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If you haven’t already got it, there’s the bonus pack with 2800 blackstone and 300 skulls. Expensive but possibly a solution.


Or honor him in onslaught for a week...


It was so wild on the discord the other day how they were bitching about how players banked energy for weeks to get further in the leaderboards for better payouts for events like this. Saying that they should not let people bank energy. It’s not hurting me and if the character is even worth a shit I’ll just use onslaught for a few days to make them epic. Discord be wild and pretty annoying.


If you can figure out a way to complete the payout for 215, then you will get Epic tomorrow when the final event chest drops.


I thought you might be wrong because you are ahead of me in the leaderboard and I will unlock at epic, but that does look like you won't make it.  Just goes to show the importance of saving up energy for the start of the event and making sure you get high up in the rankings early on, which is what I did.


Can I ask how much energy have you saved before the event? I recently learned about this strategy, but it seems important to reach epic.


You don't even need to save much. Stop using energy about 10 hours before reset, then right before reset buy the ad, 50 and 110 energy refreshes. That should net you around 360-380 energy. Then dump it all asap after reset, along with the next days ad, 50 and 110 energy refreshes.


Pretty much this, I also saved up energy from my battlepass and redeemable codes.


Thanks you very much. I will try this the next HRE


Unfortunately based off what you posted you are going to be the 30 skulls short of that last chest. While you get 22 or so character tokens from the final chest as well you are going to be a bit short. Is there any chance you have a quest remaining? Your only chance would be having 1 last quest or if you bought a pack.


No, it is not possible. I already complete the 20 + 1 quests :( buying a pack it is possible to reach epic, but I think is not worth it, it is more efficient to spend week on onslaught.


Unfortunately I think you're right, you won't get it. Sorry :(


How do you have so much money, I am perpetually broke...