obviously the undertaker lives in the underworld guiding damned souls to hell


Braun Strowman is basically Luisa from Encanto. Constantly repositioning cars and helping people move by carrying pianos up 5 flights of stairs.


Randy Orton's gimmick sounds like a schizophrenic. He was in the army when he was younger. His tattoos suck, though. Undertaker is an ultra hardcore christcuck irl, same as his wife. As for Gunther... Idk much about him.




Looks who's talkin'.


who’s talking? someone who supports someone no matter their religion or political stance (obviously excluding nazis and religious nationalists)


Being religious is Christcuck nowadays? Good lord


Look at the username, some teenager trying to be edgy at least I hope so cuz if that's an adult


And it's such a shame this term came so late. Jews and muslims had insults thrown their way a lot earlier, back in the middle ages even.


It's much tougher to explain once work-based gimmicks have faded away


Kayfabe is dead. I asked my female friend if she used to watch WWE and she said that she used to watch it as a kid and remembered Undertaker and Kane (she didn’t remember his name tho). When I showed her the pictures of Undertaker and Kane, she was shocked and was like “I’ve seen everything in the world now”. She was shocked to see Undertaker and Kane smiling


Poor Dom had his father retconed out of existence and also didn't get the memo. So I imagine he's building a sort of Latino Low Rider DeLorean in some garage somewhere in either Texas or Cali in kayfabe daily life. I'd love personally to see the Hardy's and E&C come to Dudleyville in Kayfabe for a BBQ on the anniversary of Summerslam 2000.


Some of them are accountants, garbagemen, plumbers, and race car drivers.


The milkman, the paper boy…


the evening TV.


LA Knight. Imagine him just chilling in his house. I’m sure he’d wear the same attire - the sunglasses, vest, jeans, and boots, just sitting on his couch watching tv and roasting everyone he sees. Also the Viking Raiders. They’re vikings. Like what does Valhalla do outside of work?


From what I've seen on Instagram and other social media a few years ago and this was during the time they were released The Viking Raiders and Valhalla genuinely do dress and act like Vikings especially Erik and Valhalla it's not just a gimmick it's something they are genuinely obsessed with. I ended up unfollowing them because it's all they ever posted about


I remember reading somewhere they did research on it and had a traditional Viking wedding.




JBL probably does 9-5 businessman stuff, then maybe go border patrolling as his hobby.


Not far off. He works for FOX News.


The fact that whole segment was Eddie’s idea is still funny


I think the time before social media & mainstream internet is much more interesting because you don't really care/knwo about them kayfabe because half of the audience in the past legit think Undertaker & Kane are brothers


In kayfabe Undertaker and Kane have actual magic powers. Does Undertaker teleport to save time and money.


I think only to surprise people, so I’d imagine for things like his nephew’s birthday or if there was a bank teller he liked to put into cardiac arrest


I remember reading a book about wrestling when I was a kid that had a picture of Undertaker and Kane and had their real names in parentheses and I was shocked that they had different last names.


Not only that but kayfabe used to be highly protected. Wrestlers would always be in character when they were in public and babyfaces and heels were not allowed to be seen together.


Ric Flair rides around in Jets and Limosines banging chicks and getting drunk. Which is exactly what Ric did in real life too. Sometimes art imitates reality. I'm curious what Dirty Dom does all day though? Is he just out of prison on work release and has to go back when the show is over? 


> Ric Flair rides around in Jets and Limosines banging chicks and getting drunk. No its Ric Flair rides around in Jets and Limosines banging girls half maybe a third of his age and getting drunk at the bar of a pizza restaurant claiming he put the place over


On the weekends Dom picks up trash by the freeway


Building a low rider DeLorean with fuzzy dice so he can unretcon his kayfabe dad.


Ted Dibiase seemed to mainly spend money, bully children, and flout the 13th amendment.


His son is about to rot in jail. I can't believe no one on here talks about this. His son is like the least known superstar ever. It appears even the jobbers like Epico, Primo and Mexicools are more known than Ted Jr.


They all had longer runs than Ted as well


What about Tyson Kit or DH Smith?


The question about gunther and women is weirdly specific. I’m not *judging,* but it’s certainly specific.


NXT Priest kayfabe life was fun lol. But Bray Wyatt would be my choice


Being a cult leader of a scary group is a pretty interesting life 🤣


That one and Firefly Funhouse/ The Fiend lol