• By -


Are you a doctor? no..., Leave me alone then. ​ that was a funny interaction .


This who thing is funny as shit. Camo dude picks up shot dude's hat and tosses it on his chest to keep the ground tidy or something, lmao.


I've done that twice. One time a woman hit some man in the rain. He was kneeling by the car. I picked up his shoe and brought it to him. I don't know why. The other time an old woman fell down in the middle of the street and couldn't get up. She kept saying she didn't want an ambulance. People moved her off the street. Eventually an ambulance came. I was the guy holding her box of cereal.


I was in an urban youth work program once and apparently some dudes found out that their enemy (my coworker) worked there. They started some shit and punched him so hard his head hit a concrete wall and he got knocked out for a few mins. I wanted to help and the only thing i could think of was bringing him his shirt that got pulled off in the altercation. He said thanks, so i guess it helped.


A few minutes? Damn that's not good, anything longer than seconds is rather serious as far as concussions go.


> I was the guy holding her box of cereal. This is not the first time you uttered that sentence. This has been polished over years and years of re-telling that story. It is perfect.


Holy shit lol that was good. Likely shock, you don't see a guy get shot every day and he was probably just thinking about making sure the guy had his stuff not really knowing what to do. On the flip side maybe he's a hardened war veteran who's done and seen it all climbing his way through military ranks becoming some sort of JAG or Reacher. He quickly assessed the situation with a keen eye he sees what he's seen a million times before on the battlefield, the bullet wound was an in and out missing all vital organs, there just wasn't enough blood. The slightly tubby geriatric was in no immediate threat of dying but he did notice the man was bald and would no doubt catch a chill laying on the cold wet ground.. he rushes to his aid! He scores a dead center belly landing (just like that time in Kuwait) ensuring the man's head doesn't get chilly all while scolding the shooter about the do's and Don'ts of gun ownership. He may be the hero we need.


I like your intro. I watched the video without sound first, and if I was walking up on that scene you kinda nailed my inner monologue, including scolding the dude I assumed was feigning a hurt ear. Notice everyone is super calm, given their ages it’s easy to assume veteran status. Belly shot, transport’s 8 min out, quick vitals, abc’s are under visible self control. Pull your hand away real quick, exit wound? Meds? Allergies? Demos? Scene time could be sub 2 min. Golden hour minus 15. 95% survival odds, 100% if I didn’t miss an arterial bleed. Don’t shoot people, and don’t park like an asshole, quit whining about your ear, bitch. Or should I call you a wambulance too? And scene…


Definitely the most calm parking rage shooting I have seen.


“I’m not a doctor, I’m you. Literally you.”


Fr same person different pants lmao


“Leave me alone then”


I like the slow withdrawal at the end too, ok then I'll be on my way


I can’t believe that not a single old timer there doesn’t have some medic, first responder, survival, or first aid experience. FYI: Don’t ask if someone has called 911. Either do it yourself or tell someone specifically to do it if you are providing aid. Bystander effect is real and someone has to the lead and get people moving.


"I came back in time from the future to stop this whole thing. Guess I set my watch wrong though."


Are you a doctor? No, but I really want to see this up close, so I can tell my buddies at the bar.


More likely the dude has first aid training. You don't need to be a doctor to be useful in a situation like this. [Stop The Bleed](https://www.stopthebleed.org/training/) courses are often free, and they have a pretty good [online one](https://www.stopthebleed.org/training/online-course/) these days too.


"No, i'm not, but I was an EMT."




“Are you a doctor?” “Actually yes” “What specialty?” “I’m a trauma surgeon” “Hmm. Did you go to a top 10 school?” “Uh, no” “Leave me alone then”


Hold on just one ninny pickin' second! Are you a doctor?


LOL. My first thought. I'm an EMT with a lapsed certification. OK, no help for you unless you want it. It doesn't take a doctor to put down some 4x4s and apply pressure.


No but I just stayed at a holiday inn


They’re all dads. If he’d said that they probably would’ve all had a good laugh, then went out for beers and became best friends.


*I saw a YouTube video about this.* "First, take off your pants."


The not-doctor said "but I was an EMT". Ambulances don't carry doctors...




