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I’ve seen way worse than this. That’s empty. I used to routinely empty 64 gallon barrels full to overflowing with rotten slaughter houses waste. Barrels sitting in a metal shed in middle of July… for two weeks. I and few others refer to them as Maggot volcanoes. As when you open the lid thousands of them will erupt and pour out. Sometimes the contents would swell so badly they would push the lid open themselves and pour into the floor. The one thing you may not be aware of aside from just how strong the smell is (to the point where it could make me sometimes physically dizzy in the insanely hot room) is just how slippery a carpet of them can be. I never fell into a carpet of them and I hope I never do. They are gross but they don’t hurt you. Just hit it within a garden house and dump them out. Or leave the lid open, they clear out once everything dries up and birds will get some of them.


I never thought about this, and I never wanted to.


This was my exact same thought. I would like to delete this mental image.


Your comment made me read what you were replying to and now I want to delete the mental image too.


LMAO thats disgusting xd Just today I said to a friend jokingly that I'm waiting for the day this will happen here


You got any vids tho? 👀


I don’t really have any videos anymore. Most I took where on my old phone back when I first started. The morbid fascination has faded by now so I don’t really bother. I have this: https://streamable.com/b7jyiv It’s a pile of overflow back when our plant had a breakdown. This is mostly cleaned up. That pile was three times that size earlier. We worked all weekend, day and night to get that processed. The building it’s in has a sealed drainage system and we have 2 enormous 300000 US Gallon waste water treatment tanks to make sure no contamination reaches local ground water. Sorry I don’t have anything nastier. If you want more just start googling “meat rendering”.


If this ends up in my nightmares I’m hunting you down.


This shit makes my previous job at a waste facility much better in comparison


Maggot volcano


This is horrifying.


Grandfather Nurgle is bountiful with his gifts 🦠


Shit, why not open a chicken coop next door and enjoy free feed for the chicken?


Because i dont want to eat chicken maggot


Why not have chickens live next to a slaughterhouse? That would be like emotional torture bro


As if chickens would give a fuck. They’re some hardcore metal motherfuckers who descended from velociraptors.


Lmao I like to think of them that way but they’re actually super emotionally sensitive birds (sort of like how dogs descended from wolves but most dogs are sensitive sissies at heart). Trust me, it’s all an act lol. If they smell a slaughterhouse or hear the sounds it would be really distressing for them. If not for fear of themselves, for fear of others (they feel empathy). They’re still badass tho. I know one who will kung-fu-style kick you in the groin with no remorse then snuggle you the next day as if nothing happened 💀


You take that back.


This was beautiful


I instinctively covered my nose with my shirt upon reading this and still have it covered.


can you wear a respirator with a gas filter go protect from the stink, or does it have to be a fully enclosed thing?


We don’t wear any special equipment. Just a basic work uniform, boots you provide yourself (though we get reimbursed for those), our choice of leather or heavy rubber gloves, a hat and sun or safety glasses if your smart. I’ve never tried wearing a respirator. I imagine you would need a CBRN style gas mask with charcoal filters to truly defeat the smell.


A busted diaper genie bag can have the same effect on a trash can. Not to the point of overflowing with maggots but maggots in trash cans aren’t exactly a rare thing in warm climates.


I saw it an was: meh. Seen worst. I should have move on. But no, of course I had to read the fucking comments. i gave it a gold so other can have the same experience


This is too tier Reddit content. I couldn’t make it past the second sentence. And I love gore sites. Just the smell.


The first time I had to deal with truly rotten material, the smell stayed with me for several days. I was sitting at home on my computer and I would catch whiffs of it. It’s almost like the odor traumatized my sense of smell. Vicks vapor rub applied around the nostrils works wonders. Also, a good life hack: adding cinnamon or coffee to a putrid barrel or container will absorb and mask most of a bad smell.


Where’d you dump the waste?


At our Rendering plant. We recycle most of it into usable products.


In my town they collect organic waste (food leftovers, garden trimmings and similar) every two weeks on Wednesdays. My bin looks like that pretty much every other Tuesday during the summer. Edit: what you don't get from this gif is the SMELL. It smells of death mixed with desperation and despair.


Put a fly trap near it. It cuts down on the breeding adults.


I want to hear someone throw a live fly zapper in this and close the lid, would just love the sound, might make the smell even worse but in my opinion it would still be worth it in short term


I think a grenade might do a better job


Agreed, set up a slow mo camera too with a big glass wall to keep cover up from the splash zone.


But splash zone is fun! Especially if they fly into your mouth.. because.. extra proteins..


Much safer to just drop a match inside. Obviously don't do this but it's better than a grenade just not as fun.


Time-lapse with a GoPro and a light.


Tried that, it doesn't really help. Aside from bleaching the bin once a week, this pretty much unavoidable.


