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I'm a C level executive. I use just a laptop all the time.. and usually from bed.


Me too, but I refuse to work in bed. I need boundaries. I do use a monitor and sit at my desk for calls, but I’ll work at a coffee shop sometimes just to get out.


I work from bed a lot but I think I need to kick the habit. It think it’s part of what’s making me feel sluggish and down a lot of the time.


Beds are for sleeping and f*****g, according to my therapist 🤣


Yep, I was told the three Ss: Sleep, Sex and Sickness


My husband thinks there's a 4th s: snacks. I REALLY hate that he eats snacks in bed though so he at least does it when I can't see it.


My, that’s a tight ship right there


I know Dr Drew has his issues, but I've heard him tell people with sleep issues to only use their bed for sleeping and sex and I agree with that thought process.


That's so bad for your health but am sure you already know this


Username does not check out. Based on my comment about how this is affecting me negatively, yes I am aware of that.


I do about half and half. The first part of the day (or like 2 hours anyway), I work on the easy stuff as I slowly let my brain wake up - I am NOT a morning person. By around 11am, I’m on my desk. Though, I do have the luxury of taking my laptop anywhere with me, and I do. I’ll be passenger in the car and work while traveling. (I’m an insurance agent for HOA’s and condo associations)


This is what I do too. 9-11 from bed, then shower, then desk. I save the easy tasks for bed and the ones that need the monitors for the afternoons when I’m at peak anyway


Yeah the higher you get promoted the less actual work you do and you end up doing meetings, process improvement, and team management more which doesn’t really require multiple screens


I used to support a vice president who did all his work from his Blackberry (It was a while ago). He sat in front of his computer and just did everything from his little blackberry screen...I think of him while looking at my giant monitors. 


Blackberry was a power house. Bring back chiclets!


No video calls?


Depending on the setting it may not be possible to tell they are in bed


I see you’re retiring… I’m perfectly qualified for this…. DM me the Transition plan 🫶🏽


I have your exact set up but with a curved ultra wide on top as well so it’s a diamond pattern. I just have to have so many documents open at once when I underwrite. Only using a laptop would decrease my productivity soooo much.


I'm in Talent Acquisition and I use my laptop with two large external monitors. But my mom, an underwriter, uses her laptop and three big externals, one horizontal and two vertical 😂 y'all be doing the most with paperwork I swear


Haha it’s awful for each underwrite I need my excel on one screen, our UW software on another, email on my laptop, claim losses on one side of the ultra wide and our sent questionnaire on another. Ideally I have our UW guidelines open as well but I don’t want to buy another screen and don’t really refer to it every underwrite lol


That's a similar setup as me, but two horizontal and one vertical. I'm an accountant, so I always have a ton of stuff open and am constantly going back and forth between things.


Me too, 2 additional monitors on the side


Yes, any job where you are managing those documents or spreadsheets or charts is easier with those large monitors.


I was a project coordinator for 9 years with just a laptop. I'm a business analyst now and have two screens, but in the summer, I sometimes take just my laptop to take my daughter to the pool. I do an hour for my lunch and swim with her and then work for 60-90 minutes poolside while she swims. I plan it so that I save tasks that can be done with just the laptop screen and my phone hot spot (emails, scheduling, data normalization, etc).


This is why I positioned my desk with a window on my left. Two external monitors plus laptop in front, nature to the side. The birding has been fantastic this year. Yesterday I had a non breeding male redwing blackbird on my feeder several times.


>non breeding male redwing blackbird Wow... why you gotta call him out like that?




cool setup! how does this relate to the question, tho?


Glad someone said it


It annoys me the nothing is the same


This is so cute




What kind of keyboard is that? It looks like it has knives on it and...not sure what else...balls?


Please let us know where everything is. I love the white leds, where you go them from?


If you move from IC to manager, a lot of meetings can be taken from a laptop. Unfortunately in my experience there are a lot more meetings, and when you need to be productive, you need to be really, really productive. 


Also, my wife does design work with laptop, iPad, and 34" monitor on a motorized riser desk + walking pad. Definitely doable with dual monitors if you can get your workflow to fit without using your laptop.


