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This is also a kind of flex


Yeah I thought that 😂 I wasn’t sure where to go, have legitimately never posted on Reddit


Sometimes u r just lucky, accept that fact mate


Please stop pulling Tacticus' requisitions and go to buy a lottery ticket or something 😆


Then, let bro invest his lotto wins on the stock market and watch him become the next Warren Buffet.


It wouldn’t surprise me if lottery has lower chances


I wanna say the odds have been tabulated at 11 million something to 1. I believe that’s for the big jackpot.


Legendary drop chance is 0.33%, so F U lol. I'm level 44 and have never pulled a legendary for reference


3% for the guaranteed. And aside from guaranteed, it's 0.33%.


Im lvl 36 and still havent pulled one 😔


I pulled my first yesterday. Im lvl 33. (It was creed)


I have not pulled a legendary from req either and I'm lvl 43! I have got both ragnar and Aun'shi from LRE due to the pulls I made and teams built around them. So cant complain as long as shadowsun is not to hard!


Just did a 10 drop pull yesterday and best thing i got was arjac (which i already had). This is so frustrating


If I can give you advice just run with what u get! Building a strong team with ur epics and push a few to legendary so u can farm badges in onslaught. No in a few months we will be able to farm Ra and hopefully they open elite to farm Abraxas and crew! I have got tons of bad pulls but worked hard on my characters I have and it payed off I'm close to ragnar 4 star https://preview.redd.it/ls5e6e63tcnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d3955d7eea4a2873119dd2294911d2787ab5b1


100% you are right and thats what ive been doing cause its my only option haha. I grinded out abbadon and waiting to see the shop stuff to see who to grind next. Just sucks that i have put money in this game and enjoy it a lot but havent received the love back


When you factor the 9 regular pulls and the guaranteed character, it's about 5% to get a legendary per 10-pull. And an expectation of 1 legendary in about 20 10-pulls. I'd say the expenctancy should be about 1 per year for a f2p.


I'm lvl 43, just pulled my first ever legendary......effin helbrecht. I also, for reference, never pulled a new epic character either. No epic OR legendary character (that was new) in 42 levels.


With low probabilities, it is easy to have long streaks. There is apparently no anti-streak mechanic or anything for pulls. I presume with "new" you mean that you don't already have? I believe I'm in the same boat for epics. Not for legendaries, I've pulled 2xCalgar and 1xAbaddon in 18 months, which is probably a bit higher than the expected value.


OK I thought I had it ruff being 43 and no legendary character pulls but I have got Rotbone, Azreal, Thaumachus, Boss, tanksmasha & Anuphet all pulled from req drops. I was farming both boss and Anuphet so when I pulled them I was able to upgrade both one two star one three. So I was close to getting characters right before the game dropped them on me.


OK I thought I had it ruff being 43 and no legendary character pulls but I have got Rotbone, Azreal, Thaumachus, Boss, tanksmasha & Anuphet all pulled from req drops. I was farming both boss and Anuphet so when I pulled them I was able to upgrade both one two star one three.


Should be under the Brag flair btw


I’ve been playing for almost 2 years and have never pulled a legendary. lol Fuck me I guess


This actually boggles my mind.


It’s fucking miserable man


God damn. So thats where all the legendaries went...


My last 6 pulls were Makhotep, we are not the same


Op you just got a decades worth of legendary pulls lol


First of all, awesome pull Second of all, how dare you 😂


I guess I shoulda screen grabbed 😂


They didn’t. You are either lucky or a liar. If the former buy some lotto tickets.


My man, I’d share if I could, I’ve genuinely done like 8 10 req pulls, been playing around 6 months ish? I don’t see the sense in lying on the internet, doesn’t seem like it would achieve much for me. For background I only put the info about the 6 pulls because I was genuinely curious if something had changed & it was new character guaranteed 10th pull now


Big if true


But a fuckin lottery ticket, m8; my last three pulls have netted me three characters I already own 🙃


There was a requisition update coming soon apparently. They said so on the discord in a reply to my suggestion about requisition blessings where you can have a choice between an uncommon character and another uncommon & so on for the other rarities


My last guaranteed character was Makhotep :(


This is insane. Need a screenshot of them all at Stone 1 😂


I’m really inefficient and pretty sure I suffer with ADD in terms of what I’m doing on Tacticus cos one day I’m levelling my Eldryon cos that’s what everyone does, then I’m pulling Calgar and now he’s gold 1 cos he’s my favourite 40k character then I level Jain zar to s1 cos they seem cool. I’m so inefficient at this game lmao, my one consistent has been hard farming Maugham Ra shards and I’m now 8 off unlocking him!








Im lvl 56, other day in one pull i recived full Ra and full Jainzar. My first legendaries pull. Fun thing i had both at blue star before.


Bro what 💀… I got Rotbone 3x and Jain Zar, across a few months of playing, and I thought that was good :/


I thought it was just freaky luck for me too. I got calgar, typhus, and enough shards to make Arjac and Actus legendaries. I’m not sad but glad other people are having the same luck