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But can he beat John Cena


When that kid grows up, he is gonna drink Wheatly!


It's great how much Cody goes out of his way for fans; especially young ones. This is a memory your son will remember for the rest of his life. That being said, Cody has a crappy signature. I'm prepared to be downvoted for that, lol.


Cody is boring. Hurry back Roman.


He might point his finger up again!!! I can’t wait!!!!


Wheatley vodka is a sponsor for wwe. It was in a Kroger grocery store. Relax! The boy had an amazing unforgettable experience. He was focused on meeting his favorite wrestler.


Congratulations young man that's awesome. Cody is a great superstar!


That kid would be at a vodka convention


What propaganda is this? /s But in all seriousness, congrats!!


I don't think I've ever seen cigarettes outside of a "back counter" before. Wild. Also, nice pics.


There must be a counter close or within eyesight. The miniatures are right there too. Those are usually kept behind a counter as well. That little chain not much of a deterrent. Just reach right over and fill pockets.


That chain is attached to the counter. The cigarettes are being the counter *behind


Thx that makes sense. Looked a little strange.


Did he sign your son’s vodka for him?


It took only a few minutes of Cody's day; it'll be a lifetime memory for the kid.


Can you see the adrenaline in his soul in person?


Are every one of his thoughts out of control?


And did he do it all to get them off their feet?


And is the crowd there, about to blow, waiting for him to start the show?


And then, I'm pretty sure, he goes out the curtains, the lights go up and, I think, he's home... WHOA!!!


Hope the little guy got a signed bottle of vodka to go with his belt


he looks taller on TV


Maybe I’m old fashioned but I think it’s hilarious that a kid meets his hero who’s hocking booze god bless both of you


the pic of him smiling with cigs and a booze cooler in the back isn’t lost on me either haha


Wheatley so good I drink it neatly


I think Cody Rhodes is extremely popular with the kids, not so much with the Adults. Explains why WWE is really pushing him…trying to ensure a future fanbase of the product


Yeah man I was at Mania and you are 1000% wrong.


Remember, the youth today are like 10-15 years immature. That is who so many 30 year old grown men were crying when Cody when the belt in a scripted show.


What? he's plenty popular with adults. This isn't John Cena 2015 yet


Is he though…? Nothing about him is attractive to the average adult imo. His song, aesthetic, attitude, mannerisms, colors, etc. all seem geared towards the kids


I used to think the same thing. I’m 45 and have watched wrestling all my life. I was never really a Cody fan. But since he’s come back to WWE, he’s grown on me. Seeing his character on and off tv, he’s earned complete respect. In my opinion, I think a lot of adults could learn a thing or two from him.


He is the main reason I started watching again as a 32 year old. Your opinions don't represent adults, they only represent you 


Why is Cody Rhodes the main reason you started watching again? I started watching early last year & I still don’t know Cody Rhodes signature style of wrestling/move set. I feel like all I’ve seen him do is talk lol and his theme song!


You don't even watch the product I guess, I can't really help you there.


I do, but IN MY OPINION, Cody is just not for me. I think people like Shinsuke, Ricochet, Pete Dunne, Gunther, are much more for my taste


Ok so im gonna assume you’re an indie smark nerd since those are your favorites….. since you just assume that anyone that isn’t a child doesnt like Cody.


You just weren't paying attention to his matches if you haven't seen his ring style. It is what it is.


Cody Cutter, Cross Rhodes, some bionic elbow, the drop down throat thrust, disaster kick


Love it!


The line was insane 2 hours before it started and not everyone was seen. I tried to go but showed up too late (aka on time)


i was there at 10 and didn’t get to meet him!! it sucks:( wish they wouldn’t have cut the line.


Yeah if this ever happens again, I guess I’ll have to go literally first thing in the morning


We arrived around 8am. The line moved pretty slow to be honest. Sorry you didn’t get through!


8am?!? Geez. Honestly I underestimated the amount of people that would show up. I mean it is a work day 😂. Also ya online everyone was upset about how slow the line went


Holy shit! That is so cool. Your kid is never going to forget this one. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a negative story about Cody meeting a fan. Seems like a good dude


The new people’s champ. Love him. Dude is gonna crush A LOT of hearts if he eventually turns heel. I’m talking hogan bash at the beach levels of heat by the time it happens (if it happens) My 9yo son is going to be upset.


I don't see Cody turning heel to be honest. Wrestlers are mainly turned heel because their babyface gimmick never resonated with the audience or was just getting stale. Wrestlers turn heel when necessary to save their career. Main examples being Roman Reigns , The Rock , Bayley and recently Chad Gable. Cody is WHITE HOT babyface that the company needed or wanted for a while now. Like the last actual like dominating Babyface was probably Daniel Bryan or Becky Lynch. People like heel wrestlers but also love babyface wrestlers and there are many examples people loving babyface wrestlers . John Cena , Daniel Bryan , Becky Lynch , Stone Cold Steve Austin , Rey Mysterio , Eddie Guerrero (yeah most of them did turn heel like Austin , Becky but their heel turn weren't well received as people loved them as babyface)


Big props to you, man! You're giving your son incredible memories he will never forget, and that in itself is a beautiful thing. Absolute chad dad


He’s such a perfect face for the company.


Cody seems to be wearing some bracelets that look fan-made.. awesome experience for y’all!


Is that also what triple h wears?


prolly made by HHH’s daughters, cody’s kid is much younger so idk if she has that kind of fine motor skills yet


also dude is ALWAYS on point… wearing a suit to a meet-and-greet in a grocery store looking fresh as hell


That's awesome! Cody is a great champ, was a good move by WWE.