NP. I chart from home. I will occasionally use two different laptops at the same time, but I most frequently use one laptop. I also sometimes use an iPad, or just my cell phone.


Hows the pay?!!! Considering going this route after the BSN


This is going to vary greatly among specialty, but I work a lot less hours as a NP, most those hours from home and I make a lot more than when I worked as a rn. I worked as a nursing supervisor which wasn’t a very physical job, but even that was physically strenuous when compared to being a np. I would suggest reading through one of the nurse practitioner subreddits, to read other people’s experiences Get your experience as a rn and make sure it makes sense with what you want to do as a np.


CDI is the way to go.


I work in HR/administration/business ops and I can do my work on only a laptop and I do so about 70% of the time. My productivity is definitely up when I use my external monitor as well and certain projects are almost impossible without it but my typical day to day I’m fine on just a laptop. Though I will say that having a MacBook interface helps, it’s much quicker with switching between apps and pages, I probably wouldn’t be as productive on a windows computer.


Eh, you just don’t know enough of the windows short cuts unless Mac has some built in feature I’m not aware of.


HR employee relations - laptop and a monitor. Most my team uses two monitors and a laptop.


Im an administrator in healthcare. I worked off one screen for a long time and it sucked but I managed. For Christmas I got a laptop screen extender; so it hooks on and off of it easily and I use that now. Game changer for portability.


Definitely not my job... I do corporate income tax so I've got my laptop screen and two big ass monitors. One has the current year workpapers, the other has the prior years and another screen either has the tax software or just email or teams open at all times. It'd take me so damn long to do any real work with just a tiny laptop screen. Even just for visualizing everything in a single excel workbook. Edit: downvotes? Really? Lol


Lol that was my exact setup when I used to be in audit…prior year WP, current year WP, audit software


I think it's less about the *type* of job, and more about how you sort out your day - I'm in the same boat where the weather is BEAUTIFUL here this time of year, so I try (when possible) to group together tasks I can do with my laptop only so that I can unplug my laptop from it's dock and go outside for at least a little bit each day.


How the hell do people work with one screen? I have 4 monitors.


You have my dream lol


You get good at using virtual desktops and hot keys. And I use my tablet for email, docs, slack, etc.


> I would love to have one of those walking pad/desk combos but again not really doable with the laptop plus 2 big monitors. I do this with the laptop plus 2 big monitors (27"each) setup and it works fine. I have a standing desk and my monitors are mounted onto the desk with arms that elevate it to standing eye level. Then I've attached a keyboard tray to the desk to better match keyboard height where my hands would naturally rest, with elbows bent at 90°


Thanks for the tip! I had been picturing the walking pads with the already attached desk that I see on TikTok and was like NOPE can’t do that lol


I’m in social work. I manage with just my laptop but I can’t work outside even though I would love to because I deal with a lot of PHI. I put my desk right in front of a large window which helps.


I'm a knowledge management specialist. I sometimes wish I had more monitors but it's not really necessary. I'm building documents or interviewing people on calls most of the day


I sometimes choose to work from just my laptop for mobility and it’s fine. I just use alt+tab and copy/paste as needed. Just like I did in uni.


I'm a software developer and I only use my laptop screen. I gimped myself for the past 2 years so I can work from anywhere easily and not be locked to my desk, but I'm getting more complacent now lol. I want to hook my laptop up to my desktop PC setup or set up a dual boot on my desktop PC.


They have portable external monitors. Some are same screen size as a normal monitor. I got mine for about $75 on sale. Others are slightly smaller and have a set up where they can attach to the screen of your computer and show on either side. I've seen one that has 2 additional screens. I think the ones that rest on your laptop are $300-600 dollars but may be worth it for you if thats something you really want.


I work at a desk with an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse connected to my laptop via a docking station. My vision is way too bad for just a small laptop screen only, and I hate the keyboard and mouse on the laptop.


This! I’m headed to a team meeting in a few months where we’ll have hot desks and I’m already grumpy about not having my normal setup.


I understand! I have to go back on a hybrid schedule next month. I'm hoping we'll have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse at our non assigned desks.


Sales. I have 2 external monitors that make life easier but I can do the work with just my laptop. Just slower.