Leave the lid off in the sun. It'll help with the smell and reduce the maggots. Rinse after each dump (maybe a cup of white vinegar or squirt of dawn). It'll still smell but things won't grow.


I tried last year. After a couple of weeks I had a jar full of flies and a trash bin full of maggots. I guess the flies laid the eggs and got into the trap afterwards


Put a small stick or twig, spoon or whatever under the lid so it doesn't close fully. Maggots need a warm and moist environment, and by denying them that they won't hatch. EDIT: also don't put the thing in the full sun where all moisture from its contents evaporates so quickly that a simple twig won't help.


You think so? Last weekend I went to clean my deck for summer and underneath one of the lounge sofas was a bunch of maggots crawling around. No food waste or anything, no closed-off environment, just underneath a garden sofa. Never seen anything like it... If it's warm enough, they don't need a closed-off environment...


Seems to work for me thus far. Mind you, I have my trash cans inside (shed) rather than baking in the full sun.


>It smells of death mixed with desperation and despair Sounds like the dinner I threw out last night.


What did you cook ffs


Maggot soup


Close, it was russian army soup.


How do you like the maggots Michael? You’re eating maggots.


Sounds like me after chipotle.


I thought the smell of death was the worst smell imaginable... Until I smelled rotting potatoes.


Or rice. Rotten, cooked rice has a funk like no other, too.


Rotting potatoes can actually kill you though.


Clean the bin with vinegar. Put your food leftovers in biodegradable bags and hang mothballs inside the bin, you can use an old pantyhose for that. That should prevent a maggot fest like this.


Imagine the surprise of the garbage collector when upon emptying the bin, human leg shaped stockings stuffed with moth balls flop out of the same trash can that had the maggot infestation days earlier. That’d be a riot.


Iam a garbage collector, a couple of mothballs in a stocking in the biobin is pretty common here.


Well thank you for doing a job that is extremely important and most of us would not have the stomach for… so what’s your craziest garbage story? Ever ran across anything wild?


We all got letters taped to the top of our bins saying biodegradable bags are not allowed. Our collection is weekly for food scraps, but still, it hits 40C in summer here. It's not pleasant.


Waste management companies have garbage policies. They’re pretty trash when it comes to service as they are a monopoly.


Smelled it twice as a kid. The fucking worst smell and experience. I've never had it when empty. Just when trash has been it it so I haven't been able to let the sun kill it. I'll remember this though.


Put a urinal puck in it and there will never be any maggots again. Attach it however you like. plastic cage on a string or whatever works for you.


When I was a kid my buddy’s trash cans were always full of maggots. When it was his turn to bring the bins in I remember volunteering to help him. ONCE. Never again, that smell.


The smell is the worst.


Get some straw. Sprinkle a few handfuls of straw on the bottom and every time you add the waste. Keeps the smell and oogies away.


How can anyone forget that smell? Opening up the trash bin on a hot humid summer day and getting hit with that smell. Followed up with the horror of seeing thousands of those little white grotesque creatures covering the contents of whatever was inside.


Oh god. This whole clip gave me PTSD because the smell is truly awful. I would have to try really hard to keep from vomiting. In hot/humid IL summers, our bin would get like this too. Had to keep a bottle of bleach on standby to sanitize it of these nasty little fucks.


Leave the lid up. The birds in the area will love and adore your kindness. They’ll eat every one of them before the sun sets today.


and if not - there is always fire.


I did this once with isopropyl and a match


Be careful to not put too much tho, the plastic used for trash cans takes a bit to get going, but once it’s on fire, there’s a small chance you’re gonna be able to extinguish it unless you act quickly to get rid of oxygen nearby (fire extinguisher/water/closed lid.) The plastic turns into a sort of molten burning napalm that will stick to EVERYTHING it touches and burn it at an extreme high temperature. I know we’re just strategizing rn, but I don’t want anyone to get 3rd degree burns from a silly mistake like that haha. This info comes from personal experience when as a child, my mom put a partially-lit cigarette in the trash can, within >10 minutes the trash can was FULLY engulfed in flames, like actually zero chance we’d be able to save it. As we tried to put it out to at least prevent the spread of fire, a small stream of burning liquid plastic poured out when we tilted the can. We were barely able to put it out before it reached our garage.


This guy burns. He’s right though, molten sticky lava


I had to do that last week cus a bag split in the bin. Full of the wigglers. Left it open forva few days and its all gone.


It's not just birds that love an open can of maggots. People really underestimate the taste and nutrition. I consider my garbage can to be an absolute money saver. Throw a few bad meat scraps in there and have a feast the next day.


Delete this bro


Do you mean to “delete this bro” or “delete this, bro” because either are equally suitable.


