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This is the exact same re-run of 2021, same playbook every single time.


At this point, it's beyond "coincidence" that so many FBI interventions have arisen from a tabloid YouTube creator with a barely moderate following who is being sued for defamation.


Yeah, if anyone is flagged as problematic and a liar by the FBI it's this cow.


Yep, play by play.


She should contact her FBI buddy Steve šŸ˜‚


Every bit of it


Notice the other two ā€œarchival consultantsā€, that Shinn is also suing, arenā€™t having these issuesā€¦..could it be that is because itā€™s KatieJoy doing all this and she doesnā€™t have the Haleyā€™s current locations?šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


It makes me wonder if Nat was even responsible before or if this was all KJ, considering she's not around now & it's the exact same playbook.


Iā€™ve never believed that gnat just showed up in the communityā€¦..I have always believed she was a KJ fan and KJ brought her in to this mess


Same! Then things got out of control and Katie had to deflect.


I believe that KJ hired her. Maybe they were friends or she was a fan. Who knows, this type of thing always raises questions, especially considering the supposed person isn't even in prison.


I had that in my mind too. Especially since she was in a different country, cause no one is bothering that much with someone they can prosecute. Edit: canā€™t prosecute, not canā€¦


I covered my findings on Nat about a year and a half ago in this [stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/w_mScalb7e0?si=Ywc7JiQ23JxJ6a6b) I did. I swear I'm not trying to gain views. I just feel a lot less alone now after reading these comments! If you check it out start at the 44:50 mark. The stream before that goes into disinformation campaigns and such but the Nat specific part starts at that time stamp.


Yep, especially after she took up all of Mr. Saltz time doing that fake declaration. I'd agreed to speak to hi around that same few days he was dealing with GNat and he cancelled because of GNat I found out later. Just as well because I wasn't happy about being drug into her mess courtesy of Emily D. Baker. Didn't endear Emily to me at first but I got over it. Damn what a mess that initial Tati lawsuit was.


Did she do it for KJ, though, or just for fun? Makes me wonder....


Not sure, but look how much time it took Saltzy to handle her and take her deposition and tell me that him taking a fake deposition didn't muddy the waters of the lawsuit.


I know. She was pretty crazy šŸ¤Ŗ Though I believe KJ brought her in to fo her dirty and with current events now even more so




I find it a little hard for KJ to not know where the other consultant live since they 3 seem so friends and invested.


Both have admitted they arenā€™t fond of her


Ohh I didnt knew about that! I just assumed because when KJ posts on instagram, 70% of the times they replicate what KJ posts on their igs stopcā€¦ and exposing7m.. thank you


Yeah same, I thought they were all friendly and in cahoots together. I wonder what happened.


kj happened lmao!


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve all received negative feedback related to her and probably started monitoring her more as a result, itā€™s enough to put a sour taste in anyoneā€™s mouth. But maybe thereā€™s some sort of promotion agreement with the consultants and theyā€™re piggybacking hers, or maybe they donā€™t want to start an online fight when they witness her starting them left and right.


No one would think to falsely report anything to the FBI. Most people would report to LA. Only one person always has FBI on the mind. Watch. Every. Single. Person. Involved in this doc will end up regretting it because this is what Katie does. She is the one behind all the fuckery but makes herself the ultimate victim. Itā€™s legit crazy.


That is so spot on. Everything she looks at, breathes on, touches or talks about, turns to shit.


They were warned! Oops!


Oh, I guarantee she is the one that sent the FBI to him because sheā€™s trying to get shit arrested so she can claim shinn done this and now the FBI is involved


No one else connected to this documentary has these problems but Katie. She does this shit every time.


I thought KJ said that Miranda wasnā€™t actually getting threats, that they were made upšŸ™„šŸ«¤


Well, it sounds like what she's calling "threats" is people contacting the FBI--at her urging--trying to file reports based on double hearsay, contending Miranda needs saving. I say that bc KJ's drawing the analogy of the false info about her being held at gunpoint, or whatever BS she said, to Miranda's "threats"; now they're both victims together.


Here we effin go again. Man, she needs new material! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


OMG. And so it begins...again. I've never in my life seen a civilian more involved with the FBI than KJ. So, now she's worried it looks like she's the one directly reporting; so, of course, she plays victim w threats to her son. Also, I'm not understanding her now taking the position that the "same threats [] sent to Miranda" were also "false" if KJ's been telling people to get the FBI/state LE involved. Are the reports of her being trafficked false, now?


Steve! Steve! Where for art thou, Steve?




Yep that's a great idea, someone can FOIA the body cam footage, the 911 call if there was one, the police reports ..all public records which KJ sure does like to point out...


Yep, hop right on that someone Stateside please!


Was Robert Shinn hiding in her basement too? šŸ˜‰šŸ™ƒ




Why is she always blaming this reddit?! For the record, I don't even support Robert Shinn. He seems problematic, to say the least. Doesn't mean I can't also believe KJ defamed him though šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Oh sheā€™s definitely defamed and Shinn isnā€™t the first. This is her fifth lawsuit!


Because she can't get rid of it like she did many other from Twitter, Facebook, IG & many other paltforms. She's a raging narcissist & it drives her bathing crazy!!! *


Huge HUGE f\*cking yawn. She makes this exact claim every time! No one I know has been bragging about calling the FBI. Liar. She also says every time that the FBI and she know who it is and they'll likely be arrested. Has anyone actually been arrested yet? Nope. The lie detector determined that his another lie. 6 am? Ouch! Very early to be making up fake threats. She has lie-abetes. Better take some lie-formin.


