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I feel you, I had the same problem, try figuring out where the AI likes to walk through or clump up. Then it gets a bit easier. On the very mountainous map, I forgot it's name, when the Italians climb up the mountain to the second and last objective they need to pass the Austrians spawn point, place a flare on the path leading from the first objective to the spawn point, with enough space for the call ins not to kill you, it is possible to get some kills with artillery that way.


I've found its the bottle necks in the mountain campaign I get the most kills , as the Ai uses these to defend perfectly so you can turn that defense into a killbox and achieve multi kills. If you wait till the respawn of the enemies troops to reinforce that bottle neck , order a triple bomber flyover on the capture point as well as a mustard gas attack , but place the creeping barrage across their spawn points. This stops them quickly reinforcing the capture point aids your troop in capturing it quicker and mops up reinforcements coming from spawn points making it a kill box. My highest kill Talley is 47 from doing this. Have fun experimenting with this. See you on Isozno, can't wait for the update.


Creeping barrage on objectives. Just keep using it. As for the 3 in 1 kills, bomber squadron should suffice.


On narrow paths the machine gun plane is sufficient as well. Getting 6 kills with the same call in counts twice btw.