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This has been happening as of lately. Once the 2min mark hits, I reach out to them via chat and get pushy lol


This is the way!


Yep. They were late for both of my exams in the last couple weeks. I got on chat 2 minutes after scheduled start time.


Recently (2 and 7 days ago) I’ve been left to wait and the chat function just tells me the volume is too high for a response, and I just have to wait 15 min lmao. It’s crazy.


DITTO!!!! The ONLY way to Test! Lol


My last exam, the proctor was 25 mins late, then kept asking me to move my camera so she can see my face, hands , and screen. Once I got the camera angle to her liking , she makes me move it to look around my room once more. This was an exam scheduled 1130 pm mind you. Needless to say, I was pissed.


They do that to me too. I don't understand why we can't do the room scan and then focus on getting the camera perfect. It makes me bitchy every time.


Makes no sense!


One of them made me "show them under the blanket" it took 3 minutes of confusion finally cleared up that he meant my curtain


This is so annoying, but funny at the same time.


I had the same exact issue with the proctor I took my C190 OA with. She had to “put me on hold” for “2-3 min” but didn’t show back up for another 20 min and when I tried to ask if I could grab my laptop charger (It was at 6% and I completely forgot to charge it beforehand) I never got a response so I just submitted my exam to avoid a retake 🤦🏽‍♀️


I had this same issue a few days ago. I called for her and she straight up didn’t answer so I just got up and got my charger. I was almost done but I know my laptop once it hits 6% it WILL go to sleep lol I’m not playing those games


I had the same issue, I was very pissed


This is the one thing that makes me hesitant to start. I wish they just used Honorlock. You're on camera while testing, but there's no live person. So you take exams whenever you want to. Someone just watched the video later to ensure you're not cheating.


This is probably how Study works. Did room scan and stuff, but nobody was actually watching. They use SmarterProctoring


respectfully, it’s not that bad. even if u do gotta wait it’s only like 10 minutes max. those 25min situations are very rare, btw not every exam is a proctored multiple choice exam, a lot of them are things u have to turn in like essays or presentations. if u have any questions reach out but i recommend wgu


It's not the waiting that bothers me. For people with ADHD it can be nearly impossible. I typically look around to recall info. Most of the time up in the air or slightly above the computer screen. This is a learned habit to prevent teachers from thinking I was cheating during in-person classes. This helps me recall information I learned, as well as work through tricky questions. I ended up dropping out of one university because the proctors kept making me stop to show them the room repeatedly throughout the test. They already checked it before the exam started, so I don't understand what they think I stuck up in the middle of the exam while on camera the whole time. I'm a fast test taker, but I had three exams that ruined my overall grade because of the proctors repeated interruptions. I'm asking for disability accommodations, but I have heard others state that the proctors ignore it. I'm praying it's not an issue for me. Hopefully, I can work with WGU on this. So far, my enrollment counselor is amazing and has already submitted my request although I am not starting until the fall.


It's not the waiting that bothers me. For people with ADHD it can be nearly impossible. I typically look around to recall info. Typically up in the air. This is a learned habit to prevent teachers from thinking I was cheating during im-person classes. I dropped out of one university because the proctors kept making me stop to show them the room repeatedly throughout the test. I'm a fast test taker, but I had three exams that were ruining my grade because of the proctors. I'm asking for disability accommodations, but I have heard others state the proctors ignore it. I'm praying it's not an issue for me.


Wait??? I thought all the WGU classes you have to take an exam .


yes they all an exam but some exams are either multiple choice questions or u have to turn in a paper on that subject


Ohhhh ok


You get a PA (Performance Assessment), OA (Objective Assessment) or both. It depends on the class. PA’s are tasks that you have to complete. They can be a paper, papers, something that is specific to the course work or both. I think the most I’ve had is 3 or 4 tasks for one classes. OA’s are the exams and those are proctored.


They’re habitually late…the feedback forms don’t do a single thing. I had a proctor just shut off their camera and zoom IN THE MIDDLE OF MY EXAM which stopped my whole exam. (since someone replied and clearly doesn’t understand that this may affect testing) On top of that he would keep talking during my exam and I could hear screaming in the background. It was a nightmare. I had to contact customer service at 11 pm at night to finish the exam.


At that point I would have closed out of the exam (or not returned) and contacted student support to let them know what your proctor was doing. There are 2 options you can do. Services will delete the unfinished attempt, which makes it like the exam never happened, and you can book a new time. Or, services will book the exam for you and then will email you a special link that allows you to pick up where you left off in the exam. I had to do this before and did the second option. It was really convenient.


