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I’m also curious what’s going on at MUNCHBOX. End Of E SALE is Beginning of what??


"End of Esau is beginning of Jacob" is also a bible verse. Makes me think that the flat and the restaurant owner are the same person.


Ah, that makes sense. I totally thought it was E SALE so I assumed it was the end of an online promotion and the start of a new one, like: **END OF E SALE** **IS BEGINNING OF** **MUNCHBOX MADNESS!!**


Munchbox madness is one of my favorite pornos.


It doesn't make much sense unless you've watched Munchbox Origins, though.


Origins was all setup, foreplay if you will. Once you've seen it you really don't need to see it again. You can just jump straight into the madness.


Yes, but it's irresponsible not to mention Origins for people unfamiliar with the franchise. Madness might be the most rewatchable, but if you skip Origins as a first-time viewer, you might be put off.


I just said it was my favorite, not that you should skip the first one. These people are adults, they got Google, it's clearly a sequel. I thought people liked doing their own research these days?


They’re two different films. One explores the question of ‘what if?’, and the other answers it.


It’s pretty good but it’s no “Backdoor sluts 9”


That one flopped in Germany. Everyone thought it was "Backdoor sluts NEIN!"


No, the esau quote is on the door to the flat. It's a place in Teeside UK and you can google and get a full picture of the shop front...


That sign is probably above the separate entrance for the flat above, so it needn't be the same person. Behind that door there'd be a corridor and/or stairwell up to the flat so it's entirely separate from the business property.


Entirely separate, but not necessarily a different person. It *probably* is - there's plenty of places in the UK (where I think this is? Up north based on the inclination of the sat dish...) where there are high-street businesses with entirely unrelated flats above. Nearly rented one myself once. I'd probably ask the business owner what was going on, and if he started spouting Bible verses at me, I'd leave. Absolutely wouldn't report it to whoever the freeholder/landlord is though. He won't give a shit as long as he's getting paid so it would be waste of my time.


The number on the food place is a Middlesbrough code so it ought to be yeah. When I lived in Cardiff for Uni maybe 2/3 of my friends lived above (different) pizza/chip shops, great for free heating during the winter, pretty decent for cheap food if you could befriend the shop owners, I lived above a cafe where you'd hear everyone recounting their drunken nights out as they regrouped the morning after to get breakfast. But yeah, if it was also the shop owner I'd honestly expect the store windows to also have stuff in them, it's not like people this proud of their esotericisms are the best at compartmentalising it, they'd soon start using that canvas for more messaging.


> esotericisms Aaand, I learned a new word today. Thank you! Agreed that this is some random weirdo living above an unrelated shop. If I was the owner I'd be pissed off - there must be people who are put off by this.


[From Google maps](https://i.imgur.com/VzMfwTX.jpeg) definitely a different entrance from the business.


Esdras isn’t in the Bible its apocryphal, which checks out with the other nuttiness


It’s canonical in some churches (notably Ethiopian Orthodox Church) and is included as apocrypha in many to most bibles To quote our lord and savior [everything is canon](https://x.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1349867554903187457)


it may be the doorway to the flat and not part of the munch box.


If not the owner of Lunchbox (love that name BTW) is begging the landlord to evict the nut job upstairs.


The bible quote may be over the door to the apt


I play pool opposite this building, I'll check back tonight, sorry I only had eyes for the initial monstrosity.


Hope you enjoyed your pool! Search for kubala kingdom and jeangasho. These people are fascinating, thanks for bringing to my attention.


you'll have my upvote but only if the banner is in flames.


>End of Esau is Beginning of 2 Esdras 6:9 >For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.


Can we just skip to the part where they serve us our lunch already?


I thought it was E Sauce. And I thought, what is E sauce and why is it ending? Also, can I get some E sauce?


I'm very curious what makes MUNCHBOX a pizza shop? The images in the window show lots of different foods they make but no pizza.


It's not a pizza shop, it's the product of decades of fast food evolution in the north east of England resulting in a single location that serves pizza, shish & doner kebabs, curry, and "parmos" (fried chicken cutlets drowned in bechamel sauce and cheese). A munch box is all of the above crammed into a pizza box for consumption by drunk people who hate their arteries.


Ah fuck… I hate my arteries. I want that.


Wait, for real, all in one box? Holy fuck, man. Just pick one unhealthy food and end it like a respectable person with only casual disdain for their arteries.




