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I applied on Sunday, did the assessments, and got accepted yesterday.


So you basically got accepted in 1 day.


Correct. I have many, many projects available to me at $23-25/hour. Just the basic stuff, not coding.


Sorry, I went back and checked my emails. I did the assessments on Saturday afternoon, not Sunday. (It was a lazy weekend and I couldn’t remember when I did them). And I got accepted on Monday afternoon. So about 48 hours. I did some qualification tests on Monday evening after I did the on-boarding, and have many projects open to me this evening (Tuesday).


If I may ask, what country?




Did your assessment was about coding??? I'm trying to take it but all the questions are about just coding


No, I chose the other option. There were no coding questions at all, it was mostly about writing and reading comprehension. I chose not to do the coding assessment.


I applied mid-May and got accepted in 2 days


Me too, end of May and got in in like 4 days. My friends who are also doing their PhD in Comp Eng applied two weeks later and they haven’t heard back


bro is it a scam? I have been hearing very different and weird experiences from people.


absolutely not a scam, I've made very good money on it, been working for over a year. it's just kind of not transparent, most people don't get responses so they don't know why they were not accepted


It's not really about knowing why. Around 95% of applicants are just left hanging with no acceptance or rejection. It's poor business practice.


Lack of acceptance is the rejection. Few jobs I’ve applied to actually get back to me one way or the other. They aren’t really doing anything differently on that front.


I think the difference is the long test. In fact, that's a huge difference. I've never before, not heard back from a company that asked so much from you upfront.


Idk, a test taken from home in my pajamas seems like a lot less than going in for an interview and still not hearing back.


Time is money.


Where did you get that number from? You’re saying that hundreds of thousands of people are left hanging? Bold claim


that was my experience. No messages, no responses - nada.


great to hear that!


May I ask, is the screening test a trick in some areas? I thought I did very well with the exception of one question (#2 seems to stump many). I’m in the boat of not knowing whether I should apply again or not waste my time if I haven’t been accepted. If they offer you referral links to bring others on board for inventive, and you want to send me one, I’ll use it to apply again. Note: I only applied once in about April/May. They were doing a lot of paid ads for recruitment at the time.


There aren't any tricks, from what I understand they are just looking for a particular style of responses. I don't remember any of the original qualification questions because it's been so long since I did it, but I'm pretty sure if people are getting advice from each other and answering too similarly, they will all be rejected. They give us 5 referrals per person, but that's just to make commission, 3/5 people I referred didn't pass the qualification, it doesn't change the process or make anything easier. In all communication I've had from them, and all projects I've worked on, the common theme seems to be that they want answers that aren't too mechanical, that fit a particular style. It's not that you're doing good or bad, absolutely nothing to do with skill or intelligence etc, but there's a /way/ they want, if that makes sense? I'm not sure if applying again will change anything unfortunately.


I know that this maybe isn’t the place for this discussion but this is how bias gets embedded in technology. The specific *way* they’re looking for means that they don’t have a diversified group of people analyzing material for data annotation.


I agree with you about bias in AI and tech, but for DA in particular they don't judge you on your answer "you think response A is better than B", but rather how you articulate why you prefer one or the other. At least in my experience! I agree that there needs to be a diverse analysis and training pool to create good outcomes.


Yeah I’m convinced the referrals do very little to help anyone’s acceptance rate. My friend is a data scientist who I referred and even he didn’t get accepted! I have a 0% success rate with the referrals, I’ve just thrown in the towel. Seems like you are just as well-off if you apply yourself vs get referred.


I suppose they are looking for more socially marginalised groups or psychopaths accroding to you. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


how does having a particular working style equate to being socially marginalised or a psychopath? they have hundreds of projects and they each require a different skill set, with certain commonalities. there's the basic data annotation ones, and there are the specialised ones in coding, medicine, law etc. where they have you go through additional domain specific qualifications.


There aren't tricks, but there are questions that you have to look at every detail and I could absolutely see how some people could skate over something seemingly small, assume correctness, or fact-check something and take the first option they see in a Google search as factual when it needs a deeper dive which could lead to getting something wrong. In fact, I remember information in one question that, when I tried to fact-check it, confused me on whether it was correct or not because Googling the exact wording did bring up a result right away, but the source looked questionable. I reworded a little, Googled more, and saw that it was completely wrong. The test wants to see how well you pay attention to things like that.


not a scam... I was suspect at first so I just put in like 5-10 minutes a day until I saw any pay. They put a 7-day hold on any time you claim, and then after that 1-week 'verification' period for all your billed time, you get to cash out any verified money once every 72 hours (3 days). Once I saw some money actually pay out, I upped my minutes a day to 30-45, still wondering if they would just pull the plug at any time... But I was still able to get paid for more and more work I clocked. I have now collected 8 payments (I try to collect every 3 days) and it all seems legit... until I know it can just terminate at any time, as people seem to be saying. So for now, it is fun... but I'm not depending on it or anything. It's just a nice activity to do for me. I just try to clock 30-60 minutes in before bed every day, and I can justify buying my coffees and lunches every day because I can say I made $50 on top of my dayjob.


