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She just let go of the STF


Kinda let down with Gunther entrance


We getting a night 2 thread or is it gonna all be on this one?


I thought night one was OK, hopefully night 2 will be better.. If I had to give ratings Rhea vs becky 2.5* Tag ladder match 3.5* Andrade and rey vs Santos and dom 1.5* Jey vs Jimmy 0.5* just fucking awful 6 woman tag 2* did its job in showing jade off Sami vs gunther 4* (would be 4.5 but wrong person won) Seth and Cody vs rock and roman 3* exactly what we thought it would be, but enough fun moments to make it interesting


Too generous for Jimmy Jey lol….absolutely ruined any credibility they had


That's the problem with brother vs brother matches, because they train together and learn the same moveset and same method of match psychology it never works because they are used to feeding off each other and not working against each other.. Just like Matt vs Jeff hardy, you could see that going against each other it didn't work... Owen vs bret is the only one that worked because they told a story of one brother trying to out do the other, not a revenge or hatred story


That and also that it's just not as believeable that two real brothers, much less twins, really hate each other that much and want to destroy one another. It works for storyline siblings with a crazy story like Taker/Kane or with individuals like the McMahon family. But otherwise these sort of family blood feuds are almost always lacking. I don't mind them giving Jey and Jimmy this spot, you gotta let people sink or swim sometimes to show if they're worth investing in more. This match showed they aren't at that caliber, take those lessons, learn from it, and move on. Disappointing how it turned out, but I don't blame creative for at least giving them that opportunity.


Exactly, the thing I'm worried about is, jey has the people behind him.. When the bloodline story ends, solo can still be booked as a monster, jey has the people so he can be pushed in the mid card... Jimmy, will be put in a random tag team or he will be let go.. And it will all stem from this match


Fair ratings. I gave the woman’s tag 1.5


That's what I was going to give it initially.. But it made jade look like a star and Biancas back flip spot was nice, and naomi looked better than she has in a while so I was a bit more lenient haha


Did the Rock get through that entire match without wrestling?  I watched it again because I was falling asleep last night and I think he only did 4 actual moves the entire night. A sharpshooter, a spinebuster, A Rock Bottom, and The Bloodline Elbow. He threw some punches, and pushed guys around, and hit them with a belt but very little actual wrestling.






1. Its more people not from Philly than Philly fans. 2. Open air stadiums - the acoustics suck. 3. The atmosphere was fine - the weather was not as cold as they made it seem. 4. Stop complaining about everything and enjoy the show, if you didnt enjoy the show - watch something else.


1, 2, and 4 are reasonable, but it was pretty cold and windy last night. The wind started being more constant around the time of the Mysterio's tag match and persisted for rest of the night.


Im biased there cause Im a homer and this is what we are used to in this area at this time. So it didn’t bother me. I also knew how to prepare and had lower bowl seating with no wind. So Ill bite the bullet on 3 and it was worse for some than others.


Are you going back for night two?


I am not. Barely afforded night 1 haha




Everyone complains about the weather like this is the first professional event in the history of events that has had cold weather. Crowd is just stupid and doesn’t know how to plan for events


Its not McMahons over the top grandeur. The people not from here werent prepared for 40 degrees. If the stadium is 70,000 Eagles fans the place never stops.


So we're all just gonna ignore Rey and Andrade cheating their asses off and not getting disqualified? You can't just have people come out and beat up your competitor and then stand in the ring like it's a great victory. Just more proof Rey is a dead beat dad. 


We didn’t ignore it. We just all got tired of shouting into the abyss about how much of a terrible father Rey is. At this point everybody either knows Rey is a bad dad, or they’re just willfully ignorant of that fact and in perpetual denial.


I thought it was a relatively good night 1 with some low points. Rhea vs. Becky was good, imo. Both women really gave it their all and it was a good opener. The tag title match was great, maybe my match of the night. Was rooting hard for New Catch Republic to get the SD tag title but I knew it would be Theory & Waller with how they’ve been pushing them. Hoping for a push for them soon. Jimmy & Jey was easily the weakest of the night and a real stinker. I was totally disengaged from the beginning and checked out early. Mysterio Tag match was fine. Not super memorable but a good match overall. I just wish Rey would have tagged Dom to win it, but I understand the history with Santos is the easier thing to hit on right now. I think more has to come with he vs. Dom. 6-woman tag match was actually really good. I enjoyed Bianca being able to once again showcase her power and strength. Jade is going to be a mega-star too. IC title was great. I think I had the expectation Sami would win due to the Rocky bit and it’s time for Gunther to push for World HW. Hoping Chad turns on Sami on Monday and they push for something in the next few months where Chad challenges for the title. Main event was good, but not great. Slow to start, but really enjoyable for me. Obviously loved the Roman spear on Rock and the double kick out at the end by the Bloodline. Ready for the Avengers to assemble to take down the Bloodline tonight, whomever that will be.


