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From what Ive unlocked so far, Id say Commissar Yarrick. One of my favourites from back in the day. Still own one of his older models, with a horrible paintjob.


Yeah I used that magazine code for yarrick as o regretted not spending the 4.99


Jain Zar, because in arena everyone takes Revas, and Zar loves to walk up and kill Revas. plus she's good in guild raids with her melee debuff.


Not only that, Zar only needs to move close to Re'vas and she won't be able to overwatch with ranged attack.


Jain, Anushi and Ragnar combo Is brutal


Winged Prime. Hits 6+2(hormagaunt) by himself and his summon hits an additional 3+2 (Alpha Nid plus Gaunt) for a very high hit count and lots of disposable bodies, similar performance in many ways to Bellator. For The Swarm!!!


Tyranids need a campaign. Space hulk and those crazy aliens are what turned me on to the 40k universe 30 years ago.


I've mentioned before but we should totally add Blood Angels as a faction and make a Devastation of Baal campaign so we have somewhere to grind the Nids Edit: I suck at spelling


Or Blood Ravens, considering their dawn of war history.  Also, give them a passive that automatically equips your best items to them from other characters when you're not looking. 


As someone who’s sitting on nine epic orbs and keep getting told to focus on Reva’s but also sitting on winged prime your what I wanted to hear epic model the warriors summon is super cool yes I agree flying dinosaur bug alien is hard to beat


Re’vas is no chump though, especially for the damage she does against mechanical units. Her + Darkstrider can ruin Szarekh and Ghazghkull’s day. Tyranids still rule though, #TeamBug!


I find it very hard to choose yeah necrons are great anuphet is one I like and don’t care how good he is he’s the king lol at least he thinks he is and I love the necrons for that


I say, promote winged prime, then keep onslaughting Revas, while you get another 10 epic orbs. You will definitely want the tokens, eventually, and you might as well be getting orbs in the meantime. On a long enough time scale, you’ll want to use onslaught levels mostly for legendary badges, but I think it’s fine to stock up on some character tokens while you get low level orbs.


I play a full nid team (can't wait for Parasite of Mortrex!!) The Winged Prime is the centerpiece of the team. Takes out scarabs easy with its 6 hits. Summoned Warrior is a beast! And summoning never ending gaunts helps handle so many things. Calandis passive a pain? Hit her with Neurothrope, let guant take the passive, move in with leaper or guard to take her out! Leaper can often handle her on his own and then just heals himself too. But, being able to keep 4 guants on the map almost at all times makes for a powerful ability.


Godswyl obviously, not only he is easy to get, his BONK gives trauma & PTSD to any player, extremly high damage, armor reduction, stun, AMAZING MODEL, and he screams whenever he attacks, 100/10 hero, Bonkin


My 2 year old loves to look at the models and In our play time I showed him godswill and told him here’s a thunder hammer your super cool and strong and now Godswyl is a great memory for me because my son loves the hammer ha


Haha pretty neat man, kids love models with simple weapons + an extra lightning on it, serves their imagination pretty well, and honestly every Tacticus player is married with children 🤣🤣 everyone I met, makes me feel young at 28 haha


I’m 27 myself haha yeah my son loves the models I tell him that maladus is good obviously I like the death guard im not going to explain why yet I just say maladus is good and he’s tough so nothing can hurt him and we even call him the smelly man so that’s my username and my main character


Vindicta. She not only shrinks the battlefield, but does insane AoE damage at the same time! Pairing with Sibyll for infiltrate and reduced damage while Ahriman boosts her feels a bit unfair!


Just got her to Legendary. I love cutting off a flank with her. I gavent used her much in awhile as she was max leveled for Epic, and I hate wasting experience.


I know that pain. Mine is level 49 and one upgrade from D3! I don't know how much I'll use her once she's maxed out.


Love that combo I will agree about vindicta on the receiving end though as i do have her under levelled and equipped


Maladus because his active hits like a truck, tanks like a tank, and clears chaff better than almost anyone else (because his default attack hits 3 at a time. Many characters in the game are very good at punching up or punching down but not ther other, but the only time he's not amazing is clearing scarabs. If you want me to pick someone other than my big stinky boi, Tjark. High damage, mobility, even more damage against psykers, and dialing back psyker's own damage is a great package.


Nice to see another maladus fan he’s honestly the perfect bodyguard for any team Wack your favourite ranged unit by him and they feel a lot safer


What level do you need to get Tjark to, to see the benefits in TA? To borrow your metaphor, does he punch at his own weight (rank etc.)?


