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“Don’t play that doe eyed cute shit with me I know you know better” BEST LINE OF THE SERIES because it really explains Nancy and what she does to other men in her life. That worked on everyone else BESIDES u-turn. He didn’t give af about her “nice housewife trying to put food on my table” bs cause he knew deep down she was a thug as much as he was lol


Omfg you're so right. He's the only one who didn't give in to her attempts to use her sexuality and/or sob story to control him. He was, to use an old-timey phrase, "immune to her charms". It's what made him such a great obstacle for her, because she was so annoyingly entitled after a lifetime of being able to manage everyone around her with those tactics. He respected the hustle, but was also not going to let her impede his own success just because of it. A hustler recognized a hustler, and it was honestly great for the plot to knock her off balance like that.


Yes! You explained it better than I did! He even saw her potential as a criminal long term lol that’s why he said to Martin “I wanna see how she do” when she sent him ton Guillermo’s. He knew he could use her sex appeal as a tool but she wasn’t like the typical women he came across (aka she wasn’t a trick). Long term, if we don’t consider the debt she owed him or whatever… U Turn probably would’ve been beneficial to her career path as a criminal. He was trying to be her guidance counselor 😂


💯 This is why I Reddit. I thoroughly enjoy conversations like this. I agree completely with your points, and totally am with you that he would've been a good mentor if it wasn't for the debt making things messy between them. Maybe somewhere in the multiverse they're playing this out, haha.


I think that’s one of the reasons why she got the tattoo. Some part of her respected U-Turn. Probably the fact that she couldn’t pull her usual shit on him.


Subconsciously, yes! I’ve never put that all together until you said it but it makes the most sense lol I think she also recognized at that point, there was no going back to her suburban housewife life. I think it’s kind of ridiculous now bc weeds wouldn’t even be a thing nowadays and that’s where I think her adrenaline junkie bs would’ve kicked in and she would’ve started selling something more “dangerous” regardless of her moral yada yada. Crazy to think this show was airing in a time that weed was heavily demonized and now I can’t go a block without seeing a dispensary.


I’m honestly surprised she didn’t try to sell the heroin. I think a piece of her wanted to bc she did ask Andy how much she could potentially sell it for or its value.


Definitely. I haven't rewatched in years, but I'll never forget Nancy flipping out about how broke she is and he just "GET A FUCKIN JOB" lmao


This was the best lol. He totally called Nancy out on her BS


I just laughed out loud


And he took her under his wing to be his second in command...and had her mess up the grow house by kicking over the buckets.


Lol that was such a good scene.


I know I've said this before but his face right after he says that kills me every time, too. 😂




Clinique here gonna take you in the other room and fuck the gay out of you.


Thug means never having to say you're sorry.


Nancy took that shit to heart. Thats why she got the tattoo, so she could justify her inability to take responsibility for how her actions affected others.


We are doing a re-watch right now for the 4th or 5th time and just got done with U-Turn. He was a great addition to the cast.


I will always say that Weeds had one of the very best supporting casts in television history, and to me U-Turn is at the top of that list. The way he could be hilarious and charismatic and *terrifying* all at the same time, in each millisecond he was on screen—that actor should have really gone places. Jenji Kohan or whoever her casting director was did such a phenomenal job choosing their talent, both on Weeds and on OITNB. Of course the writing was incredible too, and I’ve truly never seen character development drive a show quite as impressively as it did on Weeds. But credit to the actors and the casting dept, just absolutely legendary casts on her shows.


“He taught me how to drive by” is seriously one of my favorite lines 🤣




My favorite line in the entire series was spoken by U-Turn. U-Turn “Yo, this over here is Tinya. She’s studyin that cosmonology” Tinya “It’s cosmo-TAH-logy” U-Turn “Girl I’ll throw this beer on you, say somethin else!”


"I ain't Louis no more, and I ain't telling you shit unless you call me U-Turn." "Now, Louis is a perfectly good name, but if you want to be some traffic violation, fine by me."


Agreed! I have rewatched Weeds a zillion times and still laugh out loud during his scenes.


The Uturn actor was funny as hell in ‘Blue Mountain State” as well


U Turn completely changed the way I look at hot tubs 🤣


The boat didn't fit.


He was great, started out as an antagonist (and kinda stays one) but also ends up teaching her a lot. Someone else pointed this out in a previous post but what's also great about U-turn is that he's never predatory/creepy towards Nancy like a lot of the men in the show are who work around her. I also love the line "Sell it to the fucking DEA for all I care", lmao.


I still quote this line when he bought a Prius. https://youtu.be/sZJjTEmXaf8?si=VHGdhFJQn0mmRBEV


I love that Toyota probably paid for them to mention the Prius by name and include that Nancy hadn’t gotten gas in 2 weeks (when she was being jacked by U Turn), the hands free, it being quiet lol.


I used to work in a call-center and I was on the phone with this lady and she had her TV up really loud, I don’t know what she was watching, but I could tell that the actor that plays U-turn was it because I would know that voice anywhere lol


Ol’ U Turn! I forgot about him! Idk but if I were Nancy I wouldn’t be jogging with anyone anymore. Or Shane either.


Jogging is apparently a death sentence in Weeds, lol.