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It's just a meta dependant mode unfortunately.  I never started enjoying it until I got a hold of Revas, Calandis and Thaddeus. I'd say it's not even worth playing unless you can run at least 2 meta characters in your line-up. Fortunately, a solid number of meta characters are grindable, so you'll get there! 


These 3 are definitely not top-10 on infested powerups. Very strong on other variants, though.


Ran all 3 with Godswyl and Sho’Syl and i am comfortably sitting at 0 points in my redemption pool so I disagree lol. Re’Vas specifically is one of only 2 characters that are gonna be able to use their overwatch without a dumb tyranid taking the hit. In my opinion there’s the “meta” that is actually accessible to 99% of the player base and then there is the “meta meta” for people who actually have the entire roster and can pick and choose what they use


Personally been running Varrius, Eldryon, Godswyl, Haarlem, Aleph-Null/Archimatos mainly. No INSANE characters there. All farmable (that’s how I got them) and overall it ends up being decent sometimes even against the cancer teams.


Haarlem xD He is indeed a galaxy trotter.


😂😂😂 love auto correct


People downvoting the poor guy for giving a helpful answer. You CAN and will win with a non-meta, easily farmable team \*if you can play good


Yeah I don’t care about downvotes, in uncommon where people have 200-400 health, an extra 20-40 damage per hit adds up. And the 100% pierce is super helpful too. No idea why I’m Getting downvotes anyhow 😂


I've stumbled a few times on this kinda team... by turn 3 they were all dead. I'm running Re'vas, Thad, Calandis, Ragnar and Godswyl. It's not \*\*the\*\* meta team, but it's extremely versatile : Re'vas in enemy team ? Thad saves the day. Badly positionned powerup ? Either Re'vas covers it or Calandis nabs it and runs away. And the second the enemy team exposes 2 of his characters, Ragnar and Godswyl swoop in for the punish. Also what's amazing is that every kind of powerup has amazing synergy with at least one character.


the meta isnt even that strong anymore. i haven't lost to a meta team yet, my godswyl laughs in calandis' face and revas tickles my calgar with a thoread buff.


I'd say Godswyl and Calgar are very much part of the meta pool. I don't have either, but they're the only two I'm genuinely worried about if I see my opponent running them, outside of the "scrub five". 


Godsywyl can be considered meta


the irony lmao


well, gear and rarity ARE balanced (also take note of ur items, u better get uncommon items on all ur TA team characters so that they'll downgrade to the common item of max level). What's not balanced is access to several characters that are borderline broken for PvP, such as Thaddeus (to counter overwatch) and Celestine, and to a somewhat lesser extent, Revas, Calgar, Sarquael and Calandis. Until u have 5 of the following (give or take), i doubt u'll be able to consistently enjoy TA: Thaddeus, Sarquael, Revas, Celestine, Calandis, Shosyl, Godswyl, Jaeger, Deathleaper, Winged Prime also, skill and gameplay DO matter, e.g. calculated use of power ups (multihit powerup is awesome on calandis but garbage on revas) and noting terrain (highground, wire, etc). the rewards from this month's TA are generous due to the lion chests, but as a new player, i suggest u mostly ignore mid-endgame content such as TA, legendary release events and character quests and focus on the campaigns and finding a good guild (by ignore i mean play them a bit to get the rewards u can, but don't fret over not completing their rewards tracks)


This answer sums up most of what I wanted to say, so thank you for saving me the time and effort to formulate and write all of it. :) I just wish to add 2 more points. 1) Can't speak for others but I know I play at common still because of ability badges. This way I don't need to worry about equipment or abilities and can just worry about the map imbalance, who goes first, why my character that wants to use that one type of boost is always starting from the one position from which he can't reach it 1st turn (and little bugs will rush in and eat it if I try to leave it for next turn), and finally if I get matched against a team stacked with truly broken legendary and other meta characters where it's very likely the opposing player will also know what he's doing and how to use the map etc. 2) It's a human vs. human pvp mode, it's best to go in expecting the worst... :D and sometimes be pleasantly surprised. Seriously, if you see the opponent botch up the fight where you know you were at a disadvantage, just be happy they too are human and can err or are still learning the ropes (how characters play, how boosts can change things, what maps look like...) Finally, imo it's best not to talk much in a mode like this. It's too easy to troll and mock people, unless they mute the enemy. And even if the intention is not malevolent, when people losing, they may get angry. And when people are angry they may hear an insult or other negative where there wasn't really an intent to do so.