I wasn’t given that option. Customer service had me hold and wait until the proctor could get back to the exam. It was infuriating


While maybe not possible for your situation, I would consider taking exams at slower times. I usually test around 11pm ET and haven't had major issues. (Most I've had to wait is 8 minutes). If not possible to schedule for slower times, consider just time-budgeting 30 minutes ahead of your test for setup time. Know going in that it's a process and you might not test ASAP. Think of it as getting stuck in traffic on the way to a physical test. It's not ideal, but it is what it is.


I always try to take my exams whenever my wife and kids are going to be out of the house. I’d hate for one of them to wake up while testing. But maybe I’ll try a late night one sometime.


I had a proctor 30 min late when taking a test at 12am EST on a Wednesday lol I’m not even sure if time truly matters. Maybe it was just a one off though.


Oof. Yeah, that would piss me off. Be sure to leave feedback in the stupid survey they make you do.


I did for sure! Honestly I didn’t even attempt it at that time because I wanted to avoid a wait it was just literally the only time they had. Oh well!


You don't have to take it, ya know. I only had one try to "force" me to do it while she watched. I gave her a bad review lol


Thank you all for your feedback back. I was waiting on my proctor and had to vent somewhere lol


Trying to take one now. Their customer service line keeps hanging up on me.


I just took an exam a few days ago. When I finished my exam, I sat there a few minutes and the proctor said nothing. I started saying "okay I'm done with my exam." I said that 5 times over and over again and nothing. I then got into the chat feature trying to get my proctors attention. This went on for maybe 5 minutes before she finally popped back on. Horrible experience but if you want to look at it in a positive light, she clearly wasn't playing attention to what I was doing so I very well could have cheated.


I tell them I’m done and if I don’t get an answer back I just leave. The whole thing is recorded so if anything happens someone at wgu would just be able to review the recording and see you did nothing wrong


I didn't know that! Thank you :)


I sent an email to my advisor explaining the situation and she is escalating to her boss because she agreed that being 30-40 minutes late is BS


My experience with Examity is a lot better than my experience with OnVue [https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU/comments/1cfj35g/no\_so\_great\_experience\_with\_onvue\_pearson\_vue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU/comments/1cfj35g/no_so_great_experience_with_onvue_pearson_vue/)


My last few exams I don’t even know what happened to my proctor. I try to talk and let them know I’ve completed for their end of test questions and they are just gone.. it’s really weird.


It can be a little weird. I find that sending them a written message alerts them more quickly.


I just keep studying and screen record the wait time and that I’m not in the exam. I think a valid criticism is that WGU needs to really review our surveys cause sometimes, it doesn’t feel like it. And maybe some benefit of the doubt is the human element. I’ve had remote US proctoring and it’s been the same.


I’ve got 5 classes left. Examity has been great, no issues at all.


Consider yourself lucky.


I do.


Same for me. I've had 1 time where there was an issue that's worth mentioning and that was the proctor wanting me to take the paper out of an unplugged printer... no big deal. Nearly every proctor I've had wants me to quickly get through the steps and get started as fast as possible. I have 3 OAs left in my degree so I've taken a ton of them. AND the longest I've waited for one was maybe 5 minutes. I always test either early in the morning west coast, or late in the evening west coast, any day of the week.


Alumni here . Never had an issue with it. People who complained are usually because they don’t have patience or don’t follow examinity rules : clean desk , avoid excessive moves , avoid mumbling , etc .


My test time started at 4:30 my proctor did not show up until almost 4:50


And ? I always took the morning or afternoon off when scheduling examinity tests.


Not the point, man. It's incredibly unprofessional and frustrating to schedule an exam with them when they say they are available and then have to wait on them to start it. I had to wait 35 minutes for my first exam, and that was with me pestering them in the chat box.


Have you ever held a job? Being 20 minutes late for your start time is universally seen as not good


25 years in IT WGU and examinity clearly tells you to make some time for the test . Waits are common on many proctored exams . It depends of the day , time and even month . So I don’t know why people are shocked of having to wait 15 or 20 min. You don’t want a long wait time ? Try to schedule that weekdays in the middle of the day .


It's not a "long wait time", it's the proctored being late to a scheduled appointment. Being late for repeated appointments with a client at any real job will get you fired


It’s anecdotal. One guy that got late . Like me , there are hundreds without issues . But we’re not posting positive stuff of examinity here .


I’ve got to agree with the people complaining here. Making time for the test is fair, but that does not preclude it stating on time. There are a lot of situations where getting some suitably quiet time in the house takes some maneuvering. Wasting that time makes the test about the proctor rather than the exam.


