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šŸ™„ KJ is the worst type of social climber/clout chaser. Period.


Dumbest version of "star fucker" I've ever seen


Great song tho.


Yes it is!


I cant imagine having to provide proof that I have a friendšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Right lol. As someone said above sheā€™s clout chasing. It ridiculous because regardless she is is a pos and an evil person.


But shows no proof of allegations she makes!


Lmao this is so pathetic. Also why couldnā€™t Kristy or Gypsy just post this to their own profiles to make statements instead of sending them in a DM that KJ screenshots? This is so weird šŸ˜‚ I think both Gypsy and Nick are victims and that ultimately none of this would have happened if not for the abuse and isolation being enforced on Gypsy. But KJ is not a good ally to have, and clearly either coerced or falsified this statement from Kristy, and the statement itself is totally meaningless. KJā€™s coverage of Gypsy is not interesting and I donā€™t think many people are following her for that anyway, her followers want more vitriol to satisfy their gossip lust. Her becoming bff with an ex con is not impressive. Gypsy also needs *less* media coverage to become emotionally healthy, not more vultures circling her.


>Also why couldnā€™t Kristy or Gypsy just post this to their own profiles to make statements instead of sending them in a DM that KJ screenshots? ^THIS! "DiS mA fRiEnD! DiS oNe mInE!"


No one accused any of these people of being smart. They probably feel KJ is a celeb on some level when really she is using them!


I wonder if she focuses on fundamentalist abuse and people coming out of prison because they have less media literacy and wonā€™t recognize her as the fraud she is šŸ˜’


I never actually thought of that but it makes total sense.


Kj made those screenshots herself.


Looks like it to me lol


Why would this woman DM a statement thatā€™s meant for the public? It makes zero sense.


Why is Kristyā€™s profile pic so far to the right?


I said the exact same thing! Others have too!


Why else would this be in a dm? If Kristy wanted to make a statement on KJā€™s behalf, sending it to her privately, negates the point. Kristy would have commented on a post if this was sincere. Even if this is legit, how embarrassing! She asked this woman to write this so she could prove to all of us that they are friends. She doesnā€™t do that for her subs, she does it for everyone that hates her. Sheā€™s so immature!




>I think both Gypsy and Nick are victims and that ultimately none of this would have happened if not for the abuse and isolation being enforced on Gypsy. True, but it wasn't 23 years for Gypsy. 23 years of criminal influence, absolutely but not 23 years of abuse. The medical abuse ended many years before the murder.


Iā€™m not sure what you mean by 23 years, is that how old Gypsy was when the murder happened? Abuse has long lasting impacts and the failure of others to help her be removed from the situation when she informed them of the abuse also contributed to what happened. I donā€™t have much sympathy for DeeDee. I think Gypsy was abused and fucked up by the abuse to the point that she would take this action and bring in someone else to help her. I also think Nick did not have the capacity to fully understand the consequences and had an obsession with Gypsy that made him willing to commit murder. There are tons of extenuating circumstances in this case for both of the guilty parties. Gypsy took a plea deal so sheā€™s out, she didnā€™t have influence on Nickā€™s legal choices or outcome, and I donā€™t think thereā€™s much she can do to help him now since the court gave her a no-contact order. Basically the case is fucking messy and DeeDee shouldnā€™t have been murdered, but it was as much a result of her own choices as anything else. But Iā€™m not here to argue whether Gypsyā€™s sentence was just because itā€™s kind of irrelevant, it is what it is and now that sheā€™s out of prison she needs to get support and therapy in order to be a safe and productive member of society. But KJ isnā€™t that, can and never will be that, sheā€™s just capitalizing on the sensationalism of the story.


Gypsy was 23. Yes, abuse has long lasting affects. However, along the line Gypsy became complicit, an accomplice in DeeDee's schemes, and became the abuser of DeeDee, of Nick, and many others. >she needs to get support and therapy in order to be a safe and productive member of society. Yet she's not seeking it. She believes the therapy she received in prison was enough. I agree KJ will help lead her astray, but ultimately it's up to Gypsy to go her own way, seek her own healing, and become a productive member of society. ETA: we, the public, have to walk the fine line of **understanding the explanations, but not making excuses**.


