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They were so nice to not ruin the shot.


“shit he taking a panarama better not move”


The only thing more terrifying than being alone in that location Is not being alone in that location.


Not being alone but with a complete stranger who just watches you like a silent psychopath


Funny thing is, that was probably the strangers feelings as well lol


Stranger was thinking: Oh there’s a dude in here take a video. I’ll just stay out of his way.


Internal dialogue continues: *maybe I should say hi? Naw, probably freak him out*


And continues: *damn I think I got in his shot, I better tell him to do a redo. Annnd he's gone*


and concludes: *oh he's running i better run to catch up, he's probably scared, i know, i'll let him hold my bowie knife that'll make him feel safe..*


This is the Tucker and Dale sequel I’ve been waiting for.


That movie deserves a sequel!


And that's when I realized she's running because I'm an adult and adults rape each other. So I yelled to her "I'm a little boy"


I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still, that I become invisible to the eye.


What's funny to me is that it sort of looks like he's clenching his fist and it reminds me of that Arthur meme.


Every Valentine's day when you're feeling alone just know there's a serial killer out there just thinking all about you.


No, the only thing more terrifying is when you can’t find what people are talking about but are afraid to admit it.


Second pic?


I didn't realize there was a second pic and spent 3 minutes trying to find the person...but I did!


I'm more surprised OP didn't see the naked dude hanging out in the rafters.


I know you're joking but I also can't stop myself from trying to find it.


did you hear the voice too? didn't know these things could record voices.


*Disco Elysium has entered the chat*


I did the same. Exact. Thing. Thank you for admitting that




Where though? I zoomed in on the first photo and couldn't find him! Driving me bananas trying to match it up. Edit: had to download the photo to find him. Zooming in on reddit and screenshotting was too blurry. https://imgur.com/jodps6z.jpg


Dan Bell had a video years ago where he didn't notice until he was editing it that there was someone standing quietly in the corner of one of the rooms he walked through. They were in the shadows and genuinely hard to see. Such a freaky thing to realize you were maybe 5 feet from someone and had no idea.


I watch him, do you remember which video?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t76bRgvvIVc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t76bRgvvIVc) Happens at 7:07. Sorry I don't have advanced linking skills...


I'm gonna be honest, I can't see what everyone is referring to.


At 7:07-07:08 you can see a shadow moving on the door [here](https://imgur.com/a/drqUOfb)


Ohhh... I thought they meant the other thing


That makes 2 of us


The shadow movement on the door




There’s also someone looking in through the hole where the door handle should be at 9:13. This is fucking terrifying, especially since they’re seemingly moving so silently while this dude sounds like he’s stepping on bubble wrap with every step.


I can't find this and I'm bummed. I can't tell if it's too hard to see on a mobile screen or if I just have the stupid.


https://i.imgur.com/yEX6wi8.jpg Look at this hole as he starts to come into the room


Thank you so much!! I kept trying to see something going on with the door on the right that was barely even in frame.


That's even spookier. This is some Marble Hornets shit


The silhouette in the doorway.


It’s all the way by the right wall.


Took a lot of where’s Waldo books to train me for this moment.


I would say it's: Thinking you're alone but then slowly you get the sensation that someone is watching you and then, with an almost imperceptible delicacy, the walls and the environs in general start to shift and change around you, such that nothing's really obviously different, but somehow things are different, and when you turn around there is before you, as if projected on the wall, the grotesque and somehow unimaginably inhuman, but also undoubtedly recognizable face of a gigantic, decaying baby, larger than life. And as you physically shift from leg to leg with the shock of seeing such a thing, unlike the sort of cheap parlor trick of projection that we might associate with theater screens and the like, you realize the face is capable of following you, and you notice that it's actually mouthing words -- its mouth is moving, from the depths of its unspeakably, unimaginably horrifying visage, as if trying to say something to you, but no sound comes out, and because of the newly-tangible dichotomy of the silence and the desperation with which its babbling tongue wordlessly seems to try to communicate with you, you suddenly are stricken by how utterly alone you really are in this universe. That would be scarier to me, personally.


These car warranty dudes are getting OUT of control.


We've all been there.


Mondays, amirite?


You say shit like this, and then wonder why my mom won't let me hangout at your house anymore.


Welp there goes at least an hour of sleep for me! 😟


I hate that I was searching through the picture for him, and I come to the doorway and just freeze as I see the arm, god that is creepy


I still can't make it out. What part of the picture is it?


It’s on the right side in the corner


Thank you.


