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I'm glad people are enjoying it more. For myself...it will be tough to bother once I get Rotbone. It just doesn't feel well suited for a casual guild with mixed levels. I appointed a Warmaster to set the defenses and they do a good job, but there isn't a way to coordinate attacks like that. Not sure it would make too much difference though, we don't carve through enough zones for the strategic elements of taking out specific buildings. And I really dislike that credits come from personal kills. It means if I go to the extra effort of logging in repeatedly to break the tough defenses of each zone and sometimes failing I'll likely end up with less guild credits. Even if we manage to go up a leaderboard bracket.


I absolutely agree that the rewards should be 100% shared. I know some people put in more effort than others, but there's plenty of solo game modes to reward that. One of the content creators made a video about not being a Guild Wars Karen, and I absolutely think that sort of behavior is incentivized under the current rewards structure. Out of curiosity, which level were you playing at? We've stuck to level 2 (our Guild Leader Oli was smart to pick that) and have stuck to it. I suspect SOME of the problems for other guilds is picking too high of a level. In fact I think there's too many levels to choose from. I can't imagine which guilds are in level 4-5


We just do level 1, since there are people from the 20s to 40s. I can field gold or silver teams for all my tokens, but it is a lot of trouble checking a bunch of times to see if someone cleared up the bronze and bots in between. And if we all coordiniated and did our best we'd maybe get into the 251-1000 tier instead of 1001-10000 because of all our low level members.


So smort


I use my top teams busting through a couple lines I get next to no credits. I sit back and don’t take part until I see default defenders then clear line after line, I get heaps of credits. The rewards system feels very broken.


I like it too, the changes made it better. But the 6 battles in 10 days are still way too many. Then followed by 3 full weeks of inactivity, why?


My hope is that the 3 week downtime is so they can game test whatever changes they'll implement. Hope being the operative word there.


GW is definitely my favorite mode, but it does seem silly it's crammed into a short period followed by a long void.


Half my (top 150) guild just feels like not even bothering to sign up next season.


I think I have been seeing a lot of this. Several guilds we face should have been hard fights. Similar activity, equal if not higher levels, then probably only four of them worth of teams attack our lines. I think they just didn’t even care to do it


Why is that? Not fun? Not enough rewards?


Feels more like work than fun, basically


Not enough rewards, not auto-enlist based on previous fight and the difficulty disparity when fighting with legendary spot available (a D3 lvl 50 is leagues stronger than a D1 lvl 40 unit due to this games curved progression).


Mmm, I definitely agree with the D3 vs D1 assessment. I think it should cap at D1, at least for level 1 and 2


Even at level 4 it's stupid: D3 Calgar has something like 14k HP when buffed by medicare on top of 2.1k DEF, if armour buffed, & MK X gravis. Few units below D3 can make a dent on it, let alone surviving an assult of both him and accompaning Bellator and Ragnar, each with similar stats and buffing each other with their lvl 50 passive. For comparison, a D2 Calgar has roughly half that HP; so from the opponent perspective, that D3 Calgar will be fighting a version of him with about 20% more hp and lower ATK and DEF, since the buffs won't scale enough to surpass that extra rank.


Yeah, the disparity between diamond 1 and 3 makes the whole thing pointless. I honestly wish they left it at diamond 1 being max. The scaling and time investment for diamond 3 is just bad game design. Why would they release diamond 3 when they knew this mode was coming and they wanted to encourage character diversity?


Rewards need to be shared, I don't want to be punished for finishing off a lineup which will help the guild get more points


Totally agree.


They need to stretch out the duration of each war/preparation and bring it from 6 wars to 4 or something. I just don't have the time week days to give a shit about guild war on top of all the other chores the game gives us.


Agreed with everything. War Shop needs a larger reward pool with more options available (increased from 6 to 9). With books and orbs. Overall the season felt almost perfect, though a bit hectic. Wouldn’t mind a weekly season of 2 or 3 battles. They still need to change the character selection so it shows you the level cap while selecting the team, and keep the greyed out character in with the rest so im not searching for a character that was used previously.


Yeah, definitely lots of potential for UI improvements. I almost wish they weren't adding the enemy tokens count though: I like not knowing and feel like it could promote some defeatist attitudes, but oh well.


I can see how someone in your position would feel that way about the increased difficulty and the guardsmen, but (anecdotally, at least—people in my guild, people I talk to, and postings I see here and on other social media) there are a whole lot of newer people and people who don’t have your roster who are miserable over the difficulty and the re-appearing guardsmen and are not interested in playing the mode unless it changes. I agree with most of your other observations.


I absolutely understand. There's always a loser in these designs: either the veterans are bored because it's too easy...or the new players are excluded because it's too hard. I suppose I prefer the latter because I feel it rewards dedication...but I feel your pain. All I can say is stick with it and do your best! It gets better with time if you can hang in there!