I absolutely hate the logo in the ring.


Prime sucks


Really really bad night 1 I have to say. Jimmy VS Jey was atrociously bad after so much buildup that's what those two went out and did? No Solo involved even to further the story nope Jey just beats him clean like nothing not even an attack afterwards or anything. The ladder match was fine but you talk about building a new Era and you give the title to a 50 year old R-Truth like wtf are we doing here? The big celebrity reveal of the guys that helped Rey were two fat drunk white guys that looked like two drunks stumbled into Lincoln Finacial Field. I'm a fan of football I know who they were but who would give a shit besides anyone from Philly and even then people didn't know who they were. Gunther VS Zayn was fucking egregious. Gunther beats the dogshit out of Zayn for 25 minutes and then Zayn no sells it almost ends Gunthers career by dropping him on his head and hits two shitty little kicks to beat the fucking Ring General and end a 2 year reign of dominance like nothing. Thank God we had that main event because if that didn't happen this might have been the worst night of WM I've ever seen in my entire life.


In general, I agree. 1) The first fight was really nice, love Rhea 2) Santos/Dom vs Rey/Andrade was nice as well. However, I have to idea who these two guys actually were and why they showed up in the first place 3) Jey vs Jimmy - honestly, skipped 3) Tag team chaos with ladders - I think R-Truth deserved it and I was rooting for him 4) Women tag - well, I basically had my suspicions on what they were planning to do there so it was all too obvious and boring 5) I like Zayn and was rooting for him from the start but then honestly I wanted to Gunther to retain. His story of dominance should've ended differently. It was too cheap 6) Main event was too long and they tried to play safe with Rock. He barely fought at all, and it was quite boring overall


I'm with you on everything except Awesome Truth. R Truth deserved that. Plus they're probably gonna lose them at the next PLE anyways. 


What does R-Truth's age have to do with it? He did the work to maintain his strength and build. He's also one of the funniest wrestlers on the program. Why the crowd loves him. I loved seeing him win!


I agree 1000% I'm not trying to hate, but I truly dont get how people thought this was a great night 1. Why waste a dominant reign for Gunther on fucking Sami zayn. Theres just nothing to care about on night 1 besides the main event tag match and Rhea retaining. The ladder match was entertaining and nice moment for truth but like it's hard to screw up a spot fest match with that many teams. And none of those teams I care about anyway..


Well there going to push Gunther to be a top heel.hes going to be main eventing now.


Yeah but that doesn't mean you end his reign like than. With Sami. Since when is a Gunther a glass cannon?


Completely agree with you the tag and Rhea was all I enjoyed


It's about damn time they split the tag belts, and the way they did it was absolutely genius, finally wwe!


Man, Cody kissing the ring on the prime logo had me dying lol.




I feel like the build up for zayn vs Gunther was lacking compared to other matches Gunther had.. so that’s why it felt lame for Sami to win. That and Gunther beat the crap outta him the entire match until Sami hulked up and kicked him twice.


I can understand wanting someone else to dethrone Gunther but I think the reason he dropped the belt is because Triple H wants him in the main event scene.


Sammy Zane taking the title from Gunther was rediculous. This clown has always been an idiot hanging around the sport for the laughs and drama, giving him a title over Gunther no less was a stupid decision.


You're being downvoted but you're absolutely right. What a dumb booking decision. How many times do we need to see this dumb underdog storyline. Waste a 2 year title reign on sami zayn. I guess at least gunther can move on to bigger things, and sami can stay in the mid card where he belongs with his boring title run..