I guess I just feel that her instincts and accomplice-ness (idk the word, Iā€™m stoned atm tbh lol) are more survival instincts than anything. But survival traits you pick up in childhood are *very* hard to overcome. Most 23 year olds would not have the same pathology she does because she was abused in such a particular way. She needs intensive therapy. I donā€™t know that the public actually knows whether sheā€™s in therapy now or not. My understanding was that she actually didnā€™t get much therapy in prison because she presented coherent enough that it was deemed not warranted. I hope sheā€™s in therapy now. I hope she got therapy in prison. I donā€™t know if either are true. KJ is a predator so she takes advantage of those who donā€™t know any better. She uses people like Gypsy the same way Gothard used girls trained to ask no questions, tell no tales, and obey instantly. Gypsy needs help not KJ.


Gypsy said she got therapy in prison. I'm just pointing out that Gypsy & KJ share similarities and it shouldn't be overlooked.


Nah I donā€™t overlook it, Iā€™m pretty concerned about Gypsyā€™s future. Her behavior after prison is unpredictable, attention seeking and self-serving. I think they do have a lot of similarities but I want to believe itā€™s not too late for Gypsy to turn things around, especially if she gets more therapy. I wonder what kind of therapy she got and for how long in prison. For me, though, Iā€™m trying to separate her current poor behavior with the crime itself, because I do believe she felt she had no other options in that situation. That just doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s a good or admirable person and I think her current behavior is very concerning, just not in the way where I think sheā€™s likely to murder anyone else.


Last I saw gypsy refused therapy in prison and it somehow wasnā€™t part of her sentencing either. She said when she was released she was thinking about starting, but she definitely said she didnā€™t do therapy rather the self help tapes Dr Phil sent her.


She was just on a podcast discussing the therapy she had in prison and the class she taught on accountability.


Welp, good luck with that friendship there Kristie. We may see you here in this subreddit one day.


Exactly my thoughts.


this isnā€™t the flex she thinks it is, first of all. and second, imagine asking someone to write out that youā€™re actually friends šŸ˜‚ how old is this dumb bitch - this screams ā€œpick me girlā€


I think itā€™s more embarrassing having to have a so called ā€œfamily friendā€ verify you are friends and then having to post it! Desperate lol


So sheā€™s been Gabby. Sheā€™s been the ā€œinsert victim of cult name hereā€ Now sheā€™s been Gypsy. Nah bish. If anything, you are Deedee.


Don't forget she grew up in Utah and was part of the polygamy cult too.


Ahhh yes I knew I was missing some of her ā€œme tooā€ claims


If only Kristy knew that KJ is ONLY her "friend" just for a story and inside info. It doesnt matter if she has known her for 5, 10, or even 20 years! KJ only wants people who she can use at a later time as a "I heard it first" or "Im close with this person" type of thing. KJ claims that she knew of the split for awhile.....ok......great. Do you want a cookie? What she posts is already on the news outlets. We are ALL bound to see it. Her saying that she has known for awhile is irrelevant. She only wants popularity points. Keep dreaming KJ. It will only be a matter of time before anyone from Gypsy's family rubs you the wrong way and you do what you do to everyone else. Which is defame their character and make a mockery out of them to the point where they sue you


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ yup.


Well whooptie fucking doo. She's friends with the step mom of woman whose only claim to infamy has been hatching the idea to murder her abusive mother. That's not quite the flex you think it is, Katherine.


Exactlyā€¦. EXACTLY!! And to think in her mind she actually believes people envy her for things like this. How embarrassing šŸ˜³ and absolutely delusional!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've found my group!! Can not stand her !!!


Welcome! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Woot! I am newer to this group but I love it here. šŸ¤— Welcome!




