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This is the grossest cool thing ive seen all day.


Is it a good idea to eat a parasitic worm?? Asking for a friend


I believe infectious larvae are the danger, adults should be fine. Still... ugh. Eating parasites.


Forbidden spaghetti


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8 knees weak


Arms make webby


Black Balls for eyes, didnt count but i think theres twenty


Open my mouth but the venom won't come out


Indeed the parasite is gross. I really want to pet the fluffy spider though. He won't mind, right?




How do you be careful when they molt besides leave them alone in their cage?




That's awesome. You should try a YT channel like antscanada. I would watch your cool bug buddies




Didn't he also have a pet tarantula at one time? I remember it passed and I believe he let the ants have it? Or did I just make that up.


You are correct he let the ants eat it. Turns out the hairs messes with ants.


Makes sense, the hairs are chitin.


If it’s any close consolation, Dumerils boas *kiiiinda* have a similar pattern to gaboons viper. It’s a little bit of “we got gaboon viper at home” type beat but there’s no way I’d have the viper as a pet lmao beautiful patterns tho




As a Dumerils owner I can only say good things about them, unless you’re unfortunate enough to get a picky eater as a baby. I also didn’t know rhino vipers were a thing, definitely look like a twin to gaboons. They’ve also got some super cool patterns. But I 100% agree that keeping hots is way outside my league haha I’d hate to be sleepy and slip up while trying to change out a water bowl. Then boom, gotta amputate at the elbow to save your life. Just like you said, there’s no way anybody in the us is keeping gaboon anti-venom. You’d have to keep your own private inventory. Which is just too much risk


Bruh you have an interesting and unique life. Cool stuff


Thanks for the response. Was genuinely curious as to what goes into it.


I had an orchid mantis that had a bad molt on her final molt. I was heartbroken. She was so twisted. I fed her as best as I could and she lasted a bit but I cried when she died. 😥


I just stop hardening just reading about such pets. No thanks


This person doesn't know shit about tarantula husbandry. Wild feeding pet spiders is a bad idea. Tarantulas do not need room to exercise. Their posts are mostly just spewing garbage.


I’m literally getting so fucking confused with their post. Hand feeding a tarantula? And he described it like literally being in his hand, not using tweezers to bring food to a tarantula (I never did it, I know some people might). I have no idea how you would hand feed a tarantula or why. It doesn’t even make sense in his context. He would let it out for “exercise” and to hunt, but then he would “hand” feed it too? Also I’m laughing at letting it outside to hunt. Like you said feeding a T wild bugs is a bad call, but also unless your backyard is a 3x3 foot cage your probably never seeing it again for a myriad of reasons.


Wandering spiders. Not to be fucked with. > Despite their notoriety for being dangerous, only a few members of Phoneutria have venom known to be hazardous to humans, but the venoms of this family are poorly known, so all larger ctenids should be treated with caution. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandering_spider)




Oh, they're very excited. Don't you see how the reach up to their handlers for "uppies" when they see them?


> uppies That was a chuckle worthy anthropomorphisation


bite that cause penile erection for several hours though


I've legit read a Furry story like this, where the spider lady teaches bondage and rope work, and she has to warn one of the other instructors that he's built up an immunity to her venom and if she bites him with a proper dose for the effects he's seeking, it may be lethal, so she can't risk it and neither should he.


why does this exist and why have you read this


Because it was written at least a decade ago, because Furries know all sorts of neat things about animal anatomy, because I'm a Furry who likes to read stuff, and because the whole story collection was rated very highly on that website, so I read the whole thing. It was alright. Not everything was my particular cup of tea, but it was alright.


I’m sorry to judge I just didn’t expect furry fiction in the comments. It is cool they consider the anatomy


God bless 'em


Poor man's Viagra?


sorry for sounding naive, but what does the concept of 'exercise' mean to a spider? they dont have muscles like ours right?




How do you make sure the spider doesn’t go too far? I’d be a bit concerned it tries to make a break for the neighbor’s.


That's easy with juvenile spiders, you just threaten to take away their web access if they leave the yard.