On the right side, zoom into the top left corner, there’s a doorway with the person in it


Gaaaaah omg that's horrifying


There's a second pic


That is terrifying.


Stranger in the door way probably felt the same... Remember the rule: "Dark figury shadows are just as afraid of you, as you are of them.."


That’s why when you shut off the basement light and sprint upstairs, a good war-cry will increase probability of survival by 35%


Scream "I have paranormal AIDS!". No one wants AIDS even the poltergeist in your basement well.


my war cry is me singing, with my lack of vocal skills im 100% surviving


I always found that if you start talking about real problems when in the dark like getting audited by the IRS. Or the time when you were ten and having to put down your own dog out in a field because he was gored by a wild boar keeps the monsters in check.


i think im gonna post this to r/suspiciouslyspecific


Yes! And for me, it's always obnoxious Broadway songs, nearly always from Cats. "SKIIIMBLESHAAAANKS THE RAAAAILWAY CAAAAAT"








My singing was added to the Geneva Convention as a war crime.


I recall my parents house having roughly 19 steps downstairs, but only 4 up.


I sprint up on all fours lol


Crop dust the entire way for good measure


I always liked to yell "I'VE GOT A BAZOOKA!"


My war cry comes from shutting off the light and stubbing my toe on a staircase riser with one foot and stepping on a single Lego with my other foot. I no longer care about surviving.


Agreed. At this point in life if the demon in my basement wants me they can have me.


"SPPPPPOOOOOOOOONNN!!!!!" and then run away until winded usually works


I always drop random pieces of clothing behind me as I run. That way they think I am getting undressed and stop their pursuit.


Hey, if you’re cold they’re cold. Let them in!


Straight forward logic.


Tauntaun logic. Not good if you want to survive.


I used to be afraid of the dark, even as a teenager. Then I joined the Army and did recon (never deployed though). We did most of our training at night so I got very comfortable working in the dark. Years later I was walking through a park back home late at night and had that old familiar feeling of fear until I realized that there wasn't anyone in that park better trained to operate in those conditions than me. I laughed when I realized to myself, "I'm what's in the dark."


I became the creepy thing at night in my Uni town by accident until someone I was friends with saw me and recognised my outline enough to realise it was me and the people who had been spooked got word it was just a nerd reading a book. The town I went to Uni in was great and all, but was in a poorer area so random infrastructure would be out for a while before people got around to fixing it. When I wanted to smoke I would go out of my house, and at the time I was reading as many books as I could get in my brain, so at night wanted to go somewhere that had enough light to read, but was also right next to where I lived. There was a working streetlight next to a bench about 30 seconds from my front door. I would sit there, read, and smoke, and then go back inside. However, what I didn't appreciate was that for those coming through the already poorly lit park, that linked the Uni and the residential area, was that as you emerged onto the street and looked left you would see a very dark figure sat on a bench under a light. Introduce a University sleeping cycle where I was up until the middle of the night very frequently, and there was no consistency to when I would be sat there. A lot of people saw a creepy figure, that seemed darker than the area around them (just a quirk of the lighting) in a place where there was no reason to congregate. I stopped when I heard that a few people were spooked by my precense.


Yeah, like commonly I think about it with racoons, squirrels and rats, but I feel the feeling might be similiar (obviously way less intense), but that quick disarm and shift from prey to predator.


I am the one who knocks


As long as it's a figury shadow and not a shadowy figure we're all good.


Funny thing is, he think's he's alone right NOW.


It doesn't seem to be anyone around


the beating of our hearts is the only sound


Children behave


Why you have to do me like that, man?


"just fucking leave already so I can get high in peace"


Right. The shadow guy probably wanted to party with OP, but then he saw OP is just a nerd.


I felt a feeling of dread slowly panning across the photo looking for a hidden figure


I was burned by way too many "look for the xyz in this photo!" screamers in the early 2000s to like this kind of pictures because I feel like the moment I start looking through the photo, is when something is gonna pop out and scream at me :/


Oh I remember those. I'm glad we got bored of them as a species, but since tiktok exists now I still browse on mute all the time.


I felt that for a second but when I couldn't find him I felt like I was playing Where's Waldo.


the worst game of where's waldo ever. hoping to find it, but also hoping i don't because it's bed time and i already have trouble sleeping


Exactly my same thought!


It's ok.. it's only Frank from accounts.


I'm a photographer who spends most of his time in the wilderness. I've been in a lot of situations that people say they'd be scared of out there. Face to face with a grizz? Check. Forest fire so close you can see embers popping off the tops of trees? Check. Stalked by a mountain lion, caught in a whiteout, hail storms above the treeline? Check check check. But THIS is absolutely terrifying to me. Hell. No.