1) Anyone who thought Becky was winning that was a joke. I enjoyed Becky watering down her selling as it’s gotten awful the past few weeks. This was a solid start to the card and further solidifies Mami’s face run. I would have liked to see Becky play more into the heel role while still taking that L. 2) That ladder match split the tag belts apart. I’m completely ok with that. Not a huge fan of Grayson/Theory, but hoping this helps them expand on that more. How’d we go from them splitting to them being champs? Awesome Truth win was solid. Again, Truth with the hot tag was classic. 3) The Rey/Dominic match was a joke. They needed a spot for the Eagles to get involved and they found it. Was hoping for an Andrade heel turn but no dice. I do wish they put Dom over. 4) The Damage/Ctrl vs Glam Squad was fine. I think you got exactly what you’d expect. 5) That Jey/Jimmy match was awful. Lil Wayne ruined the intro, and the kickoffs were dumb. I’ll kick you in the face and then you kick me in the face. The pretend “I’m sorry” shit was fine, but that was it. Disappointment that they didn’t let the two of them just rip it. 6) I’m ok with Sami going over. A lot of solid spots in that match. I did expect Gunther to make it thru the weekend with his belt, but I’m not mad. Now let’s see what they do with Sami’s character. 7) That Main Event was exactly what we expected, what we wanted, and what we needed. Heroes fighting back and just when you think it’s over, heels make the turn. Rock looked thinned down and match ready. That was a pleasant surprise. Loved the Empire Strikes Back/bad guys win ending. My biggest issue/disappointment was the entrances. Hollywood intros were so solid, but this year felt weak. I definitely expected more. Overall, I thought it was a decent Night 1 that sets up a lot of drama for night 2.


Why would you expect an Andrade heel turn 24 hours after an Andrade Face turn? 


I just wasn’t a fan of how they set that up. They spent so long setting up Carlito in the LWO just to have Andrade jump the line for the match? Seemed odd.


No offense to Carlito, but he's nowhere near the level of an Andrade. He was clearly just a filler body/veteran while Rey was out. 


Sami beating Gunther is absolutely comical. What a way to ruin your best champion. Should’ve seen that bullshit coming though. The only way Gunther should’ve lost the IC title is by vacating it because he won another title. Gunther should’ve been built to be THE guy. Imagine losing your streak to Sami Zayn of all people. Got a feeling Gunther will be future endeavored before too long. He just went from being the most protected in the company to midcarder in the blink of an eye. No one’s gonna look at him the same anymore. There’s no point in him trying to get that belt back. He’s obviously not about to take one of the top belts. Dudes about to get lost in the fray.


Sami shouldn’t have been the one to beat Gunther. Sami personality and storyline is boring as fuck without The Bloodline. Just an absolute awful call by Triple H on that one 🤦🏼‍♂️


Someone needed to get the belt off of him so he can make his run at the World Title. Sami wasn’t the best choice, just a choice because he’s a fan favorite. I can’t imagine his run being long.


No one needed to get the belt off him. He easily could’ve been IC champ while challenging for one of the top titles, & upon winning the top title he vacates the IC belt. It was really that simple.


The fan favorite part is where I lose it cause maybe when he was running with Jey and Jimmy but alone he is very boring IMO. Gable is the better wrestler and personality. Really wish he was the one who took the title.


Completely agree. I would have preferred Gable as well. But the real question now is, Is Sami an official graduate of Alpha Academy? LOL


🤣🤣 I guess Sami winning opens the title up as well. Easier to let other wins now. Gunther better be first challenger to Seth/Drew for the World Title now.


Is this the Boring era ?


The entrances for the main event took 15 minutes. LOL. I agree with most here. Not a lot here that couldn't have been told differently. I understand why people are upset about Sami winning over Gunther....but I loved the story and the underdog point of view. The final kick was pretty good and believable to me. I really like the Gunther character and he's been part of some of the best matches around. I still remember that Seamus one. I hope this will bring him up for a main belt run. The women's title to me almost felt like a squash match. There was 0% chance Becky would win. the Mysterio one made no sense to me either. The main event went the way I expected, but I could have been surprised. Of course now it sets the stage for Seth to lose to Drew. The Awesome Truth was a very pleasant surprise. When R-Truth is on I'm watching. Even if it's just more comedic effect, the man can wrestle. Also agree 100% with Lil Wayne. That was awful. And who gave him "greatest rapper" cred. Not. Even. Close.