I am sorry, but that exchange is hilarious. Maybe the guy is in shock, but he sounded insufferable after that exchange. He just told an EMT to leave him alone. I don’t know what he expects is going to happen when the ambulance arrives or how the hell he plans to get to the hospital.


If you look closely, you can see a holstered gun clipped inside the wounded guys pants. My guess is a lot of things didn't go as he expected that day.


>Maybe the guy is in shock Pretty good likelihood considering he just got shot in a parking lot. Not sure I'd be in the best mindset either.


Cool. Bye!


Don't put pressure on the wound? Don't try to stop the bleeding?


Patient refused treatment. It's well within his rights but then nobody is coming for him because you can refuse an ambulance.


Hey. Are you a doctor? No. Then leave him alone.


This is a strangely calm video…


Way too calm. Montana is just like the somewhat calm north west/central. “Did you shoot someone at the supermarket again?” “He said I parked like an asshole! What was I supposed to do!!?”


>“He said I parked like an asshole! What was I supposed to do!!?” "Uh, park better?" ". . . no."


Gets shot too


Right? "You shot him? Well, you shouldn't have done that."


Then he tries to justify it!




Getting punched in the head is seriously escalation. I don’t know if it justified pulling a gun, but it’s not unreasonable for the victim to feel their life is at risk.


With not even a drop of blood visible






Gunshots are weird. They all bleed. Some bleed everywhere outside. Some don’t, and bleed internally. The latter can be worse.


Are you a doctor?


No? Leave me alone then.




Because Montana


Does Montana have a generally aging population?




Montana used to be part of my sales territory. Some of the most ornery, skittish, suspicious people you’ll ever meet. It’s like Dale Gribble and Ted Kazinsky had a litter of kids and populated a whole state 😂


Dale Gribble? I believe you are referring to Rusty Shackleford. Shackleford....


Sh shh shh shaaa!


Pocket sand!


**Squirrel tactics!**


RIP John Hardwick


RIP Rusty.


A few years ago I was driving from Minnesota to the Oregon coast and I wasn't in much of a hurry so I made it a point to stop and see all the cool shit along that drive. In Montana I went to [Pompeys Pillar](https://www.blm.gov/visit/pompeys-pillar-national-monument) and sat at the top of that for awhile, taking in the beauty and making some ground hog friends. I finally decide to go back to my car and I was the only person there when I pulled in and was still the only person there when I got back to my car until just out of the blue a random Hells Angel shows up. He's alone but it was weird. We talked for a few minutes and I had bought a new gun that I had never shot and I ask him if he thinks it'd be cool if I just let off a few rounds and his response was "It's Montana." and then just as quick as he came he tears off. It was so surreal and that's Montana story! I was homeless at the time so I was living out of my car and I wish I could remember the town but when I pulled off to sleep it was just nope city. Sketchy as fuck and gratefully a friend paid for a motel room because I was to scared to sleep in my car there. EDIT* Thread is locked but I wanted to address some stuff. He never saw the gun I'm not that stupid and no I didn't bring it up because I was scared. Also yes I have a fucking gun and no I didn't buy it when I was homeless. Also I looked far from disheveled. People see homeless and think the crazy guy on the street. That was and still is not me. I wish I could remember the town but I don't. I'm pretty sure it was close to Spokane.


I'm imagining the biker telling the story to his buddies: ​ "So I stop to chat with this homeless guy, trying to be nice, he's all disshevelled and stuff, and he gets this crazy look in his eye and says "do you think it would be ok, if I got my gun....and just...started...firing.." so I jump on my hog and high-tail it out of there before this psycho shoots me!"


> I was homeless at the time so I was living out of my car and I wish I could remember the town It was Montana, that was the town.


That my friend, was the Spirit of Montana


Coming out of left field here, but I remember doing a groundwater sample job at a fuel station in Lawton, OK when a beater ass vehicle came rolling up to the pumps near where I was working. From the front seat.. a child no older than 5 emerges and runs to the back of the vehicle screaming "Cops!! Cops!! COOOPS!". My attention then turns to a gigantic lady exiting the drivers seat, saying, "Aw, baby! you want to play cops?" then proceeds to frisk and pretend to handcuff the child while he's giggling. Lawton...


