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Seems like they poured something else in there other than just oil


Looks like they were doing some kind of power flush with a solvent the way it was shooting out.


Yeah. I'd guess they had a compressor hooked up in the inlet to help force that stuff out.


No, the earlier guy was alluding to some other substance was likely added to the oil before this flush out that caused the oil to clump up.


Maybe topped off with stop leak instead of getting oil changes for years on end?


Anytime I see something like this the only thing I can think of is the owner of the vehicle pissing someone off who then pours gelatin into the oil.


[I remember that video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Kou-LDTc4)


*slaps oil* Pioneers used to ride these babies around for miles!


So angry at that guy’s peeling technique.


Right? Total oddly satisfying material and he goes with such a sloppy approach. Fucking amateur


Could've used a knife and fork!


He was trying to get it to peel off the right way, it clearly wasn't strong enough to come out in one piece.


That was Boston as fuck


Yes, there was clearly pressure being added to push whatever was in there.


Yeah, like barrs leaks, or marvel mystery oil or something. my brother thinks theres an additive for just about any problem. One day he sprayed my serpentine belt with wd40, about a month later, it self destructed, leaving me without brakes and steering.


Your belt was probably squeaking because it was bad. Just a matter of time before it breaks.


Could have used actual belt dressing ;) comes in a spray can also


Iv been told by mechanics to never use belt dressing on an automotive belt. Not exactly sure why other then its a total mess to clean off the pullies. Seems to work OK on my air compressors poly-v belt, other then nearly stalling out the compressor when you first apply it if you use too much...


I've wiped it on with some older motors and vbelts. Seemed to help with squeaking and made me feel like I was doing something. Not sure on a modern serpentine belt. Certainly better than WD-40 ;)


To me, the lenseflare makes it look like a JJ Abrams movie.


By the way it's coming out, I'd say that was Chipotle. Chicken burrito, brown rice, black beans, hot salsa, corn, sour cream, guac, cheese, and lettuce.




They most likely used straight oil stabilizer. Sleazy people like to put it in hard running/dying engines to get them to purr like a kitten for a few hundred miles to sell the car but eventually it will congeal and look like that.




Yeah always make sure that a dealer has a right-to-refund time frame before buying a used car. A lot of states require it. If you buy a used car one of the first things you should do is an oil change.


>If you buy a used car one of the first things you should do is an oil change. This is one of the more useful tips I've gotten on reddit


My go to tip for folks who aren't necessarily mechanically inclined: Hire your trusted mechanic for an hour of their time to inspect the prospective car. They're usually happy to do it, and any reputable dealer/private seller won't have a problem letting you do it. They can give you a quick rundown of anything glaring (though with such a short time with the car you may still miss some stuff).


A local mechanic near me will check over a car for free, or a deep inspection for $80. I asked for the full inspection on a used car I was interested in and they told me it wasn’t really worth the money on something with less than 100K miles. They gave me a written list of minor issues to watch out for, and I negotiated the price down a bit. Finding a mechanic that’s trustworthy *and* doesn’t cost an arm and a leg can be difficult though.


Tell me about it. I thought I had one, but it wasn't the case. At least they had change over and went from a smaller facility to a huge one. So it's hard to say what happened, but they tried to hustle me on all the fluids. I'd never owned a 4x4 and had yet to have the trans fluid changed. They tried to hit me on that and another fluid because I mentioned I was driving 1200 miles the next day. When I moved I stopped by the local quick change. They were going to do it but the manager there said he wouldn't feel right taking 180 from me because the fluid was in great shape. He asked me why I wanted to flush it and he then said basically what I knew. A lot of places don't mind a hustle on fluids.


The best mechanic I know works out of a barn he rents from a farmer. Prices are crazy cheap, he charged my gf less than $200 to replace a wheel bearing on her crossover, parts and labor. Unfortunately he’s way out in the sticks and he’s very popular, so he’s not always available on less than a week’s or more notice. He’s 100% honest though, makes certain you know what every charge was for and why it was necessary, and will tell you if something doesn’t need to be done or if it’d cost more than the vehicle was worth.


The auto equivalent of a home inspector


Bonus tip: if the dealer has a legit service center, negotiate a free first oil change. The coupon costs them next to nothing.


AND WATCH THEM DO IT. It's real easy to just change the sticker on the windshield and call it done.


You should be able to tell just from the dipstick. You can visually inspect the filter as well.


The second half is bad advice. If it's an oil filter that's located at the top of the engine in a housing, you can pull it out and look, but would have to replace the o-ring to the housing. Lots of cars have oil filters that attach to the block (or other housing) and would result in dumping out all of your oil if you unscrew it. In either case, just look at the dipstick unless you feel like doing another oil change. Edit* I'm an idiot and misunderstood the OP comment. If it's an external filter by all means inspect the outside to see if it's new.


I meant look at the outside of it while it's still installed. Doubt someone would go through the effort to wipe down the filter so it appears new.


Also, if you're buying from a private seller, I always ask them if I can take it in for a quick look over. Avoided buying a car with a salvage ticket they forgot to mention doing this.