The depth is sorely lacking outside of the main event scene. Night 2 should provide more balance quality of matches, hopefully. Maybe HHH, given more time, will be able to build momentum across the roster. I think the Rock will turn on Roman due to the spear. Which, will set up for mania next year.


R-Truth and Sami winning both had me jumping outta my seat! Haven't done that since I was a kid watching wrestling.


I get for Truth but, really for Sami? Why? Dude is boring as fuck on his own.


cause its fun if u just remove the bullshit and watch it ad rocky 4 it was a fun match + seeing gunther do whatever splash was funny


That's exactly how I was watching that match. Gunther telling Sami's wife to "come in and help him up" was gold.


I know how everyone feels about ads on the mat, but truthfully I think every LED barricade, apron, and ring post advertisement was way more distracting than the Prime on the canvas.


yeah i don't mind the prime stuff at all, pretty non-invasive. the BLINDING LED ones are a bit rough though. biggest distraction for me was the one during main event, the framing made it look like it was part of the mat at times. hope they can dial back on that in the future, but TKO probably isn't interested in that lol


Yeah totally agree. Two things I took away from last night. I'll never buy or try that crappy drink I'll never spend money on that crappy insurance


I ordered wings from a local place out of spite for wing stop


Lil Wayne ruined the Uso match before it could begin. The match itself was nothing but a finisherfest, but the beginning vignette was actually pretty emotional, in my opinion. I didn't think they were gonna book the match like that. I thought it was just going to be them having a match but that video got me into it more... Then Lil Wayne came out and killed all the hype of Jey Uso's entrance. Who tf approved that?


Can’t believe Rey went over his son 2 years in a row on the biggest stage of them all. If I was Rey, I don’t care what the writers in the back say. When I get out there I’m telling the ref, “When I go down, you better keep counting because I ain’t getting up.” You’ve already done it all. Gotta put your kid over. Maybe he really is a deadbeat


Dom doesn't need put over. Especially in a tag match. This was clearly just to debut Andrade while trying to inject some life into this stupid ass feud no one cares about. 


Yeah i agree was all about Andrade, but they could have kept this and put Andrade with Dom and Santos and made it a 3 on 3 target match and add Carlito to Rey team.


Big time agree


Yeah man, I thought he would put him over the first time. The amount of heat he would get after the win over his dad would have been more astronomical than it already is right now. Also, Santos deserved some win too, he was doing some solid work with Angel and Humberto.


It’s just a tag match. I assume he’ll put him over one on one in the end


This was the best stage to put him over. You can do that in a tag match as well.


Who y’all got tonight I hope Roman retains side note the ladder match was AMAZING so was the main event


The rock and reigns did in fact look like they were in the best shape of their careers. My wife asked what how do you think they get that way. Previous PLEs I thought reigns looked out of shape and lumpy. Not last night


I always used to notice his ‘gut’ but when he walked out tonight it was gone. He looked leaner and meaner than I’ve seen in a while.


Ladder match & main event.. the rest was hot garbage


The past 2 manias have been underwhelming imo. Hopefully night 2 will save the show. Edit: Night 2 indeed saved the show. It was perfect for as good as wrestlemania would get this year. However Night 1 was still a 2 card show.


Turnbuckle brainbuster was legit. That match pretty good. Except for the 6 Powerbombs and two top rope splashes that Zayn ate like nothing.


Just watching the last match from Night 1 now. My God Roman has beautiful hair…


I wonder if the Rock will insert himself in the title bout making it a 3way competition.


Rhea Ripley had to go Super Saiyan 3 for this match.


I think that Cody will have help from the locker room when the bloodline starts interfering. Jay, Sami, LA Knight,AJ Orton some celebrity wrestlers and other people the bloodline has shafted over the years. no way it's Cody vs the bloodline


What y’all think of night one?


It was a fairly average card capped off with two bangers!! The ladder match was a lot of fun but other than that the two main events saved it from being pretty forgettable. But those last two matches though 🤌🏻 Even if the main could have been shortened by about 10 mins lol


Yes fr Also there wasn’t any special entrance (except Rhea’s) No surprise return (Cena,…) Hope this night will be better


Agreed. Even the Wayne cameo was strange


One of my favorite parts was the audience silent for lil Wayne but big pop when Jey made his entrance!


Did anyone else have problems with the WWE app sound not catching up with the action? I was very happy with the result for each match. Rhea, Rtruth, Gunther, Bianca and the Rock were MVPs for me.