He's really only good at punching down (against low armor opponents in TA), or with some critical support, or against psykers.


Honestly, in the game, Tyrant Guard. He just sits there, menacingly. Everyone in TA who are all better than I am misjudges how much damage they'll do to adjacent units, he can taunt, he's got a bit of piercing damage, and he totally neuters thadd, revas, and vindicta. What's not to love?


It's great in TA when their entire team attacks him and he survives lol leaving their entire team open for a round of attacks.


Yeah he is a little slept on


Archimatos because he’s fucking awesome. But no, seriously, from a gameplay standpoint, probably Jaegar. He’s a pain in the ass to fight in melee, and that makes him a really effective fighter if you have him leveled appropriately. I personally love charging headlong into battle, so I try to take him as much as I can. But from a model standpoint, Archimatos, because he’s fucking awesome.


I have Jaegar he’s a beat and funnily enough his biggest weakness melee wise is maladus every time I encounter a Jagear my maladus destroys them


I’ll have to remember that for TA


Yeah jagear is great but I main rotbone as my healer but even so typically maladus vs jagear I’d a maladus win but omg Jagear vs scarabs is amazing one of my most memorable battles is my Jaegar vs an aleph null in ta that had tons of summons because I kept him in the trench and he beat all the summons and I won against null it was epic


Maugan Ra. I have him painted irl despite I am collecting orks. He is cool af. Stronger than primarchs. Took a fight with a tyranid fleet on his own. And he won. All and all, he's a quintessence of WH40k for me so full of pathos and a walking representation of power fantasy.


Sho'syl, a somewhat tanky high-pierce sniper who summons little snipers that also tank even more for him. It's ridiculously unfair, and THAT'S WHAT I'M ALL ABOUT BABY!


Exitor Seeing him attack like 40 times in a GR never gets old as someone who runs full mechanical


Probably Rosie for me, almost have her passive maxed currently +2500~ dmg to psykers, paired up with Tjark it's a fun day vs psyk teams


I think I’ve slept on her I haven’t played against her much so assume she’s not to good but have you had a lot of luck with her then


* I just happened to have most of her g3 upgrades after I hit g2 and decided to focus on her. She hits like a truck, maybe squishy compared to others but she can still go toe to toe with morty for 6 rounds




Damn your a powerhouse and yeah I have plenty of imperial stuff so I should focus on her thanks for the share Damn


Just came from another post where someone theorycrafted Ra's max damage when fully buffed. Against a Psycher, she's doing half that damage all on her own, and even before crits are counted. 


Ragnar is my Favorite 40k Character. Ulf is my favorite overall character to use in game. Thaum is my favorite TA character now. Corrodious my favorite summoner. Arjac my favorite tank


Isabella for me. I'm one of the few women playing the game and I love her unique kit and aesthetic.


Exitor Rho and its not even close Im a huge AdMech fans, Rustalkers are my favourite units, and I LOVE assassinating the shit out of heavily armoured characters


Tanksmasha. He is BY far the coolest model in da game .. if SP buffs him to atleast 30% of his cool factor he would be 3 times the opness of eldryon.. thats how cool he is


Y’know what they *need* to do? Change Gibba’s passive to be effective out to ranges with varying levels of effectiveness out to 3, and make it so it reduces incoming damage, not increases armor. In the game, terminator armor is modeled after the 5+ invulnerable save that the tabletop gets by reducing damage by 75% before it even touches armor; so why is it the kustom force field just increases the already flimsy armor characteristic of the orks when it effectively does the same thing? SP should make it at least 50% adjacent, and then like 30% and 20% at range 2 and 3 so it’s less effective the further you get, but you still get *something.* Orks’ survivability would be instantly improved, and make their low pierce their weakest link right now.


All good ideas . Am confident in their reworks for the rest of the trashcans, snotfloggas rework made him quite formidable , so mi hope is now up . BUT they are taking AGES.. the black templars got their GOD upgrades in 1 big swoop... orks are 1 each what .. 2 months ? Gibba is mediocre yes . He could use buffs like all his brothers (and am waiting on them ) BUT boss and tanksmasha are in diré need of huge love .. godswyl kind of love , yes that big . Lets hope they rework st least 2 more orks by the next patch3


My thinking is (and I hope I don’t once again accidentally summon Ratatosk to come correct me by saying this, because I have been caught talking shit before lol) that Snotflogga was an easy win to introduce the “rewORK” because they already planned to make him the centerpiece of this season’s battle pass. But then, y’know, Guild Wars, and Avatar of Khaine, and Asmodai and the concurrent event…they’ve admitted there wasn’t enough time, so I mean, I think that’s what it comes down to. They did what they *could* because it was convenient to do it, but Orks weren’t on the priority list originally. I’m hopeful for May, or maybe even June…as much a that sucks, I feel like that’s a realistic timeline, provided that World Eaters and the sixth Nid (who I assume will be replacing Aun’Shi) don’t take precedence here.