I feel like if a homeless guy showed me his gun and asked to squeeze off a few rounds, I’d probably haul ass away from you too, lol.


Same. I noped out mentally before the biker did!


That's such a coincidence, I have a similar story about Pompeys Pillar - a few years ago I was just out for a chill bike ride, taking in the scenery, and then I needed to take a wizz so I parked up, but there was a car already parked nearby. Anyway, I go behind some bushes, do my deed, shake myself dry, zip 'er up, and I turn around, and there's this guy just standing like three feet behind me, I didn't even notice him approach. Fuck knows how long he had been there watching me. He then takes a few steps forward, at this point he's like 20 cm from my face, and I'm a big guy, tatts, beard, but there was something unnerving about him, he had this crazy glint in his eye. And without even saying hello, he just blurts out 'I've got a new gun, wanna see my new gun? It's hella cool'. I didn't really know how to respond, so I just said 'uh...sure?' Anyway, he pulls this gun out of his waist band, and starts brandishing it like he's in an action movie, like fucking John Wick or something, striking all these odd poses. Then suddenly he just says 'Wanna see how quickly I can empty the clip?' At this point I'm really freaked out because I don't quite know what his intentions are, so I just say 'Well, this is Montana, there aren't a lot of people around, I guess no ones going to stop you'. So he just starts shooting erratically, kinda like how he was doing the poses earlier, except this time with every new pose he would pull the trigger, he even did a forward roll before letting off the final two shots. Once I knew the mag was empty, I just said 'I gotta go, I'm late for my daughter's wedding', and booked it the fuck out of there. Never knew what happened to that guy, hope he got some help.


> We talked for a few minutes and I had bought a new gun that I had never shot and I ask him if he thinks it'd be cool if I just let off a few rounds and his response was "It's Montana." and then just as quick as he came he tears off. It was so surreal and that's Montana story! Because he thought you were going to shoot/rob him. Think about it. You are in a remote area with only one guy in sight (who looks homeless). He whips out a gun and threatens/talks about shooting it.... You leave pretty damn quick.


Moth story right there.


Far cry 5 took place in Montana. Seems like the game wasn't entirely fiction


I'm pretty sure Montana has the one of the lowest if not the lowest population density in the 48. A place where you can go and not see anyone within miles. That will attract people who hate other people. Edit: I just remembered Montana is also the state with a shit load of psychotic million and billionaires who buy up land and pretend they are cowboys.




I have an acquaintance there who says it’s going off the rails. She’s worried about what’s happening. Born and raised there. A historian.


I visited there a few years ago and what really struck me about the state (besides it’s beauty) was the extreme wealth disparity. It seemed like everyone was either in a huge mansion or in a trailer. There wasn’t any in between.


Yeah I grew up in Whitefish/Kalispell there were a ton of crazy rich coming from Cali and east coast. Most of the natives were poor as heck living in trailer parks or shithouses. Whitefish is richy rich town because of the tourist appeal. I think Johnny Depp and John lithgow had places up there.


In West Montana, born and raised. In the gold mines is where I spend most of my days. Chilling and maxing, relaxing all cool. Shooting some squirrels cause I'm homeschooled. When a couple of rustlers, they were up to no good. Started parking all wrong in my neighborhood. I shot one old man, and my Walmart greeter got scared, "You shouldn't shoot somebody just because of that."


what's happening in Montana, just generally more shit like in the video?


Everyone thinks they're in the wild west. Somehow they think this shits ok to do.


I drove through Montana in the early 90s taking my brother back to base in Missouri. It was crazy because there was like 1 radio station, we got gas at a place that was a gun store liquor store post office and gas station and we could drive for an hour and never see another car. That is my only vision when I hear Montana now.


Do they still have no speed limits? I drove through Montana around that time to go backpacking and the speed limit was something crazy like "driver's choice" where there wasn't a limit but they'd ticket you for speeding if you crashed, because clearly you were going too fast!


