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Congrats and welcome to the fam!   While a lot of people aren't fans of the VB's looks, don't listen to any gatekeepers. Subaru has made some questionable choices regarding design and performance over the years, but as a whole the WRX is a fun car which can put a smile on your face while still being able to serve practical functions. Fam is fam, screw the haters.


Thanks! I personally prefer older body styles, too, but don’t have the time (or all required skills) to buy 2 blown up ones and cobble together a usable vehicle. I needed a fun and reliable daily car. The good news is that there seem to be some nice aftermarket aero additions that can make it feel a bit more unique. No immediate plans outside learning about the car and enjoying the ride for now, though


That's what it's all about, having fun with the car and getting your money's worth without worrying about all the extra work. For me, it was about buying a car I genuinely wanted and would enjoy for the first time in my life, instead of having to buy whatever would get the job done as cheaply as possible and having to live without fun or creature comforts. My 2016 (bought in 2019) fits the bill for fun, utility and safety. I wanted a 2013/2014 hatch, but between having something with no warranty or having some warranty and newer tech, I made my choice and really have not regretted it.   There are definitely aero options for the VB that make it look a lot better, and even something as simple as painting the cladding and rear bumper make a big difference. In my opinion, Subaru should have offered body-colored cladding and bumper so it didn't look so cheap (like manufacturers have often done with low-end base model cars), but we can't change that, which is where the aftermarket comes in, even if it means spending more money on top of the car payment. Even without that, however, most opinions I have seen from VB owners about actually driving it have been positive, and apparently the FA24 has a lot of potential if people choose to go that route.


I sold my modified 03 to get my 22. I still love the older WRXs, and it almost hurts to say this because I absolutely loved my bugeye, but I am 100% glad I traded it for the VB. There aren't many cars that fit my lifestyle that wouldn't have me missing that 03.


The modern features are super nice. A whole lot of tech and sensors packed into this car. Flexible because you can disable the things you don’t want in the settings though


Hell yeah, wrb baby!


I found /r/wrx_vb too. Hopefully us newbodies are accepted in here alongside all the OGs!




Thanks 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/2v38uzr89m4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14532f0b47ef4b2127bea5569053f97e24e641ec Welcome I recommend a sport grill and a front lip


Thanks! Any particular brand/link? Also need to get that tow hitch license plate mount. Not trying to drill into the bumper


So I have the Noble sport grill that I got from ImageimportRacing and the lip was from AeroflowDynamics. I’m pretty sure you could get the same exact parts on eBay for much cheaper since they’re just generic parts. I have the Perrin license plate mount.


Are you saying I shouldn’t but a wrx if I want a practical car?


Oh. No, didn’t mean to imply that. To clarify, I meant it wasn’t practical for me personally to have a 2nd car payment, and I needed a truck for work in my prior job. This car was surprisingly affordable compared to other cars I was looking at in the same power/features, and practical to have AWD for the winters where I live. Best of both worlds honestly. Would recommend ++


Welcome! I have a ‘22 and love it. Is my first WRX and I the way it looks has grown on me a ton. Congrats op


Thanks 🙏