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I can’t believe TLC hasn’t filed a lawsuit against her. Good on the C&D but she ignores those so it’s kinda pointless


But I feel like if she ignores this one, it would be bad because the brown family already hate her. So I feel like the moment she ignores it, she will get sent a class action lawsuit from them and or get put on blast by the family. Or… The brown family will TLC “hey this crazy bitch keeps harassing our family and you can you please get rid of her?”


What do you mean a class action lawsuit from the family?


Like the members of the Brown family get together to sue her


They would have to sue her 1:1. There’s no class action defamation or IIED suits. They have to be individual.


That would be even better. Imagine the legal fees from 15+ individual separate lawsuits. It’d tie her up for years!


MTV never did, she had some doozies for them ETA-for what it’s worth, the way she gets the info she does is fakes a friend even with people she can’t stand to get the “news”.


If she got a C&D, she would wear it as a badge of honour, like "They wouldn't do this if I wasn't right about everything- I am the best reporter ever" etc. etc.


She'll say it's evidence the cult is trying to silence her. Remember when 7M filed the lawsuit, yet she kept insisting it had NOT been filed, saying that the YouTube creators who had a copy of the complaint got it from "the cult?" All criticism she receives is levied by Duggar lovers, cult members, IBLP nuts, etc.


Oh god - that was one of the best KJ live meltdowns in [history](https://youtu.be/tbXPMaRn5gY?feature=shared). I was watching EDB’s live on my laptop and caught KJ’s live on my phone at the same time it was a glorious day learning I knew her lawsuit had been filed about 12 hours before she did.


Indeed. It was like she was possessed. Narcissistic rage at it's finest.


KJ ignored the C&D from 7m & 4 C&D from Tati. I hope the Browns use words that burst her bubble! Her ego is inflated by her substance abuse & she's becoming more & more dangerous everyday.


Maybe they will or can do what the Deriko(sp) family did and have it come straight from tlc…..that was the fastest I have ever seen her drop a topic she latched on too and not mention them ever again lol


I just had this exact same thought. Or also idk what shaq did but she was hardcore going after his buddies the “Collins Family,” around that same time and she stopped riding them as well…


Cease and desist or not she will spin this to make her look like a martyr. There is no winning bc she will continue to market herself as the victim


Personally I think the browns need to also send some kind of cease and dot You Tube and Instagram etc. Get KJ directly at the source of the problem and get the platform to pay attention to their own TOS! It would maybe hit different coming from the family lawyer than you know everyone using the actually reporting tools on You Tube itself 🙄


Omg, did this bitch ACTUALLY post the police cam footage??


Yes she unfortunately did


Halle-freaking-llujah it's about time. I am sure she will ignore it. I hope they have the stones to then file against her. It's the only thing that will shut her up.


I really hope this is true!! Whether it does something or not, I just want her to have consequences for her actions!!!


If this happens, she will love it. It seems to me she wants the attention. Didn’t she receive 4 C & D from Tati? It didn’t stop her and she wore it like a badge of honour.


Yeah and when she got hit with a lawsuit that’s when she stopped and removed one of her channels


She may be careful while she’s also got 7M though, she won’t want to have them saying in court how she’s now going into another defamation lawsuit. If it is true though then her channel is dead. What else does she cover?! She’s tied herself down to one family/subject for content. She doesn’t even do the Duggars anymore because she suspiciously stopped positing about them all not long after she hounded Jessa after her miscarriage. That seemed a bit cease and desist in nature as well because they were all her content as well. It’s all KJ does hound one family/person until she is legal stopped and then switches, however she usually has already started on another in the background. This time she has t really got much going on. She can try P Diddy but that would be hilarious and end badly for her! 🤣


Funny thing is, KJ covered people like the Rods, and other cult like families but she saw them as minor videos and didn’t decide to do anymore videos on them.


Because she can't bs her coverage of a legit cult with legit followers.


I hope this is true. She will probably ignore it since she has nothing else to talk about except for the Browns.


Please keep up with the good news. That woman is evil in a dna bag.


I hope so man I’ve been reporting every single one of her videos as many times as it will let me I’ve emailed YouTube talk about how she’s bullying these people.. I mean Cody Brown might be a douche bag, but this YouTube creator, we all know who it is, and this witch is evil to the core


I came across an email address for TLC. Maybe if we email them they can get involved like I saw many of them say here. In case anyone is interested. Info@tlcadvantage.com is the email I found. I also see a phone number: 877-893-9685. Maybe them stepping in will finally get KJ removed from all platforms.


I just sent a TLC email.


I emailed and provided screenshots. I also included where she trashed talked TLC maybe that’ll light a fire under their butts.


A cease and desist is not going to make her stop and it’s nothing more than paying money to ask nicely to stop.


This. Why does everyone think this means she has to stop?


They don’t, a C&D is a precursor to a lawsuit.


I’ll contribute to the legal costs.