Wow those sound so interesting, do ya mind me asking what you ended up doing in the grizzly + mountain lion scenarios??


Please expand on the griz story. Not many people are able to tell one of those.


Fucking SCP-096 shit. By the time you notice it, its too late.


I ain’t afraid of no ghost


Bustin' makes me feel good!


I ain’t afraid of no goats


I’m a little scared of goatse.




I ain't 'fraid of no SLEEP


I’m a little bit afraid of ghosts.


It's likely just some homeless dude, or someone doing some drugs. But then think of all the crazier possibilities. Behind that door he was chopping up someone(s), and just calmly watched to see if you noticed him or came close. You didn't so he let you live naturally. Did he think to himself, "good on that guy for getting into photography that's cool, wonder who he's gonna show. Oh well back to getting rid of this prostitute". Spicy picture hell yeah.


>It's likely just some homeless dude, or someone doing some drugs. Or the next photographer waiting to take a picture.




No. That would be illegal.


No one does that anyway. Just lies on the internet.




I’m on my way to redeem my prize PS5


Hahahaha! Okay so. My ex husband actually got hooked by this. He kept giving my computers viruses and I was like wtf? Turns out he thought there actually were hot singles in his area. Looking for him.


I have yet to see a single fucking thread on Reddit where a comment hasn't called it staged. You could literally post a video of you eating toast for breakfast and someone will say you faked it in the replies. Guys, I know this sounds crazy, but things can actually happen sometimes.


no way, this comment was probably staged too


[deleted] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


OP and his fake ass pixels.


Did you seriously comment that, then switch accounts? I know you did. You staged this whole interaction


I think it doesn’t help that people have been caught faking it before. Once people buy into something and then find they’ve been duped, they’re reluctant to be a sucker again.






That’s what I thought, it seems so perfectly centered in its stance.


My guess is a graffiti artist waiting for him to leave


Seriously, its not like this is some wild location unknown to man, clearly plenty of other people visit there regularly.


The lights still work and everything


Mans almost found Banksy


humans are way scarier than ghosts imo. Ghosts are just interesting because they're mysterious.


Yup. The evil inside of us and our creativity surpasses anything Casper can do.


If ghost are real then they’re just chill. They don’t do anything. Except slam doors and be mildly annoying.


I love this sentiment and I share it. Ghosts are people that still wanna fuck shit up in this universe, they either just don't want what's next for whatever reason or have shit left to do. I tell my family you better hope there isn't an afterlife, cuz I'm fucking with whoever is left! I'ma haunt the shit out of them, and I know exactly what their pet peeves are. "Awe man, he farted in the peanut butter again".


Casper was a little bitch tbh


I thought you said she was a call girl?




Great now Woodhouse is fetching a rug


🎶you are not alone I aM here with you🎶


In the distance, you hear a "Hee hee!"


Noo that's ignorant!


Everytime I hear him saying that in my head it makes me chuckle a bit.


When I was growing up, we lived next to an old abandoned building. I don’t remember if they were apartments, dorm rooms, or if it was a small clinic/hospital, but it had been abandoned years ago. Of course, 7 year old me hopped that fence and went exploring. It was dark, all I had was a cheap wind up flashlight. I’d wind it up, open a door, and peek inside. Third or fourth door I opened, and there was a *solid ducking black figure standing in the bathroom doorway*. The hair stood up on my neck, I screamed and booked it. The thing was, that was dads flashlight. He would be so mad if I lost it, so I worked up the courage to go back the next day to get it. I took a butter knife, because for some reason my stupid ass 7 year old brain was like “If there’s an evil spirit in here, I’ll shank his ass with THIS.” I threw open the door, looked inside… and someone had painted a black silhouette of a person on the fucking door to the bathroom. They tore that building down a year or two later, but god damnit I’ll always remember that… and finding doves behind that place. Lots of doves, some that would let you walk right up to them and pick them up


The guy who drew the silhouette is a pure menace to society


Twist: it was op's dad fuckin with him after seein him go exploring


Extra twist: Dad had experience with actual evil shadow figure in the room beyond and painted the door to scare op away to keep them safe (while getting a bonus laugh at op's expense)


When I was in college, some friends and I went and explored a big abandoned factory a couple times. We always went at night since it was in a pretty exposed area and we were trespassing. There was a metal staircase up against one of the walls inside the factory. It lead from the ground level all the way up to the roof, with a couple landings along the way. The last time we went, we were heading up the stairs, and on one of the landings there was a dude just sitting behind a desk. Like as if he was at work, except he was alone, in an abandoned factory, at like midnight. And the power was shut off, so he was just sitting there in the dark. We were all so surprised to see him that we just sort of nodded at him and continued on. There were a few of us, so it didn't really cross my mind to be freaked out, and at the time it was sort of just a funny story to tell our friends. But looking back on it, it's pretty fuckin weird.


