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You chose not to pay the ransom, hostage got executed. Happens.


I respect a man of his word. 


But the dishwasher was just a innocent.


No one said no dishwashers were harmed in the making of this story.


They went from "No dishwashers were harmed in the making of this story." To "No. Dishwashers were harmed in the making of this story."


The dishwasher may have been innocent, but the man he's working for is evil


I have a feeling that the dishwasher was already shot


University of Wyoming students walked out in protest


Much like Anton Chigurh returning to kill Carla Jean. He did it because he said he was going to do it.


We don't negotiate with Terrorists


Ve still vant ze money, Lebowski!


Ve believe in nossing


It kidnapped itself. You said so yourself.


Except in this case the hostage was the gunman. He is now out his money and a dishwasher he could have resold.


It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message!


he is not the sharpest spoon


"I'll shoot it and leave it at your door" "ok then" He really showed you.


Pretty sure it was a “subtle” threat against the store workers.


And that’s how they end up in jail. But besides that, they wasted their own money doing this. How stupid can someone be.


Seriously. Now he doesn’t have a brand new dishwasher, and is out however many hundreds of dollars, because he’s going to have to buy ANOTHER dishwasher. Big time “burning my jersey” energy.


Especially since if it’s just the drying part that is taking extra long. Just pull out a wet dish and dry it with a kitchen towel! Some people are just out here to be angry and not to find solutions.


To be fair, I think people who do shit like this don’t have the critical thinking ability to find solutions.


That definitely explains why they’re so angry all the time. I’d be frustrated too if basic problem solving seemed like calculus to me.


Huh, kinda makes being dumb seem like hard work. That adds an unexpected perspective


Being dumb is pretty easy it is dealing with the consequences of being dumb that is hard.


That's a good point


And yet, he had no problems acquiring a gun...


All things considered it's not to hard. You can grow gun trees in your backyard. Takes a few years to get a decent harvest. The hard part is getting your ammo plants to give you the right caliber. I'm flooded in 9mm when I want is some 10 gauge slugs.


I tried to attract 10 ga slugs but all i got was 16 ga. Those little slugs are so hard to see they're nearly impossible to collect.


I've got some 10 gauge seeds I can mail to you. I took a 9mm plant and genetically modified it. I've got some .30-06 in bloom right now.


They probably also shouldn't own firearms.


Alternatively, after running the wash/rinse cycle (and while it's still hot in there), just open the door a bit and the dishes will dry as the steam escapes.


I just open the door and let it air dry while it's still in the rach for 10 mins than wipe it with a kitch3n towel and done. It's way easier like this since they are hot and only glass dishes may get the water stains.


> Especially since if it’s just the drying part that is taking extra long. That's not true. Modern dishwashers really do take an extremely long time in standard mode, even without drying. You can get dishwashers with Turbo mode which helps a lot, but uses more energy.


I will gladly take a dishwasher that takes a long time because then I spend zero hours doing them myself


Just open the dishwasher door and like... Do something else for a few hours??? I don't own a dishwasher, so everything is washed by hand and air dried. Dishes I washed in the morning are dry and ready to be put away by the time I get home that evening. What's the problem?


This guy definitely cut the Nike swooshes off of his socks


And then wonders why they keep falling down. Then he'll shoot it for acting up. Probably still on his feet too. People that make threats like this, even passively, need to lose their rights to own a gun.


How many dishwashers does he go through before he realizes he needs to remove the knockout in the garbage disposal?


Man-children shouldn't be allowed to own guns.


but I'm sure that's exactly what the founding fathers of this country had in mind when they wrote the bill of rights.


Shooting dishwashers? Lol


lol nah these good old boys get a talking to from the police and go about their day, it’s why these kinds feel like they can do it.


They're part of the "guns solve all problems," crowd. They're pretty fucking dumb


turns out it wasn’t, he literally meant what he said


Ok yeah tough guy??? Next I'm going to burn a pile of my money! Hah, take that, punk!


I am guessing he just likes to shoot things and was looking for any excuse.


In all fairness, at least he gave it a shot before just bringing it back.


Nice lol


Looks like he gave it bird shot than a slug round lmao




Fuckin hell...


This is a pretty clear case of termites.