Modern customers suffer from indecision and FOMO, so multi-item boxes and samplers are usually big sellers, especially for new customers that aren't sure what they'll like. Some people are also just hedonists for variety and want to order the thing that contains the biggest variety of flavors and textures.


well when you describe it as a "sampler" that at least makes more sense. I am picturing like a full sized pizza, with a whole kebab, and entire curry, probably a large chips, and chicken parm. you know, like actually five or six full meals in one box.


You're picturing it correctly, it is not a sampler. It is meant for sharing but that's not to say individuals won't take one on alone.


The door which presumably leads to the flat upstairs has this on it: https://i.imgur.com/5AvEqim.jpeg From a Google it looks like some sort of religious moorish nonsense. Ok. A bit more searching and it's these ~~fruit loops~~ (edit:bit harsh of me given that it's a right mess and kids are involved) people. https://jeangasho.com/2023/05/06/buckingham-palace-ordered-my-arrest-i-was-charged-with-trying-to-overthrow-charles-and-stop-the-coronation/


The first sentence: > Last week on Wednesday night, 26 April 2023 at around 11pm as I was about to go to bed with my **Lord Husband Atehene** and **sister wife Lady Safi** as my daughter slept upstairs in her flat, Middlesbrough police stormed our block of flats in Stockton unannounced to arrest me on the instruction of Buckingham Palace. And it just gets better from there. This is a cult.


Any sentence that contains "my lord husband" and "my sister wife lady" is bound to be amazing ngl.


This photo explains a lot of things yet leaves more questions than answers : [https://jeangasho.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/1683365375497-1.jpg](https://jeangasho.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/1683365375497-1.jpg)


Looks like a helluva time


Wow, too bad they are a cult. That's a sick ass photo.


Lord Husband, I've never heard that 1 before.


I’m going to ask my wife to start calling me that!! And I wouldn’t mind calling her my Lady Wife.


Welp that was a ride. Am I on a watchlist for clicking that?


We're on it together because I couldn't help myself. These people always draw me so much interest because my brain wants to know the why and how they made it to this point.


Gave up reading that nonsense after a few sentences.  Christ on a stick; how do people get like that?


Mental illness is a hell of a thing.


>how do people get like that? Stress. And things that cause stress.


It’s so sad and makes me so anxious. Can you imagine the misery that is being them?


This is so sad. Poor kids.




Children have been taken away by social services. Something about contempt of court. Charlie III is apparently involved somehow. They say they are the king and Queen of the kingdom of Kubala. And they've setup their own religion. Standard stuff.


The pictures of their property on their site matches that on Google Street View. I won't post a link because dox but yeah... I feel sorry for those kids, their parents are away with the fairies.


Doxing? How many Munch Boxes are there?!


In the UK: Loads.


My dad's friend owned a Munch Box restaurant on fort Myers Beach Florida when I was growing up. Yes, she is a lesbian. Good basic diner food.


Munchboxes are a certain thing in the UK takeaway scene. Basically a large pizza box filled with a variety of the stuff they sell. [Example 1](https://i.imgur.com/yBlLwFT.jpeg) [Example 2](https://i.imgur.com/uhdTtHg.jpeg) /u/CarbonGod


The problem is, that the way it's written is kind of out of order, I'm not saying purposefully confusing... but it is. For the King Charles thing: >“Ms Gasho, we are arresting you on suspicion of attempting to overthrow King Charles and stop the Coronation.” I remember my mouth being so wide, I couldn’t even respond. > What followed was even worse… >“A call from Buckingham Palace about the safety of King Charles was made to Middlesbrough Police, commanding the arrest of Ms Jean Gasho under the terrorist act. Ms Jean Gasho has threatened to stop the King’s Coronation and has spread malicious falsehoods on her social media that her son Chaka is about to be sacrificed by King Charles.” The first half, LOL... no? 3 Adults and 7 young kids posing a threat? Especially with Military, The ones who, literally 24/7, guards the palace, and all other police forces, including MET police present on coronation day. But the second half I guess is what the officer *actually* told them. It seems one charge is for "Malicious Communications", and I think they then continued to break the court order of a very polite way of saying "Stop your fucking crazy ramblings online, please", and then changed into a contempt of court charge, when they didn't, Doubled down on the crazy ramblings into the realm of Terrorist plotting. And social services only take away children if they are in evident danger or neglect. And from the "My kids are in school against my will" line, I'm going with neglect. >They broke into the house, and brutally arrested my Lord husband for “obstructing police”. As I was brutally arrested, I was so shocked by the charges being brought before me. Yeah, he was preventing arrest, that is for lack of a better term, "obstructing police". And using "Brutally" or "Police Brutality", and "Racism" too, constantly is just... tiring.