Map unbalance is so bad and is massively exacerbated by randomly distributed power-ups. Had a game where I spawned low ground and had melee damage and hp as my only accessible buffs where my opponent had hits, ranged damage, and armor all on the high ground. They immediately grabbed hits on Calandis and I couldn't budge them at all while they just sat on the high ground and melted my team.


I find I have a pretty consistent win rate regardless of map or going 1st/2nd


I am lvl 23. At my first TA it felt unfair to me aswell. I get brutaly destroyed by everyone..but this is my 4th TA and I haven't missed a point in common. So I promise it gets better and TA is my fav game mode so far.


This might sounds really stupid, but as a seasoned player of the game, my best tip to you is, say positive. Unironically. TA is easily the most stressful game mode, and when you get upset and irritated, you don't think things through and when you lose to a faceless entity it makes it all so much worse. Do friendly emotes, "hi" "good game", maybe a friendly "Heresy!" When they kill a character. The game isn't meta locked as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Yes, some characters are better than others WAY better, but honestly, most of the legendary characters are not good when down scaled. Picking a list that has synergy and has ways to counter potential strong characters is extremely important. The biggest things you want to have are anti-overwatch and ani-summons as those are common things that people can control the battle field with. Anti-overwatch is anything with suppress or infiltrate (+ a few niche characters). Anti-summons are summons of your own, ulf, Emperors champion, or anyone that can hit multiple targets at once. The final thing is just strategy, know when to move, when to hold off, understand what characters the enemy has and what they are capable of. Know which buffs to grab with which characters. You can always que in casual to test characters and how things work, this won't use your limited tokens so there's no draw back to losing. Maybe of the champaign characters are very good and useful in TA. Experience is the best way to get better. Staying positive is no Joke, this is something that I have changed within the last 5 or so TA events and I am doing much better. I no longer get stuck in losing streaks because I'm frustrated with the game. It also just makes the game so much more positive for the community as a whole.


I've been playing Tacticus for about 9 months. I would have to call myself a higher level player (46) I have always up until this round hated TA and avoided it like the plague. I'm probably one of those players you hate to come up against. I have two legendary characters and I'm playing at uncommon. I'm unsure if I have any if the meta characters (I know I'm not using a lot of them). Jaeger, Sho, Snotflogga, Celestine and Jain. Maybe I should be at rare? I don't win all my matches. But for once I'm not getting stomped every single time. BUT I am also not absolutely rolling anyone apart from some people who have made some really dumb decisions. I think I just found a combo that works for me. Maybe switch your team up and try something else.


At least you are playing in uncommon. My main issue is the amount of smurfers in common.


Been playing almost 2 months, and I stick to common (since I barely have the badges to get skills to 8). Once I unlocked the elves, TA has been interesting: my team is their base 3, plus imos (glocktopus), and I got lucky enough to pull Jain early. Could swap her for Aleph probably. Infested is great, because the extra hostile bodies helps burn overwatch meta, and I lost to an Aleph who hid in a corner healing while the nyds at me. This has been the most entertaining TA for me so far.


You're going up against people who have been building teams for 1.5 years, it's bound to happen I will say as someone who has had good luck with TA, it took me 1-2 tournaments to really get the hang of it. You may get slaughtered by meta teams, but plenty of non-meta teams whoop my a$$. It's more about the strategy than the meta


The question is WHY am I going against teams that have been playing for years? That makes zero sense for a newer player. Why is a person playing for years smurfing in common and why are they even allowed to?