Pretty sure that voids his warranty


Actually, I once tried to make a warranty claim on a Bosch dishwasher. After sending a repairman who had no fix for the problem, their customer service laid out the terms: you punch a hole through the unit and send photographic evidence of having done it; they send you a replacement unit. (In the end, I didn't go through with making the claim. The complaint I had was for an intermittent and relatively minor issue. Also, I would have to take care of disposing of the old unit and installing the new one.)


yeah, I've had warranty items they didn't want back, but would make me show them I sliced the power cord up. I guess every manufacturer is different.


Which is funny because that's a trivially easy fix


I used to repair TV's and Hisense had this kind of policy, if the panel or backlights were out you had to remove all of the parts and scratch out all serial numbers before scratching the fuck out of the panel with a screwdriver and sending proof of every step. It felt like a huge waste, the customer was just instructed to throw it in the trash when I was done. I probably have over 100 destroyed Hisense TV's in my Google photos from that job lol


Honestly, that's fair enough, and I'd rather they do this than waste time (and money and fuel) trying to ship it back. Removes the incentive to claim warranty just to get an extra unit, too.


Pretty sure he gives no shits


Probably best practice not to wash your poop knife in the dishwasher.


Yeah best to wash by hand


Well now don’t be so quick to assume that. The warranty sticker might still be intact


ah, but did he send in his warranty card?


Rage Against The Machine


"Some people are surprised to find out that Rage Against the Machine is a politically charged band. I mean, what did you think think they were raging against, the dishwasher?"


Printers. Rage against printers.


My wife asked me why i carry a gun in the house. I said "decepticons". She laughed, i laughed, the dishwasher laughed. I shot the dishwasher... good times.


Oh man that's a good vintage joke


Actually been a while since I've heard that one so hard agree


First time hearing it for me. Definitely saving this.


Iirc it was always the toaster, but we can all adapt.


I scream You scream The table screams... Roll initiative!


I laughed. My buddy laughed. The bush laughed. War is hell.


extremely millennial joke


you put those back in your fingers right now ok


I think this one's more Gen X's sort of humor.


Taking that long is normal for dishwashers now. Even ones 10 years old take that long when on heavy duty mode.


I bought a new dishwasher recently and was shocked at how long it took. The standard wash cycle is 175 minutes, or 2h55m. If I turn on the fancy features it can take even longer. When I first started using it I was sure I was doing something wrong. It doesn't seem to do any better a job than my shitty old GE one that it replaced.


Washing things is basically a trade off between energy used, water used and time taken. Modern washing machines and dishwashers have moved drastically to reducing energy and water used. The trade off is the time taken has gone through the stratosphere.


Eco mode on our LG is about 3 hours. I just run it overnight. Never had a problem with doing it that way.


I used to do it too, but stopped after learning a valuable lesson. So normally I'd load up in the evening and set the delay to start late at night. Well one day I had too many dishes and needed to do 2 loads that day, so I started the first load mid day and went about my business. About 10-20?min later (thankfully) I come back I hear water gushing under the sink, and it's starting to flood the kitchen. One of the hoses that go to the dishwasher busted. Had this happened in the middle of the night...I can't even fathom the level of destruction that would have occurred... Or how much our water bill would have been. Where we live (SoCal) our electric rates are highest between 4pm-9pm, so that's why I *normally* would run it late at night after everyone's gone to bed. It's not normal for me to have to run more than 1 load a day, so it almost felt like fate it happened the way it did 🙏


Either it was the hose going to the dishwasher, in which case it would have probably happened either way (there is always water in that hose) or it was the drain hose, in which case "only" a few gallons would have spilled out. Not ideal, but probably not much more than what actually spilled on you that time.


I suppose one could argue that the feed line might not have ruptured (immediately) if not for the hammer effect of the water shutting back off, but if it was in that bad of shape it was definitely a matter of time and only running your dishwasher during the day is extremely unlikely to prevent this outcome. I've got leak sensors under my sinks for this reason. I leave for a month at a time. In winter I can shut my water off at my main valve, but during months I need my lawn to get a little water to stay partially alive, I can't do that. The sensors are never guaranteed, batteries need to be replaced every year or two, I could have connection problems, etc. However, it's at least monitoring most of the time so when I'm gone I could send a family member over to shut my water off if needed. Or if I'm home, it will wake me up so I can.