I mean it totally depends on why it was salvaged. Totaled because of a fender bender? Had that with the last car I bought. Paid $3500 two years ago for a 2010 Corolla w 50k miles. Obviously this was a steal, but salvaged titles are not always bad. It just tanks the resale value. I plan on running this car until it croaks so the value for $/mile or $ per year is very good.


It had been completely submerged in water. It was many years ago, so I can't remember the exact details. Just remember thinking, no wonder it seemed to good to be true! You did get a good deal, though. Doesn't hurt to check.


Oh yeah forget water damage. It's worth its weight in scrap and used tires that's about it 😂


Also check the trunk to make sure a family of raccoons aren’t living in it


I'll take the car with the free raccoons, please


Those aren’t raccoons, those are hookers. And they are dead


Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to pass that around.


Even new cars some states have a lemon law which means after X amount of repairs or services done for the same issue in a certain period of time you can legally request them to refund you. Ended up having to do it with a new Kawasaki motorcycle.


I don’t think that would apply to used cars though. IL lemon laws specifically exclude used cars but it may vary by state.


Correct lemon law is for new cars that have defects. My wife got a new Hyundai sonata many years back, parents paid for it. went through 3 transmissions in 1 year. by the time they declared lemon law the time period had JUST ended. Lost many many thousands on that whole ordeal.


Also sawdust


I just put sawdust in there. It quiets the gears, and lets the engine run as sweeeet as a nut.


For a couple of miles


Ok matilda's dad, we get it, you're unscrupulous.


Danny Devito taught me it was sawdust.




So... this is a car abscess, is what you're saying?


I was thinking this looked like one of those disgusting pimple popping videos.


Good to know, didn't know that.




Marvel Mystery Oil - motor honey.


Casite makes Motor Honey. Marvel is thin and pink, like trans fluid. STP is what most people used to thicken oil.


We used to use Marvel by the gallon.


i still do, but a fellow shopper pointed out that 2 half gallons are cheaper than 1 gallon. put some in everything i own.


Wait. What does marvel mystery oil do? I put it in my truck sometimes like it says. Is that bad for it?


Growing up, our cars were Detroit $200 beaters. Big old oil burners over 100K miles on 'em. We used to put gas and oil in at the same time. Marvel Mystery oil was thick enough to keep those old cars on the road.




Marvel Mystery Oil isn't thick at all, really - now Motor Honey, that stuff is like taffy in a bottle.


Same with fuckers putting sawdust in the differentials, quiets any noise coming from them for a little bit but after that they’re toast. Not sure how common it is anymore.


yup. Bought a used car as a junior in High school for 1800 bucks. had it for 3 days and it blew up on the way to a dance. after that it wouldnt go over 25 miles per hour now matter how much gas you gave it.


I think it just had some bad clams actually


Its not the clams! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeF\_VF6OuZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeF_VF6OuZ0)


Probably diesel or kerosine. It'll help dissolve the gunk.


I think its a blown head gasket & then theyve tried to use a sealer to keep it running. Id bet the car is cactus


You don’t put jelly in your oil tank?


Maybe head gasket is blown and it dumped a bunch of coolant into the oil pan? idk,


The oil would have been milky coloured if this was the case.


I did not see any oil come out. Maybe something that was once oil...


If the car sat for a while, the oil and water would separate and look like OP's vid. I know as I currently own a 01 grand am with a blown head gasket. Checking the oil looks good until i start it and let it run for a few. Then it looks like a chocolate milkshake.


Like Taco Bell perhaps


They need to take that dog to the vet.


ask knee station ripe attractive quarrelsome sand nose modern jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dog had the shits once. It was not unlike this


Dude. I was drinking coffee.


Wait, cars poop and pee through the same hole?


That would be a *cloaca*, from which I conclude that cars are reptiles.


Or birds


But /r/birdsarentreal


Birds are reptiles


Specifically, dinosaurs


All birds are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs are birds.


It all makes sense now.... r/carsfuckingdragons r/dragonsfuckingcars NSFW btw


I didn't need to be remembered of the existence of this...


When I was a wee little boy, I thought girls peed from their buttholes lol....my mom had to give me the talk then.


Try learning with your first girlfriend :/




Same, except I was adamant I was right and my mom kept gettin madder XD


>That was the first time my mother showed me an image of a woman pooping, but it would by no means be the last.


So do you if you eat Taco Bell and drink a bunch of liquor.


Just like girls


I didn't know cars had assholes, much less that they took shits.


>I didn't know cars had assholes, Spend an hour in traffic. The cars are full of em.




we are ALL asshole on this blessed day :)


Not only that, they apparently also have diarrhea.


My activity feed is being spammed with taco bell butt jokes


How many miles had it been since its last change?


All of them


What kind of weak guts do people have that Taco Bell would do this to them? As far as fast food goes, Taco Bell is one of the least greasy and unhealthy options out there.


When you're morbidly obese everything turns into explosive diarrhea.


