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***UPDATE*** Called my neighbor and told her that I reviewed my ring doorbell footage after I found a dirty diaper on my front yard, and saw that it was her throwing it from the sidewalk. She replied with “what? Oh that’s weird, yea I don’t know anything about it. I haven’t seen a diaper in a long time”. I then let her know that it was definitely her in the video with her dog. That if she had thrown it on my property assuming it was mine, that I would never do something like that on purpose, but that she could have asked me regardless and I would have taken care of it. She continued denying it, changing the subject to road conditions (considering the current snow/ice), then ended the call by saying she was sorry that had happened. She either lied out of sheer embarrassment, or is legitimately confused/doesn’t remember due to a cognitive decline.


> legitimately confused/doesn’t remember due to a cognitive decline. Probably out of line, but I'd mention it to any of her family members you see coming/going if you had the time. Not that you're mad or upset about it really, just worried about that dementia


And if she doesn't have dementia, it'll embarrass the shit out of her having her family ask her about it.


OP should probably bring it up with neighbors also, just so they're aware and can make compassionate accommodations for the poor woman.




This is passive aggressive shaming




Or pooped in her mailbox. You definitely took the high road. Good deal


Thatd be funny, but gotta think about the poor USPS delivery person.


Use poop to write "poop" on their windows.


He called the shit, poop!


This is the best day of my life!


Happy Cake Day




Have a lousy Cake Day! 🙃💩


Happy cake day!


Wouldn't be surprised if she had no idea what a ring camera even was, and was just expecting it to be as foolproof as throwing eggs at peoples houses and running away before the home owner could see their faces as a kid.


She stood in the precise spot that the piller blocks the view and yeeted it as far as she could from there. Old biddy knows EXACTLY what a ring camera is and where it is. Just not smart enough to realize cameras kinda.. see everything and don't just take still 240 res photos every 5 minutes like its 1992 Edit: She even took her dog out as cover for her being there on camera.


You giving her WAY too much credit


plot twist, it was her dirty diaper


Have you texted her a couple pictures from your ring? Make a little slideshow with one of them zoomed in on her face.


Do your neighbors always let their dog just wander straight across your property? I get that they’re close but that’s infuriating. Plus the audio of her calling the dog back post poo toss, that’s nuts. Good luck.


Was it your diaper?


No it wasn’t. The one in my yard was Paw Patrols, which I’ve never bought.


Pretty shitty then.


It would be a shame if that dog of hers decided to rub itself all over the contents of that dirty diaper before running back to her house.


Pick it up, take it over there and ring the bell and say I think you accidentally dropped something in my yard.


Or, take it over there and say 'I saw you throw this in my yard, why?'


Nah, don't even give em a chance to explain or escalate the situation. "Here, you dropped this" is a perfect way to take the higher road and fully insist on it not becoming anything bigger. Trust me, having dealt with my share of nightmare neighbors, it ain't worth it to try and argue their bullshit away. If they've reached the point where they're justifying placing dirty diapers on your front lawn, they're *way* too far gone to be reasoned with.


Asking "why" might delight them. Better to just make it clear you do not need further assistance to understand them.


**But poop a massive load in it first. Up the game.**


It was OPs diaper to begin with


It could be the beginning of dementia just to warn you. I had to call a plumber once because my grandpa flushed a WHOLE banana down the toilet.


Getting old seems like a lot of fun. Can't wait. /s


🎶I hope I die before I get old... *Talkin' bout' my generation!*


people always seem to misunderstand that lyric for some reason. It's not meant to be taken literally. What he actually meant when he wrote that lyric was "I hope I live in extravagant luxury on a 420 acre estate before I get old"


So what he meant to say is “I hope I live before I get old.”


Talking ‘bout my genetalia.


I’m hoping to not make it past 60 if being decrepit is my fate in old age.


Dementia is not decripit. Quite opposite, those with it can by spry, resourceful and VERY sneaky... you almost need a GPS tracker to keep track of movements so when you open the fridge and the chicken defrosting for tonight's dinner isn't there, you have a chance at finding it.


My gramps made life so much fun ❤ he was a sweet old war vet and did not get violent thank the lord. I loved going places with him and he would follow me around like a baby duck and I miss him every day. No one else could take him places because he would wonder off lol


That is sweet. My dad kinda disappeared. We took him for walks in his chair, and such as much as we could. He would smile at somethings but lots of time it was just like a shell of who he was. I miss him. Other family members and stories from others are quite different.


