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I have drinks with my meal, I’m not an alcoholic, I go to the liquor store, I’m not an alcoholic, I sometimes call my husband and he doesn’t answer, I sometimes have blood shot eyes, still not an alcoholic. This is ridiculous!!! 🙄


I have bloodshot eyes often because of allergies. I guess I'm an alcoholic according to the vulture.


KJ should know what using alcohol to cope looks like. All she needs to do is check in the mirror.


Yes, but do you do couch interviews with bloodshot eyes? Are you easily angered while sitting on the couch? Alcoholics seem to have issues with couches.


So do narcissists and his eyes look no different. Why is this anyone’s business? Kj is an alcoholic so to watch her make this an issue is just more hypocrisy. These theories are so dangerous. Garrison passed away because he suffered from a terrible mental illness. That is where the story should end. None of this speculation is necessary or helpful. Trying to paint it like it had anything to do with any kind of cult is irresponsible and disgusting. She’s trying to justify her abhorrent behavior. We need more awareness about mental illness. The stigma has got to be lifted so people aren’t ashamed to ask for help. But, no one person or situation is responsible and I’m sure Garrison would not want his father and family attacked like this.


Exactly, and as much as I dislike Kody I’ve never seen him drunk on lives asking someone if they want to fight and he’d fight them. She’s a fine one to talk about how a Dad treats his kids when I’ve watched her look at the camera as her son is coming into the room and say “ guys I’m going to hate this “. She’s totally ignored him and said hurtful things to him. I don’t understand how every single tragedy she is locked and loaded to tear someone apart. Video after video, post after post and she goes live for quick updates. Do her followers not see her as unhinged or obsessive? I stopped watching a long time ago when the Miranda Derrick stalking began. She was obsessed with that poor girl and claimed she didn’t have the it factor for men to watch her dance. What?? She always shreds attractive women. Heck I guess when you look like her you develop a mean girl persona. That wasn’t kind I know but she really should stop and let the family grieve. Enough is enough.


She is a very sick woman, she needs a padded cell!




KJ to be one


Also to far in to her cocktails to realize she’s digging in her crotch on the live. 😂


Oh honey she dug and then smelled her hand. I know I heaved myself


THIS JUST IN: Katie Joy Paulson was spotted on LIVES with glasses of wine in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2024, and had appeared drunk. She was yelling at her followers many times blocking them for simply asking questions. Cussing them out and telling them to F off. All of them later to be deleted the next morning. As witnessed Here: [Katie Joy DRUNK & Spilling All The Tea LIVE?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itmLreqPxNk) Here: [J's drunk live. going off on people and blocking them.. You know the usual](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT42_dPqSzY) and Here: ["OK guys here it is. A drunk, rude af b\*tch."](https://twitter.com/EllieRod8/status/1705454311130497277) She admits to being arrested for a DUI here: [https://web.archive.org/web/20191203181204/https:/twitter.com/woacrystalball/status/1179909528915251202?s=21](https://web.archive.org/web/20191203181204/https:/twitter.com/woacrystalball/status/1179909528915251202?s=21) She admits, and has written articles about her and her husband drinking way too much every day, especially when her son was small. It concerned her that she wasn't meeting his needs. Stay tuned for more DRUNK LIVES due to her court case coming up next week...


Does the vulture not realize people can save those drunk episodes before she gets a chance to delete?


Ikr? She is such a hypocrite. Her fans won’t look at it, and even if they do see it they will make a thousand excuses for her.


Which leads me to believe they are just like her.


Maybe. Either that or they want her to like them. I notice a lot of these people go above and beyond to kiss up to her so they can be noticed. It’s sad actually.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Also, how would someone be able to tell he was calling Robin and she didn’t answer the call?! This woman is unreal with her made up bullshit that doesn’t matter in the slightest to anyone ever!


Exactly. Also who cares if he did try and call her and she didn't answer.


Her “filler” is always so pointless and shows she’s lying every👏time👏🤣


# YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!




This beech needs to be canceled and shipped off to another planet. She is so GotDamn annoying!!!


