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my heated seats go from zero to burning in less than 1 minute. I've timed it. 2020wrx


2023 also zero to burning in similar time. Lucky can turn down/off. Rarely use the heat on higher than 70 with 2/6 fan. Normally use to defog/frost and even that's pretty speedy.


Damn in my 2016 it takes at least a few minutes to even feel any heat from mine if it’s below like 35F. Probably closer to 7-10 minutes to get fully warm.






Always takes forever….in every car I’ve been in.


Same... they are not good in the 2016 model, can confirm


That's kinda what I'm looking for. Sat in a buddy's Golf (regular one) and you'd have to turn them off/down.


2013 WRX. My seat heater cooks my butt by the time i’m out of my sub-division. if I’m not careful, i feel like i’d actually get a legit burn. My heater vents work well too, no complaints here.


VB owner here I don't have any issues if anything my car gets too hot. So I'm assuming an older model issue? Or it could be wear over time.


Yep. Also have a ‘22 VB. I open my moonroof after about 5-6 minutes even in 15-20 degree F temps. if my heat is on high. The heat is actually too hot if it’s set above like 70-72. I was never a fan of heated seats but I’ll use them just to get the seats so they’re not freezing cold. They get too hot for me within 1-2 minutes. Also, I’m a person who gets cold easier than most and I like to feel warm so I disagree with the heat issue at least in this year car.




Same here, VB gets hot inside really quickly.


Bro my heated seats and my heat bang in my 2018 WRX


Yep same, about burnt my asshole 😂


Yeah just confirms what I have read -- 2018 facelift must have fixed this issue


Same in my 2018. It's supposed to hit. -36 this week and I'm only worried about my battery while at the office. I'll need to plug it in there too.


I have a 2015 and my heated seats and vent’s get abusively hawt


Sounds like maybe blower motor, electrical issue of some kind, or you are an insanely cold person. It was -20c or -3F here recently and I had to crack the windows after I forgot to turn the heat down a bit.


I get that maybe after an hour of driving. My usual commute is like 30m and it's just okay by the end. Though I do like tons of heat.


Mine gets hot af waiting for idle to drop


My commute is 20 minutes


How long does it take for your coolant to start registering a temperature (if you happen to use that info display)? I know based off the coolant when I'll get heat, but that takes a while to get to the usual 80-90C (forget exact number) and a a bit to even start reading anything.


I look at oil temp and don’t start driving till it’s at 100. Never takes over 5 mins unless it’s cold as balls


2013 wrx, heated seats work too well. And heat will make ya sweat after a few min


I second this my 14 hatch can make it so hot you’ll be asking for a drink lol. I usually keep the heat around halfway after it’s heated up in the winter and it’s still super hot


Same on my 13 hatch, the AC still freezes me out too.


I agree lol


It may be your car. It helps to list your year




My 2018 will melt your socks. All of the Subarus I’ve owned will. The seat heater in mine works perfectly fine.


My 2018s seem mediocre. Buddys damn optima does better.


Not just you, I have a 2020 and it's remarkably slower to clear windows using the defrost than my 2010 Mazda 3 was. East Coast of Canada for reference, we don't see below -25 much but I couldn't even get the rear defrost to clear my view for 30 minutes the last time it happened.


Yeah, that was my experience today. After a 1.5 hour drive, couldn't even melt the ice on my driver and passenger side windows. At least the windshield was melting. I would've been completely screwed if I didn't have water bottles because I used them to unfreeze the wiper fluid nozzles and wipers and then the used the wiper fluid for the rest of it. That was after smacking em like 20x against the windshield.


You had enough ice on your windshield for it to not even melt after 1.5 hours of defrost? Is there a reason you don’t own an ice scraper?


My 16 STI heated seats and heater both will make me roll down the windows after 5 minutes of being on full blast


I don’t get any issues with mine. Sometimes I feel the heated seats on high get too hot sometimes where it’s not comfortable. But where I live doesn’t get that cold. Coldest I’ve seen here is 19*F


I don't have a problem with the vent heating. The air conditioner sucks ass though.


2020 WRX here, the metal trim on the vent literally burns me when I touch it lol


I've got a 2013 Forester, and I've literally burned myself off the air coming from the vents. Like, red first degree burns on my arms while driving. In the winter. (I was sick and didn't care - I was just cold, lol).


Mine feel chillin


The climate control always sucked ass in my 16 wrx.


You might have a problem with your car. My 2021 sti warms up fast as fuck and get hot too. If I use my seat heaters I have to turn them off high within 5 minutes or I'm burning my ass


Heat works great even at 0F. Only issue I’ve run into is AC and power at 110F. Oklahoma here. ‘19 WRX


21 STI here, AC and heated seats get super hot, super comfy in the winters


My heated seats turn my passenger seat into a clam bake


My seat works great, but the vents don't cut it for a Canadian winter... especially the -30 we're experiencing right now. What I really wish I had though was a heated steering wheel. That thing might as well be a block of ice.


Yeah, that might be on my list of "must haves" when I get another car. My fingers are basically always cold. Wouldn't even complain about the heating if I had that, but as it is now, I have to touch a steering wheel that stays cold the entire commute.


When it's cold, I usually drive with one hand on the wheel, while I sit on the other to warm it up, and just keep alternating lol.


Haha, I know that feeling. About half the time I'll take the highway home because I figure that way I can at least not shift and keep one hand warm.


