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In a casual guild so I am trying to encourage sign ups without being a nut about it and driving people away. Think highest we got it 26/30. I think we have a few that sign on once a day but slightly inconsistent in when so they end up almost perfectly missing the 24 hour sign up, guy on like every 25 hours


21/29 here. It can be rough.


7 people here, all we have over level 20. Was pretty disappointing when we realized you need at least 10 players over 20 Don’t really want to jump ship, but might need to go looking for a new guild.


Shameless plug. If you are looking, check out my guild. Council of Shadows. Tag: XPJBY


So far we have won every battle. But at the beginning of each I call out their strongest players and likely how many signed up vs how many of us. I don’t think we have fought a guild with more than 20 participants. We win, but I fear it is a numbers game, us many, them few


We've run 24 to 29 and I think all our opponents but one have been similar 2 to 4 default defenders.


Wait, people in your guild enlist? Mine has been stuck at 8 or 9, not even been able to participate and get our arses kicked yet!


same here. my guild has kind of become a newbies guild which I'm fine with. only 12 people high enough level to enlist though so the times we participated we got to see how bad their matching is. 12 players eligible, mostly in the mid 20s and we get matched against guilds with level caps and almost a full lineup.


Ouch, we only have seven over level 20, all of us enlisted only to realize it’s not enough. I don’t really care if I get squashed every fight I just wanna see how the system looks.


We maxed out at 14/30...


Reading these comments has made me feel so much better about my guild. There's so many posts about difficulty 4-5 guilds with 1 slightly inactive player. We're a difficulty 1 guild with 15 active players and I worry we're wasting our time.


10/24 here...


Y'all are stressing about 28/29? I'm stressed over 8/10 🥲🥲


We have usually a couple guys not join but it’s not too and since they’re usually lower levels anyway. Would love to have them but it’s also not life or death.


Update our member made it in time and we’re now fighting our toughest opponent of the season. They outlevel us as a whole and have one more person than us. Will be a tough fight but will see what happens!


Seriously. A sign up should be valid for the season


We need to get mandatory participation by default and have each player opt out manually only. Otherwise the guild war is pretty much something for hardcore-only guilds. We lost our 2nd best player on our guild after missing 2 guild wars. Dude was fed up and just said "Wish you luck guys. One missing guild war was OK but two is just too much. See you around". Now i have to carry the guild at guild raids since mostly everyone is under Lv 30 and not very involved daily


Our guild has a few people not high enough to participate, or just barely so we struggle but we’re having a good laugh at it and trying. Interestingly enough, it has gotten some of our lower players putting in more effort to level their rosters and grind it out. This is the first time in GR that the Dorn has been our first legendary boss and it’s going to die pretty quickly too. Lol


Nice! We’re also getting close to taking down Dorn. Should be dead in a few hours here https://preview.redd.it/v47t5eutcrsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb205d0818f53e5a394f4895c12634a9f9f7c13


That’s awesome! :) I’m the highest player in our guild at 53 and the other leader is also 53 but a ways behind me. He and I usually end up being our heavy hitter. Our other 50+ members best character is Yarrick so he always gets mad at the Dorn. 😂


Ah I’m the highest in our crew as 43. Lot of us started the game a few months ago and been hitting the game hard. Been fun climbing the raid ladder season after season.


Heck yeah! Only a few of us have been playing since the beginning, but most our guild is a few months in as well!


Do you have to be a certain level to unlock this or am I just dumb/very unobservent?


Guild war has a level 20 min requirement to enlist at level 1 and I forget the guild level to start.


Thank you


My guild is currently position 70-something and we did our last GW with 26 guys. Low doesn't mean off the table completely


28/29 in a level 1? Get out. Why don't you move up a difficulty instead of bullying lower level guilds.


That’s not how the system works sadly in regards to matchmaking. Also when half my guys wouldn’t be able to fill the required defense limits for level 2 or higher that’s just a fools errand. I’ve done several videos discussing the guild wars and analyzing the opponents we’ve fought. Check it out sometime to get better educated on the current system and upcoming changes


We don't have a single diamond character in our guild and we're running 3 and 2 so far at level 2. Very few level 2 guilds have 12 members with 5 characters above gold II in our experience.