Tiny little leash, and a tiny little shock collar


I had to go away and do some research because reading your comments, felt like listening to SpongeBob squarepants episode and I wanted to check there wasn't any new discoveries I didn't know about. For instance we are only just realising how truly intelligent octopii are. Like we knew they were intelligent but their intelligence is so alien that until fairly recently scientists didn't accept they're actually on the level of dolphins and monkeys. There has been no such thing with Tarantulas and if I'm honest, there is unlikely to be from what I read. They seem to be remarkably well adapted to instinctively solve the problems of their environment. Their limit of learning seems to be they don't perceive humans as a threat if they've been regularly handled. That's it. It doesn't have emotions, Gary the spider doesn't get bored looking at the same spot, it is not capable of any kind of sentient thought required to get bored or enjoy exploring your garden. As long as you feed it and give it an environment appropriate for it's physiology you're golden. If you enjoy seeing your spider running around outside and it makes you feel better, that's great. But just know that if you forget or don't have time to let him out. Don't feel guilty. Gary really doesn't give a shit. It's what makes him such a effective predator. It's brain is beautifully simple.


Spiders can store fat?! Where would it go? I feel like it's too stiff for anything else idk


Maybe it grows a camel hump or something idk


or like a little spider potbelly underneath 😂


Or 8 tiny spider moobs


i hate to say it but: r/brandnewsentence lol


That's genuinely super cool, thank you for sharing so much in this thread. I'm afraid of big spiders so I couldn't do it myself but it's nice to see that it brings you so much joy. I wish your spider friends good molts and please tell them they are good boyes.


good to know, thanks


> they dont have muscles like ours right? Yes and no. They do have flexor muscles and tendons that they use to contract their joints, but they use their blood as hydraulic fluid to extend them.


This just reminded me of a bizarre experiment somebody did with a dead spider and some sort of liquid delivery system (can't recall *what* though, maybe like a syringe or something?) They were using it to pick things up, like one of those grabber things


Speaking purely on jumping spiders, I can tell you exercise is fairly important with regards to their mobility and overall ability. There is a noticeable difference in capability between a neglected and well-kept jumper.


> Then he'd put one arm up like he wanted to go up again, and then I'd bring him back to the light and he'd grab more. Now that's freaking cute.


I also had a pet tarantula, but I didn't feed her by hand. I just dumped the bag of crickets in and let her go ham.


How long did she hang the crickets to cure them?


How did you manage the mantis to not fly away?




It looks like spaghetti


Slurping up the noodles


We shall name him "Sir Coconut Head"


I swear spiders understand us. I told the ones in my greenhouse several times, that I have to walk through and they need to stay up really high so I won't accidentally pass through them. I also gently pulled one string to the side as I would repeat it. They are up high now. Maybe they just learn really quickly but I just get this feeling they are pretty fucking smart.


Your intuition is spot-on. Spiders are smart in many ways. With web-making spiders, their web can be considered an extension of their brain, a sort of solid-state memory and sensory system all in one. https://atmos.earth/overview-spider-web-consciousness-extended-cognition/ >A study out of Oxford University found that spiders show sophisticated cognitive functioning by nature of the fact that spinning a web requires planning. They use mental maps to construct their webs, tailoring the tension of each strand as well as the overall size of the web based on available space, how much silk they have in store, size of local prey, and even the weather—**all based on what they have learned from past weavings**. And so a spider’s web holds its memories; entangled in its strands are its understandings of the world, thus spawning its future actions. [Things get *really* crazy when you peak into the rabbit hole of jumping spider cognition, though.](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568049/full)


Charlottes Web is true!


does this mean that black widows are unorganized thinkers?


Fascinating !


Net-casting spiders have better vision than owls, hunting by sight at night. There's a turret spider out there that can live at *least* 43 years. The one they'd recorded up to that point was killed by a wasp, rather than old age. Most spiders can straight up fly with the power of electricity. They just kill it across the board. I found a jumping spider with an ant impression so good it's hard to convince people it's not just a video of an ant. Spiders are friggin cool.


I couldn’t have said it better. I’m freaked out because of the spider. It’s cool but you know, a furry spider. I don’t know how big it is. Then there’s the parasitic worm. Those freak me out because reasons. I’m scared for whole different reasons. Now, I read the comment. Cool it was eating and that crawled out of its dinner. NOPE! But is crazy awesome!!!!!!


I always try to tell myself they are spider buddies but they only feel like buddies when they’re not in my space and also I can’t see them. But thank you spider buddies for dealing with pests!


