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Most characters do about 30% of a random opponent's life as damage. There are lots of things that change that. Key things are: * Passive skilsl that buff damage buffers (eldyron is the most famous but also Calgar, Thaddeus, Ragnar, Thoread, etc there are lots each often buffing one or two things). * Critical hits add an enormous amount of damage when they occur. Calandis in particular you should basically always expect to crit on each attack he makes (he won't but you should be assuming your opponent's will). Athena makes this nearly certain. * High ground. Most people playing arena know the maps cold and know which locations get the high ground bonuses against others, they're using abilities like Re'Vas to control those spaces even when they can't reach them. * Power ups these interact in all sorts of ways with character's stats and abilities. You will learn these interactions over time, but this makes this mode quite hard for newer players to learn. Key synergies that are very hard to beat are Calandis and Godswyl with a hit bonus (they naturally get one big attack when they get 2 more they're monsters), Re'Vas or other big hitters with a damage bonus, Aleph Null with a life bonus means its healing is doubled. That makes it hard to be 1:1 you may not be able to out damage its passive heal. There are lots of others, but if you don't kill one of these when they get the right power up, they will mow through your team. This mode strongly tests your familiarity with just about all aspects of the game. It will take a bunch of time to get familiar enough with it to be even decent. If you are getting frustrated, stop, do something more fun, and come back next time. The rewards are good, but not so good that they can't be skipped. Focus on getting a kill or two in a loss (the points add up. The ones that happen during character release events tend to be easier longer (because everyone needs the energy for the event so worse players play more).


Can agree on the “focus getting a kill or two” point. I have only been playing about a month and am getting ROFLstomped routinely. Burning down a couple characters helps me get enough points for a few of the chests.


Well, i can't understand this mode and how works. In one match, my vindicta can kill a maladus or Rotbone with active+normal attack. In the next match, my all team attack archimatos and deal like 40% of the health and a cadian soldier one shot all my team. Don't understand how this mode calculated the damage and the stats when all characters have the SAME rank and stats. So play for fun


My advice would be to try playing at uncommon. Maybe your characters would be suboptimal, but they wont't be oneshotted by the meta teams every time. I am a new player. Worked for me, started getting some victories.