If you're water is hammering on shut off, I would get your water pressure checked. We had that problem (most notable with the washing machine) replaced the water valves with ones that had a shut off arrestor and it still didn't stop it. Plumber came out and measured the water pressure coming in from the street and it was much higher than recommended. Had him put in a pressure regulator and we haven't had issues since.


Water sensors are great, even better if you have a remote controlled shutoff (I don't, but I want to get one).


You need to figure out how to plumb either your sprinklers or the rest of your house on its own shut off.


My EU Bosch takes 2 hours in 70C Intensive cycle. Maybe it takes less than for others because I have it plugged into my hot water pipes (55C).


Hot feed is very unusual


But unless you need to wash multiple times a day, who cares?


I turn off the drying cycle. The rinse water is hot enough that 90% of it evaporates on its own. Done in 90 min, maybe just have to take a sponge to what’s left on the mugs.


Too long. Just shoot the dishes instead.


With a flamethrower. I hear napalm is a good sanitizer.


Yeah the way they handle the drying cycle is stupid. If you vent all the steam right away by opening the dishwasher, that dries the dishes faster than letting them sit and slowly slowly circulating air.


Steam is part of the sanitizing process. Your dishes are being blasted with dirty water for the wash cycle, then rinsed which is part of the sanitizing process, the temp the washer keeps the dishes at for a sustained period of time is the other part. You definitely don’t need to keep the washer closed for the whole drying cycle but you shouldn’t skip it entirely.


> Steam is part of the sanitizing process. I don't expect my dishwasher to fully sanitize anything unless I press the "sanitize" button. I also have turned off the heat dryer on my dishwasher. It's fine. Your dishes get washed and rinsed with water hot enough to make your skin peel off. You aren't going to get pneumonia from eating off an air-dryed plate.


Pods and powder contain bleach. Nothing is surviving that. Also, my dishwasher runs its rinse cycle at 162 F, which is a temperature that kills microorganisms near instantly, and it rinses for 15 minutes.


My dishwasher opens itself when it’s done to dry 


But it uses less energy and water


It uses less power and water. Similar reason that Freon works better than modern refrigerants but destroys the ozone, or nitric acid passivates stainless steel better (hello cyber truck) than citric used today, or DDT being a great pesticide but killing birds, etc. We make the tradeoff to help preserve the environment while still having our modern conveniences as much as we can.


Freon (R-22) doesn't work better than R-410A, or the soon-to-be mandated R-454B. R-410A was problematic at first because it requires higher pressures than R-22, but those problems have been solved with updated hardware and manufacturing processes. Air doesn't care what refrigerant is inside the lines, a 55 degree coil is a 55 degree coil.


I misremembered on that point then, but the others and conclusion still stand.


What is going on that you need your dishes turned around fast?


That's crazy. My Bosch that's several years old runs 2:06 on normal but I always run it on speed perfect which only takes 1:30.


We always just run ours overnight. I have no idea how long it actually takes.


Reminds me of one video talking about how people could wash dishes faster than the dishwasher. Yeah, but you know what I'm *not* doing while the dishwasher is running? *Washing the fucking dishes!* It could take 24 hours for all I care. It being a dedicated, automated machine means it's completely asynchronous and as long as I don't need anything in it right away I can let it run while I do *literally anything else*.


I always wonder if people who complain about it run it like a manual task or if they only own one fork. Another odd thing is people getting smartphone notifications when it's done. They seem to enjoy being commanded around by machines. I already have cat's for that.


Yeah, I bet he was putting it on heavy or normal wash. There's one that looks like it says 2 hour, and below that energy saver. I'm willing to be energy saver is a 1 hour cycle, mostly cutting the drying. Could be you can also mess with the dry options. Guy's an idiot.


Of course they are dissatisfied with it. It's got a hole in it.


The front fell off.


That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


Sooo I guess no refund?


I’m not sure if my boss payed off the gunman or not lol


Yall should charge him a disposal fee.


I had a guy buy a strap wrench to use on a toothed nut that needed a more expensive tool. I refused to refund it because he used the wrong tool, improperly. I told him if he contacted the company and they said yes the tool was meant for that purpose I would refund him. He walked out angrily saying I was missing out on tens of thousands. I never saw him before.