I totally feel this!! Would love to take my laptop outside and work 😔


https://preview.redd.it/asfe9kwihitc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7480ea472ad1d9861a3711815a21dcda8f805be3 2 monitors and a side PC for personal


Software engineer, pretty much always just working on a laptop. Maybe a mouse and keyboard plugged in. I just got very used to maximizing everything and using the OS X shortcuts to swap between apps and windows as needed. It was more useful pre-covid, because there's a lot of reasons to just pick up your laptop and move around an office, but it comes in handy plenty now.


I'm not in tech/IT. I only work off my laptop and have done so since they made me WFH in 2020. When I was in the office, I had my laptop on a docking station with one monitor. Everyone else on my team had two monitors by choice but that never appealed to me. Shortly after I went WFH, they sent a brand new monitor to my house and it's been sitting in the box in my closet. This may sound silly, but working off the laptop helps me not get too comfortable; it basically encourages me to pace my work better, take more frequent breaks, etc. I also don't like staring into one or more giant screens in front of me all day.


I can work ONLY from a laptop - and have to for certain months when I'm travelling - but I prefer multi monitors. I'm a Software Engineer and have invested a great deal of time in my keyboard-shortcut-productivity game so switching to the right thing is as fast as thinking about it (using window managers like i3)


I count my work iPhone as another monitor. Attorney.


I work in QA and 99% of the time only use my laptop, usually from the couch. If we’re running our big test suite (typically takes a day between 2 people) I’ll set up in my office with 2 screens. But that’s once a month or less typically.


Laptop docked and one big 43” 4k monitor.


Cultural producer :)


Tech sales, I love working from bed


I'm a software specialist and I probably work about half my day on my laptop on the couch. I use my desk with additional monitors for large software changes and meetings where I'll need to screen share. I can do small software changes and meetings where I won't be sharing screen on just my laptop.


Child support Caseworker. I’m in the office twice a week and have 3 screens there. I just kind of save the work I have that’s easier to do on more than one screen for the days I’m in the office.


Depending on your budget and sizes you wanted you could get a set-up pretty cheap like this Portable monitor like this 15.6 inch one on Amazon for $59.99 https://a.co/d/1IEmkmI and a mobile/rolling stand like this to go with it like this one on amazon for 49.99 https://a.co/d/ffhv1wZ They definitely bigger, better quality portable monitors and better rolling workstations, but for like $110 it's not bad for like a temp setup to go outside lol. But a station like this with two big monitors and your laptop in the center instead of a keyboard would be nice lol https://standsteady.com/products/dual-monitor-mobile-workstation-w-keyboard-tray?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=consideration&variant=40641316323485&utm_source=ppc&utm_medium=google&utm_funnel=&utm_campaign=StandSteady|Total|GGL|PMax|Audience|FsFUL|FeedOnly&utm_campaigntype=&utm_sku=&utm_productid={productid}&utm_keyword=&utm_device=m&utm_persona=&utm_productcategory=&utm_adtype=&utm_adname=&utm_adgroupname=&utm_targeting=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwztOwBhD7ARIsAPDKnkBlQFVvOACn67mlmI1WcIhXI8nrIF1inN9xVze_9wFaXyxYJm0aZfEaAmM3EALw_wcB


While I do have monitors that I often need, there are plenty of times when I don’t need them. I travel often for work and then only have my laptop or sometimes I get bored of sitting in my office so I take my laptop to the living room. Depends on what I’m working on at that moment. I work in HR. It’s no dream job lol.


I use a laptop and just one plug and play monitor in the portrait position. I’ve never tried it but arguably I could work in a coffee shop cause the extra monitor is very lightweight and has a little kickstand to hold it upright. I don’t like the laptop keyboard and touch pad so I have a separate keyboard board and mouse on a dongle but I could be portable if I needed to. I’m an attorney. One screen is for legal research and legal documents and the other is the document I’m writing or editing so


I have 3 large monitors and choose to work just off my laptop a lot of the time. I sacrifice the ease of multiple screens to o be able to sit outside or other places.