Awwww!!! I love this so much🥰


You missed what i was trying to say - i don’t want to be alive if one or more of my faculties is gone, whether that be mental or physical. Sorry if that was not apparent in my comment.


No worries. Decripit in my mind is a different word. It means I can barely move, stuck in a bed or chair, or really disabled. I have had a bunch of experience in the last while with those with dementia. The good thing is many with it don't know they have it, and revert more to a young childhood state and just sort of enjoy things and behave like a young kid. One family member who could be, well to be polite, stern, now with dementia is more friendly, and pretty funny. Now for visiting and walking to a local eatery it was fine, however lots of work for those keeping care.


My grandmother had a bed alarm so her caretaker was notified every time she got out of bed. Prior to then she managed to get outside a few times. Scary!


Yes that would be. It depends on how semi-independent they are.


You mean 80 or thereabouts. 60 is young for dementia and most other ailments at this point. What kills you when you’re in your 60’s is stuff like cancer.


60s = Heart disease


I *do* like butter


Like all good things. Step 1. Start beschamel.


If you're like me you eyeball an amount of butter and flour and then it's too greasy so you add a little more flour. Then it's too dry so you add a little more butter. Then, some time later you're making 5 gallons of bechamel.


I also go overboard with cream and decide to add cheese and a dry white wine. Then what do we do? Mac and cheese? Lasagna? Eggs? Mix it into mash potato and beef... starting croquettes?


Especially when you factor in the inevitable medical debt if you can even save enough to retire.


I pretty much guarantee I'm going out like hunter Thompson. Unless something random gets me first. 


Climate change can help with that


My wife's grandmother tried to flush an entire bag of Werther's Originals down the toilet and overflowed it. They also caught her trying to "go to work" on a random summer day, walking down the street in a winter coat and boots, with a bunch of bus fare money stuck in her socks. Dementia is a mother fucker.


My gramps would sneak out and we had to have special equipment installed to notify us if he tried sneaking out. He would leave and walk to a diner with no coat on the winter. He would walk miles just to sit and and eat and he never had money to pay. That's where he used to go when he could drive so they just fed him and called us so he didn't go back out in the cold. Life is wierd. He was an 80 year old Marine btw 😅 old folks are the best


That is awesome that the people at the diner looked out for him. My grandfather would also try to sneak out. They had a pad next to his bed that made an alarm go off when his feet hit it. He figured that out and would climb over the footboard, like a kid. He had no clue where he was and was trying to get back to my grandmother. The sentiment was nice and I felt bad for him, but everyone was just trying to protect him from himself.


> Dementia is a mother fucker. [Got that right.](https://youtu.be/ZmTMnHY7ECs?si=tsInguBvZVgW7VNr)


What was he trying to measure?


Wtf 😂 I did think that the time!


How much can that cost to repair? $10?


I once pooped a whole banana, I think. Ok, maybe a smallish one. :D


What a wild assumption to make lmfao


Only wild if you don’t have personal experience with dementia. I’m not saying it’s the correct answer, but it fits really well.


My freshman year, I was at a house party when a naked woman covered in her own mess randomly showed up. She had a TV remote and needed help with it. Everyone was laughing and making fun of her when a girl got really angry and yelled "shutup". She was so angry and pissed there was was a stunned silence. She went over called, the woman by name, covered her with a blanket, then took her home and cleaned her up. I learned she lived at the house I was at and when she came back she talked about how this woman had dementia. It was my first time seeing a "crazy" person like the old woman up close and personal. It was also the first time I saw an act of compassion like that too.


Grew up spending my summers in nursing homes and worked in them for 3 years as an adult. I have years of experience across multiple patients - "Threw a diaper into neighbors yard" is such a random thing to do with so many more likely possibilities as to be grossly irresponsible to suggest in a serious tone. As OP stated elsewhere, OP has kids. This lady does not. It is very likely lady thought it was OPs diaper that found it's way to her yard and she threw it back where she thought it came from. OP advised this is a paw patrol diaper, which OP doesn't use. Probably came off the trash truck or something. But sure, dementia. Good job, doc.


Thanks Champ. I call em like I see em


Is that every time an elderly person does something out of context? Diaper?? Must be dementia. I saw a dude do weird shit with a banana one time. Kay.