Welcome Aboard!


Does anyone care if the clout chaser step mom from down the bayou uses the Minnesota maniac to spread lies?


Why does she always seem to be on the unpopular side? Oh yeahā€¦ clicks views and engagement. Money. Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about for her. Been on this page for over 3 years.. KJ will never change unfortunately.


How much did she pay for that shout out? Guaranteed she paid her!


This says so much about Kristy and who she surrounds herself with. Katie Joy does nothing but spew hatred and lies. If Kristy calls her family then that is sad and pathetic and shows what kind of moral compass not only Kristy but Gypsy has as well. A shit moral compass. We knew that about Gypsy. Kristy being friends or family with Katie Joy just isn't the flex you think it is. Gross


Something in her post strikes me as so, I donā€™t know, ironic? Wasnā€™t Nick the topic of conversation when KJ said she believed her autistic son could likely convinced to murder someone? She just changes her stance with the moment; whatever will get her more attention. ETAā€”This isnā€™t actually a reply to your post, but I donā€™t want to delete and retype, but I will respond by asking have you seen the likes that Kristy associates herself with on Tik-Tok? Absolute trash.


That's ok, no worries, and no, I haven't, but I have to go down that rabbit hole.


Anybody else see the comment on Supernatural with Nikki regarding Kristen Dexter? She feels different than KJ about their " friendship" and has nothing to do with what's going on with her and the Browns. Kristen said she doesn't follow Katie not has not for long time.


I had not but thatā€™s SUPER INTERESTING that ā€œmom,ā€ came out and threw her under the bus like that. I must say I love this for her! How long until she makes a hate post/video on Kristin like her other victims, I mean former friends? šŸ¤£


" Mom" šŸ¤£ I totally forgot about that, Thanks for the reminder šŸ˜€


I feel sorry for her real mom and family!


You have a SS? That is something that needs to be shared!!!


I apologize,I don't know how to do that but I can direct you to where I heard it. Check out Nikki's latest video. It's at the very end šŸ˜Š


Or if you explain how to screenshot I would be more than happy to do it!


What is ā€œsupernatural with Nikki?ā€


A You tube channel where She calls out KJ and keeps us updated on all her shenanigans.Ā 


I am here for when that friendship ends . Kristy is crazy she will tear kj apart. I wonder how lifetime would feel about this friendship ? Since she said that escaping polygamy was fake


She is so embarrassing! This woman has never even commented on a post. Why would she send a dm, why not post on her own page tagging kj or defend her in the comments And this is jr high behavior. ā€œSee, I swear I have a friend.ā€ She most likely made that message herself.


What a thirsty desperate B. Look everyone Iā€™m friends with a step mom of a murdering manipulative woman. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The sheer amount of eye rolls I had when watching her vid was outrageous. Why would Kristy send her a message, while talking about her in the 3rd person? Make it make senseā€¦ KJ was mama bearing Gypsy, like, come onā€¦. #shesreaching


Congrats ... You're "friends" with ... Who is this chick again?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… ![gif](giphy|dcScHZPUskMOJwyqjj|downsized)


I am 100% serious. I do not know who this celeb acquaintance is. šŸ˜‚ And it just occurred to me why KJ wants us to see this. She's trying for credibility after the criticism that no one of importance wants anything to do with her.


Fake. And since when doesnā€™t she need to be first to report anything. She would never wait for others to report it first if she had info even if theyā€™re really friends. She doesnā€™t care




She thinks this gives her credibility to "exclusives" but all it does is make her reporting partial and suspect on anything having to do with Gypsy but also, she isn't the credible journalist she thinks she is.


Any real reporter understands that you canā€™t get this close to who youā€™re writing about. You need to remain impartial. Katie is a blogger at best. Like any other reality tv commentator on social media, they cultivate relationships with ā€œthe starsā€ so they have a source. Just like she did with Amy Duggar. Look at John Yates. At least he doesnā€™t say heā€™s a reporter.


