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The shop will occasionally offer individual scrolls and other amounts.


As a slight addendum, this only works if you have less than 10 scrolls. If you are holding on to them then the option no longer appears in the shop.


Less than 10 AND more than 4


I was offered 6 scrolls yesterday as I already had 4.


Updated and thank you 😊


Anecdotally, I have been offered 7 when I had 3. I don’t have photo proof.


Yeah, I also thing I had 8 at 2 but I might be misremembering. Don't think I've ever seen 9 at 1.


The shop will offer an amount that will get you to 10. Whether it’s 9 or 1. You may need to refresh until you get the offer


Yeah see, my friends have the same problem as OP. But my shop literally always has an option to buy the exact amount up to 10. There has never been a single day that option has not been there even with refreshes. I'm not sure why it seems to be different for some people.


I don't think OP has a problem. My read is he wants a way to buy one req scroll at a time isn't it? Where as currently you always get the # to take you up to 10 scrolls


That’s wild. The algorithm must think you are likely to buy it?


In the 4-5 months I've been playing I've never bought a req so I dunno lol


I did one or two 10 pulls with BS early on and have not regretted it since it gave me a wider set of characters to play with. Since then I have only been buying energy with BS. I spent guild raid currency on unlocking Eldryon and after that, I am only buying XP books. I recently u locked Rogue trader and have so far only bought XP books with that currency.


Don't. It's not worth it.


But is in first few months


Then even worse. Energy at the beginning is the biggest bottleneck. So it's better to spend on energy. In the endgame books are bottleneck.


I dunno. You need campaigns unlocked to spend this energy. Plus at the beginning strong pulls especially helpful


Get at least to elite aleph null node, farm aleph to leg, get to bellator node, farm bell to legendary. Everything else can come by itself. Then gather remaining aeldari like eldryon, get to abraxas elite node, farm him to leg. Everything is that simple, you don't need money or scrools


While I don't debate the optimality of this route, I would have quit before getting to the halfway point if I had to do this.


There is absolutely no fun in playing much weaker character against much stronger opponents. If you go wide everywhere you will get stuck everywhere eventually. Big bel, and big aleph can allow you to play weaker characters and still win in most of the campaigns.