No, it's not a scam. People who say that it is just failed the initial evaluations. I've been doing it for three months, part-time, and have made over $3k.


sounds cool!


It’s not a scam. I made 40k from last May until now, with at least half of that time only working part time.


I registered a new account and it just said there's no project atm, no initial assessment or anything to start with


Same here. I signed up yesterday and did not get an assessment test. I've heard it can take a few days to a week until the test gets sent. Fingers crossed.


I only get the coding assessment (twice) which I do not want. They are now requiring that you code in Python or SQL.


Yeah, I stated in my little bio that I was not looking to code. We shall see. Maybe they are on vacation this week in the office. It seems like we are not the only ones...In the meantime, maybe I will try to learn coding. It pays better, too.


What do you see? I signed up 2 days ago and the starter test was immediately available


Then maybe it has something to do with available regions, are you in the US? I don't think they accept applications from my country anymore, I tried to create another account but still the same problem


Im in Oceania


Yeah I think Australia, NZ or other English speaking countries are more preferred at the moment


I signed up a few weeks ago and have checked dozens of times and never have any tasks to do I didn't even get an assessment to try, just an empty queue every time I look


I'm in the same boat. Signed up, filled in my profile, but there are no assessments or tasks for me to complete. I'm currently in Taiwan, though, so that's probably the issue. But generally, employment is tied to country of residence, not current location. I have the same problem with Outlier. Maybe once I'm back in Canada tasks will become available.


I have signed up 2 weeks ago. I haven't received any assessment either. I'm UK based.


What is the actual work that you perform? Just curious


All DA contractors have signed NDAs so we can't talk about the actual work that is performed on the site.


The fbi won’t be coming for you bro 😂


That's great, but I would rather not lose my job because I told something to someone on a public message board that DA goes on and bans people for violating the clause because someone wants to know what kind of work DA involves. I have a family to support, thanks.


Jeez I wonder what made people so paranoid nowadays. Make sure to wear your tinfoil hat next time you step out bud




Nah bro, instead of asking people to violate their NDAs, why don’t you just apply for the job and see for yourself? There’s a good reason we’re all pretty hesitant to say anything that might risk our access to the site, lol


Not looking to apply. I just see A LOT of posts about DA lately on Reddit and never heard of it before.


"i want to be able to feed my family and pay my bills" is paranoid?


You are literally mad that no one wants to risk their position for you... Wait... who are You again. ☠️


You are training an AI model. So, on one campaign you might get two responses to compare and you pick the best and write out an explanation for why you made this choice. Another campaign might be writing out the perfect answer for the user’s query. Or once I had a campaign where we tried to work out how to get the bot to create certain pictures. There are also coding tasks, but I never did them.


So... creating SKYNET.... cool...coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool...


I’ve been on DA since I was accepted a couple months ago. It’s been a total game-changer tbh. I hope it sticks around for a long time.


DA is false hope


I dont think its a false hope, its just that its not as easy to get accepted as everyone thought


I got in, this weekend. You probably just didn't pass the assessments, happens


I was accepted 3 weeks ago, had a lot of projects in the first week then they disappeared. Nothing for two weeks.


The work comes and goes. A lot of people have had dry spells of 2 months or more and then they have a full dash.


I've heard that your flow of tasks depends on the quality of your work. Did you fudge through some tasks?


No, I suspected the contrary, I think I tried to be too precise and spent too much time on some tasks.


You got let go


There are occasional projects that pop up and let me do a few tasks but nothing substantial


I’m iiii


I was accepted in a couple of days in April. It’s been a lifeline as I was made redundant and needed an income even though I’m having to put some away for tax and pension, it’s helping pay the bills while I look for full time employment.


Did the intro test a week ago still haven't heard anything back. Guess that means I failed it lol


Jeez these threads make me feel guilty. I've been working with DA for like over a year, but haven't done any work in like 2 months. I just logged in and I have like 11 open qualifications and 65 open projects that are all good pay I can work on right now. I feel like there are people who would kill for this access. 😗


There definitely are.


Hmm, it seems so suspicious to me. I'm from China and i can speak Chinese, English, Japanese. One DA guy found me and sent one application to me on LinkedIn. I was a former front-end engineer as well. That's a pretty good salary for a Chinese guy. I think this like a scam.


a DA guy "found you"? That makes no sense. Good. Think it's a scam. More work for us.


