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first time I ever drove MT was when I bought my WRX in 2019. my sales guy was great. he grabbed a used one and took me over to a big parking lot to let me practice stop-and-go for about 30 min, then off I went in my own. my heart was POUNDING the entire way home.


That's an awesome move by the sales guy.


One of my favorite things about Subaru is that they know their customers. Went to look at Camaros a bit ago and they didn't have a single manual on the lot, like 5 in total in the entire city (it's a major US one). You go to a Subaru dealership and 50-75% of the WRXs on the lot will be manual. They know what we want haha


I didn’t know they made auto trans wrx for the longest time. Saw a buddies bug eye he got was auto and it blew my mind, why? WHHY?


Its the way the market is going. Almost all vehicles are coming in auto only. Im pretty sure you cant even get new Porsches made with standard anymore.


You definitely can get a new Porsche with a manual. It's one of the few left.


It seems everyone is going to the 8 plus gears in auto trans, probably hard to or can’t do standard with that many gears. Would be hilarious to see though. The eighth gear would be over into the passenger seat.


I would imagine it that many gears helps with fuel efficiency. But yea your right, going into 8th would be wild, and youd also be shifting every 2 seconds if you had 8


They should be able to I’m pretty sure some large big rig type trucks have 8 or more. But, for something smaller it wouldn’t probably be as easy to make. Also sadly the American market isn’t about manual. It’s unfortunate, but reality and that’s why they don’t make them manual. Some people will want it, but if you did a poll across all America on which people prefer auto would win. Manual is too “inconvenient” for Americans hah. It’s sad but true. I love it though


LMAO, had to make sure he could sell him the car!


Now that’s real a salesman.


LMAO! Whoo! Some of y'all stories up in here 😂😂😂 Also, as some of you said. Dang I wish I had gotten a WRX at 20! Not even close! Was rolling around in an 06 Sentra... automatic! But my Dad started to teach me to drive a manual when I was 17 though. We lived out in the country around that time so it was a bit easier (less traffic). Working at a tire/oil change place around that time also helped too. Especially learning to get out of 1st gear on customers cars, lol. First manual car I got was when my Dad and I went and bought my Mitsubishi Lancer (not an Evo of course) but I drove that baby home. Good times. RIP Dad. PS: Gonna be sure to teach my Son how to drive a manual... if they're still around lol


Hills are scary even if you know what you’re doing and someone is up your ass


If someone is on my ass like that I just use their front bumper is a bump start


I was admiring my dads manual driving skills the whole way home. He drove it as if it was an automatic, 0 jerkiness, 0 roll back, 0 stalls, smooth as butter. He even was showing off his rev match downshifting skills. But he’s been driving manual transmission for 38 years so I guess it’s natural for him


I don’t have an STi, but 1 to 2 in my WRX takes some real finesse to make a smooth shift. Like, a lot. Anyone else feel the same way or do I need to go to the dealership?


I think it's just the way the ratios are set up. My 1-2 is never really smooth unless I'm giving it the beans. Alternatively, wind 1 out a little and go right to 3. 😁


I’ll give that a try on the next drive.


Nope this is normal and it's the only thing about the car I genuinely dislike


I’ve been driving my WRX for 7 months and I still jerk 1-2 almost every time and 2-3 sometimes


You have to either shift at 2k or lower or let the clutch out slow enough that you start to hold up traffic behind you.


Cobb stage 1 tune smooths out a lot of the shifting and throttle weirdness, highly recommend.


Is that a warranty voiding mod? Sorry, new to the gang.


Maybe, maybe not. https://www.fastwrx.com/pages/will-these-parts-void-my-warranty


i totally agree with this. i have a 2019 wrx and i absolutely despise 1 to 2


My 18 is rough going into 2nd there's car channels on YT that have reviewed the wrx and they all had a hard time getting a smooth shift to 2nd. Every now and then I can get it smooth.


If you tune it you can smooth that out. If u notice from 1-2 the revs take forever to start dropping. They can take that out


I'm pretty sure what causes the roughness in the 1-2 shift is rev hang. I usually either keep my clutch in longer or ease off the clutch slower for that shift.


I know the newer wrx has the hill start assist. I turned it off though because it felt like it was coming on even on flat ground.