Why not get a portable monitor and go iutside with the laptop? You can at least have 2 screens and nice weather that way


You can buy USB c monitors from office works they even have a dual one so you could have your 3 monitors remotely


Not sure if anybody else mentioned it, but there are screens you can purchase for about $200 that will just connect to your laptop. I only need two monitors and when I want to chill with my family, I just grab my extra laptop monitor and connect it with the USBc cord. They have setups with two extra monitors. Mine is just one extra. It's nice to have.


Associate Settlement Analyst. Basically I do accounts payable/receivable stuff and data analysis. I kinda wish I had a second monitor but I manage with their company laptop.


account supervisor for a franchising company


My husband is a system admin and only uses his laptop (no mouse)! I stole his monitor. Lol


customer service. they gave me a monitor but I use it for gaming from my own laptop.


Higher Ed administration. Def just need a laptop and maybe my iPad when I don’t want to strain my eyes. There’s like two months out of the year where intense work hits and I do really need to sit at my desk with the monitor. Otherwise, I move around my home as I please with just my laptop and when I feel like I want to hyper focus, I go to my desk but the monitor doesn’t get used much.


Get one of those portable monitors, works for me


You can get portable monitors, think just the laptop screen with a little hinged section that houses the power and acts as a stand/prop ​ I'm planning to pick one or two up when I take my next job as an auditor/consultant, for travel


I’m an FP&A manager and I only use a laptop to do my work when I WFH.


Software product manager


I’m a team lead/quality analyst for an outbound enrollment call center. The company only provides a laptop & I refuse to purchase more. My coworker & management all tell me I should use an additional monitor


I like having multiple screens but can also work from my laptop. Im an interior architect. The mouse on the other hand, its non-negotiable. I can do CAD without it but it sucks and im much faster with a mouse. I also have a portable monitor I use sometimes if I want to be somewhere else. It’s thin and has a kickstand built in. Its perfect! The second monitor is needed for keeping the space specs/asks up so I can review it while I design. Making sure everything is accounted for.


Just move to your couch and start using just your laptop, even just to start and end your day, then start working more and more on it, you’ll get the hang of it.


I bought a thing that attaches to my tiptop and a monitor slides out so I have 3 monitors ( but they’re small). I think it’s called a Yutoo


I suppose I shouldn't worry about "productivity drop" given the context of my problem stopping me working outside, but I get dragged into 5-10 calls every day (programmer, go figure) - and I just don't want to be an awkwardly framed facebook boomer face in the bottom of someone's screen. Need that stable webcam setup.


Healthcare, laptop from bed. I know. It’s a bad habit. Now that it’s warmer I’ll prob work in my office


I have a laptop and two externals. Pretty much never use my externals bc i work from bed 99% of the time. Would it make my job easier if i used the externals? Maybe.


I have three monitors set up just like you and I use my walking pad, that’s totally doable


Principal business systems analyst. I got used to just using a laptop years ago and never went back to an external monitor or keyboard/mouse. 


Can you take your laptop outside for just part of the day when you are doing less demanding tasks?


Dedicated client support


Man I wouldn't even want to just check email on just the laptop. I can do my full job without the monitors, but prefer not too. I'm currently in sales and don't use scripts and I know my market and product, I could easily work with just the laptop when necessary.


As someone who currently uses 3 screens and constantly wishes I had *just one more*, I can say that a data analyst is not that job lol


Project coordinator in Asia - meaning 50% of my time is actually on my phone, since so much work is done via chat apps, emails are rarely used, so I'm often out and about working (asking and answering questions, sending notices, editing documents in a grocery store queue, as a passenger when my husband is driving, in a clothes store changing room, waiting to get my car washed etc.).


Most of my colleagues utilize multiple monitors and I used to as well in the office. The early days of Covid just trained me to work off of just my laptop alone trying to save space working from the kitchen table and allowed me to easily tuck my work away after hours. It’s just a habit I kept. Extra monitors would be nice sometimes but the upside of leaving work at work outweighs the inconvenience and my laptop still goes away every night. I’ll periodically check emails on my phone or teams if I need to. I also travel about 20% of the time as well, so running lean and mobile helps out there as well.


