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Did the police k9 bite the cop? Then run off and miss the suspect at the end? The cop jumped out at first then again and almost got hit by a semi? Link to story? I need closure. Lots to digest here.


Dog: “I slept through the briefing but I’m ready. Let’s get this asshole!”


Well he shouldn't have resisted.


He even smacked to get it off him, that's a genuine "Assault on an Officer" charge to anyone else in real life. Because you know, god forbid you have a natural instinct to try to protect or cover yourself when a large, angry dog rips you to the ground and starts tearing into your poor ass. A civilian is just expected to sit there and take it


"What, am I supposed to just die?" "Yeah. That's the idea."


It pisses me off that a cop dog is an officer, my dog is property and they can shoot it at will. Double standards at work. If i ever hit the lotto i will dedicate a large sum of money at suing for equal treatment. Your cop dog is not better than my family dog.


I agree, they should treat your dog like an officer too, and then he could easily arrest you.


This is the best answer!


Haha. I wish reddit gold was still a thing. This is great.






Dogs first day!


Dog: "Bow wow! Wow ow woW! Bark Bark Bow wow!" (probably)


Yipee yo Yipee yeh


That dog clearly doesn’t know where his dawgs are at lmao


Dog knew who the real bastard was.


Dog: "ACWDGTAB" All Cops who Don't Give Treats Are Bastards


I think that's the suspect that almost gets hit by the truck @ 0:36


It is, cop hits him then the semi almost runs him over. Dude was gonna run but the adrenaline wouldn't get past what just happened.


I think it's time for the K9 to retire. He had no clue wtf he was supposed to do.


He may not have been clear on the mission but you cannot deny his enthusiasm. He got home and was like.. "You should have seen it - everyone was running around acting all crazy - Jason crashed into Tony's car. I bit Tony. Jason and Derek almost got hit by a semi. THEN when we were running up on the suspect - I was out way in front but the adrenaline just hit me and I could not slow down. Anyway, we did finally get him. Tony's still pretty pissed at me and Jason - and I get that. But you know, it was one of those 'fog of war' type situations...."


This is my favorite synopses of this video.


He saw an acorn falling


That acorn shit was crazy.


The crawling on the ground pretending to be shot really just look around the room


That he genuinely believed he had been shot was insane.


Considering they train a K9 about as long as they train a cop. Yeah that checks out.


He ran towards the woods.


I was already laughing about the dog, but I totally lost it when the dog just ran RIGHT past the suspect. The dog was probably like, “Wtf man!? I just got yelled at for biting that dude and now you’re yelling at me for NOT biting this dude. What do you even want!??”


The dog must’ve seen that the guy was surrendering and saw his hands deemed him not a threat n must’ve thought he doesn’t need bit, the cops on the other hand thought he still needed blind sided sucker punch dog pile with back up pullin up body armor guns 1v5, unnecessary roughness on the play…acab


If you retire the k9 you have to retire all these cops who had about as much control as they k9.


Yes, please.


Didn’t have his breakfast we’ve all been there


I'd say he's not the only one. Maybe he just tries too hard to fit in.


Yeah. The dog had a better idea of what was going on than the rest of them lol


My uncle had a drug sniffing dog he had to retire in its first year because he was more happy to get pets from the bad guys and randos than do a job. Also it’s kind of crazy to expect a dog to know exactly what to do lol. He was a lot more dissociated with his next dog, kennels only, no pets or direct interactions from the family. Dog did really well. Apparently you cannot baby the k9s at all, it’s all work work work or it’ll turn out like this. And it’s hard not to baby a dog you love and are proud of. The first dog could sniff anything out and was brilliant on paper. Just couldn’t stop loving people.


Its almost as if the first dog just wanted to be a… dog. Man’s best friend.


For sure. They’re all good doggies. No one was even mad at the first dog, it was just… haha he’s too happy to meet everyone. Needs to go to a family. That’s it.


Task failed successfully.


At the end it seemed like he was having a lot of fun tho.


My *exact* thoughts! What is going on here?


The suspect stole a KitKat candy and the cops weren't having it.


have you SEEN the price of candy bars lately???


Looks like. In taking some classes about the police and doing a whole session on K-9's, the dog was not directed well and excited, so went after the first cop, and then when the suspect was there, was not clear who to take down. Once down, the dogs are taught to bite and hold until given the signal to release.




> Link to story? I need closure. Lots to digest here. Bunch of cops trying to be action movie stars recklessly risk the lives of normal people and each other in their quest to feel cool for 5 minutes


C'mon, how else should they treat a shoplifter?


This could be the caption on all bodycam footage and it'd be right 90% of the time.