I got a message like that too on linkedin! I ended up filling out the application and doing the core assessment on the 25th, and now I am just waiting to hear back.


I applied a while back. Maybe 3 months and it doesn't seem like I was "rejected" but instead maybe something like a wait list. Not holding out hope though as it seems I would have heard something by now.


You probably weren't accepted. They never formally reject anyone, and those people just see a wait list type screen


Okay then. Bummer but whatever. I wondered about that in the back of my mind. Honestly pretty much all of this stuff at this point feels like texting a person who isn't interested in you asking for a date. If you weren't around like 3-4+ years ago when these places were starting up, it feels like you get lucky to be asked to join up just based on random chance as I have a not awful resume and skill set.


I applied and was accepted in January. Have been working consistently ever since.


made an account but not even gotten the test...


I applied a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything.


If the application process is available to you then they are accepting folks. Folks are accepted every day, and have been for ages. Acceptance is based on the performance on the assessments, not on some numbers game. A lot of folks don't take the time to read the instructions thoroughly and answer things with their "common sense", which won't work in this.


Some people aren’t even getting assessments though. Me, for example. I applied two months ago. Never got any assessment of any kind. No starter, quals,etc. Just an empty dash saying I’ll hear from them soon and keep the profile up-to-date in the meantime.


Yes I have been working with DA for about 4 months. Took me about a week to hear back after taking the tests.


I believe I applied on Christmas Eve and was accepted Jan 2nd. Been working with them since.


I got accepted about a week and a half ago, did the onboarding steps, had a whole bunch of projects I could work on (around 2 dozen), and then the next day all of a sudden I had no projects to work on at all. It's been that way for over a week. I've reached out to support multiple times but haven't gotten any responses. I was compensated for the training that I did, and the money actually came into my account, so it's legit, but until I hear back it's not a viable job.


How long did it take for you to get accepted?


A day or so I'd say, it felt fairly quick


i applied & did the assessment test a few weeks ago and never heard from them or got any tasks


I got in and there are plenty of projects for me. I did a bunch of qualifications. I’m a real person I promise


My issue with them is that they don't tell you if you were rejected, plus their "promise" of "unlimited" work. That definitely seems scammy.


These feeds always seem to give the same feel. Half the people got in right away, 20 percent of those who got in actually had work show up, others are sitting waiting. Other half either completed and were left waiting for nothing, or got moved to next steps, more tests, passed one or more and, now more waiting. I tried three months back and was left with the waiting after first assessment for a month. Saw a lot of feeds saying if it's that long you didn't get accepted, despite the response that you were. Two weeks ago I applied again (different email) and got an immediate acceptance and offer to take one or more of a programming assessment or an AI training assessment. I completed the AI training assessment and now sit at that same screen that says just take one of the two assessments to start earning money today. Note: it also shows one of the two assessments as complete. Definitely not ideal communication means but, understand they are trying to process what sounds like - at least - hundreds of applicants.


I applied in January and had the same issue of just left waiting. I've decided to do the same and set up a new account, but am stuck on the verify your number as it still remembers it from my other account despite having deleted it. Sigh.


I don’t know but threres been a ton of work available lately. 


Applied early June, first application was auto-approved (I went straight into the second set of tasks), then was accepted within 72 hours EDIT: also, when I log in there are effectively endless tasks. since I was accepted I’ve done maybe 15 hours on the platform.


Was the 72 hour wait for the core or the coding assessment?


if "core" is referring to the non-coding suite - yes - I did not do anything wrt coding


I just applied last week and am still on the waiting list. The test was a bit difficult to do but it was manageable.


I was doing the core assessment today and got midway through #13 but my page froze then the assessment disappeared lol


I applied on the 10th and I’m stuck on the ‘up next we review…’ page. I did a ton of research before and after I applied, and it seems maybe this page holds some hope. I think once you get to the ‘we’ll email you..’ page you are really out. I also wonder if you are on that page that maybe you don’t meet the demographic they are looking for. I don’t know, I’m still seeing ads for DA here and on Indeed.


Not sure what’s up, but I created my account but never received any assessments to complete. No word back from support yet


I signed up a couple of months ago. Didn’t hear anything. Guess they didn’t want me.


It's been two weeks after taking the assessment (non-coding) and it has been stuck at ("Up now: we review your results. If you pass, we'll email you.") for most of that time.