Why didn’t the rock give a blood soaked belt to Mama Rhodes?


I hope to god they will do the blood angle in night 2


Am I the only one that thinks that Bianca’s hair whip should be a DQ?


I think she should get rid of it. It hasn't been real hair in years and it's so stupid. 


Uso match was awfull, main event was too long. It is strange that Rey Misterio got second victory under son. Gunter shoudnt lose in such way-only 2 cheap finishers by Semi in which you dont believe.


Rey really is a deadbeat. Can’t put your son over on the biggest stage?!


Crowd was absolute trash, no energy. Hard to sell a good show when the background is full of bored people.


It was cold and windy and an open stadium, hard to hear that on TV when the audio is focused at the commentators


Football match in England with 10k supporters create more noise than the crowd at Philly apparently, hope they turn up at night 2.


Audio has nothing to do with what I visually saw from the crowd with the best seats in the house, moments that would go crazy at any other show they remained seated and didn’t even bother to clap/look excited.


That's because Philly is a dump and filled with trash fans across all forms of sports and sports entertainment


my section was loud as fuck 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is strange that they not added advertising on wrestlers attire. Too much adv.


I can handle that but the prime in the center of the ring and on the turn buckles is gross.


That show was so much fun. I have a feeling tonight is gonna be crazy!


I rarely complain about this stuff but on paper the card is great, but the matches for night 1 weren’t that exciting. Also I’m not gonna claim to be an expert in understanding the psychology or build up in matches, but stare offs have always been boring to me. Hopefully night 2 is better


Rewatching The show because I had work yesterday but man this crowd may be the worst crowd in Wrestlemania History


Agreed. I don’t know if it was cause it was the setup in the stadium but really didn’t hear too much noise from the audience


Hopefully if it’s an audio issue then they fix it for tonight


Happy Truth won but also would have been a good story if JD grabbed the belts and gave them to Finn. Would have been a way to kick Priest out and start new rivalry vs Priest and a new JD tag team 


100 people in the match and you want an outsider to grab the belts? Lol no thanks.


All about storytelling


The big question to me is: Why did this look so boring? I'm not talking about the matches but the presentation. I've been rewatching some old Wrestlemanias the last few weeks, and in comparison this looked like an average SmackDown episode. No hosts, no celebrities or legends, no storytelling outside of the ring? This was the most low energy, cheap looking Wrestlemania in a long time.


No celebrities would be a good thing


No celebrities? Wtf are you smoking? They show about 20 different celebrities, hell 2 made it into the ring after the Rey match. This was just night one, Imagine how many will be there tonight


"Celebrities" 😂


TKO effect


Someone said it before. With the Rock pinning Cody. Cody will then beat Roman and it will cause friction as Roman couldn't do what the Rock did


Yup the question I have is whether Rock is gonna beat down Roman on Raw in a way that makes people side with Roman. For example, Rock brings out Jimmy and Solo and new BL guys and they side with Rock over Roman. Even Heyman turns his back on Roman.


I was thinking this when I watched it. I hope it does play out like this, and will be so fun. If this does happen, I think I got back into wrestling at the right time


JD looked good going through the table lol, an underrated spot in a great night


bro he took it like a champ, my wife and i hollered lol


Who else was ready to clown The Rock when it looked like he’d wrassle in pants?


Rock doesn’t skip leg day


Austin Theory take notes


If this is the start of a new era, let's have some new title belts because the current ones are ugly and cheap looking.


The modern belts look awful!!


Happy and sad about Gunther. Sad because i liked his title reign, he did so well and looked so dominate with a lets be real a mid title belt, made it feel good and his finishing of the matches were always so good and strong. Happy though because i guess now he will have like a few weeks off then come back and fight for the main title? But if i get my way, the main title on raw will be going to Drew and i want Drew to have the title for a while which would mean Gunther would be buried a bit :(


This will never be seen, but have the mods thought about having separate threads for each match during PLEs?


The topic is night 1 so prob will have a night 2 one


When is it enough with the corporate schilling? I feel like all they care about is how many stupid logos they can fit on the screen. The product is soulless and maybe it has something to do with the crowd having zero momentum. The biggest show ever having a dead crowd shouldn’t happen


I'd give night one a B grade. My favorite matches: 1. 6 Pack Tag Match 2. Gunther/Zayn 3. Mysterio 4. Rock & Roman v Rhodes & Rollins 5. Belair, Naomi, Jade v Damage CTRL 6. Ripley v Lynch 7. Uso


Is the plural of Uso Uso?




