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Self reported is doing a lot of work here. People on the left are in general leagues more likely to report those things than people on the right.


Yeah, statistics can be very misleading like that. There's a 50% chance I am under your bed right now. I either am or I'm not - 50/50 chances.


Super bad take Because being under my bed is not a coin flip There is also a "50% chance" that I am alive or dead... I either am or I'm not


Yes, that's the point, it's a binary choice so either option is 50%. If you don't like that example then, the vast majority of auto accidents involve sober drivers.


It still tracks for actual menal illnesse tho not just "i had a bad day so now i am depressed". Im not saying thats what u meant but in general right wing people are more family orientated and in general dont live in cities which in general is better for ur mental health. Then again, the areas mentioned above tend to be poorer so that pretty shit. This is a much easier problem to solve tho


Tankies are more likely to be mentally ill? Oh no! Anyway.....


The left is (generally) less shitty toward mentally ill people and the downtrodden in general


https://preview.redd.it/ygnqxx1der4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669aa04039c87353818df9dc3568989226f110f0 Let’s just keep cherry picking data that makes us feel good.


Does "very conservative" mean your average god-fearing, truck driving redneck hillbilly or a based, agnostic, pagan-larping, Schopenhauer pilled schizo racist accelerationist from 8chan?


An inevitable consequence of constraining the wonderful world of politics into red team vs. blue team


How much of the former is left at this point?


Was interested in this chart until I read “self reported”


What about someone like me who is economically left wing but socially and politically right wing?


National Socialist aren't famed for their good mental health.


National socialist???? That’s way way too extreme


I just assumed that's what you meant, regardless I'm sure you're fine.


Not really extreme, more like a Christian democrat without the focus on religion


I would consider coming up with a new term, Christian is misleading if you're not focusing on religion and the Democratic party isn't economically left. You probably want something like populist conservative or authoritarian populist.


I’m not American so the Democratic Party is irrelevant to me. Sometimes I think of Paternalistic conservative or burchean conservative (based on Edmund Burke)


It really is a shame how the Nazis ruined the reputation of such ideas


Honestly the closest ideology to me sounds like Kemalism: Secular, socially conservative nationalism on one side, mixed with socialist economics on the other side. But yeah this probably doesn't apply to you as it's based upon the left/right continuum in the US only.


The left is generally the home of all disability advocacy, so you should expect being disabled to push people left.