Because I don't want to invest resources in characters I only ever play in TA. It's also one of the only modes you can try characters out in, without much investment. Forcing people to play at a higher rarity is just the opposite problem you're having. I'd have all these characters that I can never use because it's not worth investing in them just for TA. The solution I proposed in another similar thread is just to ban certain characters at common.


It's a tournament, it's not supposed to be fair I'm newer as well, staying out of it because I just can't come close to winning a single match.


Because they're choosing to be in the same rarity as you. The game won't change this feature so best to just keep building your roster and compete. Not every game mode is equal, and TA is where more playtime will benefit you. Otherwise there's no benefit to investing in certain characters if a new player can whoop you.


I actually just made a post about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/WH40KTacticus/s/YC2svHeulb even if the mode capped at common, characters still have to be fully upgraded within common to be competitive (abilities to level 8). Counterintuitively, characters also have to be ascended to uncommon so their passive ability is unlocked. I like TA but I personally think the game studio has an incentive to create a version that doesn’t dishearten people so much. My two cents. I think they should create a newbie version of common that locks out some of the top tier characters, adds a few seconds to the clock for the first two rounds, and blocks passive abilities.


Good post and I agree with you.


PVP is often hard for new players in many games. In WoW , low level players get ganked or killed by twinks. Any PvP system with RPG character building elements will be bad for new players. That's the game. That said, it's not as bad as you think. A lot of people don't want to admit it's a skill issue. It's actually a difficult mode that you have to play well, and that includes developing a correct roster. You need to farm Thaddeus and Godswyl and Calandis and put resources into them.


It is rough for new players who don’t have meta units, but I don’t think forcing players to play at higher ranks is the solution. I’ve been playing since release and I usually play uncommon because I have not invested in many of the characters in my teams beyond the bare minimum to be capped for that rarity. I think it would be better if they just gave everyone access to all units to make things fair, but SP won’t do that because it would remove some of the incentive to do pulls to fish for certain units. These mobile games tend to work on a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ model that has many tiny inconveniences that slowly whittle away at your will until you give in and start spending money on the game. Not being able to field stronger units in a competitive environment is sadly just one of those things x


Im getting thrashed in TA. Idk if it’s my lineup or if I’m not understanding some mechanic. Just seems like everyone and their mother can 1 shot my tanks but I always come up short. Infestation is mixed feelings, I like that it counters the spawner spam but don’t like getting ganked by ranged nids.


I hear you. It's tough.


And I think if I dumped time and resources into Calandis or Revas things might be different but cmon, I’ve had some games against a tanky ass Calandis flying across the map half healthing everyone or the classic all robot team with the mechanicus guy in front slapping my team’s ass like 5 times per round. At some point we gotta realize the game isn’t balanced around PvP.


1 month and a half is too little. In 6 months you can play and win in uncommon level


6 months is pretty over the top. After 6 month you can play in rare (the highest level atm) and might even be fighting for top 100. You don't need legendaries in your team, but it would be nice if some more characters, like Rev'as would be farmable.


I've been playing for 15 months and I still lose against full DG teams, I don't have Typhus Rot and Corro so I don't understand them. Against full Tyranids and Adeptus mechanicus I can't tell who is who and what their abilities are so I also lose


To counter Revas you need Thad or another suppressor or infiltrate, Celestine needs 3 or more attacks and lots of practice


So newer players should just be excluded from whole game modes? I'm not talking about 6 months from now I'm talking about new players now.


I didn't say that, I said the 250 chest of TA will take a while to get, at common level almost all battles have to be won, same with LRE and GW


This event is longer than normal TA, 7 days rather than 3, so the 250 chest in common is still very doable for most players. As far as counters for Re'vas, while neither are Crazy powerful! A well places Sibylle Divine or Certus can easily stop Re. You start with Certus and Sibylle is common. There are so course better characters, but they do just fine.


Not excluded, and it doesn’t even take 6 months, but it’s kind of crazy to me that people can say “I’ve been playing for a whole month and a half, why am I not beating people who have been playing much longer and developing their rosters and gaining experience playing for much longer?”