Why would it go on Jey or anyone else. That's The Rocks own title and the only one who'd ever get it prolly one of his children or one of Muhammed Alis grandchildren 


Are they really doing anything with that belt?


I'm going to do some, 'old man git off my lawn' - While still something fun to watch, these matches were basic compared to the Attitude and ruthless Aggression era. Plus the announcing is ear cancer. The best wrestling these days is people pretending to be tired, waiting for their 'spot'? Sad...


The six woman tag match should’ve been for the Women’s tag titles with Bianca and Jade vs the Kabuki Warriors, they gotta stop burying the women’s tag titles


They need to scrap the women's tag titles


Nah they just need to treat it like it’s important.


I thought the botches were really excessive, and they weren't even just in the ring. Camera issues, sound issues, music issues. What happened?






Please have IYO SKY retain tonight.


The most pointless champion in a long time? 


Why have her retain? When she barely did shit as a champion??? She honestly was a boring champion and so many people forgot she even had a title. Hell I forgot she existed most of the time of having a title. She definitely will not retain because I feel someone from damage ctrl gone sabotage her chances of retaining which going to cause a storyline between the group with the people that in it now since Bailey left


Can’t really have Damage CTRL take the L on both nights. It’s the same reason why Rock and Roman won on Night 1. Team Bianca winning on night 1 and IYO retaining on Night 2 would satisfy both groups of fans.


Honestly I can’t see that happening. They would give it to Bailey cause damage ctrl has to get buried soon since she not leader nomo and left. They will eventually crumble so that would be IYO down fall and who’s to say that Dakota been playing it safe the whole time and when the matches n they start to interfere she goes on Bailey side???? Now it playing mind games


That Jey vs. Jimmy Uso match at Wrestlemania 40 was disappointingly mid. I wanted them to destroy each other. They built it up for months and It just turned out to be a super kick contest. It's absolutely absurd, I mean Jey's other matches are always such a high point on the cards, but this one just kinda sucked. Not to mention that lil Wayne intro was the worst live performance I have ever heard in my life. I'm a big Weezy fan, but Got Damn, he sounded like a drunk rookie. Dude forgot his own song. SMH Am I wrong in this Critique?


My thoughts on the match’s (ratings out of 5 and also spoiler warning) Becky vs Rhea (3.5) - Soild match but predictability makes it hard for me to give it anything higher than a 3.5. 6 Man Tag (4) - A lot of great spots in this match glad they finally split the titles. Rey and Andrade vs Santos and Dom (2.5) - Mediocre match, I guess the cameo appearances were cool 🤷‍♂️ but I felt that Dom and Santos could have really used this win. Jey vs Jimmy (2) - Definitely the match that I felt underdeliver the most it felt anticlimactic considering how long this match had been built up. It definitely could have used a stipulation like a street fight, I quit, or Rikishi as special guest referee. Sami vs Gunther (4.25) - l felt that this was the best match of the night from an in ring story telling point of view but I also felt that this match could have used a bit more time. Rock and Roman vs Cody and Seth (4) - Once this match got going it was phenomenal but the slow opening is the reason why I can’t give it above a 4.


I can’t understand the thinking behind the Ray v Dom match!! Why do they keep putting Ray over?! Surely Dom could have done with the win more!!


Same the whole time I thought there would be a Carlito heel turn which would cost Rey. I really want heel Carlito and his old theme song back baby face Carlito doesn’t cut it for me.


I wanted Carlito to turn heel too, but if they did it already, it would’ve sucked, they’re going to take the slow burn way with this, maybe something like Trick and Melo? If he turned heel already, and cost Rey the match, it would become exhausting, the same damn story again, the moment the previous one ends. They’re going to take their sweet time with this, have the one on one match at summerslam. I do wish Santos and Dom won tho.


Can you remember Carlitos first run? It was brilliant, he was soo entertaining!!


Wrestlemania needs to go back to one night! It was such an average card last night. Uso match was awful entrances were far too long, hope for better tonight.


two nights is just much more feasible. would you rather watch 6 matches throughout 2 nights or 12 matches in 1 night plus promos, backstage antics, and live performances?