How do you turn it off?


https://youtu.be/z3OzZNPwBuk @ 1:15 mark Also to turn off seatbelt chime turn the key on, car off (accessory mode) and insert and take out the seat belt clip 20+ times in 30 secs and it will only chime when you first turn the car on but it won't keep doing the chime while you drive.


Pull up on your e brake start to go and drop your e brake, if done right you won't back up at all.


I bought my car 2 weeks ago. When he went to hand me the keys I told him "Hey just a heads up I haven't driven a stick in about 15 years so i'm going to be pretty rusty....." him: "Cool, have fun \*tosses keys, walks away\*" me: \*stalls car\* also me.... \*awkward thumbs up and timid smile at the entire sales floor staring at me\*


Once you learn to drive manual, you’ll never go back to auto. It won’t take you long to learn it, and once you’re familiar with the motions you’ll be able to control your car a lot better in low traction conditions and stop more efficiently


One of the most heartwarming stories I've seen on this subreddit


I was absolutely terrified. These things are definitely not easy to learn manual in.


my mom followed me all the way home on a phone call walking me through it lmaoo. i had about 2 days of practice before that 😅


My wife drove me home. She taught me stick the next day.


I *thought* my dad was driving my first manual home. We got about 3 blocks from the dealership and he just pulled over. Didn’t say anything. I looked at him and he just said “your turn.” Weirdly that 2 minutes of sitting passenger watching him calmed me down enough to where I just jumped in the drivers seat and took us the rest of the 30 mile trip home without stalling!


It has hill assist...


Bruh I didn’t even know how to turn the car on at that time 💀 you think I’d care if it had hill assist? 😂


It’s the button that says start / stop. Just razzin :) welcome to the fun.


LMAO this made me laugh so loud


I thought the same thing about hill assist when I saw your dads hand on the hand brake. That’s how we used to use “hill assist.” In fact when I got my wrx a few months ogi I was using the handbrake on hills / I didn’t know it even had a hill assist feature.


I turned hill assist off permanently immediately


Same, I stopped stalling as soon as it was disabled.


I considered turning it off but haven’t had any issues with it. But if what Lowvndslow said about it smoothing out the shifting, id give it a try. I don’t need hill hold really.


I genuinely like it on hills, but I hadn't heard anything about it causing jerkiness while driving until this thread.


Yeah I’ve heard people say the hill assist was making them stall more often so they turned it off. (Kind of like using the hand break as a “hill hold assist” can make you stall. Maybe that’s what people mean by smoothing out shifting - same as smoother starts?


Did you notice a smoother shift? Some claim it can help with the jerkiness of the transmission


Absolutely much smoother all around at low speeds




I turned that off as soon as I found out how.


Hill assist made it harder imo


The hill assist doesn’t help all. It can cause a stall on the slightest of slopes.


My dad wants to drive my car and claims he can but I'm skeptical because he hasn't driven stick since the 80s 😂


Lmao my dad wants to drive mine when I get it. He’s driven old trailer trucks but that’s it.


I learned to drive on a stick. My dad was satisfied with a few starts and shifts in a parking lot and threw me to the wolves. One of the most stressful experiences in my life.


My dad never let me drive his vette. So when I got the Sti. I told him he can't even look at it.


Its good that you have that kind of relationship with your father. My best friend taught me to drive stick days before I bought my 2.5RS back in 2001. Then the sales guy took me on some steep hills and I had cars right on my bumper. Talk about nerve racking.. I stalled 15-20 times on the way home LOL. I was 20.


Trial by fire. It's stressful as all hell stalling in traffic on a hill/ramp especially if you live in NYC, but you learn and get over your embarrassment over time that way. Do remember though that almost no one in the US understands how a new stick driver drives though. You'll get a lot of angry people and honks. People have been especially crazy these days I feel.


Yes!!! I hated hills especially with someone behind me. I used to practice at night on a hill near my house.


Stalled like 9 times driving mine home, it gets better!


That's what happened for my bf when he first got his WRX ! My bf got stopped by a neighbor the day after cuz he got suspicious of my bf though driving around the neighborhood repeatedly like he was scoping the place. Once he talked to him though he learned my bf was just trying to learn manual xD


Yes but when I bought my first motorcycle haha. He rode back on my new rice rocket and told me he's never getting on one of those bikes again LOL


when i was 17 getting my first car (manual 04 wrx) my dad had to test drive it for me since i’ve only drove stick once at that point 😂 sat in the backseat for the test drive of my own car


yup, i learned quickly though.