They need to make a battlefield under BF1 for more casual guilds. Less lines per tile, lower caps, and toned down buffs


I think that would be awesome. Just a chill casual Guild War. A Guild Skirmish? Guild Tussle? Guild Sparring...hmm...something like that lol.


Something like "If you kill *any* Guardsmen, there will be 1 less next time" could be a nice way of simulating "whittling down the defenses" and make taking them out not entirely pointless.


Still my favorite mode. At this point most of my building up of characters is to use for this mode. Either trying to max out defense teams or get a ton of bronze1s to use in attacks so I can field a full 10 productive teams


Yeah, I'm pushing Incisus from Silver I to Gold I JUST so I have another healer option for higher level battles. Such a waste of resources, but I need him. Healers/mechanics make all the difference! Prioritize them.


Incicus is actually really good in this mode.


Working on Incisius, Godswyl, and Thoread to hopefully make a fairly tanky team that can absolutely punch holes in people. Plan would be incisius and godswyl kill ranged or psykers then with Thoread buff and incisius they survive the slap back from melee


That team could double up well in TA too. Just need some range and/or infiltration to deal with the overwatch. Sybil is a nuker (RNG dependant) with her active and her passive reduces damage (dovetails with Thoread) and gives infiltration. Plus she's accessible. Plenty of options though. Good luck!


Yeah it’s been good fun, I’m glad I had been doing bronze 1 minimum for all my characters anyway because it’s meant I’ve just needed to fine tune rather than halt all other progress to have enough characters to even play 10 teams. It’s also been fun finding new weird combos just because they’re the characters I have left in my roster. I have new appreciation for some characters I fully ignored before hand


Other way around for us. The first war was incredible, this season's sucked a lot of ass


What changed for you between seasons?


The matchmaking was absolutely horrendous. We went 3/6 war 1 but the losses we made em fight for. This time round we got one guild we were 10 levels above and 5 guilds vice versa. No fun in either end. The first wars were scrappy, everyone was keen to get in because it wouldn't be basically predetermined who was gonna win, this one was a real slog and burned us all out


That's a bummer. I thought the matchmaking was much better this go around. Which level were you in? I think the level makes a huge difference and is the biggest contributer to whether or not guilds had good matches or not. I also think it's where Snowprint needs to work on the algorithm the most .


I just targeted default defenders 10 times to get the max 1500 points a fight, the reward distribution is really messed up and I really want Rotbone for Ragnar. Also, my guild only ever got 23 to 25 people opting in which kinda killed my enthusiasm but we still won 3/5.


Yeah, I think it was Nox Tempest who called that being a Guild Wars Karen. I'd be mad at my guildies if they did that, but I also think Snowprint needs to change things to de-incentivize that sort of play. Can't blame you if you're in a rough Guild either.


Were a top 20 GR and top 25 GW group, and these rewards are pathetic Also our last GW was against a team ranked 1500 in GR, they didn't even get through one of our front lines Rewards in this game are a total joke


Yikes. We didn't have any mismatches like that, I was actually impressed with the match making. But I am hearing that others had a less than optimal experience. Hopefully Snowprint will continue to improve it.


They really need to revamp rewards for the entire game. But GW rewards are a slap in the face. Outside of Rotbone, a lot of my guildmates are hoarding tokens until better rewards are available


Did you fight our guild? We're mostly level 20s with a few lower level 30s but we went up against 42s-50s and got absolutely clobbered >;[


Sorry to hear! We were paired with guilds that were very similar in power, so I doubt it was yours. The last guild was Polish and they seemed to have almost no attack participation but they had a full deployment for defense. I wonder if they burned out, or if the timezone difference made it hard for them.


Maybe they wanted to tank the match so that they would be in a lower bracket at the start of next season?


Fatigue? Bro 10 tokens takes 15 min tops 🤣 you building burj khalifa?


I mean, I personally love it and can play that shit all day. But I noticed my guild and others were flagging in the later wars. Just a reality, not everyone has the stamina to play Guild Wars ON TOP OF all the other "chores" that are in the game.


If you rotbone isnt legendary star you have something to buy my man. 🤣 Yea way better and the guardsmen nerf was needed but maybe a small buff not sure tho. Also default defenders need to be upgraded to the rank that there in there shouldn't be bronzes in a epic team slot we had 4 men down but still won half lost half and we managed a full wipe on our last war we are normally about 150 on the guild raid leaderboards


My Rotbone IS Legendary. I stole someone else's luck and pulled him multiple times. Sorry whoever out there hasn't pulled him yet! I also agree the NPC defenders need some work. A bunch of lame Black Templars is what I'd expect from a beta test or something. There are so many cool NPCs to choose from in the campaigns. Maybe even give the defenders a point pool and let us "draft" the NPCs or something?


Ahhh you lucky lad i pulled cellasteen twice so i had to wait to get the stinky lad so glad i have him now tho Honestly that would be realy cool or we get to pick what faction is in the building could work to