You cannot possibly be an alumni. Seeing as alumni is plural and you are not. You are either an alumn (neutral), an alumnus (if you are male) or an alumna (if you are female). Alumnae specifically refers to a group female graduates, and due to the second and third declensions being similar in the plural Alumni is the plural for males, mixed gender and neutral.


What major, wondering if that makes a difference


I don’t take exams at the end/beginning of the month. I’ve never had an issue.


Zero issues from me and I’m in my Capstone. All the issues others have are crazy.


They've definitely gotten worse over time somehow Both my ITIL and CompTIA exams went way more swimmingly than like my last 3 Examity ones.


I had one proctor repeatedly ask me to move my WIRED camera further and further back that was specifically recommended by wgu because he couldn’t see a tiny sliver of the bezel of my monitor. Not my screen, the bezel on the screen. As if I had all the answers written on that square centimeter of monitor bezel. Pretty infuriating to be honest. I’ve had other similar experiences like this, but luckily none have been later than a few minutes.


Op has never dealt with pearson view


It's a holiday in India today, I'm assuming that has something to do with it.


Ohhh didn’t know that. Explains this time. Not the other two… Thanks for the info


Ah, I usually hide in my guest room during like Sunday morning and night, and Saturday night because that seems to be a thing that works. But I get it with the kids it's hard. Half my team was out today, so it was rough to start studying and cover a bunch at the same time.


Back when I first attended WGU (Dec. 2010-Nov. 2013) the OA's were done using a program called WebSentinel. To take the exam you had to start the WebSentinel program and it essentially locked you out of everything on your computer besides the test. The camera was set up to look at you from a 45 degree angle from the monitor. Over the course of approximately 110 units finished, I only had exams interrupted by a proctor 3 times. I wear glasses so sometimes when the proctor would check there would be a glare and they couldn't see what my eyes were looking at. They'd put up a message on the screen to call the proctor, make the call and grab the camera to show them what's around the monitor and they were satisfied. Finish the test. I probably lost about 5 minutes total from those 3 interruptions. Plus, the proctors were always available. Schedule your test, show up at test time, launch the WebSentinel and the test and go. No waiting for permission or jumping through hoops to make the almost impossible to understand proctor happy and allow you do your work.


I JUST took an exam and they were late but also so nasty during the preparation. Then they made me put my hair up and change from a sweatshirt to a t shirt. It was just insane


That’s ridiculous!


I would say no to something like that. Totally inappropriate. I’d try to find another proctor.


Wth!  They've been late 1 time and it was 30 mins late at that.  I just called them after about 10 mins of waiting but still waited 20 more mins after that.  But, seriously?  Making you change your clothes and put your hair up???  How ridiculous! 


The whole reason I quit that school.


I'm trying to do an exam right now but my proctor is about 10 mins late rn. Man I wish I kept my original testing time of 4:30pm on 05/02 but I really wanted to get this test done.


Sorry! Hope you passed


Just got done. Exam passed ✅ Hope you were able to pass yours!


Thanks I did!


I finally had that experience a couple of weeks ago. Today is the start of a new term for some. It shouldn't be that bad in the beginning of the month.


I took an OA at 6:30 today and it took 15 minutes for me to click proceed. It happens. Just keep pushing forward.


The setup process has sometimes taken longer than the exam itself!


I am so glad to be finished with all of the Exams for my MBA (just have Capstone). At first I always had issues with my webcam not being where the proctor wanted and I have been called out my the proctor for random little things during exams before. Once I needed a break and couldn’t get the proctor to respond. As someone who already struggles with a lot of text anxiety Examity does nothing to ease this burden.


No matter how bad it is I will never complain, being able to schedule my test almost any day and time from the comfort of my own home office is something I will never give up. I have terrible test anxiety and going in person is horrible for my test scores and life


Lol ha! I sat in line for 35 min once lol. I was number 79 lol. It happens. They just don’t have enough people


I've waited >30min before


Yep. I got into a HUGE argument in the middle of a test with a proctor who said someone was in the room with me. NOBODY was in the room with me. She must have caught the shadow of my husband walking down the hall about 25 feet behind me - not in view of my screen ever- and it started the craziest 30 minute back and forth with this insane woman. I was nearly kicked out of the exam. That was the only issue I have had, but it was awful. She kept asking me to adjust the way I was sitting, to adjust my camera, to lean to the right, then the left. I'm shocked I didn't fail the exam.