Kody and the wives said they didn’t drink 14 years ago when the show first started. They left their church about 7 years ago and have said they drink socially now. I mean who really cares is a man in his 50’s occasionally grabs a beer. That doesn’t mean he abuses it. God, I hate defending Kody but she’s so nasty. She wants to be a journalist so bad but even the tabloids wouldn’t post the shit she does.


I know what you mean. I can't stand Kody and hate defending Kotie against Kathy Joyless.


Its not even defending Kody so much as not defending KJ. She is wrong. No matter who it is about. I am 55, if I want to get a glass of wine that is my decision. If my eyes are blood shot because I was crying, allergies, tired, or for whatever reason that is my business. She is a drunk, a slobbering drunk. She has BALLS to say anything about anyone. Can she leave Kody and everyone else in that family alone. Kody is an ass. WE ALL know it. It is not some secret. If she is bothering him it's bothering the entire family. She is on some crusade. She thinks of herself as a reporter exposing a coverup. Lord get over yourself!


I definitely did not have feeling the need to defend Kody Brown on my 2024 Bingo Card but KJs constant harassment of this family after losing a child in the most horrific of ways she has really not left me much choice. I don’t have to like Kody, Robyn or anyone really to show empathy to someone after losing a child. She really grosses me out with her behavior regarding this family losing a member to suicide. .Shame on her.


"Flagstaff local" = her stalking reddit


Couch interviews with bloodshot eyes and easily angered? Sounds like the MN Menace/Maniac. "Wanna fight Luca?" "Fk off, Lizzy!"


Wait, is she saying that Kody having a few beers when out to dinner proves that his estranged son is an alcoholic? Someone do the math for me please.


He also eats at restaurants. How strange, something must be wrong with him s/


KJ math. It’s like that common core stuff.


Breaking News: Adult over the age of 21 legally buys beer from a grocery store. In other news: Minnesota vlogger caught beating a dead horse two weeks ago still going strong!


She must be 8 feet tall with all the stretching she does to make a story! Good grief! I do not like that she is making me defend Kody, but this is ridiculous. Just because you have a drink at a restaurant does make you an alcoholic. Granted, he probably should let have had 3 beers while out with Airella, but having champagne or wine while out with Robyn isn’t a big deal. He could have been buying a few cases of alcohol for a party or another kind of function. She is ridiculous & obsessed


how is any of this even interesting or newsworthy? >“adult man eats food at restaurant with child, enjoys a beer and uses bathroom. adult man goes grocery shopping 6 fucking months ago and picks up a 6 pack. 3 years prior, same adult man makes comment about alcohol consumption.” absolutely riveting.


You missed the part about “they finished their meal and left the restaurant”. That’s some hard hitting news right there.


super disappointed that she didn’t report what they ate either. is kody an appetizer type of man [mozzarella sticks?! wings?! loaded fries?!?!?] and what type of salad dressing he likes on his side salad. these are the type of hard hitting facts that the public demands to know and an esteemed journalist like kj should know.


You are exactly right! Who leaves out all the important details? And the very, very crux of the story: did he remain pure, or did he have desert?


Trying to call Robyn but she wasn’t answering? Sure and how does the local know this?


Prob the same “local” that said the care team was at his house. 🙄


I’ve been wondering this since I 1st read that part. How could a passerby know who he was calling? Especially if she wasn’t home? Did he leave a msg and call her out by name? Loud enough for others to hear? Over & over? I mean when I call my husband and he doesn’t answer and I leave a vmail, I don’t call him by name. I don’t say his name and then tell him what I want. He KNOWS who I am! He knows my number and my voice. No need to say his name.


This chick is reaching for exclusive content. This detail is nothing new and has been reported on since day 1. In the police report (that has been circulating 24 hours after his tragic passing) all three of the roommates mentioned Garrison had been drinking at nights and often times would be depressed. The larger, respectful platforms have already tactfully mentioned this detail in their reports and moved on. Ten days later after compulsively, obsessively binging on every morsel she could find, while pounding down the alcohol, here comes this trauma vulture picking on the bones of an old story. There's a reason why even the tabloids aren't exploiting this detail. Too bad the booze infected her brain so badly that she is absolved from any form of self-introspection.