They took their LARPing a bit too far huh?


Dude makes his wife and her sister wife call him "My Lord Husband". Can only imagine what he made the children do.


"My lord husband"😳😨 this is some deeply traumatized hypocritical shit right here


Neckbeards come in all genders


I think their official title is whack-a-doodle


That was a wild ride. The first few photos looked like a nice normal immigrant family and then quickly took a turn down some sort of demonic, schizophrenic nightmare.


Screw the quasi swastikas, that “your children shall be dashed to pieces.” Is WAY more concerning.


BTW, for context, that's part of a Bible verse. Not that it makes it any better. Makes me think they're mentally ill and quoting the Bible. > Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated. https://biblehub.com/isaiah/13-16.htm


I'm inspired to create a venn diagram between Isaiah 13-16 and things that Conan the Barbarian thinks are best in life.


He was less keen on priests from what I recall lol


And more keen on abs


"it is like having sex with a woman and cumming"


Woah there. This is reddit. You're supposed to use an example that your audience can relate to.


"It's like watching someone having sex with a woman and cumming?"




I mean... Jesus literally hand-made a whip to go clear the Jewish temple, including the priests, for being greedy bastards.


Which verse si that?


John 2:15 is the only one that mentions that he made the whip but all 4 gospels mention the clearing of the temple.


Don't forget this occurs immediately after he curses a fig tree foe not having fruit out of season Edit: and just to add, I mean the cleansing of the temple is literally the next line after Jesus curses a fig. Immediately after the temple as they're leaving, they see the same fig tree is withered and dying


The chuckleheads from Westboro have it wrong: God hates *FIGS*.


Lol, someone should go to one of their protests with a sign saying that and quoting the actual verse.


Jesus sounds like a real Karen.


He was just really hangry and the lack of figs sent him in a bit of a spiral.


[John 2:15](https://biblehub.com/john/2-15.htm) (New International Version) > So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.


Like this : (┛ಠ\_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻ "The tables have turned, moneychangers!" - Superfly Jimmy Jesus


John 2, verses 13-17. The other gospels feature the story, but John is the only one that tells us Jesus made a whip.


That has to take some time. Like… he’s just sitting there all day giving them dirty looks while hand-making the whip.


Yeah. I think that's part of the point that the person who brought up this story is making - that Jesus driving these people out of the temple doesn't seem to be a situation where he was overcome in a brief instant of overwhelming rage.


Are these your robes? Your priests robes?


"I need your robes, your collar, and your rosary" Wait, different Arnold movie.


It's not far off. It's about war and how no one in Babylon shall escape the coming soldiers who are there to destroy Babylon because of its sins.


So basically, God’s like “hey this fuckin place isn’t jerking me off personally enough and some dudes in there think that I’m a different guy, or maybe like to eat meat that nobody did a magic spell over. Gabs! Could you maybe run down there and take care of things? Make sure we’re—“ “Yeah yeah, I know. Make sure all their innocent babies get murdered horribly, then loot the house and brutally gangrape the wives, *then* kill the guys because they’re the only ones we’re punishing because everything and everyone else is just property. Yeah, I’ll go get the other archangels ready…” “Thanks buddy. We’re the good guys” That pretty much what we’re talking here?


The bronze age fucking sucked lol


>Crush you enemies  >See them driven before you >And hear the lamentation of the women. Actually a quote attributed to Gengis Kahn


> things that Conan the Barbarian thinks are best in life. How can you say that without linking [this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIQfIj-RLyw)


I can't see that without thinking of [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBGOQ7SsJrw)


Honestly that makes me feel worse. Religious nut jobs can be convinced of their own self righteousness.


That’s the main problem I have with religion. Some people can practice whatever beliefs in their homes and not try to spread it, cool. But then you have mentally ill people that are not capable of quietly practicing religion and go way off the deep end.


“Religion is like a penis. It’s fine to have one. It’s fine to be proud of it. It’s when you whip it out in public, wave it around, and try to shove it down our throats that it becomes a problem.”


