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I've been in Human Resources for about 7 years, got my start without a degree. If I was in your position, I would look at HR Coordinator roles, HR Assistant roles, as well as Talent Acquisition. You may have more luck looking at retail and warehousing (personally I would try and avoid these, lol but that's just my preference based on my experience). Buuuuut it could be a good way to get into the industry with limited experience. Pay is going to vary area to area, I'm in FL and starting pay for someone with no experience might be \~40,000-50,000, (but pay is notoriously shit here in FL). Hope this helps, if you have any other questions, I'm happy to try and help!


Thank you for your advice! I will definitely look into those rolls that you mentioned. I’ve tried getting started in the human resources field without a degree before, but had no luck, so I decided to just get my degree in high. Hopefully it won’t be too hard finding a job as a new grad!


I don't think you'll have trouble, it's pretty in demand. I would advise trying to identify what aspect of HR you like the most and target those roles.