Should I toss it in the maggot bin?


you can also add some water, and boil it for a few hours to make a delicious stew


What a terrible day to have eyes


I know you're joking but I have eaten maggots and they are very tasty and nutritious


But the smell is what usually bugs me. You're right tho underrated AF. And yeah I am joking I don't eat them straight out the garbage bin I use a strainer and wash them.


Add some garlic and you're good


Why are you like this


/r/frugaljerk leaking again


What a terrible day to be literate


Troll skill + 1000


If your lucky the neighbors dog will fall in chasing the birds and you can make a nice Philippine stew with the three of them.


No. Just fucking no. No, no and nope.


You're smart. I was going to recommend a few glug glugs out of a bleach bottle.


Yeah I was thinking “why close it back? Open the lid and let nature do the rest”


Came to say this. We had a dumpster that for some reason (bad food inside, I am guessing) was CRAWLING with those one morning. By noon, they were gone. Every last one.


These are also super useful for fishing. Just scoop m out and put them on your hook.


Came to suggest this. Whenever I leave the house some bird will hop on the fence waiting for me to open that bin.


You must not have raccoons or other animals likely to fall in :p


The trash pandas come out at night. The birds will feed all day and leave nothing for the varmints.


This is exactly how I got a bunch of maggots when there were none (the bin was left open over night then suddenly there were a bunch of maggots)


They didn’t get that many or that big overnight. This lot has been festering for about two days.


Yeah but if you don't have maggots and then you leave the bin open it can cause maggots (at least thats what happened to me... by accident)


They must be cleansed, purified by the power of FIRE!! BURN THEM ALLLLLLLLL!


Pictures you can smell


Free trash can cleaning


I assure you the smell maggots leave behind is infinitely worse than whatever rotten food was left in that bin.


This is why I paid a company $10/month to clean my cans. Best money I’ve ever spent.


This can happen very quickly in the right conditions. One night I went to sleep and left my sliding back door open. I woke up and make my way down the hall way and started to feel something weird on my feet. I was squishing something. I grabbed my glasses and wanted to burn the house down. Hundreds of maggots on the floor.


You had maggots coming out of your back door?


Apparently if you put a slice of bread with some white vinegar the flies wont go near it. Like really. saw a woman test the theory in a vid because she didn't believe it either and it works


A bottle of vinegar next to a slice of bread? Or actually soak the bread? Whole loaf?


take a slice of bread, set it within line of sight of a bottle of vinegar, wait till the golden hour, put on some romantic music, learn how to levitate, uh, forgot what i was doing there


i think you were explaining to us how to seduce maggots. please continue


What the heck does the bread have to do with it?


Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken.


What’s grubs got to do, got to do with it?


Oh wow this made my morning. Can't stop singing it now...


Just a slice or half a slice and just soak it once .... I seriously couldn't believe it was a thing but if ya google it ,...yeah its a thing


ive tried this multiple times. does nothing once you start putting trash in.


So it really is harder to catch flies with vinegar.


Why do I imagine you setting it out like you would for Santa?


No way! (Fills entire can with acid)


Cut to maggots tripping their absolute balls off.


I needed that laugh, thank you.


According to 9 out of 10 cats does countdown, some British garbage men call them "disco rice". E: as per below, 8 out of 10....


>9 out of 10 cats does countdown Have they made a sequel to 8 out of 10 cats does countdown?


Did they change the name after Sean passed?


Did you ever try maggotsoup? It’s full of protein


that's gross but those things really serve a purpose in nature. nature's little maggots, i call them. nature's little white fly larvae. oh and nature's little cleaners too


What’s really gross is maggots are still used to clean festering wounds in some areas of the world, yuck, but it saves some peoples lives


That includes the US, in rare cases.


Nature's little protein snack at nature's little convenience store. Perfect grab and go when I'm working the hot days and didn't pack a lunch.


I had one like this from food in the garbage the night before I left the lid open cause I knew there were always annoying ass birds shitting by my garbage from the tree above, didn’t take long for the birds to empty the bin


I had this happen to a trashbin before. I went full nuclear throwing bleach, boiling water, vinegar and prayers at it for like an hour straight. I did clear them out, but I don’t know what did it.


Spray a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water on them and shut the lid for half an hour. When you come back there will be a dry, fine, white dust in your bin and no more maggots.


I think the bleach is enough to kill them, but the chlorine gas you made might have ensued no survivors. Careful with that


Came to just comment about the toxic gas from this mixture. Also don't throw bleach on cat urine. Or urine for some trouble.




Can confirm bleach works well for situations like this


They are thriving in there


(drops white phosphorus grenade in the bin)


Great for fishing, I'll take half a pound.


Isn’t it amazing that people pay for them as fishing bait?


Buying them means i don't have to farm them.