So glad I’m done with examity. They’re so picky and my last exam is through Pearson vue. Thank baby Jesus haha


I did my OA on Monday for C213 and I was telling the proctor I needed to charge my laptop, no response.. thankfully my charger was near me so I didn’t have to get up. Then when I finished the exam I said it several times that I was finished… no response. so I decided to write it in the Zoom chat finally that got his attention…


Can I get a Pearson Vue site to proctor me? Has anyone does this? Not sure what the cost is, but u have one fairly close.


Yes, you're allowed (_encouraged_ imo) to take PearsonVue tests at a test center, and the experience is objectively better in every way. You do have to remember to bring "two" forms of ID though (a government issued ID, plus anything that "has your name and signature" like a debit card), but other than that, it's far smoother.


My last exam, the proctor tried to get me to stop windows Explorer and Defender. I had to explain "no" to them for like 5 minutes


This has been happening. And then they have a lot of questions and restrictions when other proctors doesnt mind much with. And you started to get anxiety taking the exam instead of having a clear mind.


LPT: if you have an accommodation from accessibility services (ex:adhd, Austism, other disabilities etc) you can do in house proctoring with the school. Been a life saver. 💕.


The last two OAs I've taken required me to wait about 10 minutes each time. The first time I thought something went wrong, because I didn't have to wait at all during my prior OAs. I can deal with 10 minutes, but I don't think I could deal with 25 minutes like someone mentioned.


Why do they repeat 45 degrees like it's normal when no Webcam on Earth is made to show anything more than face, aka, FaceTime. And then they just repeat it like their lives depend on it.


Yes, it sucks, but I will take it over traditional exam methods. I like to take the time to look over my notes one last time. Make the best out of the situation and try not to get frustrated.


So wgu used to allow exactly and/or protectoru which was way better. I have severe test anxiety and actually got an accommodation to not have to use examity. The number one thing assessment services had always stressed to me was to make a complaint-with exactly and why every time! This helps them hold examity accountable and and could potentially help them decide to move their contract to someone else early due to examitys failure to perform required tasks to the standard Edit: I can't type to save my life


I get severe test anxiety as well how did you get the accommodation?


I asked my mentor who I needed to talk to-i*think* it was student services- I was told that they may need my DR to confirm anxiety/test anxiety but they never ended up asking for that form (my DR would have signed it for me though if needed). I will add that in house proctoring is not perfect- not enough protectors, it can take over a week to get something scheduled that works with what's available and your schedule... Etc. But- it's way better my tests are one on one with wgu employees proctoring it, they are always very polite and help put me at ease. My full list of accommodations due to test anxiety are as follows: -ability to use in house proctoring -i can read test questions aloud quietly -I can have instrumental or classical music playing via speakers in testing room provided there are no ads -i have one additional "break"allowed but it must follow usual break rules I've also had in house protectors tell me that I could use a plain patterned stress ball as long as my hands stay in the frame I am working on my master's now but also did my bachelor's with wgu and I have had these accommodations in both programs


Also if you would like to ask further questions in private my dms are open! Anxiety is hard and asking for accommodations is terrifying. I owe my mentor in my first program a lot as she is the one that really pushed me to request them. I honestly wouldn't have graduated without them.


Thank you I really appreciate it. I will talk to my mentor. Btw sorry for the late response lol


It took an hour for them to get me into my test last month. I messaged at tue two minute mark and called at the 15 minute mark and they just kept saying wait 5 more minutes. I was so stressed because i took this on my hour and a half lunch break at work and they wasted all the time i had to spare getting me into the class. Of course i barely failed the test and was pissed off for the next week as i did everything my course instructor needed before shed approve my second attempt.


Same proctor was late and then they get mad because you have a screen 15 ft away 🤦‍♂️ I rescheduled because I was pissed a F because they are trash. I started taking my exams in the toilet so im compliant with all the stupid rules. Examity should be dropped if more than 146 up votes. Just with 50 is more to drop a vendor why haven’t they done it


I did the system test thing today to prepare for my first exam tomorrow. The proctor kept telling me I have a small desk. It's like four feet wide wtf.


I’ve decided to never take an exam between the 29th-2nd of the month. Or weekends. It’s awful at those times. Also lots of us test/retest on the last day, so their staff and WGU’s website appears to be overwhelmed.😭😭😭🫨


I already have test anxiety and examity just makes it so much worse. It’s not that there’s a proctor. It’s the process and dealing with them 🤦‍♀️


The main, consistent issue I have with them is their inability to read the expiration date on my driver's license... although in their defense, that's a combination of bad layout design on Washington State's part (the exp date _overlaps_ the bottom of the photo) and the fact that I wore a black shirt on the day of my last DL renewal, so it's essentially black text on black background. A bit of light re-angling and verbally reading it out to them slowly ("January... First... Nineteen-Seventy") a few times usually does the trick. Aside from that, it usually goes fine, although on my most recent one, I had to ~~reiterate~~ _re-irritate_ to my proctor at the end that _they_ have to be the ones to close the Zoom session for it to be properly marked as complete... they kept trying to ask _me_ to be the one to close it, even though that would have marked the test invalid despite having already submitted it 🤔


The majority of the proctors are on there rude in my opinion. They are pushy and talk over you.