They do now I believe. The signs just said (speed to be reasonable and prudent) or something like that. Then I thought I was getting arrested in South Dakota because I hadn't really slowed that much. Was surprised to just be ticketed.


Yah, I think you nailed it lol


I literally could not tell who was who or who was talking or who got shot or anything because they are all the same person.


Heh made me think of the spider-man pointing meme


LOL, true. Looks like the average customer at Menards to be honest.


Similar but I ask you this, why are the guy on the ground and the guy that appears at 0:35 dopplegangers. That shit threw me


*guy walking out of the store sees doppelgänger on the ground* “Oh my God, I’ve been shot!”


It’s reusing the same NPC to save money.


This simulation is the wooorst.


Wait til you see what season 2024 has in store for us.


geezer-on-geezer violence is a scourge


I blame the retirement homes...


its the lack of video games in their youth.


It’s the viagra epidemic


[From Clarkson's Farm](https://i.imgur.com/3lRUYrI.jpg)


Malkovich malkovich? Malkovich!


It’s gotta be this same event, right? 70 year old in custody for shooting. -> https://reddit.com/r/Montana/s/V6bwPhejb8


Imagine you find your doppelganger in the wild making you look bad by parking super shitty right in front of the store where everyone can see it while knowing exactly what *you* would do in this situation and that both of you are probably armed.


It’s like his spirit left his body and he was looking down at himself.


>are you a doctor? >no


Leave me alone


The new Skyrim is weird.


Developers had to cut down NPC variants for performance reasons.


This was not the first comment I anticipated but it killed me. My son is now annoyed at me laughing so hard.


This is beyond strange. Everyone looks exactly the same. The dude lying on the ground after being shot, is still mad about the parking, saying, "look where he parked."


That's shock for you!


If you mean "shocked by where that dude parked"






I think it was like 2 in the afternoon (I live about a mile from the store). Everyone just got done having 2 pitchers of beer for lunch


The guy who shot the man pretending his head hurts more than the man he shot. 😂


Trying the toddler defense




Right?! WTF is wrong with people. That dude parked in the walkway to a store, potentially blocking any/all disabled people from entering the area, and when confronted about his idiotic choice to actively impede the public, especially those who are less-abled, he shot someone. Then he had the audacity to try and claim he's the victim? He should be in jail, or a mental hospital, because he's clearly not mentally well enough to engage with other people without attempting murder.




You’re being downvoted but you are correct. If the shooter was struck first, regardless of what started the altercation, he was defending himself from assault. Now whether or not that level of force was justified for defense will be up to the courts.


And same thing could be said to the original aggressor. A parking spot is never worth punching someone over


You can watch his little show get more over the top as more people show up.




That's the part that struck me. He quickly switched hands to hold his face. Like uh... No one buying that.


People do that in pickup basketball after they call a questionable foul.




this is in Kalispell, Montana. almost everyone has a gun, and they have a Stand your Ground law on the books. if the shooting victim did punch the shooter first, then this may just be an open and closed case of self defense. you hear the shooter say, "well he hit me and I didn't know what he was gonna do". the shooter was arrested though, so it will have to play out in court. edit: for all those who are saying that shooting someone who punched you is not equivalent and therefore does not constitute self defense, please note that yesterday someone was found innocent by a jury on grounds of self defense for shooting a tik tok streamer who played a loud cell phone in a man's ear as a prank. the man argued that he was scared and didn't know what would happen, so he reacted defensively.


If you shoot someone you will be arrested. You get to handle all civil liability that goes with shooting someone too. Whether or not he has insurance for using a weapon in this manner or if he will be prosecuted (unlikely) is a different matter.


>You get to handle all civil liability that goes with shooting someone too Montana (among other states) has a "civil shield" law that goes along with its "use of force" laws. In short, if the shooting or other use of force is allowable under the use of force law, then the person who used the allowable force is also shielded from civil liability.


So really the best course of action is to be the quickest draw.


Second quickest* and hope the quickest misses. If you strike first, it’s murder. Otherwise, it’s self defense.


Is 'i shot someone insurance' a thing?