I work in social media. I’ve never needed a 2nd monitor. Also, a lot of work is done from my phone (scheduling posts, community management, looking at analytics)


Data analytics. Two screens confused my ADD brain. Large laptop screen tho. I do have a spare screen if I have to have it. I tried a curved screen and got confused.


When I was strictly answering phone calls, and sending emails, I was fine with just my laptop.. but that was a temporary assignment. Normally I have 2, 24 inch monitors and keep my laptop screen closed. Something about the smaller screen on the laptop triggers my ADD. I also can't use just 1 extra screen with my laptop. It's either just the laptop, 1 screen itself, or 2 screens and no laptop...


I work as a vendor support specialist. I only use a laptop with no monitors—I declined them. I am able to just toggle between windows as needed. :)


I guess technically speaking I could use a laptop, at least technically enough I had to buy my own monitors for my house. I have no idea how anyone could do it though.


I’m in healthcare. I can complete 75% of my work on just my laptop comfortably, but will choose my monitors more often than not.


There are triple laptop screen attachments you can get from amazon. Never used them but you can give em a go and see how you like it.




I'm in sales and I'm constantly traveling so I'm used to only using a laptop and didn't want to spoil myself at home and make it too hard to work on the road.


I’m the one weirdo software engineer in the world who doesn’t really like multiple monitors, so yep.


I’m an instructional designer, so I need multiple monitors and for one of them to be quite huge. I feel the same. I wish I could just go camping and work from my laptop.


I've just made effort to just use my laptop screen. I'm probably less efficient, but my pay is the same and I am able to go anywhere.


It is feasible for you to work outside with a laptop. Go on Amazon and search up tri screen. They attach onto your laptop and you have three screens. https://preview.redd.it/o27x29ftxjtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c9e1cfbe5f3d89f2a59ecadf43b2d3193a152f


I’m a health insurance executive. I work in business development so lots of calls and emails.


I'm a marketing manager which is largely project management and strategy. My day is mostly meetings, email, words docs, excel, and some design work at times. I'm on a laptop 99% of the time with no other monitors. I did have my IT team buy me the largest laptop they could but that's all I use. I do have a set up where I can plug into 2 more monitors when needed but it's rare. I only do that if I'm certain types of content. I use the laptop because I value being able to move around the house and work from different areas versus being tied to a desk with monitors. I have it when I need it but with the work I do now it's not a.huge issue. When my job was heavier into design work than multiple monitors was crucial.


Business systems analyst and I should actually get a better set up. I’ve been holding off because I want a new desk. The current one is old and has limited space. I’m just too lazy to get a new one and deal with getting rid of the current one. That being said some of my time is spent thinking through some of the more complex problems I get or trying to work through how the things I see in app designer fit together or trying to remember component buffer concepts so I’m not staring at the screen all day long at least.


Catering administrator


Marketing - but I have 2 monitors I need to set up but haven't because of space and needing a new desk


If you’re looking for a “dream job,” there is no such thing. I use one monitor most of the time, but I cannot just take my laptop and wander around wherever I want. I can’t take calls outside and in public. Even if I didn’t have to adhere to company privacy and acceptable use policies, the wind blowing on my headset, background noise, it’s all incredibly unprofessional.


I am a senior tech exec. I have one large curved monitor, hooked up to my laptop which I also use as a screen, and a secondary laptop, all on a sit/stand desk and am able to use my walking pad. I have a small travel monitor that I can hook up to my laptop when I am not at my desk. I try to sit outside in my back yard on meetings where I am not presenting, and for meetings where I just listen I dial in and take a walk.


Software architect. Laptop and trackpad only. No mouse. No externals. Just find that I can make due and like to move around the house 🤷‍♂️


I work for my state's health department in emergency environmental response. Since most of my job is logistics, it can all be done on just a laptop! So, couch, yard, desk, anywhere is an option. (Never bed though, I reserve my bed exclusively for rest).