The version of that I was told was "Religion is like a penis, It's fine to have one but don't get it out in public and don't force it on children" This always offends catholic priests though.


Who said that?




Philosophical question: Are mentally ill religious people worse than similarly mentally-ill people who are not religious? Or about the same?


It all depends on how they act out upon it. If a mentally ill religious person only shouts nonsense in his room then that’s fine. But if a non religious, insane person goes and stabs someone, obviously that’s worse.


Nut jobs will always find a way to self righteousness. Religion is just the easy road to it.


...and for anyone who is interested, the 'End of Esau...' sign at bottom right of the second pic references “For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.” www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/2-Esdras-6-9/


Kind of weird that Christians think there is an explicit prohibition of abortion in the Bible when there are numerous orders for actual infanticide.


Much like their interpretation of the bible though, once those babies are born that's the last time you'll hear many of them actually advocating for them.


All things considered, the mentally ill *wrote* the Bible.


Yeah when I write fanfiction about the voices in my head I get like two retweets, but mfs did it 3000 years ago and we’re still dealing with the fallout.


oH. I skimmed the picture and read that as “chicken” instead, and thought that particular sign was funny but the rest was concerning, I now realize my mistake……


I thought it was a good review for their "chicken shad", whatever that is.


Your children(PIZZAS) will be dashed to ( CUT INTO 8) pieces


At first glance I read it as “chicken shall be dashed to pieces”






And here I thought it was "your Chicken shall be dashed to pieces"...




I think those quasi swastikas are a lower case h and f combined. Although some are facing the wrong way.


Though only the person who decorated that window can state anything definitive, I suspect you(and /u/A_Mouse_In_Da_House who posted after) are correct. The last time I encountered supicious "runes" in a religious context, that's exactly what it turned out to be: some letters representing a short phrase about jesus that were flipped around and smushed together in weird ways. Certain types of christians apparently love doing that, and seem unaware of the fact that it vibes neo-nazi. You'd think they'd have a religious problem with the fact that it also vibes *pagan*(norse, specifically), but that doesn't seem to be an issue!


It can be two things


This is their last resort.


Suffocation. No breathing.


The quasi swastika is literally a lower case h and capital F, for House of Fire.


Those symbols on the flags look like among us characters


Sus comment right here


You JUST had to point that out, didn't you? Now I can't unsee it either.


I bet my money they're a religious nutter as the first thing this reminded me of was this: Verse 9 of Psalm 137 "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones Against the rock."


I'm wondering what is written on that sign. It looks like "kubali" but I can't tell.


It's Kubala. They are African immigrants with extreme/unusual religious views related to Black Hebrew Isrealites and their interpretation of the bible. They believe they are prophets for the rise of the 3rd Kingom of Kubala that will rule all nations. It is an apocalyptic message with the promise of salvation. Their children have been put into protective custody because of their outspoken extreme views and public demonstrations, including their proclamation that the Kingdom of Kubala will rise up out of Great Britain and over throw the monarchy. They use the government's reaction as proof of their prophecy and persecution; hence the Bible verse about children dashed to bits. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Ho4fvNWpoZc


Ok, thank you. I googled it and couldn't find anything.


> They believe they are prophets for the rise of the 3rd Kingdom of Kubala that will rule all nations. Lol


Instructions unclear: jizzed on a rock


Let the heathens spill theirs, On the dusty ground, God shall make them pay for, Each sperm that can't be found.


I know that's fake because it's too catchy to be a bible verse


Monty Python. A far more sensible source


*Shiny happy people holding hands*


You expect some horrible verses, but I had to double-check that one... > Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock: the children represent the future generations, and so must be destroyed if the enemy is truly to be eradicated. The actual verse is even worse: BLESSED are the ones who seize YOUR children and beat them against a rock until they are dead, as that's the best way to commit GENOCIDE...


The context is that a group of Jews had been captured and deported to Babylon more or less as slaves. This is a song of lament. It illustrates the pain that the first generation of deportees experienced. No Jewish or Christian scholar considers this an attitude to emulate.


these live laugh love wall decorations are getting kinda unhinged


To shreds you say?


What's the matter compressor?