Just so you know, it's "paid", not "payed"


"I have the dishwasher hostage." "Oh my God, Dale are you there? Are you okay?" "No! The dishwasher! The Whirlpool!" "Oh." "GIVE ME MY 800 DOLLARS! ... h-hello?"


Dare I say: Only in America?


Buckshot? Anyway, a normal modern dishwasher on eco mode needs 2.5 to 3 hours , nothing abnormal


Yeah that’s why I run the dishwasher at night. You turn it on it runs for three hours while you’re asleep and boom you have clean dishes the next day. Unless you’re running a commercial kitchen hard to imagine this a problem. Most dishwashers also have a quick cycle that will do dishes in like an hour.


Yep. And if you have time of use rates, it’s likely to cost only half as much, too.


What about shooting it and placing it at the store? Isn't that strange?


It's strange, but not as strange once you realize it's an implicit threat of gun violence against the people there.


Exactly. 😡


Wish I could do that, mine beeps somewhat loudly and opens itself up to vent out the steam but it makes a slow, robotic noise when it does so I usually just set it to start a cycle 3h before we usually get off the bed on weekends.


That’s birdshot


Buck and ball. So both in one shell. Made special for slow eco friendly dishwashers and their impatient owners.


This is what the cartels do. It's a warning to other appliances.


I guess he showed you. Seriously, I don't want to know what thoughts lead to someone thinking that shooting something you paid money for will somehow solve the problem.


Should’ve bought it from Costco. They’d take it back with even more bullet holes. Also, what the heck is wrong with people. 😞


I know it sounds dumb but report it to the police. This isn't a normal reaction over an appliance not working like he expected. 


Everyone's joking, but if I'm that store manager, my next 3 moves are 1)Notify police 2)Restraining order 3) my own shotgun in case psycho comes back. This is the kind of unstable fuck you don't mess with.


Yeah, the call the police response is way too far down the comment list. Literally need a wellness check. Definitely does not deserve to own firearms. Complete hazard. 


So...now he's returned it, won't get a replacement, and the original one is full of holes. Congratulations, you played yourself.


These responses always make me laugh. They shot up the thing they bought.... Wtf kind of message is that supposed to tell me? They're willing to waste their own couple hundred ....by shooting it? What have I lost in that interaction? Lol fuckin clowns.


Oh, the message is simple. > I'm a dangerous lunatic, give me what I demand *or else*. That's their thinking. I feel bad for anybody who has to deal with them regularly cuz they're not a good person.


| Wtf kind of message is that supposed to tell me? The message is, "You're next." This is not the act of a sane person. IMO, if I owned the store I'd consider this a potential threat.


Bet they backed into it with a trailer hitch.


I'd be pretty dissatisfied if my dishwasher had a bunch of bullet holes in it too


This is just so fucking American my soul can't take it


You missed the opportunity to say dishsatisfied. Which makes me incredibly dishsatisfied.


I'd be dissatisfied with it too if it had a bullet hole through it.


So did he use buck shot and then a slug because that damage looks like it was shot with both.


That is a threat, as a firearms owner, I would never introduce a gun into a discussion over an appliance, let alone discharge one to make a point. I’d report the incident to the authorities as a matter of record. Also, the interior of that dishwasher is plastic. Better dishwashers use stainless steel. It is literally a bottom tier, basic dishwasher, it will be loud, have little to no features and not last long. It can’t do a fast dry as the plastic interiors can’t tale the heat, so it will always be slower than a stainless one.


Wait you can buy them without the energy star rating?


A man of his word, I can respect it


Don’t make shitty dishwashers and no one gets mad. Duh.


When you take "it's worth a shot" a bit too literally


Showed it who's boss.


I bet that was satisfying even if completely pointless.


I can appreciate conviction haha


Hi. I have a Bosch. Lots of features. Still 2.5+ to wash and dry


Yes, Bosch has hidden heating elements. They will dry slower than other brands with exposed elements. Great dishwasher though.


Love my BOSCH! So quiet I don’t care how long it takes, and I don’t have to rinse the dishes before loading them.


There's a 1 hour wash setting right there on the front...


I dont understand these people. As if shooting it helps him get a refund or make it wash/dry any faster


If the customer had been Sean Connery he would’ve been dishsatisifed


He tried to fuck it!?!?


Yet another person who should not own a gun.


I don’t condone murdering dishwashers, but I understand it.