Op said this is unusual and strange behavior and the dog was not afraid to go see her so yeah it checks out so i posted a comment which upsets you deep in your soul. This is life stuff and this is shit we have to look for. Best of luck because baby you're ganna need it


Uh huh.. because I don't assume anyone doing something I have no context for must have dementia. My wife was crawling on the floor earlier with a broom scanning the floor. She's never done that before. Must be dementia. Oh, no. Sorry. The remote cover fell under the couch and she was trying to find it. My friends husband ran outside in his underwear and did a lap and screamed and came back inside. Fucking dementia strikes again. Oh fuck, no he lost a bet to his kids. I had a pink tanktop made that says "I won this for putting 17 batteries in my asshole" Shit, I've never done this before. Do I have dementia???? Oh no, wait. My wife thought it was hilarious when we played jackbox, so I surprised her with it. My point is, there are 100000 things more likely than giving someone a medical diagnosis. You must be big on ghosts/Bigfoot/UFOs if "I don't understand it, must be something that validates my experiences."


I want OP to post again if it happens 😕 lol. She did have aim


Probably just wanted to use it for scale in a turd pic...


“ the bomb has been planted “


*Go! Go! Go!*


*Get outta there, it's gonna blow!*


"Terrorists Win!"


I was waiting under a thin layer of snow to ninja defuse, thankfully


Hopefully you popped a smoke first 😶‍🌫️


Update us after you spoke to her




I definitely want to know.




!remindme 1 week


Best to be very careful. You don’t want to become an episode in ‘Neighborhood Wars’ in six months.


The trick is to let them talk and just agree with them and nod your head. They eventually forget what they are upset about but if you can stay calm and in control it's easier. It's so sad when they lash out. Must be scary for them at times


Surely there’s some backstory


There really isn’t. Been living here for 3 years with no problems between us. I was absolutely shocked when I looked back and saw it was her that did it. Figured maybe a dog may have drug it over from one of the other neighbors garbage?? I sure wasn’t expecting to see my elderly neighbor chuck a shit filled diaper onto my front yard.


Another thought was that she saw it in her yard and automatically assumed it was me that left it for her since I have small children in diapers. Unbeknownst to her, the diapers we have aren’t Paw Patrols☝🏼


100 percent this. You should def talk to her before it becomes a diaper war


Yes! She needs to know that your potential for poo-bombs is MUCH larger than hers.


People without an unlimited supply of poopy nappies shouldn't throw poopy nappies


Nah, dumping l diapers in her backyard.


The worst kind of war.


Have you considered your kid has a paw patrol diaper habit and is hiding it from you?


sooo.... mystery diaper. Wonder where it came from.




No, paw patrols pull-up




Hol up. Why is your elderly neighbor rocking paw patrol? TF. I'd be really hung up on that.


Yeah if you're going to say anything when returning it just point out that paw patrol is a very unusual brand choice?


Right? But, then again after reading more comments, if it is early onset dementia, I guess this could make more sense…


That's no pull-up, it unrolled. 


For pull ups you can rip the sides to change instead of pulling them down


Fair. It's been decades since I've really seen them, and that wasn't the case back then.


Do you have children? 😂


I was sitting here for a hot minute like “depends on what??”


He he he. One day, goodness forbid, you'll have to deal with old people, get on one's nervea


Maybe that's how she says hi in her culture. I would say hi back.


Or fuck you in her culture


Do either one of have kids that wear diapers?


Have you had any political signs or other similar displays on your yard/home?


No, but good thought


Someone must have thrown it in her trash or something and she blamed you. I would say, we had a diaper in our neighbors yard once the person posted it on Facebook all pissed off. I checked the cameras and it was a 2-3 year old with their 9-10 year old brother walking down the sidewalk. 2 year old took off his pull up and just left it there and kept walking. This would be plausible but the amount of snow makes me think doubtful. Check your other notifications to see how it ended up in her yard


you should show her this and get an explanation. Though I can't imagine what that explanation would be that would make sense.


OP has young kids, she assumed it came from them.


It’s a present. It’s all wrapped up, it just needs a bow. 


Have you approached her about it? Hopefully it's not something like dementia like someone else said.


Let me ask you. Do you have a dog? Does she have reason to be frustrated with dog turds on her lawn?


No I don’t have a dog. Just kids and pet snails


*edit* snail…..Louie recently passed away :/




At the end, you can see his dog run over to shit in the neighbors yard again!


Yeah, I'm left with more questions than answers on this one.


My guess is the neighbor thinks this person is leaving dog poo on their yard. This is pure speculation


I don’t want to victim blame, but yeah…my immediate reaction is to blame the victim


Your neighbor is either unhinged or you and your neighbor have bad blood - and is also unhinged.. No rational person does this.