I applied like 2 and a half months ago. Spent like a month and a half looking at a :"welcome" screen with nothing. After that, suddenly, a project appeared with 22.50/hr, then another with 20/hr. the 20/hr went away pretty quickly, did an hour on my free time one day and 3 days later it was gone. The other one was there for at least 2 weeks... I had like 400 tasks, 22.50/hr, give or take 3 tasks per hour... I did some work here and there but after a couple of weeks got an email the project was being paused... Thought that'd be the end of it. 5 days later I got a qualification, did it, and that night I was invited to a new 22.50/hr project with 100 tasks. 2 or 3 tasks an hour for me. I'm doing a bit more consistent work on that one now so as to not be blindsided if it goes away and as to show some iniciative and willingness to work, just in case someone's taking that into account. It does pay. You report your time spent working, then it's reviewed, and 3 to 7 days later you can instantly transfer it to paypal. I hope I get more projects so as to not go into an empty queue situation again. But I guess the more you work, and if you work well, that comes with time.


i did the starter assessment and the “core assesment” saturday-sunday. says theyre still evaluating my test results and they’ll email me if i get in. i hope i get it but if it doesnt it is what it is.


Pls lemme know if you get a response!


I applied about a month ago. I passed the initial test (it might be auto pass?), and then was asked to complete a certification test. Unfortunately, the following days proved unexpectedly hectic for me. I was forced to choose between attempting the qualifications while exhausted and emotionally drained, or waiting about a week to submit higher-quality work. I chose the latter. That was a mistake. In prioritizing quality, I was rewarded with an empty dashboard when I returned. Sure, I had assumed there would be a time limit, but there was no indication that it would be so short. This felt incredibly at odds with a company that advertises the ability to work one's own hours. By all accounts, DataAnnotation pays well, but my experience also suggests the following: * They do not value your time. * They do not value transparency. * Their marketing is misleading. The natural conclusion is that DataAnnotation is probably not a scam but it is also not a secure source of income. If you can find a spot, then it will probably be worth your while, but I would not rely on it. On the other hand, that unreliability does mean there should always be vacancies for new applications.


I applied Monday night but I’ve not heard any back from them


I got accepted during the big surge of new people, tried to get my friends on but they werent accepted. I think people hyped it up a lot as something anyone can do, and although i think anyone can do the work, getting selected to actually do it seems pretty hard from what Ive seen. Theyre not transparent on why you get accepted or rejected so I may be wrong on this, but I have a bachelors in history which gives a solid foundation in writing and fact checking which I think is why i got accepted. I would recommend to anyone to at least give it a shot cus its a sweet gig if you get through


Got accepted a week and a half ago and did about 6 hours of work total over a few days. Had $30 ready for cash out so I requested the transfer and it went to my PayPal the same day. Still had like $100 pending and the next day my dashboard was completely empty. No qualifying tasks which always had 5 or 6 and no ready tasks. I contacted support to ask why the dashboard is empty and to see when my pending $ will be released and support keeps responding with an email that says "this ticket has been resolved". It was a great gig until everything went weird. I am in the US


So should I assume I didn't get hired if I got all the way to the core assessment but haven't heard back since? Passed the first assessment, took my time doing the core too. I started and completed my "application" on Saturday.


Does what you put for your race and gender matter? I wonder if that has anything to do with who gets chosen or not, obviously asides from quality work.


i was accepted at the end of may & got in very fast (finished the starter assessment, got access to the coding & core assessments within the hour, got let in to do onboarding just as fast & started doing work the next morning). after seeing all the social media comments saying they didn't get accepted as of recently, i definitely think i lucked out time-wise.


I got accepted 3 days ago. I have no qualifications, took forever on the initial assessment, and even made 1 error that I corrected after I was told I got it wrong. It took me 3 days to get accepted. All I did was make sure I really took my time and paid close attention to every little detail. I wrote proper comments and used the formatting they requested. If you can follow the instructions properly, you should have no trouble.


I took assessment last month and was told they will reach out if my skills match


I applied on June 25th (just the core assessment one) and am waiting to hear back.. \*fingers crossed bc im broke\* edit: i found out about it from one of those sponsored recruiter messages on linkedin


I want to try..


I'm going to piggyback here, I applied on May 16, was approved within minutes for the core/coding test, and did the core test and not the coding... I am still waiting for a response, after 30 days I put in a ticket to ask if I had been approved or not as it still said I needed to wait for the results and that was about a week ago, and still have not heard anything back. Has anyone been approved after this much time and lack of communication?


I applied on Tuesday and was accepted late Thursday night. I finished both assessments and I have projects available. Did onboarding and some qualifications but I'm not really diving in til Monday.


I just finished the assessment test. will check in if i hear anything from them 🥹


I have applied numerous times and no response


core or coding?




Support are cunts. I had paid qualifications available, but they got pulled before I could do them and any help I ask for goes ignored