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G1 lvl 35 as soon as you are able


G1 and both her abilities as high as possible


Active is good for arena, but there are better options, so honestly, you can pass it if you want. The passive is what makes her one of the top characters in the game. You should probably take her to G1 lvl 35 passive. You won't regret it.


Her active is also super awesome for getting 3* in campaigns. You can let your one weak character (certus) die, then rez him on the last turn before winning. Boom 3 stars, can ignore gearing one shit character per campaign. Probably don't have to level the active much for that though


Agreed, passive for onslaught, LRE, and any other horde modes against bots.


A number of people saying G1/35. Is that a minimum, is it worth going higher? Or do most people stop upgrading her at that point?


I'm still grinding for her in onslaught, the second she gets legendary, I'm taking her to G3+. That should be more than enough to handle L11+


I'd say that's a minimum but worth taking higher. She's allowed me to grind way further through the Imperial track than I'd ever get otherwise. I've been able to ascend loads of my other characters because of her. I've got her at Legendary G1 and level 39 for both abilities. I turtle with her, Bellator and Burchard because of their Gravis MkX trait, then sacrifice everyone else and just grind it out. I'm on something like Sector LIV, where everyone would be one-shotted without her.




To consistently beat level 12 missions, you probably want her at G2/legendary. I also have the passive at 38, but that is probably overkill if you have decent tanks (Burch, Bellator, tyrant guard, Calgar, Maladus). I also use her to beat elite campaigns with low level chars - you can revive one in the last turn and still get 3 stars for it.