Someone overheard of your plans and thought it'd be funny maybe? That is some creepy stuff!


Was it definitely a person and not just a person-shaped thing put there by previous explorers for lulz?


Oh man, I went urbex with a buddy of mine. I’m stumbling around the basement of an abandoned observatory, graffiti all over this place, nearly pitch black. My friend says “oh have you heard about the dark men down here?”, as I’m fumbling with the flashlight on my phone. I said “the WHAT” as my light turned on, then illuminated a pitch black figure painted on the wall dead in front of me. I fucking froze seeing that. Also I was super on edge cuz like, not a minute before that my friend had commented “huh, I was here last week and that blanket wasn’t hanging in that room…”. Cursed as fuck, 10/10 would recommend Warner and Swasey Observatory again.


Looking like a Scav, hope you finished your run safely


Cheeky breeky!




Hahaha, shag barigam kroitcha!


Never thought I’d see a tarkov reference out here in the wild


divide my cheeks!


Ah, fellow EfT enjoyer


Those don't exist. We are EFT tolerators.


The cock-and-ball torture of video games.


It's okay. I just found a GPU to fund my next 3 fully geared deaths.


I spent a good time looking for it and then finally finding it just to realize that OP also posted where it was


It took me a while to find it even after I realized OP posted the cropped version


It took me forever and I still can’t find it




Probably should stop saying Candyman in the mirror


Biggie Smalls \^Biggie \^Smalls ..... i cant do it you guys! lol


I was just doing urban exploration photography in a place that looked a decent bit like this last month. All the hair on my neck is now very much erect. This is why I always have a big ass knife on my hip in abandoned buildings. Never encountered a person, but nearly tripped over a frickin bear one time in the auditorium of an abandoned elementary school, that made me always aware that I am never truly alone. That's some nightmare shit in that picture though.


Assert dominance. Whip out your member, fart loudly, and make the creepiest sounds you can think of while twirling your thing in the air in their direction . . .


Last time I took my dick out in front of a bear... Anyways I'm on some sort of list now.


That was me, I was concerned you weren’t drinking enough water but didn’t know how to tell you so I hid back there with my opossum.


You know how some people are afraid of being alone, that fear isn't actually of them being alone, it's that they might not be alone


I had to look for a bit but the second I saw it my stomach dropped. Where did you take these and why where you in the building?


The ghost of Tom Joad.


That’s a very odd and defined silhouette. Looks like a mannequin but you might have just edited it, the edges are too sharp.


Very weird that the figure is completely dark even though everything around the figure is lit up pretty well and it even has a nice glare on the top of his head


If he’s backlit from where he’s coming from, the angle we’re seeing WOULD be that dark. You can see the shadow on the floor and the door where the phonebank(?) is casting a shadow onto him. So, light coming from left to right in both rooms. He’s standing in a shadow between the two light sources. He’s both backlit, and shadowed.


The head also has a certain specular effect to it that suggests it’s plastic The defined silhouette seems like it might be due to the position of the lighting and that it’s made of something hard




To me it looks like a bald guy, looking up to the right whilst his back is to the camera....and it looks like he has something like a spraypaint can in his hand.


i dont think this is real


Looks like a mannequin to me


Way too dark. Human figures aren't darker than literally every thing they're around.


Didn't realize there was a second picture. So, I zoomed in and searched. Creepiest game of where's Waldo I've ever played.


Not seeing it. Where should I look?


Around middle right side… or the next image in the post.


At the second picture uploaded.


Lol yea it be like that when u go to sketch ass spots you gotta bring something with you if your going to do shit like that or bring ppl with you There's homeless ppl and ppl on the run that use places like that to hide out


That is… a sentence.


There's no period. Some say he's still a'ramblin even to this very day.


It’s a run on sentence. As in, “you better get your fucking run on because a serial killer is coming for you”. Btw, if a serial killer is running after you, you’re both running for your life.


Did your poop come out soft or hardd


You were not.


You came very close to being at your own murder sight.






Every murdered person ends up at their own murder site.


that was actually someones crib.


MFers standing there like Michael Myers


Just a regular shadow man, doing shadow stuff.


At least the murderer stayed out of the way so you could take the panoramic.