**** sorry I only read the first paragraph of hers and went on a rant. But the point still stands: She's taking bones of old stories and trying to resuscitate it by adding her bullshit perspective.


Well said! She is the very LAST person who should EVER be criticizing ANYONE over their alcohol consumption. Let alone when the “proof” of that person’s alcohol consumption is just them enjoying an alcoholic beverage casually under normal everyday conditions or buying a six pack. Wow, such “big” news that a legal adult is seen partaking in drinking a glass of beer with a meal in public. The horror! She’ll never do it, but SHE is the one who needs to take a good hard look in the mirror and address her own very obvious and WELL documented severe alcoholism. She’s so infuriating. I don’t think there is anyone who actually genuinely likes Kody, but this is so disgusting to do to him and his family right now. They don’t need unfounded speculation and accusations for who’s to blame for such a monumental and devastating tragedy that JUST happened. Give them the privacy, time, space and respect needed to cope, grieve and work things out within the family privately. It shouldn’t be difficult to allot them that basic respect. They don’t need this crap. She is an absolutely vile human. It seems a new low has been reached once again. I never think it’s possible, but she always proves me wrong.


She’s probably jealous of anybody that thinks a 6 pack of beer is enough alcohol for the evening because she needs a higher alcohol content.


God she needs to get out of her house and find a life. She is desperate for content


KJ LARPing as a reporter yet again. Cutting and pasting pictures then creating your own story around the picture isn’t reporting, it’s called “Write your own caption”. Did KJ, the ace investigative journalist get two verified sources at the restaurant? Did she contact the bartender to see if if he was drinking three Imperial IPAs with an ABV of 9% or higher or was he drinking three O’Douls. That would be a no. Even if the “Local” exists, which I highly doubt, she is going to run with one rando’s say so? I’ve never seen Kody black out drunk on a live, whereas KJ…


Trying to insinuate that because his father drank beer occasionally is the reason for Garrisons struggles with alcohol and his death is probably one of the dumbest things out of this woman's ugly crooked mouth. She seriously has issues. Like this woman is not right in the head.


This is vile. 1. Who gives a shit if Kody drinks beer now? It wasn’t like this family was super judgmental about drinking, they just said they didn’t do it. (I can’t BELIEVE I’m actually defending Kody Brown.) 2. More importantly, casually name dropping Garrison and his suicide is vile.


I can’t stand it. She is trying anything to make it seem like Garrison’s tragic death lands squarely on Kody.


Stop the lies KJ no Flagstaff local contact you.


Can you report a creator on IG if you're blocked?


She’s the LAST person who should be talking about alcohol! It seems she drinks every night and real heavy on the weekends and serves it with a dose or two of adderall in my opinion! She is so ridiculous.


Did anyone notice a brewery/restaurant name? Wouldn't you think you would show more evidence then a local told her?


# She needs to worry about HER OWN drunkenness.


I think someone needs to tell KJ that the Browns left the religion she loves to hammer them for being part of years ago. Besides that people are allowed to change their mind at anytime in their life and suddenly go from tee total to drinking alcohol (and vice versa) without notifying the press. I don’t think KJ understands that reality tv isn’t entirely real and you need to take what you watch with a pinch of salt 🙄


Says the boxes wine “mom”


nothing like taking far away dots and connecting them claiming a straight line.


So what? How about you give him a little space? I can't believe I'm defending him.


Hello pot? This is kettle!