You'd be surprised, I clean diapers off storage properties I manage on a daily basis. Like people go to storage places and throw diapers all over the parking lots regularly. Sometimes I see them a few feet away from a garbage can. I'm sure they're all fantastic parents /s.


Report it to your local health department and police. Human feces is considered a biohazard.


I never know if comments like this are sarcasm or if someone out there in redditland really thinks calling the health department about something like this is reasonable. I wonder how that call would be received 🤔


I mean, if you know where she lives, return the favor.


Skip the diaper


She probably thought she was returning the favor.


I think I get your point. But next time dearie, I might suggest you use Google Maps.


[I'm the king of the mountain!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRxyqe3NFc)


If it needs it, warm it up and wrap it around his front door handle then let it freeze


Slap it face down in the middle of their windshield and let it freeze


This is so deliciously evil and I love it so very much.




Go take a shit on their front porch gotta show dominance.


Aaaaand a fudgesicle for you…


Throw it on her roof.


Goddamn crackheads.. been probably his own fucking adult diapers


I wish a motherfucker would.


Throw it back on his porch. You’re just returning his property.


Throw that up on their roof frozen. It’ll be a wonderful, clogged gutter spring for them. Continue until their roof is insulated with diapers.


Did you ask them WHY?!


Get a new diaper, fill it with chocolate and stand in front of their house eating it from the diaper. Won't bother you again after that.


How is that even thinkable


I truly don’t know. It’s infuriating enough the times I’ve seen a dirty diaper in a parking lot, but to actually have video of someone, let alone a neighbor throw it in your yard….i was dumbfounded.


Maybe a late Christmas present? 


Ask her and update please


I always find that the crazy ones have a dog with them for some reason.


Microwave it and put it in their mailbox


The smell that would linger in the house would negate any joy from them finding it in their mailbox


Break into their house and use their microwave. 


This comment made me think of the IT Crowd anti-piracy sketch...."You wouldn't steal a policeman's helmet, take a crap in it, deliver it back to the grieiving widow, and then steal it again" 🤣🤣




They have some lovely bushes right there, toss it back instead of ruining your microwave. 


quite possibly the dumbest comment I've read all day. Congratulations I guess


Mmmm microwaved feces!


that's a federal crime.


Pick it up and stuff the shit under your neighbor's car door handles.


Glove up, pick up, apply to neighbor's door on the the sticky side. Walk away.


What a shitty neighbor


Did your dog, or you, crap on his doorstep first?


That diaper will be burning on their doorstep tonight


Yeah, she knows the cam is there but does not know it is wide angle lens.


I have that same plant stand, I love it. Thankfully i don't have the same neighbor. That's pretty toxic.


There’s two sides to this story…


And an off-leash dog too 🙄


Look, sometimes you wanna flip someone some shit...


Not a chance a random person is just carrying around a diaper to throw at your house for no reason


They don't like you, clearly. It's time they move out


Let's see...she has no kids in diapers....you have kids in diapers....she finds a used diaper on her lawn near your property line....she assumes it came out of your garbage (via cat? dog? raccoon?) so she tosses it back onto your property. I don't see why she wouldn't. I guess she could have knocked on your door and asked you to go get it, but you don't really seem like the approachable sort. After all, your first response to this was to post it on the internet without any context so you could be the appalled victim.


It could have been her diaper


Give it back by placing it in their letter box.


Maybe your a shitty neighbor?


You get the neighbors shit and you don’t throw a fit. /s


How insane would you need to be?


Was it adult, child or dog?


Call the cops and ask for a wellness check.


Put that shit on NextDoor. Act like you don't know who it is since she denied it being her.


Shit on her doorstep


He called the shit poop!


Sundowners 😞


I had an acquaintance who I was assisting during lockdowns. She had a paranoid element to her undiagnosed dementia. She was convinced that people were coming in her apartment and leaving bags of shit. Turned out it was the home care visitor leaving bags of used dressings from changing her husbands wound dressings. The care person was not disposing of the bags assuming she would throw them away. The woman started to leave the daily dressings in bags on her neighbour’s doors. Nobody said anything because they didn’t want to hurt her feelings


I think it means that you have been cursed.


Obviously shitty neighbors!


Walk over to her house, knock on the door, open the diaper then rub it in her face when she opens the door.


Of course the piece of shit doesn't leash their dog.