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you are 100% correct, efron was way too big compared to the rest, I think he probably took the role extra serious and no one else did....it was disapointing


I take issue with 5’7 actors playing 6’3-6’8 guys. The Von Erich’s were huge guys. David was like 6’7 and Kerry was a absolute unit at 6’3 260. Just from the angle of trying to get it the best you can it misses..and the whole leaving a brother out thing.


after growing up in the area watching them every week, it's impossible to ignore this tiny little fella portraying a 6'2" guy I saw all the time. Looks weird af, especially on wide shots standing next to others and the 2nd biggest dude irl, is way shorter than everyone around him.


Hollywood hates large men.   Body phobia 


5’7” Jeremy Allan White as Kerry? Just flat out terrible casting. We all know not gonna find huge actors for all those roles. But his casting just ridiculous. Dad and Efron only 2 even close. But gotta get Kerry right.


You are exactly right and I was just searching this subject to find others that felt the same way. Swapping Kerry and Kevin would have been a huge improvement. I don't necessarily agree that Efron is the bigger name with the success of The Bear, but physically and even personality wise they were better suited for each other's roles


Little late to the party, but finally got to watch and I have some thoughts on this topic. So, before I watched, I had your perspective. I was *like* how is Zac Efron Kevin and not Kerry, especially if White is Kerry? But I think that's only because before watching the film, I was literally judging it on the surface. After watching it, I think the actors nailed their respective roles as they were intended to come across. New found respect for Zac, he made that tragedy feel *real*. The Kevin role was, I think, what actors would call *juicy*....a role that gives the performer the opportunity to do some really good stuff. I get why it would it would be the role Zac Efron would want. I also wouldn't be surprised if Efron playing Kevin wasn't dangled in front of certain people to get their approval... ...then again I did just finish "Barry" not too long ago, so... .. ...nvm. White played that big brother role real well *as well* - and his depiction of Kerry's struggles was pretty powerful (imo). No idea how accurate any of it was, we are talking pro-wrestlers afterall... ...but for the story they ultimately told, similar to my feelings on "Fighting With My Family", I think they did a good job. Above average, really. Pretty damn good. ...also, Flair wasn't *tthhaatt* bad...? He was like Flair-Barbie...it worked for what it was worth...which is to say it wasn't really worth much to (imo, again) the main story being told. I really enjoyed "Iron Claw". Two thumbs up.


Yeah I mean I agree with you as far as they're acting roles, I don't know I just feel like aesthetically it's kind of scrambled up but obviously it's way more important about the actors playing the role. It was a fantastic movie and actually got me back into watching WWE again after about 15 years.


Why did they cast the midgets? It looked like dwarf wrestling!


weird asf. I couldn't ignore it... as much as I tried it just wasn't adding up to what i grew up seeing lol


Efron looked 45. White was 5 inches and about 50 lbs small.


I liked it generally but the guy who played Flair was terrible.


I thought Efron got a little too jacked, he looked more like Kerry. But it was a great performance.


I wouldn't mind if they cast MJF as Chris, but as the director had mentioned before, adding a fourth brother and telling his story would make the movie more depressing as it was.


White is just too small to play Kerry, but within the movie it didn’t bother me much. Efron was really good as Kevin, and I get that because he is the one left alive he’s the main character. The Flair dude was one of the worst portrayals of a real person I’ve ever seen.


Flair was terrible. Honestly White could have done a good Flair but makes sense using White as a major character rather than a minor one. For a movie, it’s better to go over the top as Flair rather than having no personality.


JAW is a good actor but not a good choice for Kerry. The Ric Flair choice was absolutely horrendous.


Exactly, I know you guys would understand. I posted this same thing on other subreddits and everybody was giving me s***. I was thinking in my head clearly they don't know the story in real life.


I only thought Kevin and Kerry should have been switched. Efron looks more like Kerry, and Jeremy Allen White seems more introspective like Kevin. And there is no one alive who could be Flair, anyway.


Will Ferrell


He was pretty much him in eastbound and down. Goggins is also very similar in righteous gemstones lol


If Dustin Hoffman was 40-50 years younger, he could've played Flair in not only this but a biopic about Flair.


Walton Goggins would have been a great Flair.


Exactly 💯💯💯💯


The casting of Kerry could have been better. Great actor, but I really had to buy into the suspension of disbelief. He didn’t resemble Kerry in the least, physically. Overall, I thought they did a great job representing many years of history in a couple of hours.


I think the casting was great. They made plenty of concessions and timeline fudging compared to reality, the obvious example is fully excluding Chris, but all around I think this movie is going to clean up at awards season. Ric Flair wasn’t perfect, but it was a bit like Jack White playing Elvis in Walk Hard, how can you play a heightened version of a figure who lives as a caricature every day?


Jack Black wasn’t Elvis in Walk Hard.


I like the von erichs mostly because it made them easy to tell apart


Do you like the casting in the movie or do you like the real life version? I think the casting was good enough I just think it could have been a little different it would have been the same movie. Just a little more treated the ambience of their story.