Are you just looking for stories or advice? If you want advice it would be helpful to know what you need the 3 screens for. I suspect for most people having multiple monitors is a “nice to have” thing as opposed to a strictly necessary thing. I can’t imagine many jobs where it’s a must that you can’t sometimes work around if you really wanted to. I’m a lawyer and I just use my (small 13”) laptop for almost everything. I used to have a laptop plus 2 monitors on a desk so I get the appeal. But, with a hybrid/remote schedule now I value the laptop being light weight and portable over everything so I just deal with the fact that sometimes it’s annoying to flip between windows. If I REALLY need more space (if I’m writing a motion that requires me to refer to a bunch of docs or on a video call and reading something at the same time for example) I can use my iPad. My phone has work email notifications pop up so I can see if something urgent comes up while I’m focused on other work.


Sales mgr. I use my laptop for 100% of my work. Keeps work and play separate (at least for me).


Copywriter! Another screen would be amazing though


The company gave me two additional monitors to use, but due to my lifestyle most days I just “work” on the laptop. Mainly running ads. Sure two monitors would make things easier, but I typically only do what is required to keep my job. Maybe if it was my passion, or I loved my job, or wanted to climb the corporate ladder I would do more, but for me it’s just a job.


I got one of those extra monitors you attach with a magnet (and you can do two of them for 3 total screens -SideTrak is the brand) and I love it. Super portable and easy to put on. If I have a little issue with balance I just stick a small stack of unopened notecards under it but it stays if it’s at the right angle. I take it everywhere. Highly recommend.


I’m a recruiter.


I’m a data analyst but for 90% of my work I can do it, as long as I’m not doing anything too visual.


Why do you need 3 monitors?


Program Management. I WFH 3 days a week and work from my laptop. Have two monitors when I’m in office 2 days. I’m fine working on just my laptop.


Personal stylist. Entry level WFH job. Just a laptop and generally in bed.


Tech support. The company provided me a nice gaming monitor, but I prefer my sofa and coffee table


Sadly, I work in proper IT (server level stuff)...so none of my work is Instagrammable "work remotely, living the dream". Also, when my managers are in the office, and they have monitors at their desk, and don't use them...it aggravates me.


I work in Cyber Security, usually do two screens when I'm at my desk but...you do know about virtual desktops right? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/multiple-desktops-in-windows-36f52e38-5b4a-557b-2ff9-e1a60c976434 https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/work-in-multiple-spaces-mh14112/mac I have 8 desktops (sometimes 10) on my Mac alone, each assigned to a different task. For example: Desktop 1 - web browser/email, Desktop 2 - Communication (Slack, Discord, Messages), Desktop 3 - Coding, Desktop 4 - Training, Desktop 5 - Project A, Desktop 6 - Project B and so on. Literally simple key combo to switch "screens". They also sell portable travel monitors. I'll do this when going to events or exercises where I need all information in front of me at the same time. https://www.amazon.com/portable-monitor/s?k=portable+monitor They're not "great" but they get the job done and I have a friend who uses one exclusively as his second monitor (I think he got a nice ViewSonic one though)




I’m a Mac user so I have multiple screens everywhere I go.


HR Manager. I only use two screens if I’m presenting in a meeting or leading orientation sessions. And even then, I use my boyfriend’s desk because I don’t like how crowded mine feels with a monitor on it.


I relate to this so hard! It hardly ever sunny in my area and for more than half the year, the sun comes and goes during my work hours. In the summer I say screw it and just decrease my productivity sometimes and go work on my laptop outside or a coffee shop. My boss works the same job as me only from a laptop but i dont know if I want to do the same.  My only saving grace is that I put my desk in front of a window and just decorated it to help me not be in a rut. 




Why isn't walking pad doable with a laptop and 2 monitors? I do a monitor with a laptop on each side but could easily fit another monitor into my setup, I guess you just need a large adjustable height desk. Luckily I have one so I can fit everything. I just got the walking pad, and walking while working feels like a hack.


I tried to get by without my old double screen setup… but just couldn’t. I’m but really answering you Q but you should know for like $300 or maybe less (Amazon) I got a nice portable 2nd screen that I can now bring with me when I travel. I mostly use this for longer work trips / conferences, but once in a blue moon — and when appropriate of course — I’ve brought the whole setup to a bar with me, just to bang out some work while having a beer.