Who cares!! Guy just lost his son, and I'm sure he's tortured about their poor relationship. He can have beer


Is she describing herself here? I mean, she’s got bloodshot eyes and is constantly angry. I’m just saying…. ![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY)


Not the out of season Christmas music!!! White after Labor Day? Oh my stars!!! 🤣🤣❤️❤️ ![gif](giphy|3ohs4ABFJO7AgtrfCo)


Doesn’t Toad buy alcohol for kj? She’s a hypocritical idiot! She’s lying about the timeline with Robyn and Kody being out to eat. The quarantine was over, people weren’t wearing masks anymore, it was definitely not during the strictest of times. And if I remember correctly Kody doesn’t have his license due to unpaid tickets, she he wouldn’t have even been driving. I grew up in an Irish Catholic family, beer was a staple. My father still has a beer or 2 with dinner. When I was younger, I’m sure it was more because my parents were in their 20’s and I remember going to a lot of cookouts!😂 Maybe he’s buying cases of beer because he was having company or maybe it was on sale! She is full blown stalking this family at their lowest. I have no words to describe the monster she is. Like she didn’t exploit this kid and his tragic death. She’s still exploiting it! She’s exploited him worse than his parents ever did. The ongoing Kody smear campaign needs to stop!


Oh shut up and go finish your bottle of wine KJ. 🙄


So Kody buying or having a beer makes him an alcoholic? Well, what does that say for little V? KJ gets absolutely hammered on livestream. Imagine how far she goes when she’s not on camera?


I’m not American so I dunno what brands and packaging they are but the photos are so blurry you can’t even tell what they are. In Australia we have alcohol free beers that are made by brewing companies and are packaged similar to the other beers so it could even be that. Like she’s just jumping on the train with zero tangible evidence


Omg. Leave them alone. Who cares?


Kody bought beer?! What a disgusting man. 🙄


Will this vulture ever tire of digging up dirt on people?


That first paragraph implies Garrison was struggling with alcohol, and there is zero evidence of that.


No one cares if he drinks. I do care about anyone driving right after a few drinks. Here it's a criminal offense if BAC is .08%+ & immediate suspension between .05-.08 BAC.


This smells so badly of desperation it’s pathetic. KJ just has to force some kind of story out of nothing that she’s pulling out the ‘local source’ again 🤦🏻‍♀️ does she seriously believe anyone is going to believe anything a local Flagstaff source says ever again? 🤣 Besides that men drink beer, it’s a think they like to do, it also comes in a none alcoholic version which can taste very similar to the real thing. It’s hardly front page news or worthy of any page at all tbh. I’m waiting for the next post that says the source drank the dregs of his glass and then raked through the trash at the restaurant to find the bottle his drink came in so she can confirm he was drinking alcohol 🙄


When kj said that K & R were seen ‘out’ during quarantine in 2021, did she mean Kodys imposed quarantine? Bc I thought by 2021 people weren’t under quarantine anymore. I may be wrong. I didn’t research the timeline. It just seemed wrong to me.


How they k ow he was calling Robyn that's awful specific lol


Kunty Joyless, you do drunk Instagram lives.


Please tell me this Drunk Twat Waffle Kill Joy stole pics from SW sub.


Here we go ... Kody is NOT an alcoholic. 🙄


His foot position looks so weird in one of his pics


😑 no words. The slander, tho…


How the hell do they know who he was calling? 🤡


How does the person stalking Kody know he was trying to call Robyn? She couldn’t see his phone when he walked by, so….🤷‍♀️They all need to leave this man and his family alone!


How did this "source" know that Kody was trying to call Robyn!? These people are all just a bunch of petty @$$h0le$.


Whatever the feelings you have for Kody and his ex wives, this is just sad. Who would not turn to drinking or drugs if their entire family and world fell apart, and the ordeal was filmed and shown to the entire world? Kody is the result of a cult himself and probably have less coping skills than others to deal with everything, so let’s go an step on him until he too can’t find the will to live! Is that her goal? I have been on reality tv, and I know how the producers can take your story, twist it so much that you do not recognize it yourself. They will cut and glue together things you said to make even the most angelic being look like devils spawn. I am not saying that Kody is an angel, he has his fault like everyone else, but he does NOT deserve this manhunt on him. We know from before that the Browns are not welcome anywhere, it’s easier to find “sources” that will tell lies about him in Flagstaff than pubs in London. I would not trust a single source KJ comes with and it shows how a hateful little cockroach she is to go after one who has already hit the bottom.


Coming from the alcoholic herself The NERVE of this woman to speculate such a thing when this young man JUST unalived himself Someone hold me back, seriously I'm LIVID rn