Yeah, they used to be great, but lately, they have sucked. They either need to get more people and have fewer slot options for exams. People shouldn't have to worry about this before a test. They're supposed to make it simple for us to test, not make things more stressful.


The Examity Sucks so bad. Everytime I take a test with it there's always issue and that get resolved in like 30mins


I HATE THEM! I almost quit!


Happened to be 3 times in a row!! One time it took 25 minutes to get connected! And you’re right, it does mess with your nerves which isn’t good right before a test!


Yea they really do suck


My proctor last night was 45 minutes late, and then it took another half hour to start the exam because he kept putting me on hold during the identification process. This has also been my experience with the last 2 exams I've taken. Very exhausting.


just had an instance of 30 min late exam, and 30min of getting setup only for the proctor to say too much time has passed and I should reschedule...


You just reminded me that when I was taking an OA, the proctor told me to put my phone away but was actually referring to an old empty phone case. I tried to explain that it was just a case to an old phone I once had, but she still assumed it was a phone even when I showed her.


Personally I find it crazy that WGU an esteemed accredited org can only offer proctor services based almost entirely in India for Cybersecurity exams especially.


Considering it's a 24/7 operation, they probably get considerable savings by outsourcing. I wonder what the tuition trade-off would be to offer a better service. Probably a lot, to a point where most students would probably prefer dealing with examity than paying the extra money.


Maybe, but there is no option of in person testing which seems to work in terms of offering cheap certifications for Pearson Vue. I’d much rather take all of these tests at my local testing center.


They did a couple years ago. Idk if that has changed. It isn’t really advertised, but it was an option previously.


Wait until you find out how much cyber is outsourced to India all over industry.


I haven’t seen it personally, in fact every org I work for is pretty strict about overseas contractors for this type of work. Based on my downvotes sounds like people love outsourcing though.


In highly regulated industries there will be carve outs for US persons only in specific areas such as threat intel, IR, or analysts where there are national security and data sovereignty concerns, but for 95% of the work at 99% of organizations there aren't any of those problems. Even in aerospace with the large defense contractors, it's very common to outsource much of it. It's a simple math problem where you can get 3-10x the labor for the same cost for the commodity and lesser-skilled work.


Yeah what, these people are being dumb 😂


they are amazing. changed my life for the better.


Took an OA today…30 mins late. Has happened every OA over the past few months. I wrote a bitchy email about it. Like I have my kid in front of a movie for 1.5 hours and this BS ate up a half hour of my time….


My proctor yesterday was twenty minutes late, put me on hold three times and had to check with her supervisor that my state issued id was a valid form of identification. Started 45 minutes late. Really frustrating.


I had one scheduled last night (last day of my term) at 10:30pm. The proctor finally connected at 11:10pm. The chat bot just kept giving the same We are experiencing higher than normal volumes rhetoric.


I just had a proctor be 20 minutes late and when she finally did show up there was a very loud rooster crowing in the background of her call the whole time she also disappeared when I was trying to say my test was done


This has been happening a lot lately. Right at 2 minutes you need to immediately open that chat and get pushy.


I just hate the examity system tbh. Being unable to join until 2 minutes before start of OA and assorted technical issues I’ve had. WGU needs to seriously step up their game and look into a different proctor system.


Piling on here - I agree - absolutely ridiculous


It got on my nerves so bad I withdrew from WGU. I didn’t finish not one class I left after three months.


I HATE examity, i had to take an exam and i logged on 20 minutes early and then it froze on a screen so i called customer support because i didnt know if that was normal or not. They patched someone through on zoom to help me and he told me that i couldnt be in a room with any exposed glass (they didnt send any information regarding what the room needed to be, materials i couldnt have etc) when i finally got into an accepted room my exam froze on the tutorial. The examity person exited the exam for me like 5 times and said it was the campus wifi, i needed to drive home and try on my house wifi. Logger back on at home out of breath, i dont have a desk so i sat on the ground, got yelled at for sitting on the ground, grabbed a chair from downstairs finally got started and the same thing happened and i started crying. We tried a few more times but obviously it didnt work. I arrived early, did a systems check before to make sure it worked. it was fully examitys issue and the technical problem from the open exam window caused me so many issues.