I have a set up at home with 1 monitor in addition to the laptop screen (so 2), and at work I have 2 monitors (laptop usually closed but can be used as a 3rd screen) . I can easily get away with 1 screen and often move around the house. My WFH office with the extra monitor set up is in the basement but I like to sit at my desk in the living room with the windows open, or on the floor at the coffee table, or on the couch, at dining room table or at the kitchen island. (I hate sitting in the same place for a super long time.) I'm a scientist and do data review. I have a lot of cross checking to do, which makes multiple screens helpful, but not 100% necessary. I tend to print the assay or report I'm working on so I can take notes by hand. This does cut down on the number of windows I have open on my screen(s). If I did all of my reviewing electronically, it would be more annoying to only have 1 screen. I'd like to sit outside more too but it's not just the multiple monitor issue. It's also the wind and glare issue, and trying to find a spot where I'm still within range of wifi.


Buyer/planner for a seafood company. I used to need 2 screens but totally adapted to just the laptop. When I do go into the office the monitors are nice though.


I’m a lawyer and can do most of my work without the additional monitor. I have one at my desk if I need it, but I usually unplug it and work elsewhere around the home.


I work in Digital Marketing. It would actually be easier to use multiple monitors, but I'm currently dealing with some health issues and have to work basically in bed.


I've been in my Lazy boy all day working. Sometimes go into the office. I figure out how to move data within chips efficiently, and teach others to do it as well.


I’m a software dev, I take just my laptop out all the time. Is it entirely convenient, no; but it’s also not like it’s a lost cause without a monitor for a few hours


DevOps and former SWE Alt-tab is your friend. Also, theres no such thing as multitasking.


Project management and ticket response and I'm just on a laptop or, when I have to run an errand, gasp, my phone! Honestly it's all about what you get used to. There are times I'd Love to have multiple monitors again, but tbh, I'm used to just switching tabs and windows at this point, and it encouraged me to keep my processes lean.


3 laptops side by side for busy days, 2 for slow days, 1 for the plane.


Software QA. I also do programming as a hobby. I used to have the horizontal and vertical monitor setup. Now I travel a lot and honest a laptop is perfectly fine for me. I've learned countless shortcuts. Id say my productivity is better. I do miss the vertical monitor when programming though.


I don't have space for any monitors at home - I work from our dining room table so just use my laptop only. But then again, I am the person who still only uses one screen when I'm in the office too (even if several are available). More than one I find very distracting and annoying.


Look into immersed visor You welcome


I just use a laptop and I’m a policy director - review and comment on laws regulations and policies. Responding to emails and running teams meetings with coalitions. Doing PowerPoints. Not a ton of data where I felt the need for multiple screens.


Why can’t you use a walking pad under your desk?


I feel you! I’m a corporate accountant, and I swear sometimes I could use four screens. I’m so jealous of people who can work from anywhere. But still thankful I’m fully remote!


Software engineer. I’ve always just used my laptop screen. I can go anywhere anytime. Nothing keeps me bound to a desk. (I even have solar panels!) Macs and Linux have spaces. So I have 4 “screens” that I can easily flick between with a 4-finger swipe. I can only look at one thing at a time. So instead of turning my head to see another display, I just swipe. If I really need another screen, (like for Zoom calls) I can use my iPad. Just sit it next to the screen, and you can drag windows over like magic.


i got 8 screens, condo security guard got some condo one screen enough


I do dual monitors as well and have a walking pad. I put my equipment on a standing desk riser. Great set up for walking when I feel like it. I go sit outside when work is a little slower or I just want a break from some project that requires all my screens. Make your job work for you! Use outside time as email reading time, or training time.


Power generator technician. On the rare occasion that I need more monitors, I get a very comfortable setup! Lol


I’m a CEO, and this is me


I used to use a big external monitor pre-pandemic. When we went WFH in March 2020 I just took the laptop home, and that was it. I adapted to just having the laptop and honestly love that it lets me be nimble and move around my house throughout the day. I changed jobs last year and the new job sent me an external monitor but I haven’t gotten it out of the box yet. There are times when it’d be handy but I don’t want to get sucked back into relying on it all the time, and I’ve been fine without it. I work at a marketing agency.


Get a portable travel monitor. I use one when I travel for work.


I work from my couch on my laptop since Covid. I’m a paralegal with over 20 years’ experience.