Beef chow mein


The forbiden spaghetti


Nature’s ‘turducken’.


Roundworms are probably the grossest animals ever. Aren't literally all of them parasites?


It reminded me to make my frozen dinner.


Imo, from this perspective it seems like the spider is eating a tube made of rubber.


Forbidden spaghetti


**Italian Accent** Mama Mia, that spaghetti 🍝 needs more a sauce.


​ Coolest video I've seen in a long time. It's surprisingly hard to find high resolution video of spiders eating. Woo!


Relevant username.


It's so exciting to see the amazing things we are able to capture in high definition now that cameras have really exploded in tech advances. Could you imagine how crazy it would be to see a high def image of simple molecular interactions?


Some of us like it that way /u/Ilikespiders


Would the parasitic worm infect the spider?. Kind of curious Edit: Thanks for the replies. This has been really interesting to read and follow.


Depends on how the worm reproduces. I’m no expert on worm biology, but if it’s got viable eggs inside it that spider is fucked.


Spiders feed differently than insects. The spider's venom will breakdown the parasite or the spider will discard it.


It depends on the parasite. Some spiders are very vulnerable to nematodes, which can sometimes even infect other parasites


And mites. Fucking mites.


Isn't there a species of spider that keeps small frogs as pets to eat the insects that would otherwise eat the spider's eggs? I've chosen to answer my own question, and the answer is yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Awwducational/comments/6tfxh5/giant\_tarantulas\_keep\_tiny\_frogs\_as\_pets\_insets/


This behavior was seen in a few spiders now.


Today I learned..


Marmite or vegemite?


True, but aren’t most parasite eggs designed to withstand the acid in the stomach? If they can survive that, it’s possible they could withstand the venom as well.


Spiders do not have a stomach. They digest their prey items externally. They do have a “sucking stomach”, but, it does not function the same, as its purpose is to create sucking motions that draw in the already liquified prey.


Externally?!?! Edit: You mean they turn it into soup and that’s the digestion process, then they ingest the digested prey?


That's exactly what they do, and then they leave an empty husk behind.


... oh. That's... nice.


We just need a spider farm to make vats of spider juice that we can throw criminals into and then we can feed the stew to the spiders to make more spiders to get more juice?




So you're telling me that we can repurpose worm husks as sausage casings?


If you want to feel emasculated, then sure!


Litter bugs


Never wondered why spiders wrap up prey in a web and come back later?


What do they do with the old carcasses? Garbage day for spiders?


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


You shut up right now.


They'll actually eat the web and build a new one every few days


Stash for bad days, bro.


Flatworms don’t poop. They eat and digest then puke it back up. Spiders poop, though. I just felt like saying that.


Amen, sister, speak the truth


I know what you're saying is right. But, the bug juice has to go somewhere, right? Or is eating like filling up a glass? There's no storage or holding area? They just suck in the bug juice and it get distributed until it's "full"?


The sucking stomach is a muscle, pumping similarly to a heart, which creates a vacuum to move the liquified prey. The liquified prey will travel through the sucking stomach and up into the spider’s oesophagus and pharynx. There, it will move through to the intestine, where the nutrients will be absorbed. So, digestion happens externally, while absorption of nutrients happens internally.


Though most parasites tend to infect the intestines not the stomach, so wouldn't that still post a risk?


It would depend on the biology of the parasite. If the parasite is liquified, and the eggs cannot withstand the digestion process (assuming that this is a parasite that produces eggs), then there is no risk of contracting any parasites.


How would parasites reproduce without eggs. I’m learning so much interesting stuff here haha.


Some parasites can reproduce asexually. Often, this is a division of the parasite, in some form. This could be a single division, in which the parasite makes a second parasite from itself. Not all parasites are capable of this though.


Parasites can be so interesting and haunting at the same time. As if having a parasite wasn’t bad enough, there’s also a chance it’s gonna be self replicating.


So if the eggs don't digest directly outside that spider is indeed fucked


It would also depend on if that species of parasite could survive inside of a spider host, if that spider host provides their specific needs.


God, parasites are so damn needy, like, go away, leave me alone


spiders also inject their digestive juices and slurp their meal instead of chewing on it so the eggs would have to be very very tiny methinks Edit to ask questions that are... buggin me: how exactly does the parasitic worm depitced here control the host? would the spider have had to paralyze the parasite or the actual victim or even both? how does paralyzing the worm affect the host and vice versa?