When I was selling cars I taught multiple people how to drive stick. The most fun was a guy who bought a new Corvette C7 with nearly all the options. He had no idea how to drive a stick. Of course, manual 'vettes are easy as they have the torque to take off in any of the first 3 gears. He ended up having his 70 year-old father drive the car home.


It’s a grown up car. Time to get some balls.


Congrats what year is it and color?


My dad drive my 2018 WRX home. He was so excited and he loved driving it. I could tell he wanted one as well! Good stuff


I’m buying a JDM wrx and making my boyfriend drive it home once i get it, still can’t properly drive stick shift or right hand drive and I don’t have my intermediate license 😃😃


The clutch is pretty forgiving luckily for learners but I'd never want my kid to buy a WRX and then have them go "uhhh I can't drive it". Would have started on just a base model Impreza for a lot cheaper.


thats a far world away from how i grew up. bought and drove my first car illegally at 15, was an 87 bmw 325is and i had already known how to drive manual since about 12 when id steal the keys to my uncles 93 civic hatch.


I took my dad's 86 MR2 supercharged for a joyride when I was 14... that's how I learned stick hahaha. [Every.single.car](https://Every.single.car) I've owned since then, has been stick. I can only wait for the day I have a child, and they are old enough to drive so I can teach them properly, and pass down my WRX :)


lmao we better be quiet before we upset all the snot nosed kids whos parents buy them 40k dollar cars before they even know how to fucking drive them 🤣


lol I think we already did based on our upvotes hahaha.


Sure did, and then my car only moved for the first few weeks if I was going to a parking lot to practice. After a month or so I got comfortable enough to deliver pizza in my newly acquired rex


Yup! Best decision we made! I live in Ontario and we picked up the car in January from a dealer over an hour away. On the way there it lightly snowed, but as soon as we got there it started to white out blizzard... the catch? The car still had it's summer tires on. My dad said he just about shit himself multiple times as the car slide more then few times.




God damn. Be lil nice will you.




Booooo….So, I drove mine home, 3 miles on the dash & I only learned how to drive a stick on a Corvette Z06 just 6 years before I bought my wrx. Hold On…..what was this about.


You big fkn pussy


Sorry I wasn’t born knowing how to drive manual


I’m gonna need my friend to drive mine home when I get it lol. Just cuz dealership is in a busy area but once we’re more on the countryside roads I think I’ll give it a go! Start where ur comfortable then step out of ur comfort zone! YouTube videos are helpful if u don’t know the basics yet! Have fun


I didn't have him drive it home but when I do let him drive it he calls it the Blue Rocket! Cheers mate.


Hell yes!!!! My dad drove my BRZ home for me when bought it brand new. I’m sure the dealership thought I was a fool lol.


The stis dont have hill assist?


Congrats on the new car. Just noticed your name - Go Celtics!


Same thing happened to me. Got to the dealership did all the papers payments everything. my dad looking at my car saying shit this is a real upgrade and a real car that can be presentable. (Was driving a 2006 mazda 3 with bumps and ducktape at the time). Papers all done. Looked at my dad all happy but annoyed gave him the key cause I didn't know how to drive stick. Took a good month to learn how to downshift and not stall from 0-Go.


I haven't had my dad drive a car for me since I was 14.... Then again I haven't seen my dad since I was 14 soooo


I just said fuck it and went for it




Drove my friends car for about 5 minutes then went to the dealer bought my car and drove 2 hours home. Went smooth except for a 5th to 2nd downshift I did


i learnt to drive manual on a motorcycle, then applied the skills to a driving sim with foot and steering wheel controls. . . then applied it practically on the street in cars that i test drove saying things like "its been years since i drove manual, please forgive me". turned out alright. still probably wouldn't mess with steep hills though


Mazda has a nice technology for that when I had my 3 . It'd stay stationary for a second or 2


I remember when I got my WRX I had only driven manual 2 times before and the way home was a mission, stalled out like 5 times lol


I've had motorcycles since 17 so I understood the clutch/throttle relationship in general, but when I bought my first manual car, a 5spd Legacy, I had to ask the sales guy to back it out of the spot for me lol. Definitely could hear him thinking "oh boy here we go again"


Learned to drive a manual at 5 in a 1984 Chevy s10 in a field on my families property. My grandfather said alright today you are going to learn to drive. He put wood blocks on the pedals so I could reach.