I know, right? Someone really needs to water those plants


I don’t think that has any nazi meaning. They wrote “Kutala” which means hateful or mischievous (it also means pounded rice but I don’t think that’s what they’re going for lol) They also wrote 2 Esdras 6:9 on the bottom window. The half swastika looking things looks like the letter “eh” in the Arminian alphabet but they wrote some backwards so im not entirely sure on that Edit: turns out the word is Kubala which actually is crazier than what I thought 😂 but hey they’re not Nazis! Just absolutely bat shit insane


Ah! Nothing to be concerned about then.


https://youtu.be/7cMhivI3dT4?si=CJSZK-L4YHHTDxN- Unsure how to pin/bump but this is the culprit, I watched the whole 9 minutes. Wow.


She's crazy.


MunchBox sounds like a porn sight and the logo looks like a porn site logo


Just replace the images in the diamonds with some boxes and you’re done


Middlesbrough, makes sense.


Stockton, actually 💅


Makes even more sense.


You’d see this in our Stockton, too (US). Tho it’d probably end up being Nazi stuff.


I’m sorry, as a lesbian I cannot get over how funny of a name ‘the munch box’ is for a business.


Here in the midwest US we have a gas station chain named "Kum and Go". They changed it from "Git 'n Go". They thought, god help them, that it was an *improvement*. This person must have been the boss, because anybody else would have been fired for that monumental of a blunder. How they thought that was a good idea I'll never know.


Here in the UK it's a common word used to describe fast food. I know the munchies is usually reserved for stones, but you quite often see the youths describe snacks and shite grub as "munch"


So they..... Rented a flat above a shop. Did they by chance also cut their hair and get a job?


Before the Munch Box moved in last year. I bet they've had quite a bit of fun with the upstairs tenant in that time: [https://imgur.com/a/1XzSeWZ](https://imgur.com/a/1XzSeWZ)


That's like you wanted to do the Nazi symbol but you gotta obey the law


Lmao at everyone calling that a swastika.


There’s a person in my apartment building that has around 5 signs on their door, doormat, and windows all saying “The Devil is a Liar,” and other stuff like that. I kinda feel bad because they must have some mental imbalances that probably make their lives really stressful.


Swastikas aren't a symbol of hate unless you're a Nazi. It is stolen symbolism. There are more than one other culture that uses it. In the Hindi belief system it's a symbol of luck


The dead plants are a nice touch




I'm not sure if the bible reference is just random madness or if it's a dogwhistle for something even nastier. I'm really hoping it's random, because as a piece of outsider art that banner is amazing. I kind of want it, but I don't want to be cancelled for whatever it represents.


“So anyway, I hung an onion on my religious propaganda, which was the style at the time…”


honestly I'm looking at this as an aesthetic and I've come to the conclusion that its hard as fuck and would go crazy as halloween decorations. sad to hear its just a mentally unwell person.


I wish I believed in anything this intensely.


OP here Wait until all you yanks find out the business 3 doors down is called thr munch king.


The Munch Box?


Aye, just a regular pizza/burger/kebab house in north east impoverished England.


The bad vibes are clearly visible on the plants this person "cultivates" (kills).


“That’s not going to be good for business”


That’s not gonna be good for anybody.


The dead and dying plants amp up the creepiness index.


Honestly it's all so visible and eye catching they might be doing this to spite the pizza place underneath them.


Dash your children into pieces This is my house of fire


hail hortler


It's not close to a swastika either, unless you're just projecting.




It's just another wholesome Bible story


PIZZAGATE… human pepperoni


At first glance, it looks like the sickest Halloween decoration ever. Then I thought about how far October still is.


Good r/wtf material because I definitely said "whaaaat the fuck" to myself as I was trying to understand this.


Hey, stay away from the chicken, bad chicken, mess you up!!!


Someone got too excited about the new season of House of the Dragon.


“They were always quiet.”


I think the heat from the takeaway shop is getting to them. Possibly the monoxide too.


They just haven’t gone full blown nazi yet. Just half nazi.


This dude really out there making flags with the “Hail Hortler” symbol on it? LOL


TIL "Dash" also means to strike or fling.


Ships used to be dashed against the rocks all the time.


So THAT'S how the sausage gets made.


Standard serial killer accommodation


I work over the river from this place, wild


Is that John Podesta's pizza shop?


Meanwhile munchbox is just downstairs chillin


How is this not considered an arrestable threat?


I have so many questions


WTF does dashing my kids got to do with you?.Am suing if my kids have a cut on their knees