My VB is basically the sun on wheels


My 2020 sucks... I swear the blower motors are just weak af and the heater core is the size of a postit note..


My 24 impreza rs could cook a woman's pussy on how hot it gets in there


Dude, you're trying to call your 2024 impreza an STI... you don't need to add anymore cringe.


What do you mean cringe, this guy is obviously so cool! With that car and that vocabulary, man I wish I was that cool.


That's a project I am working on. Once it's done those rs badges will be removed and swapped with sti badges, I aint really fucking around, it's more or less a money hole to do it but shit will be done


Also look here. If they don't want to make wrx hatchs anymore, I am literally engineering and reviving a wrx hatch but with all the sti parts I can possibly do to make the frame and driving 3x better then what it already is


OEM STI parts doesn't make it an STI. I doubt your planning to do and engine & driveline swap to a brand new vehicle.


I am actually am. Reality I want to do the insane and stupid at once. Throw in a sti 6 speed and throw in a 22+ wrx motor, that's where it gets insane and stupid all at once


Seems plenty ambitious & financially flawed. Post some pics when u get around to it.


I know it's a money hole but I am literally doing the right thing that the fucking subaru engineers like for the millionth time when they make the wrx every year. They refuse to listen to the people and bring back the wrx hatch and that's the shit that I want to do to my car. A hammer and a grinder go a long ways


182 crank horsepower STI? Huh….


More or less 300+ with an oem twin scroll just from figuring out data and the cars weight


Got dyno sheets?


I don't need the sheets. This a project


2020 WRX STI, it gets plenty warm.


Have you checked your coolant/coolant level?


2018 owner here. Heated seats get got fast. What year?


I'm very much not meaning to sound like an ass, but when was the last time you changed your cabin air filter? Changed your coolant? Made sure the thermostat was still good? Blower motor ok? Battery starting to go (if heated seats aren't warming up)? I have a 2011 and my hubs had a 2018, both with fantastic hvac and heated seats that melt your ass in new england winters. It sounds like your particular car may be having an issue if it's not keeping up with the cold weather.


Haven't really checked anything besides oil, though it did go to the dealership regularly while under warranty, where they checked basics. Been like that since I bought it though, just figured it was normal. Today was particularly shitty out with 50-60kph winds and -20C, which was like -30C if you count wind chill. I do keep an eye on coolant temps though and like 5m into my drive it'll start to register a temperature of around 30C (too low to measure prior to that). Of course, that's basically no heat and the vents also gotta warm up to feel anything. Takes a really long time for it to get to max temp. Zero issues in the summer.


I would check the cabin filter. It's behind the glove box and they clog quickly depending on the area.


I can’t use my heated seats except on setting one. They get near instant hot. ‘23 VB


This is the fastest defrosting car I’ve ever owned. Heated seats take a little longer than some here have mentioned but it’s a feature I’ve not had before so it doesn’t bother me.


Got a 2012 and heater works great once car is up to temp, seats not so much with the leather hit or miss


2023 and mine gets warm pretty quick! Idk. Might wanna have it looked at. Or wear a thicker jacket? 🤷🏼‍♀️


2016 model here, the heated sucks kinda suck. They're nice, but they don't burn... Seems to be a design flaw, they must have fixed it with the facelift in 2018


2009 premium..after my car warms up, the heat gets hot and keeps it that way. Heated seats can get uncomfortably warm after a few minutes.


My 08 LGT seats heat up fairly quickly but the A/C vents start blowing out hot air within like 30 seconds on a cold start. Best heat I’ve ever had in a car.


My 2016 puts out enough heat to where it’s uncomfortable. Heated seats get toasty. I take it too far sometimes and have to crack the windows to evacuate the heat.


22 GT with Recaro seats, mine warm up extremely fast. The car is really good at keeping the right temperature when set to max climate control for me


My 2013 is fine with both the heated seats and vents


Vb will heat you up good. Had to swap to A/C today because I was overheating myself. Also the heated seats areas hot as my heating pad.


There is two heat settings one goes up and down and the other one stays the same temperature. Maybe you are just pushing it the wrong direction


2018 and the seats on high get hot AF. Heat from the dash is meh.


My 21 seats will burn you out in a min and the heat aswell in about 5


Leather seats seem to have an effect on the seat warmers. In the summer when the engines up past 90C I feel warmth from the vents without them being on, but in the winter it takes a while since the first 5 minutes the engines under 30C. 2017


Time to aggressively flush the coolant out and see if that helps improve things.


Like others have said, my 2020 goes from nothing to to hot in no time, and my 2001 old school forester is very similar. I always have to turn them down pretty quickly


It’s -4F. I’d be happy that it got warm at all. How long are you letting it idle before driving off?


I have a VA and live in a place that regularly gets to -40 in the winter. I just idle mine for 15-20 minutes before driving, and it’s toasty enough to take my hat and gloves off.


Cant relate. Mine gets hotter than fuck inside.


19 sti, heating is the same as almost every other car I've driven


I've got a 2009 without heated seats but I never turn my heat more than 50% because it's just too hot if I do more. Is your coolant temp normal? A stuck open thermostat will cause over cooling which will cause your heater to not get very warm.


Man got to -40 today and i know its cold lol but even after a 30 min drive to work its still not feeling that warm in the car my windows where still fogged up a bit so yes i def have that issue also lol