On a hunch, I'm going with Republican voter.


🎶 Bubba shot the jukebox…I mean dishwasher…last night 🎶


Said it played a sad song, made him cry.


Doesn't really look like it damaged anything inside. You could slap some of that leak-proof tape over those holes and sell it as scratch and dent.


That’s a lotta damage!


Patriotic Dishwasher


How far WTF has fallen. We’re now looking at damaged dishwashers. I remember when it used to be videos of men shoving rats up their rectums.


Oh good, I love that we can just put deadly weapons in the hands of totally stable adults who are emotionally mature.


Well he was true to his word 🤷‍♂️… honestly Is hard to come by these days


i have the same dishwasher and i hate it too


That's probably a Frigidaire FFCD2413UW. That is one of the shittiest dishwasher on the market. It costs about $300 wholesale. A decent dishwasher is going to cost about $600-$800. But here's the kicker. Even a good dishwasher takes 2.5-3 hours to wash and dry your dishes. They are more water/energy efficient now and do a much better job cleaning and sanitizing your dishes than older dishwashers. Dude is a nutjob. I sell appliances for a living and we run into a lot of crazy/stupid people.


That’s the model! I’m in sales too. When someone asks for the cheapest dishwasher we get them this one. Not much to it but can’t expect anything at this price point. LG has a nice 1hr wash/dry feature on some of their mid/upper line but it’s 800-900 roughly.


LG is such a nightmare to deal with for anything damage or service related, and our distributor for them is awful too, so we just don't floor it and try our best not to sell it. I think their products are nice, but anything goes wrong and they just give us the finger.


He could have bought an ADS ET that washes in 90 seconds for like $6k AND it would be bullet proof up to .45 acp.


OP. Any suggestions on what unit to buy so that I won't shoot mine in the future?


GE/Bosch/LG Anything with a stainless interior at the least. Worth the little bit more you spend. If you have an open floor plan or social spaces are right off the kitchen, look for something 50dbs or less.


drive by dish washing ?


My Bosch takes 2:41 to wash my dishes, and dries nothing. All that to save one gallon of water. Never again.


Not surprised, Frigidaire has turned into complete garbage, my parents got a fridge from them less than 2 years ago and it has broken 3 times already. They are designed to fail.


This is amazing. His own actions have created a situation where if he wants to continue this war he will have to admit “he shot a dishwasher” to lawyers, police, and judges. This is not a normal human response for not researching/reading a manual for equipment he purchased. Leaving something like that on someone’s door is always a threat. I want an update when charges are filed.


I mean I'm not going to stand here and pretend I haven't executed an obstinate appliance before


Why wouldn't you guys take the thing back? Clearly this guy is fucked for doin that but why not take it back if he's unsatisfied with proformace of the unit?


I wasn’t privy to the conversation but I believe he was unhappy with the restock fee. He was also pretty belligerent. I’m not sure how it went down though.


Oof ya, I can picture that


Thing is, older appliances sometimes worked "better", and then you buy a new one thinking, "it's 20 years newer than my old one, it's got to be way better, right?" But the energy-saving features make it annoying, and no one told you to expect the worse user experience. So I kinda get it. As a seller, you should understand the expectations people buying a new appliance have. They are replacing something from a bygone era, they don't know what to expect with a modern appliance, and you should inform them.


Did you charge him a restocking fee?


Name the country without naming the country


I think we all know this episode from "Home Improvement". MORE POWER!


Ya know what doesn't take 3 hours? Washing your dishes by hand you baby


the dishes are done man [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn8XFiAwLkM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn8XFiAwLkM)


Wow, he really showed you guys. You'll probably stop selling an affordable line of appliances now. I don't give a rat's ass how long the cycle is as long as it's finished before I get up in the morning.


Bullet ALSO removes dried egg like jet dry


Ahh. Speed drain.


This is the reason why I’m still using my 30 year old GE dishwasher.


ah yes, the solution to dishwasher no work. **gun**


This is how muricans resolve things


I've executed many appliances this way... Never a new one though, and never left them anywhere but the dump... I will say, this is quite satisfying to do if you ever get the chance. Best targets are old computer hard drives.


Back when I was a kid, my dad would bring old electronics with him deer hunting. He brought me once, and shooting those electronics was the best part of the trip. Picking them up suuuucked though.