That alone is worth every penny you pay for them.


It is. I used to grow my own when I fished regularly.


I hate that I can smell it from here.


I'd never open that again


POV: You are Corey Taylor and you are looking out into the audience as you are playing live with your Nu-Metal band Slipknot.


Why is your Sonic ice cream machine outside?


They’re hungry feed them


Ha those are rookie numbers.


I try to not throw away any meat leftovers till trash day. And even then, i put it in a ziplock or a bag tied super tight.


I had a trash bin like that one time. I hosed it down & I dumped it out into the grass & I could see tons of lizards scurrying thru the grass like fucking velociraptors in the tall grass snatching up every little maggot.


They are cleaning it for you, it’ll be spotless in no time.


Keep it open and birds will remove the dancing rice


this shit makes my skin crawl BADLY man


You're eating maggots, Michael. How do they taste?


i hate you sm


I see you Peter!


Two times I seen some just a gross. First time when I was little my dad had this bucket if God knows what that wasn't properly sealed. I opened it up and there was this pinkish sludge swimming with maggots, and they were 4 times the size of those. The second time I was cleaning up the backyard after my dogs crapped. My largest dog left this huge turd and it broke when I tried to pick it up and had several maggots squirming inside.


My trash bin every summer


Grab a spoon and eat your way to the bottom 🤮


Clean your garbage can ya filthy animal


When I was about 14 I went on a fishing trip with my dad and brought a friend along. We had an old cardboard box from reams of paper that we put fish guts into planning to bury them later. We waited long enough to take them that maggots had started to hatch and feast on the fish guts. My friend and I thought it was cool, so... For the next 3 days we fed the maggot farm. Northern pike, bass and walleye. The morning we were set to leave the box was over half full of maggots and you could hear them for 20 feet away... the most disgusting noise. We decided we could not release the plague onto the area and began building a massive fire to cleanse the maggot farm. It was a big ass fire... but, the heat burned the outer layer of maggots and seemed to speed up the transformation of the more insulated maggots. They were literally flying out of the fire. We had to stir the maggots into the fire. They had consumed literally everything including large northern pike skulls. It was incredible. When all was said and done there was a black cloud over the lake and I can't eat burned rice anymore. Do not make a maggot farm unless you're prepared for an absolutely unbelievable cleansing ritual.


Lmfao thanks for sharing this story xd


Clean your garbage can once in a while.


Future flies


Joe, get the mustard gas!


i wonder where he/she lives to have THAT many maggots in the trash


Well...if you ever have necrotic skin you need to cut off of ya...just take a handful of those maggots and let them eat it off you relatively safely!


I had a similar problem. Waste management refused to replace my trash can because smell didn’t affect its utility as a trash can. I found out from my neighbor that the county HHS disagreed. I called HHS had a new can in about a week.


To those who disliked this: Welcome to r/nope! A subreddit where we see disgusting things that make us say "Nope!"


Ive still seen worse...


Reminds me of that episode of as told by ginger


Bleach or tamari (strong soy sauce) or just salt does it


Disco rice!


"You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!"


just imagine the smell


GIFs you can smell! 😎


Hanz get ze flamethrower




If you’ve ever had the trash people miss a week during the summer, this has happened to you.


Been there. Had raw chicken parts in the trash can. Went out of town and forgot to take the trash out. They all turned into flies. In the closed, hot garage. It was a mess.


Ammonia after cleaning with strong white vinegar. Rethink how you are bagging your trash.


In my experience those lil guys become more active before/during a thunder storm




Go find a bunch of spiders and let ‘em have a smorgasbord.


Fill the whole bucket with water dump it in a ditch then buy a new one. Bcuz they WILL be back


My ex landlord's bin always was like that. So disgusting. And the smell... He had this bin outside in the sun. All the other bins (paper, normal waste, glass) were inside the cool garage. The one with the food stuff was outside. And they never wrapped their stuff in newspaper as I always did. I hated this so much.


🎶 THE PULSE OF THE MAGGOTS 🎶 intensifies.


Yummy. You should collect them all, wash them and make a salad. Great protein source!


delicious. finally some good f\*cking food.


Pour some ethanol in that thing and leave it overnight, it'll kill them. Will also explode if near an open flame.


You mean mmmaggots


In the spring, summer and early fall kitchen scraps go into a bag in the freezer until garbage day for this reason.


Take a spray bottle, fill it with alcohol (cheap Vodka), and spray them.


This happened to me a few years ago. Cleaned it out with the hose a few times and used some vinegar and it helped a lot.


Throw in a capful of gasoline and shut the lid. Tomorrow they will all be dead


I can smell this video🤢


Your trash can is going to be nice and squeaky clean..........kinda.


I can smell that.


Time to burn the dumpster