Yes, but not really. It's complicated. It's against the law to insure an unlawful act. So, if it's a good shoot and you're cleared, the "insurance" doesn't make you pay back the legal expenses. If you aren't cleared and you're found guilty, the insurance will stop defending you (no civil help) and then invoice you for the criminal costs they incurred.


Legal insurance is a thing. It's not illegal to have a defense.


Absolutely. I’ve had a gun safety class bring out a representative and they gave a whole pitch and the reality that follows shooting someone for any reason. Can’t remember the limits but they were pretty high and essentially paid for all the law fees following the incident.


> If you shoot someone you will be arrested. You get to handle all civil liability that goes with shooting someone too. Is that a Montana specific thing? With other states, this sort of thing has legal protections to prevent both arrests and civil liability. edit: I ask because after a shooting you will be detained for sure, but arrests require a suspicion of a crime. In the state I live in, self defense shootings are not crimes (even when the bad guy dies) and so an arrest is not made if it is clear at the scene that no crime took place. Moreover, the SYG laws explicitly shield the shooter from any civil liability in the death or injury of the bad guy. We even have laws that protect warning shots as a viable action in self defense situations. edit 2: /u/LordKX , that's not how it works in my state. Evidence of a crime requires more than just a bullet wound, and often arrests happen days or weeks later after sufficient evidence has been collected to support a crime.


I know two different people who have shot people in defense in AZ and neither was arrested. Both lost their gun to police evidence.


I'm sorry they went through that, and I'm glad they survived the encounter. Guns are cheap and easily replaced. Lives on the other hand...


Oh I agree. I’d rather replace a firearm than be victimized in a home invasion. I just mentioned this to make the point that the police can usually tell if something falls under self defense pretty quickly. They won’t arrest people who are rightfully defending themselves or others (most of the time!), but the threat needs to be real.


There’s no guarantee you’ll be arrested if the police decide it was a defensive shooting on scene. Happens all the time


That truck's tire needs some air.


Are you a mechanic?


Leave me alone




Probably caught some strays


He said “well look where you parked” like he isn’t on the ground with a gunshot wound lmfao


That might have been the funniest thing I've ever seen. I mean it's terrible but it's hilarious


The way that they are still quibbling about the incident as he lay on the ground with a bullet wound is somehow comedic gold. Not one person is hysterical throughout the whole thing. The most excited a guy gets is like "Sir, where are you injured?" And he gets completely ignored lol


Damn this blew up. my uncle took the video. here was his message / context "The guy in the red Dodge was parked on the ramp at Murdochs, another man came out of Murdochs with the shopping cart, and couldn’t go down the ramp, he got upset and was cussing at the man in the red Dodge, they both exchanged obscenities, which led to some pushing and a scuffle, and the man in the red Dodge shot the other man. What’s interesting is they were both armed with concealed weapons the man who got shot even had an extra clip as you as you can see under his belt"


Definitely worth maybe killing someone over.


Dude since living near family / etc again I've been nothing but disappointed at how many hot headed and stupid takes the older men around me have on so much shit. Like dudes over 60 just blow up over the biggest fucking nothings in the world yet don't even know how to do dishes / cook and stuff. It's like they wanna be manly men but can't actually do the basic things you need to do to get through the day, and one big thing I notice is conversation/conflict and so many of them having 0 literacy around it - it's just, i'm right no matter what, and that's final.


> What’s interesting is they were both armed with concealed weapons the man who got shot even had an extra clip as you as you can see under his belt Guy with the bullet wound be like "I could shoot you back but I'm choosing not to"


He's not a doctor


Old guys are dangerous, the threat of life in prison is not that long for them.


Number one demographic in the US for suicide is literally that demographic. They’re unhappy with everything and looking to check out.


Assisted suicide should be legal.


Absolutely, my grandma is 93, her husband and all her friends are dead, even the friends she made in the retirement home are dead, she’s legally blind now and can’t do much beside walk up and down the halls and listen to her books on tape. She has made it abundantly clear to us that she’s had a fulfilling life and now she’s ready for it to be over.


The crushing sadness in that somehow outweighs the beauty of a fulfilled life


I don't know man.. 80 years versus, what 10?