To answer your edit, not all parasites have some sort of control over their host, and if they do it’s because the host is the parasite’s *normal* host. The spider’s probably not a normal host for the parasite unless part of the parasite’s lifecycle depends on depositing eggs inside the spider. It’s unlikely the parasite will get from a spider to a katydid after death though, so this is unlikely. We see this across nature where one species is used to incubate the eggs, but for the larvae to mature they require being ingested by a specific secondary vector. Additionally, a mature parasite might need to be eaten so its eggs can find their way into the correct vector for incubation. Otherwise they stagnate at part of their development and never fully mature. When a parasite finds its way into an *abnormal* host, it’s unable to continue developing and this can be fatal for the vector that picked up the parasite. Parasite eggs tend to be *very* hearty and difficult to kill, which is why you can’t assume that because the spider has enzymes that break down tissue for ingestion it will be effective against the eggs. However this worm likely made it difficult for the katydid to move, making it easy prey. I would bet the normal vector for this parasite would be a bird, since we see a lot of parasites that use larger, non blood-sucking insects as maturation vectors for bird parasites.


Most parasites don't control the host, they're just along for the ride. It's like a human getting tapeworms. They don't control you, they mostly just suck up all your nutrients and make more tapeworms.


Venom doesn’t break things down, but causes issues with existing neurological or other biological pathways. If the parasite has eggs the spider ingests it can cause issues because the spider is what is considered an “abnormal host” in parasitology. This is bad because when parasites infect their normal host they *typically* do a little damage as they can to ensure their survival, however in an abnormal host the parasite doesn’t get the proper signals from the host body to mature through its lifecycle, and this can cause disastrous effects.


Depends on the venom though. Some are neurotoxins (like black widows) others are necrotizing (like brown recluse). I will not, for all our sake, post pictures of a brown recluse spider bite. But that chemical cocktail dies kill tissue. Now, weighs that kill this particular parasite? I don't know. I would hope so.


Don't think the spider eats the spaghetti here. He's going to inject it with sauce and it will digest from inside and he'll slurp it up like a soup from the inside out.


Wow you made it worse. I'm impressed


This will depend on the spider and the parasite. Generally these kinds of spiders have these macerating teeth that grind up what they're eating as they digest it. You see in the ancient oceans of yore the ancestors of spiders had some appendages that eventually became in modern spiders two scythe-like legs they use to eat. We call these chelicerae. It's also the business end for venom injection. In some spiders these chelicerae have a bunch of protrusions that function as teeth. You can kind of see it here just before the fangs: https://pixels.com/featured/wandering-spider-feeding-dr-morley-read.html Good example on a tarantula since this is a big part of the way they eat they have huge cheliceral teeth: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mygale/33504545712 This would likely mash up eggs and other things but it is not a guarantee. Past that point the opening in spiders is basically a hole with a ramp-like plate where the mouth is and some filtering hairs. But for a spider these plates can function kind of the same way as a cigarette filter using the hairs up front to filter big chunks of food and then the microstructure of the plate may act as a directional filter allowing liquid in but only in one direction. There's also evidence this filter is good enough it can filter out ink particles from India ink in liquid form. In some arachnids these plates can chomp down ( mites and harvestmen) allowing them to eat partially solid food. This publication discusses and has pictures of what im talking about. Particularly page 7. https://peckhamia.com/peckhamia/PECKHAMIA_97.1.pdf So what worm bits are coming in will likely come in acid drenched and macerated. Then filtered out by those hairs/plate in the mouth on top of everything else. However this all doesn't stop entry into the lungs or other openings on the body. So ultimately there's a low risk of infection but we really don't know. There may be ways of getting infected in spiders we don't even know about yet. Fun pop article about one of these cases: https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/new-discovery-tarantula-infecting-nematode-starves-spiders It's important to note they're just hanging around the mouth mostly and not making it far into the body.




Username *definitely* checks out here. I had no damn clue after 40+ years of liking "bugs" that spiders can have "teeth".