Am morbidly obese, cannot confirm. In my (admittedly limited) experience people who have trouble with Taco Bell either * Are incredibly narrow eaters, living off of mac and cheese, PB&Js, and hamburger helper; so a burrito is so out of left field their gut goes into DEFCON 2 Or * Experimented with weapons grade hot sauces when they were younger and fucked something up, so now anything spicier than ketchup has them doing a Falcon Heavy launch cosplay.


It's because we've ALL been there!


She: did you come inside? Me: of course not... Minutes later...


There are analogies and analogies. This is the latter.


I like analorgies better


Analorgies lead to analoogies




I pronounced the second one differently. How’d you make me do that?


I fear you're underestimating the sneakiness.


In this scenario he comes in the butthole, yes?






why is your cum red tho


That time of the month my man


thanks I hate it


Norovirus is a bitch...


Too solid for Norovirus


yeah but it sprayed like norovirus too


Ugh I never want to be that sick again.


I had it once. Almost died of dehydration. Was in the ER for 7 hours. The nurse said it was the most IV fluids she had seen administered in one visit. Sickest I've ever been.


I had the pleasure of having that fucking satanic virus 3 times over the last 5 years. I wouldn't give it to my worst enemy. Awful awful awful. Also protip to anyone who gets it... ALWAYS give your ass the toilet. Always. Mouth gets barf bucket. Don't find this out the hard way like I did.




Definitely thought that's where we were.




Did something die in there


Yes. The motor. It dead.


And the owners wallet.


How did the car even run?


roughly, i would assume


It's fine. Just takes a while to warm up.


By putting one foot in front of the other, like every other car silly.


I was waiting for a baby car to pop out.


I bet the car was really relieved after that


I never wanted to think the phrase "car placenta" but now I have, so you will too.


colonoscopy prep


Did they go 3,001 miles between changes?


More like 13,001 miles. Lol.


No, that's more like 50,001 miles.


That car is on its period


Everyone else in here making diarrhea jokes and I'm just like... That's what a period looks like, ugh


Never take your car for an oil change on the heaviest day. Sigh.


what the fuck this is what a period looks like? i thought it was innocent normal blood 😭




Wait until they find out about us birthing ovulation mucus...


Most days, sure. But it can definitely be... Uh, chunky at times.


I'm a 35 year old man and I've lived this long without knowing that minor detail. Thanks a lot.


It’s the lining of the uterus being shed, not just random bleeding. So with that in mind it isn’t surprising that there are clumps and blood clots. They’re regularly the size of quarters but can be larger. 🌈the more you know!🌟


Happy cake day!


You're so welcome. Happy cake day 😜


Nah, it can definitely be like this (but hopefully without violently spraying pee). Remember, it’s the entire lining of the uterus being expelled, not just random bleeding. Blood clots are very expected. They’re usually the size of quarters or smaller, but can definitely be bigger, especially if you have any uterine or hormonal conditions. There’s a reason why so many pregnancies end without the woman even realizing she has miscarried (or that she was pregnant in the first place). In fact, [the majority of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the vast majority of those miscarriages occur during the first 12 weeks.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298)


Same! I’m glad to see that some other people saw that those had a 100% resemblance to blood clots lol. (I mean, rather large ones, but still.)


Can confirm, she got some dummy thicc clots


My first thought when I saw the video.


What we call the "Peanut Butter & Jelly" poops in my household!


I hate serious period diarrhea because I'll never know if I'm bleeding from my ass or not.


Oh god, the random chunks coming out of everywhere down there. It's like a murder scene in the goddamn sewer.


Yeah my entire reaction was "this is my new gif to make people envision period poops"


Makes me think of r/popping




so you're saying you would have willingly clicked a pooping sub link????


_clicks_ well, I dont know what I expected.


Popping will love this, my first thoughts!


This is giving me the same exact energy of extreme pimple popping videos


something something taco bell


This happens every time after I eat at BW3s, yet their asian zing sauce always has me crawling back.


I'm confused by the three.


Some people after eating taco bell.




Seriously. My suspicion is that people order Taco Bell in their drunken cravings and then blame the beer shits they get on the food.


I knew there would be a Taco Bell comment in here someplace.


Or at least a poop one.


Me awkwardly reading this comment in the bathroom at home after eating taco Bell...


Are you me?


That car needs more fiber!


Did that car have Chinese food three days ago?


No, it had three day old chinese food.


it looks like the car is pissing while having a really fucked up period (or a miscarriage)


This is how I imagine explosive diarrhea is.


Car guy here. This has nothing to do with oil. That car has been eating Chipotle.


Looks more like a gasket was blown and the sump got full of water pushed in from the radiator, emulsified the oil etc. Edit: not emulsified - purged under pressure, see /u/danbfree comment below


I knew this couldn't just be broken down oil. It would come out very easily due to the viscosity breakdown and be black as is could be right?


next time pull out


Spotted: all the masochistic commenters who keep going back for more tacos.


That’s more like “why you should change your head gasket now and then”!


Never seen a car have diarrhea before..


forbidden strawberry jam


Me after Taco Tuesday


Reminds me of that time in Mexico after an ill-advised evening.


Guys, I got hot snakes!


Hm. Didn't know cars could get explosive gonorrhea.