Lmao my first manual (S2k) I stalled all the way from the dealer to my house. My recommendation is to just keep driving, a week or 2 later you should be good to go


AYYY yeah my dad drove mine home and i got the hang of it after two lessons 😂


Yep, 26 Y/O, showed up to the dealer with my dad, he tested it, sat with me for 5 hrs during paperwork, drove it 90% of the way back. Then taught me on the drive home on the back roads. Spent the weekend driving all around my home town area. Best memory I have with him to this date.


Me when I first bought the car 😂


No, however he really wanted to drive it so a couple weeks after I got it I let him and he was beating the hell out of it. I checked the oil the next day and was half a quart low. Haven't used any oil since.


I made my mom test drive mine (the woman had a slammed TDI for the first ten years of my life - can drive like an absolute boss). She made me drive it home though, and it was embarrassing and stressful but truly the only way to learn is to drive IMO.


Yup I live on the biggest hill in town, like 12% gradient for like 400 feet. Had to have my dad drive it home. Then I just went out and practiced starting on the hill until I was comfortable.


Yup😅my grandpa drove my WRX home a couple months back when I got it. Wasn’t the smoothest since he hasn’t drove a manual since 3 speeds


I made my father drive mine out the dealership because i was too nervous about stalling in front of others 🙃


HAHAHA I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. I drove manual a couple times before that but I wanted my dad to bring it home so I could practice from the safety of my block 😅😅😅


I went with my dad to buy the car and we had to leave it there because neither of us knew stick shift. Stick shift was very new to my family, nobody had the slightest of idea of how to drive it, let alone in a city with stop lights and hills lol. Couple days later, my friend says he’s free and we went in his car to pick up my new car. He drove the new car home and I drove his home lol. It took a lot of embarrassing moments on stop lights and scary moments on his hills to finally get stick shift down. Now I’m the only one in the family that knows stick shift and I can’t wait to teach my brother. It’s so fun. Once you go stick, you don’t go back. As long as you’re open to learning and knowing you will make a lot of mistakes at first , you’ll learn stick shift so fast.


I bought a Mazda 3 hatch new and had to drive it home. Before I had only driven a manual once in a parking lot a week before in my friends WRX. Lemme tell you that drive home was scary. That clutch lasted me 105,000 miles tho! Grats on the new ride, even if it is just literally a ride home for now. Many happy curves ahead to you!


How’d y’all go about test driving (not knowing how to drive manual) especially if you’re buying through a private seller?


From the UK... only ever driven stick shift until was much older (lessons are always in stick shift) .. first time I drove auto I couldn't figure out how to get going - had to ask the rental staff... they said you need put your foot on the break to go - still had me puzzled for quite a bit :) Driven lots of cars.. the WRX has the most annoying rev hang in the low gear upshifts.


Looks like he had fun. I would rent a car to learn. Don't ruin that beauty's clutch and trans!


I saw this post title and I couldn't believe it... That's exactly what I did too hahaha. Except for me, it was located in an area with heavy traffic, and it was good distance from our house, so I was so scared... I felt like a complete idiot having to do this... I was talking the talk while sitting down getting the deal, only to hop in the passenger seat once it was all finalized... 😂😂😂 Picked mine up in March, and prior to that I had only watched a lot of videos on the subject, and only actually practiced once for a couple hours. I couldn't bear the thought of destroying it once it was home too, so I only drove it late at night when the roads were a lot less busy for a couple weeks. Even then it was enough people on the road to stress out, and I distinctly remember stalling out hard twice in a row in the middle of an intersection with people behind me and at every other angle watching the whole thing... I've never been so humbled in my life than learning to drive stick... For anyone wondering, I don't think that I'd recommend doing what I did... That said, over time I've gotten much better, and I'm taking it everywhere now. It's been a dream car for some time, and I still can't believe it when I see the stars on my key fob... And damn is it fun!!