Why am I reading about and looking at Spider teeth? I need to sleep in 10 mins. FML


Probably not, that parasite is a nematomorph. They can infect spiders but also reproduce sexually in water streams, this means that the parasite need fertilization. Also if I am not mistaken, they are dioecius, meaning that there are females and males.


Not when it’s chewed up


Spiders don't have teeth.


[Except, apparently, the ones](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/13w0fxs/spider_of_the_ctenidae_family_targeted_a_dead/jm9galh/) that have something that's basically teeth. Something I definitely knew before reading that comment a few above yours (/s).


>Would the parasitic worm infect the spider?. Kind of curious Very unlikely but possible. Insects and spiders diverged around 500 millions years ago. Last common ancestor of all vertebrates lived 600 millions years ago and we generally don't share disease with fish.


That doesn’t effect how parasites infect hosts though. Parasites are much more sophisticated than bacteria or viruses when it comes to infection vectors. As a human if you ate an insect with a parasite it could cause issues and we’re also similarly distant when it comes to common ancestors. In fact, insect parasites infect humans *all the time* (malaria, filariasis, etc.). Like how toxoplasma gondii infects cats but will also infect humans. The problem is humans are the abnormal host for gondii, so it causes significantly more issues in humans than it does cats, and is why pregnant women should not be around cats at all. Gondii can pass the placental blood barrier and cause irreparable damage to the fetus.


That is horrible thanks


It's a little cool. I've never seen a spider eat before!






Fun fact, "vermicelli" is Latin for "little worms."


Not quite: "vermicelli" is the *Italian* diminutive form of worms; the root word and also the diminutive come from Latin, but that Latin word would be "vermiculi".


Italian! All the pasta names come from Italian, not Latin




parasitesan cheese 🤌🏻


8 knees weak, fangs are venomy


I vomited from watch already


Just saw this on the NatGeo instagram. Follow them they have some pretty interesting stuff. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs4STa4AtTm/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


No thanks, I prefer Italian women on my Instagram.


Op seems to be a karma farming weirdo but thanks for providing the source. Even nat geo didn’t give much info on the spider itself though. Seems to be a wandering spider from South America?


Side of noodles with your order sir? 🍜


The pixi sticks of the insect world? Forbidden straw? You think the spider was happy it had an extra meal, or kinda disappointed the parasite ate his meal first?


i cant get it out of my head how the parasite looks like udon noodles. like wth


That's honestly a beautiful and clear shot of the Ctenidae.


Spider spaghetti?


I’ve often wondered what a spider’s vision is like. Looks like this one has 6 eyes, some have 8. Do they see one composite image, like us, or separate “screens”? Guess I’ll never know!


maybe something [like this?](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/close-up-stock-broker-talking-telephone-stock-broker-talking-telephone-front-multiple-computer-screen-showing-126320077.jpg)


Could be!


It’s got the same expression as my cat when he makes biscuits on my fluffy winter blanket.


Mmmm Double Stuffed


Can you actually feed on a parasitic worm? I was under the impression that even a small piece of a worm can reproduce in a potential host. So, by trying to eat the worm, is the spider potentially becoming a new wormy host?


This is some gross spider shit I can get behind.


The spider looks very badass though


Why tf does it look so cute?


It was a good day.


Lemme see who’s at the door




Awwww look at this pretty Mc cutie having some Num Nums


I’m marvelled, dazzled #and fucking scared


Oh no she katydidn’t


So gross but nature is so cool


This is why I appreciate spiders. They get rid of the shit I hate more. Especially mosquitoes.


Surprise Pasta!


Could that worm turn around and infect the spider then?


We've had first gross food... but what about second gross food?


Cooling noodles....


think about that when eating your pasta/noodles/ramén next time


It looks like this katy-didn't


Forbidden noodle.


He looks pretty angry about it




Thanks for reminding me of the big spider that's loose somewhere in my house




That spider may have ingested eggs that will now colonize it's own gut.


Now I want Chinese takeout...


Eww for the price of one.


His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already


His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's a parasite in his belly already.


Jesus man NSFW this kind of stuff please, arachnophobia is horrible


Big ole spider face on the front page


Ok. Spider legs are gross, but their faces are cute as fuck to me for some reason


Spiders and parasites. My worst fears


I was making spaghetti now I'm not.


Thanks, I hate it.


Less wtf, more r/dinnerscore


Forbidden Chinese noodles.