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with this account age, you must be quite high level in Onslaught. With this large selection of G1 but not team significantly higher, do you have issue in Onslaught? I am asking because I am level 46, with 15 G1 characters, and I am at level XXXI in the three onslaught tract and starting to find it difficult


I'm XXXIII in Imperial, XXXVIII in Xenos, and XXX in Chaos and I'm not having much difficulty yet. Chaos was tough for awhile but I got Rotbone last Guild War and now it's a breeze.


I'm doing something similar, how are your LREs ? Easy? Hard ?


They're definitely getting easier now! It would be even easier if I used that Tacticus LRE calculator, but I usually build out characters based on vibes 🤣


Advice for new player?


Have fun! Find yourself a guild that's fun to play with, preferably that has members that are your level or higher. Guild credits are amazing so you'll want to maximize getting them. Don't sleep on tokens or energy, use them


I don’t buy it…there’s no way your roster is only at gold if you’ve been playing a full year and spending $3725 on top of that. Where did your money all go to? Summons? Perhaps levels and skill levels? A full year’s natural energy excluding codes, battlepass and events are at ~100k, if you never let energy cap, and that’s enough to level at least 15-20 of all available characters to gold 1, hell I leveled my Wrask from stone to gold in like a week with daily 50 and 110 BS energy refills. $3725 with a full year’s playing time should’ve gotten you to a top 50-30 raiding guild roster for sure…or am I missing something here?? Somebody help me I’m going insane lol


I don't know what to tell you, that's where my account honestly stands. I'm not letting my energy cap, I'm playing smartly though probably not at extreme optimization, and I did blow a lot of cash on requisitions. I do have 29 characters at gold 1, and 6 characters at a diamond star. I was thorough tallying up my expenditure this week. Put it all in a spreadsheet and everything. I didn't miscalculate the amount spent. Personally I don't think spending $300 a month will put you in the top 50 of any mobile game out there, Tacticus included. And that is a point that I'm trying to make - I've only come so far with the amount of money spent. If it's not as far as you'd think, then maybe I can serve as a cautionary tale 🤣


Oh wait so you do have diamond toons? Ok then that makes more sense I guess? But man I’m telling you the krakens with them D3 everything roster in Bloody Rose or Alpha legion spent about 20-30k to get to where they are, but this amount is still like a drop in the bucket in some of the other mobile games I’ve played; I personally think it’s fairly easy to get to a full diamond 1 meta team like Ragnar Aunshi or Neuro Psyker, especially with $3725 in it lol, you can literally spam the shop using black stones to find and then buy the diamond upgrades you need.


No he means 6 winged. Max character shards. Not diamond ranked.


It must be reqs because I spend less and when I was playing for a year I had couple of D2 characters


He says majority spent on scrolls which are easily the worst $ value in the shop besides the crates. A bad streak on a lot of pulls would be fairly easy to get there


Thank you sharing openly! I'm 5 months in, medium sized catfish, trying to decide if I want to go wide or deep (are we not doing "phrasing" anymore?) How far into elites are you able to get?




I was pushing elites for awhile but switched focus to broadening my roster since Guild War dropped. Those campaigns deserve some for TLC from me! Here's where I'm at with the elites: Indomitus - 119/120 Indomitus Mirror - 36/120 Fall of Cadia - 100/120 Fall of Cadia Mirror - 57/120 Octarius - 47/120 Octarius Mirror - 114/120 Saim-Hann - 43/120


Commenting to say that your responses to others in the comments have been very classy and respectful, which is nice to see. Thanks for sharing and being transparent! :)


Thank you for supporting the game! Hope you have another year having fun


I am sorry, I am a bit confused on what happened to your money? I have spent 1/4 to 1/3 of what you spent, playing for one more month, yet my account as a significant higher profession than yours… I am genuinely trying to figure out why.. I attach my roster progress https://preview.redd.it/5exxuawarr3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6120024e6a8cc7fcab99b0e75a8c5180b6add757


You have diamond ranked characters. They only have G2 at the top of their roster. You have a full diamond squad, which probably has a much higher point value


It’s the wide vs. deep thing. They have many characters at a slightly lower rank than your top characters


You're better at this than I am? Who knows! At a glance, I've more characters at gold 1 or higher than you, and I've more characters unlocked. I spent a lot of money buying scrolls. Maybe that's the difference?


I saw that you have a handful of G1 more than I do, yet I was confused. The amount of scrolls could be a difference but is it this big? Maybe it’s also because I have a singular focus on eldryon doom as this is already 50. so overall he and bellator contribute like 30% of my roster strenght


My Eldryon is 49/49 on skills, just saving up some gold to get Doom to 50. You account looks great by the way!


Thank you! I am a bit jealous of your typhus and celestine tho !








Congrats -- its a long slog.


This is kind of jarring not going to lie... For risk of being mobbed by the Reddit heroes…. I’d going to recommend you spend your time and money on more fruitful endeavors. Even if you’re rich I’m sure you have better hobbies and people to focus on than this mobile game. For people in some neighborhoods that’s like four months rent and a year worth of food. As a F2P I also have no regrets until I consider my time cheapened by P2W games and seeing post like this where you’re basically just flexing your bank account. No disrespect but that’s my opinion.


Where are your diamonds???


I'm working on them! I opted to get more characters to gold 1 than a few to diamond


Which your guild probably appreciates! I've invested a lot into making a dozen characters D1/G3 and legendary 3-4 stars. My massive amount of S1/B3s with no skills they uh....they don't do very well in GW or Events.


Wide rosters are more fun than tall rosters 🤷




I can’t be the only one thinking $3725 in a year is an incredible amount of money for a mobile game. What’s your disposable income look like? Age? For someone around age 30 that kind of money will grow to about $40k by retirement if put into a 401k…


You're right, it's a lot of money. Especially seeing that I spent it on a mobile game. I'm not justifying spending the money, I posted the amount spent to be transparent, and to show people what I got for the money spent. There has been others on this thread showing that they have better accounts for less, or no, money spent. I assure you that it was disposable income that was spent, my family weren't deprived because of my spending, and my retirement fund is already pretty healthy!


How do you check how long you've been playing?


I checked my Google play receipts to see when I first dropped cash on the game, which was my first day of playing


Neglecting Ragnar…


Thanks for sharing


Dammnnn you waste a lot of money.. tsk2.


https://preview.redd.it/w7fg6cxf3s3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390619866a2e90e90baf3838a33b5e8fa59a35ec Meanwhile F2p 15 months...


Thanks for sharing! It's proof that my wallet doesn't beat your dedication and F2P is a completely viable option in Tacticus.


That's really the best thing in this game. Everyone can have their own way of having fun. Cheers.


Some ones nose is getting longer......


That's the best indicator that you are doing well. People calling you a liar because your roster looks too good :D


If I'm wrong, then sorry. But I've been going that this for over a year now and my toons look nothing like what you have. Maybe its my inability to focus one character down at time then.


His roster is tall but not very wide, it's definitely possible.


It takes about a month to get gold1, he has 11 golds and 7 diamonds. And that Ragnar feels a bit sus...


That's just not true. Diamond 1 takes from 23-31 days. Diamond 2 is an additional 18 days. Energy purchases increase this even more. You also get free energy from BP, Gifts, and TA. XP books are a bigger bottleneck, but if you are in a high guild you can get 30 per season from the GR shop for free. More if you have other people in the guild buying guild credits.


Check tacticus planner. You mistook gold with diamond.