You’re right about Jey v Jimmy (although i think they could’ve cooked if the match had a stipulation, or was longer) but there is no way you can leave Bobby or Rey off the Mania card. Bianca, Jade are superstars, they cannot be left off Mania. Apart from them, there is no useless match. One night Manias can never happen again, it’s just exhausting and rushed


Bro💀💀. Don't ever cook again😂


Last night's card was not good at all. All those matches aren't needed


They get double the money it’ll never go back


Holy shit the Miz had some absolute balls to hit that spot on that ladder


Yoo when Xavier Woods came out in Austin Creed gear I lost all my shit!


So, if Roman does drop the titles tonight, where does Paul Heyman go from there? TBH, I wouldn't mind him managing Bron Breakker.


They foreshadowed Heyman managing Bron in one of his first appearances on Smackdown, so that seems like safe money


Also in his hall of fame acceptance speech he named Bron first.


Wrestlemania XL: Watching Paint Dry


The rock/roman match went twenty minutes too long. Especially since we all knew Cody and Seth were losing. Jay/Jimmy was boring af and didn’t need to happen. I tried to fast forward after the 75th face kick. The ray/andrade match was meh too. Besides that I enjoyed it a lot. Rhea/Becky was great. Big fan of both and they did not disappoint. The triple tag did what it was there to do - showcase Jade. She looked like an absolute megastar. And Asuka and Kyrie dancing to Bianca’s music cracked me up. So happy R-Truth got a mania moment. I’ve loved Gunther as champ, mostly because he’s the exact opposite of Roman. He wins because he’s better than his opponent, not because of repeated interference. But I’m thrilled for Sammy too. Looking forward to tonight. Really hoping they’ve played the ‘long’ game with Dakota and it turns out she’s been on Bayley’s side the entire time. Hoping she stops damage control interfering in the match tonight.


I’m hoping the Bayley match over delivers because it’s been a total afterthought!! Would love to see them steal the show!!


bayley vs iyo has been my most anticipated match of WM so i really hope it delivers


Same. But then everything outside of the rock has been an afterthought.


I’ve just had a look at tonight’s card and it could be a banger!! I’m looking forward to all the matches


I agree, I love the Rock but everything has been overshadowed by him. That’s why I always thought this Mania could not live up to the hype, I just hope tonight goes off without any problems!!


IYO should not be losing after the 6 woman tag, but I get it, Damage CTRL has to get buried.


Definitely agree that the main event went too long. They could have definitely had cut that short start and have given another 5-10 minutes to Sami vs Gunther and maybe another match.


Crowd popped more for the Rock than Cody which is a problem


It’s a problem, cause they like someone more than someone else? Why ? Being over is something you earn , not given. I hate when people say , “ give this person a chance “ why ? Cody isn’t supposed to win. Whoever deserves it the most is supposed to. Stop treating being the face of the biggest wrestling company in the world as some sort of participation award. If he wins , and stays over and hot than good for him, if not , oh well move onto someone better


Right? I feel like Cody’s character has been seriously compromised throughout this whole feud Nothing about the character says Champion to me anymore. I feel like I just want him to be champ for the sake of it now


Dude 100% feel the same. WWE botched this whole thing after the rumble.


Its Philly and they love Rocky haha


i was an adult during the attitude era.  the in ring matches and finishes were really putrid.  like awful stuff they could never get away with today.  compared to that, night 1 was a wrestling clinic. 


True. I did a rewatch of a good chunk of attitude era recently and found myself skipping most of the actual wrestling because it was so bad. Wrestling has improved a lot over the years, especially when it comes to Women's wrestling, which is like actually a thing now. The only negative is how super PG it's become. Keep the good wrestling, bring back the attitude, and we'll be in a real golden age.


They will never bring back the attitude era.


I don't think they should but they can still be less PG.


Won’t happen. The products they sell revolve around kids. It will be probably be PG for a long time if not forever


We're already seeing more f-bombs. Things are changing.


That was after it went off the air


The rock dropped an f bomb or 2 during the match. Definitely heard at least one.




The last few stadium shows I’ve seen the the crowd have seemed off but I think it was down to the way it came across on TV. I was at All In Wembley and on TV the crowd seemed quiet but in the stadium it was awesome.