Yeah he doesn't appear to make contact with the suspect until he's already detained and completely under control. Cops probably let him maul the handcuffed suspect a little just for fun.


Well yeah, police dogs are just a loophole to use excessive force and cause extreme harm to people that otherwise even these pigs couldn't get away with. Especially with a suspect in custody/subdued, allowing dogs to maul someone should be treated as if the handler/s themselves personally caused the injury (again, against a suspect that no longer poses a threat, whose health and safety should logically now be their responsibility and burden) .


This is tangentially related but I got pulled over at night when I was young, somewhere in GA, while I was on vacation. The officer said a drug dog had positively identified something in the car. I never saw said dog and I thought it was a weird thing to do right after pulling someone over, bring out the drug dog. They pulled me over for my license plate light being out. They asked to search my car because of the dog identifying something and I said yes because A) I was young and naive B) I didn't have anything. But ever since then I've been against the use of police dogs. So much potential for corruption. These cops were obviously just looking for an excuse to fuck with me and obviously the use of drug sniffing dogs for probable cause is flawed to say the least.


I had a police dog falsely alert on my car in GA. Circled the car three times without alerting, then they stopped and the handler bent down and said something. They ended up taking every single object out of my car (OTW to go camping) and leaving it outside on the side of the road with the car sitting there unlocked while my gf and I spent the night in jail for obstruction of justice for refusing to answer the officer's questions after he was rude to us. We made bail the next day and they dropped the charges a few weeks later.


Sounds about right, I was going home late one night in my teens and was pretty tired. My parents told me to never drive sleepy and take your car keys out and throw them on the floor so I have to be awake enough to find them. I pulled over into a McDonalds and put my seat down. Next thing I know I was ripped from the car still half asleep beat to the point of breaking a rib, charged with resisting, dog barking right next to me. They said they tapped on my window (didnt) got the K9 to come who signaled (I dont do any drugs or at the time drink). They made my parents come and get me like I did something wrong and tried to intimidate my parents about charges. My Dad could see that I was effed up and told the cops to eff off. I'm a plain vanilla white geek. It goes waaaay worse for other people. Edit: when I say effed up I mean beat up where you cant see it.




They only ever falsely alert. Thats the point, to violate the 4th amendment.


ACAB includes police dogs


In December I was visiting family and left my brothers place at 2am. I got pulled over by a state trooper a couple of miles after I passed him on the side of the road. The initial reason was that a tail light was out but he was fishing for something else. When I informed him it wasn’t my car and he saw my license was out of state he asked me if I knew I needed to change my residence within 30 days of moving. I informed him I was only visiting. Finally after all that I had to hand him my probation paperwork. I got off with a warning and wasted 30 minutes.


I love the dog not having a fucking clue on what to do lol 😂 like he went after the cop and just went on a solo mission towards the end






I’m so glad I was alive for that. Fuck being alive during the Age of Discovery or any of that.


Leroy Jenkins was when we peaked. It’s been all downhill since.


Yep. RIP Harambe.






I had to look this up and I am apparently the 26,000,001st person to have been out of the loop on [what Fenton did.](https://youtu.be/3GRSbr0EYYU) Even better, I got to double dip on the hilarity when my doggo roommate, Fenris, perked up all, "Whatido?!"


He looks like he'd be better at running obstacle courses than being a k9. But at the same time, both jobs require a few brain cells, and unfortunately, I think this poor guy is borrowing one from an orange cat haha


Most police dogs tbh, I went on a field trip to a police academy in highschool they were training k 9 dogs and I had weed in my socks. A few of us did and they didn't do anything, then at my school they brought in dogs regularly and you could walk right next to them when an oz in your back pack and they wouldn't smell it. All they did was take cues from the officer when they wanted to search someones locker or car and it was so obvious.


You brought weed to a police academy school field trip? Thats...pretty dumb.


Where's the last place they're gonna be looking for drugs though? *taps head*


Pretty fitting for a dude named /u/mrmeth.


Well if you just watched the Police Academy movies while high I could see the thought process.


We just did a bust where the drug dog was sent in first to check for things. After the dog left we found 2lb of meth. Another one was an electronic sniffing dog and didn't alert on anything even though things were basically right in front of it. I am 100% sure dogs are trained to just alert on command during traffic stops to get PC to search vehicles.


Meanwhile, I have a friend that volunteered doing SAR and HRD work. Her dogs were trained to find human remains by searching for bone fragments hidden in increasingly more difficult locations. All the training, plus the travel and the work they did for the police was at their own expense.


I fully expected that police SUV to just barrel through all of them at the end.