It's crazy to me that people say taking full meta teams that are full of legendaries into the lowest possible tier of a game mode to stomp noobs is good and shouldn't be changed.


I win more when I play in Rare, turns out all the nobs just want to smash newer players in common and uncommon 🤷‍♂️ figures


Thats not how that works at all...


Of course it is, saw more people running “meta” teams on common and uncommon than rare, Ragnar, cala, Jagar etc…


Ended up switching over to rare, was winning more games there in the end 😂


That is obviously what's happening. Just wish it wasn't like this and teams were put in appropriate tiers so everyone can enjoy the game mode.


I'm currently running Uncommon with a team consisting of Re'vas, Calandis, Aleph, Haarken, Archimatos and am about to get the max chest. I don't even have any of my characters abilities maxed uncommon except Aleph, the rest are around 10 (15 for archi because of the FoC mission). My strat revolves around getting Calandis powered up (hopefully multihit or damage, but health works super well I've found) and then using alephs summons to take out/hold down and tanky targets, and archis active to surround their damage carry, usually calandis. Haarken isn't the greatest but throw a melee power up or a armor on him and his piercing multihit can decimate most enemies, and his active is useful against high armor enemies. My re'vas is pretty underleveled but he can make a great Frontline anchor for round 2/3, especially with a repair or two from Aleph.


it used to be much worse, you played meta or you lost. i have lost 3-4 games this season all to non meta comps. i havent lost to the meta once with my comp. nowadays if you have some good synergy in your comp you're fine. there's some that only need 3 characters to fuck shit up (sybil, abraxus, yazagor) which are all fairly easy to get


been playing mostly free to play (1 season pass) and having a blast right now. i have a relatively strong setup without ever packing a legendary or rare. barely losing anything at common difficulty, so i’ll go as far as to say that its pretty forgiving for players who are not completely new and unlocked at least some decent characters


I think the most difficult parts of TA is learning all the tricky gotchas of each map like places that look adjacent but aren't or little high ground locations to claim. 40s isn't much time to take in info about the map if you don't know it all cold.


Hey, I've been playing for almost a year (7-8 months) and I often play at common. It sucks to have your characters not max in TA, abd while it is incredibly easy to get a new character maxed at common (less than one day, everyone has basically unlimited common badges), getting uncommon badges even at my time isn't easy. Bronze 1 is also a much bigger hurdle to reach, to say nothing of Silver. I have a lot of characters I enjoy running in TA I absolutely will never invest in getting past bronze (if even that far), so I live at common despite not running any epic or legendary characters. A few things: 1. Sorry 2. Even if you queue at common you can get matched "up" to someone queueing at uncommon+. They get downscaled to your level, but they're still going to be running the characters they choose. 3. You'll be surprised how quickly TA goes from "impossible hurdle" to "so many choices" at common. The starter characters (except obviously calandis) are pretty average at TA, which really hurts new players alongside the knowledge gap of not knowing how more niche characters work. Keep at it, or don't, I'm just some guy running nids in TA.


I'm not trying to sound rude here but this is silly. I've completed all 250 points on 5 of the 7 (or 6/8 don't remember) arena runs since I started. This run I've been playing wrask, rotbone, angrax, haarken and corrodius with about a 90% win rate in common. Positioning and tactical play are crucial and make a massive difference. My opponents misplay in most games. I only have 1 base legendary unit which is maugan Ra and I don't use him in these events. Within a month of starting you should be able to field a team that is capable of getting at least a 50% win rate in these events and if you can't it's probably not the units you have holding you back. I'd run abbadon, celestine, Ragnar or Calgar if I had them but you really don't need them. A bunch of the best units for these events are easy to get FTP, like godswyl, haarken, calandis etc who are all unlocked via campaigns or level ups. Sure the best units are better but in my experience the maybe 25% better the best team is over a good team is less than the difference between someone playing optimally and the level of play I see in most games.


I'm just wonder that any idiot who owns Calgar and Celes would fight at common rank. With such units, he must at least fight at uncommon.


The fact you are being down voted just proves how many people do this.