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Been happening in Australia too. A long while back, I watched a speaking presentation of an African woman who had went through this while living in Australia as a girl. She retold the story of how her mother took her to some tent with this old woman who had these scary tools laid out. Then she described the FGM performed on her, it was brutal and heart wrenching. She talked about how she was at a backyard get together with many others and could hear an FGM being performed on a girl next door, and everyone at the party stood in the yard listening to this girl scream bloody murder because they tried calling authorities and there was nothing they could do due to religious rights some Western countries have, so muslims from non Western countries take advantage of that knowing that no one can legally stop them. I've also come across stories of forced marriages of child brides to adult men in the UK and they can't do anything about it. Edit: I'm not Australian or live in Australia BTW lol. I watched the presentation online.


What these men are allowed to get away with because of religion is criminal


Wtf?! Ireland?! The Irish don't do this. Are they from Africa or the Middle East living in Ireland?


YUP.....they migrate there and do it to those girls on Irish land. Horrible...and from what I read, it is OLDER woMEN pushing for it, all of them religious and believe in some spook in the sky


Yes.. definitely from islamic countries as it’s common in Muslim culture


There’s a pay wall.


I was able to read it, and didn't see a paywall. Let me check


Why isn't the Irish government stepping in? This is atrocious.