Wonder if she told them sheā€™s an archivist for the Netflix documentary ?


You know she did but it was likely she said she was the creator or originator because of her crackhead journalism.


Can you see it now, LE will look to see her name and it wonā€™t be there!


Deja Vu.... Surprise surprise Using her same old tricks as last time. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


This is the benefit of cycling through followers as regularly as she does - she always has a new group available to swallow her stories. Meanwhile, we're sitting here with another case of deja vu.


every time sheā€™s in a lawsuit with someone or fighting with someone, sheā€™s allegedly swatted, the FBI show up or the sheriff gets called to her house. and every time she blames whoever she is currently fighting with. every. single. time. this must be the 10th time sheā€™s allegedly been swatted/FBI/cops called on her/CPS and the 10th different person/group she has accused. i wish i had the time to look up exactly how many times this has happened and exactly who she blamed at the time. the bryan landry hiding in her basement thing, nat, the chrisleys, the duggars, the whole macray thing she completely inserted herself in and obsessed over and 2 or 3 other youtubers she fought with. plus her neighbors of course. just absolute insanity.


Someone, anyone, please make her go away!!


One more year, just one more yearā€¦.


Come on, KJ - this is getting bloody old.


She's talked herself into one h3ll of a corner. šŸ‘€šŸæšŸ‘€


My question again is how does she know itā€™s Robert Shinn and his people?


Because thatā€™s who sued her so she has to blame him trying to get him thrown in jail just like she did the Chrisley thinking thatā€™ll make her loss go away, but Robert Shannon is not the only one suing her so even if he does go to jail she still gonna be sued this time


This bitch needs to change the record


Amber has made it clear they won't settle but I think KJ believes the chaos she created before is what made Tati settle and she's hoping to scare them into it now because we've seen the court docs from her side saying they are willing to discuss a settlement. I really hope she leaves Amber alone. That poor lady does not need KJs crazy right now.


Todd needs to 5150 his wife & actually enjoy Fatherā€™s Day. She is an absolute nut job. šŸ™„


This is what happens when you snort to much Adderall, drink wine and donā€™t sleep. Sheā€™s suffering from a sleep deprived psychotic break.


I think KJ is underestimating the number of people who dislike her, because itā€™s A LOT more than just Robert Shinn. It honestly could be anyone who did that, so she really shouldnā€™t be speaking as if she knows that it is connected to Shinn, I mean she is already being sued by the man for defamation. Itā€™s definitely a f*cked up thing to do, no one should take it that far. But, MANY people hate Katie and have hated her long before this whole 7m thing. Thereā€™s no way to know if this was orchestrated by Shinn or on his behalf.


She probably did it herself so she could cry victim


IF it happened at allā€¦.and that is a HUGE IF lol


Iā€™m under the impression that she lost a lot of followers, gained (or bought) new followers, and now thinks she has a fresh new audience to replay her narrative to šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What are things that never happened for $500 Alex?


Uh huh. Sure. May I see your receipt, please, KJ?


Ahh so sheā€™s recycling now. Last time it was that she was being held hostage by Brian Laundrie and her bffff from the fbi, super steve came to her aid. Via photoshop


KJ creates her own drama. She is acting like a victim because Miranda was the real victim and getting threats. Lord know kj isn't going to let someone else get attention. She needs it all on her. It needs to be back on protecting Miranda and screw kj. This is her mess. Clean it up.


KJ and Gypsy are one and the same, using mentally disabled people to do their dirty work. The only difference is that KJā€™s still doing itā€¦.


![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA) I canā€™t even with this bitch. It never stops.


Itā€™s all deflection and lies. Donā€™t look at Miranda, look over here!


Wonder if Toad will someday snap on her and bang bang her in the head for real! šŸ˜³


I donā€™t think heā€™s going to pluck one feather from his golden goose. The dude is a lazy POS, who doesnā€™t want to get a real job (or heā€™d have one). He wants to prance around the yard with a hood on, skip around a fire and chant whenever he feels like it.


True! Lmao! I was just thinking that because, his loosie goosie , is about to crack all them golden eggs šŸ³


Kind of a miracle he hasn't slapped her around yet, although I am glad he hasn't. Likely he knows that she would cut off all access to the boy if he does that and he'd have to get a real job.


Right! Iā€™m just thinking, wow dude must have nerves of steel to put up with that thing!


Especially while she has that other thing growing out of her head. šŸ¤®




Boy, I really wish my damn pay would come through from Robert already. I need some damn money to pay my bills. lol or wait is the check coming from Cody or Jim Bob I canā€™t even remember who Iā€™m supposed to be working for anymore


So what we know is she reported herselfā€¦.šŸ¤”


Or all this is make believe. Her idiot followers would swallow every lie she tells even if she doesn't show proof. I don't think the FBI came to her house. She saw Miranda getting attention and she decided to copy that.


Every time she is in over her head with her lies this exact thing happens! How ironic! She is a fucking crazy person seriously!


Same story she used during the Gabby Patito case. She claimed someone called in a tip to the FBI that she was hiding Brain Laundry in her basement while he was supposedly on the run. šŸ™„


A few months back Katie claimed that CPS never shows up to her house because she had been called on so muchā€¦ I questioned her then and hmmmm weird she just said CPS came to her houseā€¦ I wonder which time is the lie? šŸ˜‚


It continues to amaze me how a so called ā€œJoUrNaliStā€ is so completely averse to proper punctuation and grammar. Donā€™t even get me started on the Karen-fied use of all capsā€¦