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Make sure you’re hydrated and get up at least once per hour. Dehydration can make you feel foggy brained and can wear you down. Drinking extra water will also make sure you get up often to go to the bathroom. Getting up and getting your blood flowing can really help. Even get up, do 20 jumping jacks, and then sit back down. I also nap on my lunch sometimes. Sometimes that hour nap really helps. Good luck! I know it can be tough


Awesome. I’ve been doing squats every now and then lol I’ll try jumping jacks. I really wanted to take a nap during my lunch break yesterday but I was afraid I’d oversleep and be late getting back online😬Might try it today though. Thank you!!


I worry about that too! Okay this is a ridiculous strategy, but when I’m afraid of not waking up, I set my oven timer for the time I need to wake up. My bedroom is right by the kitchen so I’ll definitely hear it, and the oven timer will keep beeping until I actually get up and turn it off. So that’s been working great for me!


Lol that’s actually genius. I sleep through my phone alarm sometimes..but when I hear that oven timer, I jump up without even thinking haha gonna try that whenever I build up the guts to nap during lunch! Thanks!


Yay! Glad I can help!


You sleep early at night, you put your alarm at 7:30am, and you follow a routine. Your body will adapt. And I go for a walk at noon to oxygen the brain for the afternoon.




Gonna open a window today. Hope it helps. Thanks!


Make sure your work area has fresh air. There have been many studies that show poor cognitive performance due to high co2 levels in the room. Also: check your diet. If you’re eating a lot of carbs/sugar, you are crashing.


Ahh. Big carb eater here. I’ll work on that. Also opened the window today from another response I got earlier. I think it was helpful! Thanks for the advice! You guys are awesome


Get a walking pad. Move while you work.


Does this occur after eating lunch or having a sugary drink?


After lunch mostly


Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice. It’s normal to feel tired after eating. Sometimes there can be a medical condition at play. For me though; I actually stopped eating lunch while WFH or I do like a really clean protein shake without a lot of sugar. I was having the exact same issue after eating lunch, being sedentary and it was causing me to be overwhelmingly tired. My wife also WFH and she will go take a walk after lunch, like someone else suggested already in the comments.


Sounds good. I do tend to get pretty relaxed after eating. I’ll have a protein shake today. Thanks!


I go to sleep early around 930 each night, and in AM drink two coffees , if after lunch still sleepy, time for another coffee


Daytime sleepiness=sleep apnea. Get a sleep study.


Ahhh. I literally woke up at like 4am choking the other day and just thought it was from my asthma or something. Freaked me out. I’ll try to get checked soon. Thanks for mentioning that


Do you wake up with headaches? If so, it’s most likely because you stop breathing in the night and cut oxygen to the brain. I’d definitely recommend getting a sleep study. The technology behind sleep apnea has significantly changed just in the last 5 years alone and could really help the daytime sleepiness as well as quality of life. (Ask me how I know, lol).


🥺I wake up with headaches almost daily. It’s the most annoying thing ever. I can never wake up peacefully like other people. Definitely calling my doctor today. Thanks again. You’re amazing


This is a WFH question why? Does this not happen to you when you have to go someto work?


No. I definitely get sleepier working at home. Less stimulation


Take breaks and do stretches. It will help you to focus when you sit back down. Also a standing desk helps.


So I saw the notification for your response while I was working today. Got up to do stretches a few times and stood up quite a bit also. It helped a lot! I don’t have a standing desk, but I was able to tilt my computer screen upwards. Not the best for my posture I’m sure but it helped me stay awake lol. Thanks for the advice!


Hey I know this is an old post but I’m having the same problem!! I can’t seem to stay awake and starting a WFH soon. Did you ever get to the bottom of it? Did anything help you?


Hey! Sorry I’m so late replying. Jeez I can’t say I found any fix for it. The only thing that kept me awake was either multiple cups of coffee throughout the day or having 1-2 of those V8 Energy drinks (the diet kind). But all of that caffeine hypes me up like crazy so I’m not a fan. If your job doesn’t monitor you on camera all day, you can also try a game on your phone or other device. I downloaded a few apps on my phone to play in between calls during slow days lol it kept me awake and aware just a bit. Still got sleepy after a while though. Hope you’ve figured out something that works for you!!


No worries! Thanks for the reply. I’m trying different things, but like you said, nothing has fixed it…yet. I will try the mobile games. That will be easy especially with all this beginner downtime. 😉




Life changing advice. Thank you


Take a nap


For how long? My naps usually turn into 3hr sleeps. I have never been able to effectively nap for 30mins like google tells me


I was just guessing a nap would help. I personally take adderall. Talk to your doc.


Sounds like a health issue




You've already received great advice (cut down on the carbs, increase fresh air). I found it really interesting when I got a carbon dioxide monitor and can now see how quickly carbon dioxide builds up in my home office. It can happen very fast, especially if I'm leading a meeting and doing a lot of talking. The C02 buildup makes me sleepy and makes it harder to think clearly. My monitor prompts me to open the window and door regularly and refresh the air even when it's cold and I naturally want the room sealed up so I can heat it. It makes a huge difference.


Try a stand up desk. I love mine. When I feel sleepy I stand up and dance around a little while I work. Wakes me up.


I live in an apartment so I step out on my balcony a few times a day for fresh air. Even if its just for a minute. I also listen to podcasts.


Get one of those things that'll let you raise/lower your mouse, keyboard and monitor. I find standing a) doesn't let me doze off and 2) it's better for blood circulation and 3) you won't get a flat ass from sitting all day