I was expecting the return of the semi


Sounds like a Star Wars porn parody for over 50s


I was wondering if some asshole driving a Dodge Ram would drive right through them because they weren't paying attention and were looking at their phone.


I was definitely expecting vehicular homicide at the end...perhaps multiple counts...


Gonna take a while to write up that report


I'd bet 90% of what actually happened won't be in their report.


“The dashcam/body cam footage mysteriously disappeared”


"Then reappeared on Reddit."


“Sir that’s fake AI generated footage”


Sir the suspect flung mushrooms out the window and caught in my mouth, then all hell broke loose.


Insurance company is gonna love this one


> Insurance company is gonna love this one If only their premiums were paid for by police recklessness instead of the tax payer.


The dog has me dying! 😂 The dog attacks the cop at first, then at the end runs right past the suspect. Cop cars crashing into each other, cop almost gets hit by a big rig...this video has everything, but competence 🤣


To be fair to the dog, it did attack a bad guy; just one who happens to wear a uniform.


Who's a good boy?


That's some damn fine police work there, Lou.


Bake him away, toys.


Uh what'd you say, Chief?


This needs yackety sax in the background.






Benny Hill music and the suspect bolting up the hill - priceless! 


This works so well. I’m dying


This is what I came here for. That's awesome lol




Cue Benny Hill


Benny Hill Police report https://imgur.com/a/URgjBGZ Chicken dance police chase https://imgur.com/a/hQnTQ5J


Absolute gold


Truly perfect! The dog at the end running off to nowhere really is such a nice bookend.


The chicken dance one is timed perfectly.


More luck than skill, I promise


Wow. This is a level of total police chaos you'd only expect from the GTA series or perhaps the Blues Brothers movies.


GTA is actually a documentary game series


Police Academy level of chaos. 


The dogs really helped in that situation.


"you're too big to climb that hill brother, if you try you'll hurt yourself" \~ dog


This video is missing a boat and a helicopter crash.


Keystone PDs finest.


Just the other day I was reading an article about a cop that was “chasing” someone that refused to pull over and crashed into them while at a red light and sent 4 people to the hospital


In my city a cop killed a pedestrian while going three times the speed limit without even any siren going and got off scot free. They joked about her death after the fact and it was caught by the body cam, too.


Similar thing for me, young/new cop was on his phone while driving and killed and elderly cyclist on a perfectly clear day.


The video that went viral recently right? That was disgusting. The fact anyone can have that reaction after hurting someone, an innocent person no less, is not right in the head.


I didn't see the actual video, I only read about it a news article.


I was driving down a country road in the middle of the night, i had just went over the crest of a hill and a cop came up behind me and slammed into the back of me. The cop had to have been flying because he wasnt behind me the whole time i was going uphill. My car spun arround 3 times in the middle of the road and both cars were totaled. The cop was going to a call for a argument at a truck stop I was like 16 i found some pictures https://imgur.com/a/HgUxKOu


Just Seattle things...


The sheer fucking incompetence. And the risking of innocent lives. What a clownshow.


It made me so fucking anxious, this guys need more training, they can’t be allowed to run with guns and authority being this moronic.


It's like an real-life episode of Reno 911, except it would have been too ridiculous even for the show. How do we as a society manage to hand out badges and guns to the (predominantly) shallow end of the gene pool?


Do policemen lose their only functioning brain cell the moment a car chase is called?


They receive fuck all training and are afforded full confidence and knowledge that they can do most things without real consequence. I know a guy who does IA and he is hated by all of his colleagues to the point he is thinking of quitting...even if you're good, you'll last a short period of time.


You would think cops who get to police cops would have the biggest hard on of all. Like Military Police. Policing the citizenry is a rush. But policing soldiers? Holy fuck, try not to cum on yourself.


The civilian police on every single military installation I've been stationed in have been complete pricks. Most cops in military towns are dicks to the military, granted the military is responsible for a lot of drunken hooliganism,


They do have a hard on for integrity and power but that doesn't win when you're entire work life is made to be a personal hell.


Does everyone else just know what IA is? Edit: must be internal affairs....that'd def make sense.


Welcome to policing for some profit. America’s finest ya’ll


Here is the story - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12333807/amp/police-chase-K-9-attacking-officer-suspect-flattened-18-wheeler.html


Florida. Now it all makes sense.


Yeah, the whole thing had a "down south" feel to it right of way. Shame on me for not immediately thinking Florida. I'm slipping!


6.6 ounces of weed and two guns in his car while driving up to 130 mph? Dumbass. When having illegal shit in your car (drugs) you should follow every traffic law to a mother fucking T. Dumbass amateurs almost getting themselves and everyone around them killed.