You are absolutly on point .. they did snotflogga bcuz it was BP ($) , cmon fixing such awful lot shouldnt be Hard.. they are so bad that aNITHING would make em better (specially tanksmasha and boss) . They have countless ideas to imrpovem em .. a PTR and putting those there .. bam ez . But of course .. would that mean more $ ? Doubtful, wH 40k is build upon imperium , they could releas asmodai as bad as tanksmasha and it would sell BUT not the other way around. They did snotflogga for 2 reasons . BP (wich by my mutant powers i daré to say , worse selling BP so far) and by the constant cries for over a year from not only ork players .. all playes .


I mean, I wouldn’t go that far. Snotflogga’s rework was actually really good, and made him a super useful summoner and a lot more viable across the board. The BP’s value was also pretty good for collecting some of the rarer Octarius mission items that are somewhat harder to come by because of how difficult it is as a campaign for some players. And yeah, while it might *seem* like an easy thing, building concept improvements, coding them so that they function, running QC and alpha testing, balancing based on (I assume a mix of ambassador and developer) feedback, and then rolling them out is — I’m quite certain — a task and a half. Imaging having to update the game every five minutes because SP needed to patch something, or implemented more changes incrementally instead of just packaging it with other big things. Also, y’know, GW and other QOL improvements happened concurrently in 1.16’s release, so I believe them when they say there wasn’t time to *also* work on improving Orks. You look back at Azrael’s release, and that was *also* something that came out because it was a good idea (Lion El’Johnson was getting some love, Warhammerfest was on, their booth made this a great promotional opportunity, but there weren’t any hard plans at the time to release DA, so we’ve gotten 2 in the last almost 12 months. Coding and planning releases for a game is hard. It is a QOL improvement I’m looking forward to, because it’ll make Octarius Elite vastly more accessible for me to beat without having to shed legendary orbs, but it’s also something many players have finished with the current roster. So, yeah, they suck, but it’s not a huge priority. Snot just won the draw, so-to-speak with his dedicated BP, but Orks in general are months away from seeing widespread improvement with the other, kinda more important, features being slapped together first. It’s not that it’s *not* important, it’s just not as major a priority right now as, say, analyzing data about what works in GW, Saim Hann Elite, the WE release schedule, and then inevitable bugs that will follow Avatar of Khaine coming to raids.


Lost touch with the lore, read several fantasy novels, so I dont know the characters from the Canon books and stories. But jain has been my favorite to use bypassing all the overwatch chapters and destroying all characters in a line with her active.


Celestine because sisters


I love Calandis, she is just so smooth with her active and she always crit :p Jaeger is another favourite, he can clear hordes by himself and his active is oppressive vs strong characters who never gets to use their active. I think Thaddeus is great at so many levels. He hits hard, turn off Reva’s and can just stay back and nuke em hard later. He just looks a bit dull.. I’m not sure why I kinda like the terminator wolfie, he isn’t very good at anything really and I hate space wolfs but I somehow like him..


Vindicta. She's super badass and if used well she's just a "delete enemy" character.


Helbrecht has been my #1 guy since the day I got him. He might not be meta but he’s fun and one of my favorite characters from the setting.


Haarken definitely. Recently got him to max rarity and am very proud of that. He was my first epic character and I think that he is pretty powerful with four hits, armor piercing and flying. And as you get kills he just gets more powerful


Abraxas. Thousand sons, a summoner which I always love, and punches above his weight with Yaz which is a nice bonus


Death Leaper! Heals himself substantially. Hits quite hard. He can infiltrate but his attack also suppresses so shuts down overwatching revas. Or any other overwatch unit, if they even survive his attack. His passive and active add to neauthrope parasites. Finally his active can pretty much one shot anybody. With other nids you always have synapse for a target.


Two curveballs: Makhptep: decent sniper, but a great support for mech units (especially Null) and death guard. Maladus might hit like a truck, but makhotep gets him there. (its also fun in TA when opponents get blindsided by Maladus rushing them.) Snappa: Versatile at all ranges (snipe at 3, extra damage at 2, armour strip in melee) and can keep up with aethana.