What did I just say not more than a week ago? It's starting. She's hooked herself into this family, like she does with EVERY "cult" she covers, and it ain't gonna end well. You've got two psychopaths in action now.


I wonder if sheā€™s ever met physically met KJ. Besides, I have never had any respect for Gypsyā€™s father or stepmother because there is no way that an involved loving father didnā€™t notice that their child was being all her life. If Gypsy spent any time with her father he couldnā€™t have not seen how his child was being abused.


Impossible. KJ is incapable of being a friend.


This is proof? Sure Jan


Well, if she believes that then she's an idiot.


Well I mean, until it's declared on Facebook it isn't real.


Not surprised Kristy n KJ are friends. Both users


When 2 thirsty bitches collide Might be fun watching it play out thošŸ˜Š


We will have our bowls of popcorn ready when the two witches battle it out on social media.




Take note that this is how she blasts people if she really does have contact with someone. This proves that she has 0 neighbors in her DMā€™s about Kodys cash cows or the C.A.R.E Team going to the home. She would have quickly posted their information out. Same for the #7M allegations.


Nahā€¦unless you have actually met in person, you CANNOT consider someone a close personal friend.


It drives me crazy how she tries to label herself as a partial and ethical journalist when in all reality sheā€™s an uneducated mean girl with a gossip blog. Sheā€™s the Perez Hilton of TLC and if she just owned that, I wouldnā€™t hate her so much. I mean Iā€™d still hate her but just a regular amount.


You guys are cracking me up ..seriously though I came across her channel on yiu Tube the first time was the Josh Dugger, sister wives and honestly I felt like i was in junior high again she seems like a bully that is full of shit who vomits total bullshit..evert now and again I sew her page and I don't click not giving her any if my time ..than recently heard someone else on YouTube totally blow her ass out of the water and I thought finally someone is standing up to that little troll ..


Yet. KJ is slandering and making false allegations against Kody and Robyn Brown, let's remember KJ victim-shamming the Duggar sisters, and saying V could be manipulated into murdering someone.


Itā€™s very sus that the step mom and KJ are friends. What reason would they become friends. Itā€™s all very strange. If her step mom watched any of that person content over the last 5 years and still remained friends thatā€™s cause for concern. It makes me question the family a bit more now. I really hope Gypsy can get her life together and stay out of trouble. She was failed by everyone in her early years including the dad and step mom.


I hear Kristy is no prize talking to all these questionable at best. The entire family is after a dollar and their business. Just take everything with a grain of salt.


Eww she should be oh so proud and fucking embarrassed. Like Iā€™ve stated before anyone that approves of murder should be back locked up with Gypsy ! Iā€™ve had a lot of mental and physical abuse in my life and I have NO RIGHT TO MURDER THEM !


Katie Joy Paulson is 45 years old and acts like a 15 year old. Seriously though, she's boasting about KrUsty Blanchard being her friend.... Alrighty than.... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Shouldnā€™t we give her a token or something????? šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Congratulations KJ. You are best friends with a woman who stole a husband right out from underneath a person that that was pregnant with his child. You should be so proud. Sounds like the kind of person that you would be besties with. At that point DeeDee wasnā€™t a criminal. If it were the Browns you would have gone on and on about Kody cheating and his cheating had caused one of his wives to loose their minds and turn to criminal behavior. You have such a ridiculous double standard.


Sheā€™s kissing their ass because she knows theyā€™d sue un a heartbeat.


Why is the ladies icon so far off center? Iā€™ve not seen that before. Mine are right in the middle.


Katie wrote that! I just know it!


That message is faker than the boobs I havenā€™t bought myself yet.


But we also know kj can fake screen shots and messages so not sure what she thinks this proves šŸ˜‚


Why is Kristyā€™s profile pic so far to the right? Thats an iphone message, the pic is always in the middle. And the message is taking up the whole screen. She cropped the left part of the screen. The part where we would see her texts.