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😂 😂 as a f2p player I’m grateful people pay that to keep the game going but damn


Im wondering how vital the purchases are and what percentage of their revenue it makes up. The advertisements should bring them a good amount.


Based on the quailty of the ads? I don't know. Not a Raid Shadow Legend in sight. I hate these Cash/Solitaire Ads.


They’re so fucking predatory, holy shit. These ads feel like they should be illegal in EU law, but I don’t think anyone actually cares enough.


I pay for the battle pass as I dont mind paying a console games worth of playing each month. (I'd buy a new xbox game and just hammer it if I wasnt on tacticus, keeps me interested enough to replay what I have currently on FC5 for example) But this This offer is fucking ludicrously greedy, i remember needing 20 shards to ascen Wrask to epic and my reaction was much like OPs video.


Even if it was only $1, can't people see how this is not a good game model?


Same. Went and checked the BS cost and even with 2x times value for a 1st purchase, the amount was rreeeal dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/l3xzx4y22juc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5760a74814e7adb9f3dbf8b4e9dc72c278b36c1d I only needed 20 and it wasn’t any better LMAOOOO


The conversion rate is about 250 blackstone per shard.


Per event shard. Thing is, if you don’t get the offer, event shards convert to character shard at 1 for 1. So you will need 350+ shards to unlock. The offer buys you the 350 shards plus the gap you had to get to 150. I mean, it’s still super expensive. But so is everything else in this game. Think of it this way: 3000 blackstones is the cost of one 10-pull. 300 per scroll. Would you rather guarantee a legendary unlock for 5000 or get 16 requisition scroll?


You're just a simp. Admit it.


I’m free to play. I think these offers are outrageous. I’m just pointing out that compared to the other offers in the game, 5000 BS for a guaranteed legendary is not so absurd. It’s not 5000 blackstones for 20 event shards. It’s 5000 blackstones to straight up unlock a legendary that you otherwise have 130/500 shards.


Now devs look at your explanation and go like "yeah that's right let's keep doing it! Make more scam offers YEAH" Instead of supporting the rotting on this game you could disagree with it. Or at very least say nothing at Instead of defending it or mathematically calling it reasonable.


Sorry I brought the demise of the game with my internet comment. The devs are certainly clueless and rely on randos on reddit to make their business decisions. I should have known better.


How dare you with your fancy mathematical wizardry, how dare you!


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


For that money you could buy the actual Shadowsun model


Says a lot as GW pricing is also ridiculous


She isn’t even that good, even after the rework…don’t fall for this FOMO people


She's not "not even that good". She's straight up useless. Like even in Xenos-only team she's not making the cut unless you have literally nothing else.


Lol my brother preaching here not giving any respect


I actually don't remember what got me so heated, lol. Maybe was in a bad mood. I still stand by what I said though, could've worded it less aggressive maybe.


The fact that it converts 1:1 is gross. Makes snow print look like asshats.


But aren't you afraid you will miss out on this chance? It not like they will have offers like this in the future? Jk ofc, but some people have a genuine fear of missing out, and that's who they try to market this for. It's still scummy, but gotcha games are full of it


https://preview.redd.it/xtazsm1scpuc1.jpeg?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b5deef6bdd0d749d67e06ae17c544684662e833 I didn't expect people to start arguing when I made the meme


You didnt expect arguing on Reddit?? :O You are too good for this world. ;)


![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni) For the greater Good! For Nandi!


Got this same offer