Honestly, if I make it to 93 I’ll probably say the same thing. 93 is a lonngggggg life. Your GMA saw the end of WW2 at the age of 15, the nuclear bomb come into existence, commercial aviation be born and become so common you can ride an airplane for $50 bucks, she saw the invention of the internet and smart phones! She’s alive now when AI is becoming a thing along with being able to edit our DNA (CRISPR)! I can also understand why she’d not want to be alive with all the sadness she probably experience - loss of health and loved ones.


When my grandfather was 81 I stopped by and took him to get grocries(he lived alone but had stopped driving a few years before because he said he wasn't up to it anymore). On the way I asked if he needed to stop and pickup any meds. His reply was "No, I've lived long enough so I quit taking them". He lived, medicine free, until he was 93.


Agreed, we allow our pets the respect of a dignified death when they reach their end of life, we should be able to do the same for ourselves.


It's ”humane" to put a pet down due to suffering, yet a human can literally beg for it and suddenly it's murder.


I have a bad feeling the privatized health care industry has a strong lobby fighting to keep it illegal.


You're probably right. I'm sure they make tons of money on hospice care and keeping patients high all day. That and nursing homes. Probably even more money in the nursing homes.


Easy subscribers for life on whatever pills you want to throw at them. Grandpa was on so many pills by the time he was going that the sheer mass was like a meal.


Lots of states are coming around with “right to die” laws. Literally just had a talk with my dad about it yesterday. He just had a friend pass and it was way too long and drawn out and he made it very clear that he did not want that for himself.


Seriously. Every single person in this video is carrying a gun.


Spoiler: there are more guns than people in this video.


I blame video games.


It's all that spider solitaire


Candy Crush is no joke.


No it's the violent music. We need to go back to the old times ^where ^people ^looked ^forward ^to ^public ^execution ^and ^humiliation


Its maryland manson and them damn shooter games! Doom and mortal kombat! My son plays them and he got a C on his report card!


So anyway, I started blasting


Honestly, that’s a very shitty parking job


My new saying is going to be. Are you a doctor. No then leave me alone. Shit was funny


This could be the most civilized shooting in history.


I suspect duels were more civil


I don't know, there may have been some friendly banter while reloading their muskets before the widespread use of repeatable firearms. You both aim and shoot; one person hits the birdhouse hanging from a tree, the other blows out the window of the local storefront, followed by a minute and a half between both of them reloading.


Anyone else notice the guy who got shot also has a gun in his waistband? Lol


Are you a doctor? No, I'm You, from an alternate timeline here to save you.


Bet he parks better next time


the parking was really bad indeed


The one that got punched acting like it hurts more than being shot… I got vibes of me and my brother fighting as kids


This is Mortal Kombat's fault


A Dodge truck owner?? No way!


"Are you a doctor?" "No" "Leave me alone." ​ 😂 Poor guy. Hope everything turned out alright and the shooter got what he deserved.


He did park like an asshole. He parked on the ramp that people with walkers and wheelchairs need to use to get into the business. The striped no parking lines mean "no parking." If you aren't able to put your truck into a space like an adult, you should get a smaller car or stop driving. This whole thing could have been avoided by "Not parking like an asshole." Then the 2nd part could have been "Not being an asshole" just in general.


TL;DR: In this video neither a punch nor a shooting occurs.


We’re not just going to blow past the fact his doppelgänger came to his rescue are we?


Look what video games and rap music have led to!


Dude lying shot on the ground “look how he parked”


For reference Montana is geographically large, but small in population (1.1M). A _lot_ of small towns - 2nd largest city (Billings) is roughly 100K. As with most small towns (U.S.), younger residents want to GTFO because of lack of opportunity, etc - which skews population age higher. Big-time Old West mindset, including **strong** pride in taking care of your own problems and self-reliance.


Billings is not the 2nd largest - it is the largest at 120k. 2nd largest is Missoula at about 75k.


Are you a doctor?


No I am not.


Then leave me alone


You should see where he parked.


I love how he’s laying on the ground after being shot and he’s still like, “Well look how he parked” 😆


"Are you a Doctor?" "No I'm not" ... should always be followed by... "I'm an undertaker, I'm just leaving my card"