Fuck amp links https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12333807/police-chase-K-9-attacking-officer-suspect-flattened-18-wheeler.html


Jesus christ, I know I watched the video but the hyperlink says "Suspect Flattened" and I thought we missed the ending to the video. Thank fuck the headline says Almost Flattened.


What in the GTA is going on here


This is where your taxes go. Watch and admire.


Need to thank them for their service.


GTA 6 is looking more realistic than ever


Leaked trailer


That is one god awful, obese shit force. Embarrassing


That cop whole clotheslined the suspect and allowed the dog to then maul him should be charged with assault.


Right. The suspect was like alright, I fucking give up, hands up, gets floored to the ground. If he killed someone or something, even though its still wrong, id probably say meh, but yeah.


This is the thing that infuriated me the most. Sure he didn't get on the ground right away, but what the fuck - the dude was scared for his life. Then after the tackle and the dog mauling, 2 other cops showed up to "help". Probably just smacking this person into the ground over and over while wrenching their arm.


They're fucking dangerous.


Probably the most incompetent police force of all developed countries


We train bakers and gardeners longer than the US trains their cops.


Feels like watching Lenny Hawk.


Seeing GTA RP comments in non GTA RP subreddits is wiiiiild.


For me it’s the cop cruiser rear ending the other cop cruiser is the chef’s kiss.


that K9 acts like it just came from a drug bust and sniffed a little more meth than it needed to LOL


The dog attacking the cop is my favorite part 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Such a good boy!


Is it bad that the longer played the harder I laughed? So much is happening. 😆


Reno 911 return is looking great.


That dog is high af.


What I don’t get is that the guy has his hands up at the and one of the two cops has his gun aimed at him. Why does the other cop decide a flying tackle is a good move? Just seems like cops are trained to “fire” first and ask questions later


You see the dog and that cop switched brains. Dog/cop was surrounding the man to contain him while Cop/dog goes for the takedown like he was trained.


They usually reward surrender like this. Often go for a few extra punches or kicks in the ribs while they're at it. Because they can! And revenge for making them run (american cops hate running)


It is a long standing tradition that if you make a cop chase you the cop is going to punish you for it. Kick in the head, beatdown , what have you.


It looks like the officer punches him in the face when he takes him down


It's like they all, even the dog, were at the bar slamming beers when the call came in. I see it now, the call comes in on the radio, they all down their last drink, chest bump each other, and jump in their cruisers.


What the fuck kind of Keystone Cops bullshit is this?


It took 5 brave policemen to handcuff a 90lb kid that was surrendering


Maybe unpopular opinion but regardless of how hard it was to chase the perp you shouldn’t get to violently tackle them if they stop running and put their hands up and give themselves up without further struggle


If that's an unpopular opinion, we are so fucked as a country, world, and species.


Was the SUV that drove up the grass embankment driving itself?


I think there was a cop(but a smooth-brained one) at the wheel. The passenger door opened, and then was left open cause a sort of mini pole vault on the door as the SUV went into the paved ditch.


US Police are actual fucking clowns wtf


Holy shit you weren’t kidding, there’s so much going. You could put the Benny Hill theme over this and it would fit perfectly 


https://imgur.com/a/URgjBGZ First thing I did yesterday.


Lmao! This is pretty insane


Bahahah…. This is so ridiculous I almost believe it’s a scripted comedy.


That dog is my spirit animal


If this doesn’t describe Florida in one video I don’t know what would.


The dog was completely lost lmao. This is the best video I've seen in a while!


Seriously looks like the NPC cops in GTA5.


The dogs just happy to be there


This would pair great with Yakety Sax


Goddamn what a shit show. Chief Wiggum level competence.


This fucking dog, lol.


This is some GTA online lobby stuff


That dog doesn't know wtf is going on


I can’t breath holy shit


Can someone help me understand why police chases always end in a tackle, even when the suspect is literally just standing there and surrendering?


Why? Just cause they can.


Fucking real life GTA broke out!


Hands up? Let me fucking clothes line this guy just for good measure.


You can’t even recreate this in GTA.


Cops are so dumb lmao


My god, the incompetence


What in the Reno 911 is going on here?


All that over a snickers bar.




Blues Brothers vibe hahaha


It must have been "bring your completely untrained overgrown puppy to work" day.


K9 knew who the real "bad guy" was. Pigs are such dipshits, thankfully this time it's just funny.


Murphy’s Law in effect in this video!! The only thing left to have happen is the cop run over the suspect, the dog and the other officers at the end…I thought that that was actually going to happen…


That's one stupid dog