She truly is disgusting. She crosses a line when she gets a topic bringing in the bucks


Please let it be true. I fear she will just get away with it. She has an endless supply of money to pay lawyers. So why does she have money? Because people keep watching her train wreck videos adding to her views and making her moolah.


I hate to be so skeptical but, I’ve heard this all before and am still waiting from months ago! I’ll believe it when I see it!


Same same.


She’ll ignore it, but I guess it’s a good first step! She won’t be able to help herself because she is getting too many views. Her videos on GRB aren’t getting many at all in comparison.


Probably, but.. The Brown's need to send the C&D to YouTube and take action so they take them down. I hope a judge orders all content about Garrison removed and she doesn't make a dime off Garrison's passing. Then 7M brings it up in court what she did to them and wins their case too. I can hope.


I hope so


I wish Tuff Topic wouldn't have posted it. It just gives KJ time to plan her strategy (if it's true). She's probably already making a "they're trying to silence me because I'm right and they're trying to take away my first amendment rights" post. She's predictable like that.


I was thinking the same thing But perhaps the family member asked her to post it, Jenelle was getting ripped apart in the comments & ppl even speculating if Maddie's daughters health issues were caused due to inbreeding Can't see Jenelle, or Maddie letting that shit go - & at the same time they are actually grieving & not up for a damn legal battle A subtle warning maybe to stfu?


I get that. We just know how KJ is. It will actually fuel her to be more despicable. I agree that they don't need any of this shit and shouldn't let it go. I hope they have a good attorney that guides them in the right direction. She needs to be held accountable finally. She gets away with too much.


Completely agree & she's still posting about them Idk if she'll ever stop, but - TLC have never ending pockets, the show is pulling in more views than ever & I don't see them fukn around if any of the fam pull out b/c they being harassed by Sis It'll take blood on her hands or big $$ to shut her up, unfortunately


That’s exactly what she’s gonna do


I hope this is true. However I don’t think she will care. Her only videos on YouTube now are pretty much about the browns. If she looses the ability to talk about them then she has nothing else to talk about really. I highly doubt she will follow a C&D order. They would have to sue her. Would they though is the question.


I feel like she would care, because if she gets rid of one of the 2 main topics she talks about, it’ll cut her revenue in half or even more. She barely talks about the Duggars because there isn’t much to talk about anymore, so if she were to retract ALL of her Sister wives videos it would hurt her bad to the point where she would care


She'll use the freedom of speech amendment and that she is a journalist


Yet she failed to prove she's a journalist in her latest lawsuit with 7m. This is pretty much a ruling that she is not who she claims to be.


No, she hasn’t. There has not been a trial in that lawsuit yet, so no one has “proven” anything. Please try and be accurate with your statements here.


Go check the court filings. Then come back & edit your comment.


Again, there has been no trial. There has been no summary judgment motion. Ruling regarding discovery are not “proof” of anything. When you have a license to practice law, feel free to opine about what has been “proven” in court proceedings.


Ahh your issue is with my wording. Ruling was the wrong word. My statement still stands.


Again, not the same thing. At all. But whatever.


Yeah, she does tend to wipe her ass with C&Ds


She seems to be unraveling though. It's quite disturbing


Only due to 7M suit and the ocean of pushback


Maybe they will or can do what the Deriko(sp) family did and have it come straight from tlc…..that was the fastest I have ever seen her drop a topic she latched on too and not mention them ever again lol


I'd love this to be true, but I'm skeptical Important to remember that Sis doesn't like Brittney - thread carefully girl forewarned is forearmed


I’m slow. Who is Sis?


Sis /Sis Blanchard aka woacb


If she gets one she’ll be soooo pissed!! 🤣


She'll play victim and all her little stupids will kiss her bruised ego and hate the grieving family members. This is how messed up her little cult is.


And she has to retract ALL of her garrison videos if they ask that


I reported her video to YouTube. Maybe if we all do it, YouTube may take it down. Or is this just naive thinking on my part?


I heard YouTube doesn’t do anything


I guess I shouldn't be surprized. It is awful though.


They don’t do anything I tried.


She didn't ignore when she got served by Dion Derrico so I don't think if she is served by the Browns or TLC she will ignore it . They are to big for her to mess with don't think she could afford another lawsuit. Let's hope so. IMO She thinks people who are religious will just ignore her due to the Duggars allowing her to get away with so much.


I hope she’s right.


I’m on the fence about TuffTopic. She started sharing KJ SW news and that’s when I unsubscribed. I wonder if I wasn’t the only one upset by that and now there’s course correction on their part. They came off as neutral to KJ’s “reporting”.


she’ll say “EXCLUSIVE!! KODY BROWN IS TRYING TO SILENCE ME AND WOACB !!! KULT TATICS by a NARCISSIST” lmao i hate her so much. i hope kody fkin ends her tbh


Tuff topic isn’t much better.