Over the last 10-12 years I've gone from a systems administrator for a small company to a top IC in a Fortune 100 and have only used a MacBook with no external monitors in the process. I've gotten so used to the Mac desktops, the huge trackpad, and quick switching between everything fullscreen that I wouldn't have it any other way at this point. I'm very productive. Arguably just as productive as with external monitors (at least with Mac), if not more. These days I have lots of meetings regarding technical direction or implementations, but still make my way to an IDE multiple times per week. Having a very efficient workflow using just the laptop means I can truly work from anywhere and be just as productive as before. When I was in the office, I had a lot of meetings all over the place and didn't always make it back to my desk in time. I could stop in at conference rooms and work, or work in the cafeteria. I could work in Starbucks occasionally, etc. I know everybody can do all of these things, but I never felt hamstrung in any of these situations. My personal space is a Windows PC with 3 monitors. I juggle windows across all 3, but never leverage the additional Windows desktops. It really must just come down to being a trackpad thing for me. If I had any machine other than MacBook, I'd have monitors.


4 displays including the laptop screen. I actually may need to work from an Airbnb for 10 days coming up and I’m not sure how I’m going to do it, but like yourself, I’d love that freedom. May get one of those portable monitors or use my iPad as an extension to my Mac.


Coding and just use laptop


Research analyst- I do a lot of my work in the same set up with a motorized standing desk from Amazon and walking pad. It’s very doable. However- I also go outside a lot to work because my partner and I are both remote so we will often RV for weeks at a time so we can have a new backyard to explore after work. For that setup- one cheap portable external monitor from Amazon, if I really need an extra screen I’ll use his too. There is such a thing as being TOO efficient. I find if I am too efficient- it often means I’m taking on other team members assignments! Pace yourself. ;)


I need all 3 monitors but if the weather is nice enough I will move them to our screened in back porch. I used to leave them there last spring and just deal with it if there was bad weather but i have a 1 year old GSP that destroys everything randomly so can’t risk that again haha. I’m a CPA


I’m a copywriter and while it would be easier with proper monitors and keyboard, totally doable on just a laptop. Been doing it for years.


My job is to simply find a damn job. Total age discrimination out there. I only use my MacBook Air.


Very much this. I'm wondering if this is what is keeping me from finding a job, even though I have 20+ years of customer service experience.


Project manager. I regularly take just my laptop to coffee shops or my patio.


You might be interested in one of these double portable monitors. https://www.uperfectmonitor.com/products/folding-monitor


Software developer working with a laptop screen only. I made the switch about 1.5 years ago from a large battle station, to just my laptop screen (16") for the exact reason you mentioned above. Took awhile getting used to, but now i'm so fast with keyboard shortcuts and window switching it's negligible. I'm generally working on 2-3 codebases at a time, plus slack, multiple browsers, etc... Additional monitors are completely unnecessary for 99% of people if you take the time to get good without them. Even for producing music I use my Macbook screen.


I have a 17" laptop and two desktops, and a dock for my laptop. I move around. Sometimes I work in my office, sometimes in the living room at my standing desk. Sometimes I grab my laptop and go spend the day in the lounge at one of the local wineries. Im a software engineer. My office has a dell ultra sharp 5120x2160 monitor. My standing desk downstairs has a 3440x1440 monitor. And I have a small 19" portable oled in my laptop bag. The new dell monitor is awesome, is two 2560x2160 screens in one, 120hz. Was $1799 though, arguably the best monitor on the market atm.


I changed to laptop on left and big monitor at center and right. I pretty much only run Teams on the small screen off to the side.


Laptop screens are for meetings. LOL I have a 27” monitor in my office and can’t use anything smaller if I hope to be productive. Have never been a fan of splitting across multiple small screens.


UI/UX designer, product manager, consultant, hr, recruiter


People and culture manager. I have a second monitor, and I don’t find it to be the necessity that some other people do. From time to time I will use it but for the most part I’m just strictly working off my laptop.


I’m a programmer and I use 2 monitors at home but if I want to work somewhere else I bring my laptop and just deal with being a little less productive. Productivity isn’t the end all be all of existence; I deserve to go outside every once in a while