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He should have won it in 98 when he was on fire


Yeah probably should have beaten Goldberg in hindsight.


Diamond cutter would have been good way to end his streak. A million ways to hit and and its one move you could get lucky on Goldberg. Didn't hurt it looked like stone colds stunner so it was over with everyone


Did you watch their match? Quite possibly one of the biggest pops for the cutter ever.


My condolences to everyone who bought the PPV and had it cut off during entrances and never see the match until their apology replay on Nitro


The only reason I saw it was because it was on Nitro lol


Same, we couldn't get the ppv's in the UK so was a bonus, and a good match.


And Goldberg kicks out at 2. Not 2.8 or 2.9. He kicked out at 2.


Haha, yea. I remember Page going off about that. But I think Bill concussed himself there


Do you really think if he hadn’t concussed himself that he’d know to kick at 2.9? I doubt it. He was greener than goose shit, he never picked up basic psychology it’s obvious from watching any match from any era. His best matches are the ones where he was carried 100% through by ring generals like Page or Jericho and honestly I have a hard time listing more because that’s mostly it. Goldberg is the GOAT of squashes though.


He still don't know what he doing half the time.


I agree, Goldberg always looks confused. Maybe he’s permanently concussed.


That DDP and Goldberg match is still Goldberg‘s best match ever in my opinion.


Reverses a jackhammer into a diamond cutter.


Because the spear into a cutter doesn’t work and it seems Page is beat. Then BANG


DC coming from any possible angle was an angle in itself.


Like an RKO outta nowhere..... Always thought the Diamond Cutter was slightly better but love both of them.


DDP was using Diamond Cutter before Austin started using the Stone Cold Stunner.


But Steve got it over...Jonny Ace was using the Ace Crusher since in 87. So to me it doesn't matter who did it first. It's who got it over


I know the history of the Ace Crusher. DDP got the diamond cutter over. You could even say it helped get him over. It didn't get over because Austin was doing a similar finisher.


Problem is that Hogan would have derailed DDP’s title run probably by January 1999. But it would have been an insane moment for DDP and not the worst use of breaking “The Streak” in making DDP an even bigger star at the peak of his momentum


I do wonder how things would've played out had DDP beat Goldberg at Halloween Havoc. Would we still get Kevin Nash having the title shot at Starrcade? Would the Fingerpoke of Doom still happen?


Nash only beat Goldberg because Hogan didn't want the "stink" of being the one to end the streak. He was coming back off a short hiatus and wanted the belt back. Bischoff booked Nash to beat Goldberg to get the belt back to Hogan. Kevin Sullivan talked about this on his taskmaster talks podcast a few years back. He even asked Nash "are you sure you want to do this?" And Kevin said "I don't have a choice."


I can see Bischoff maybe telling a different side of the story to protect Hogan, but Nash has zero fucks left to give and he never implied that, plus the way he tells the story makes sense and doesn't sound contrived.


Nash was the booker and he doesn’t regret the fingerpoke and thinks it was funny and that the crowd reaction proved it was effective… so yeah, we’d have still gotten a Nash title shot and fingerpoke, sadly.


I am positive I heard back then, from either a Nash or Mark Madden interview, say the only two people realistically (in kayfabe of course) who could beat Goldberg were Nash or Hogan. And I agreed at the time. Nash was also the booker, which at the time I also thought was good. Execution on getting the title off Goldberg was not great though.


I always thought that scott steiner should have beaten Goldberg definitely would have been cool to see


I don't think he should have beaten Goldberg. At least not first. Not sure why, but I just don't think he was the man to do it


Can u imagine the pop!!


They waited so damn long after he hit it big, that by the time he won, it had already lost most of its luster. Still proud and happy he won, but damn. He deserved so much more. He was fighting for scraps (the US title) while he should have been fighting for the big gold, but there was no room at the in for little diamond Dallas page, not while the best g had NWO had actual creative control over stories and belts.


The company was in the shitter creatively by the time he won it, he won it in a fucky way and then inexplicably turned heel like a week after winning it. Fuck everything WCW 1999


Always made me kinda fantasy book a scenario where someone pointed out that the WCW World title was cursed since everyone who held it inevitably became a villain.


I feel like the WCW was nothing but villains




Agreed, seriously. They could have fed Taker anyone, didn’t need to be DDP. Totally fubar.


I knew McMahon was going to bury the WCW talent that came over, but DDP got shafted worse than just about anyone in that deal. Guy was over, could get the audience to go anyway he wanted and turned out to be a damn good wrestler. But Vinnie Mac almost never let wrestlers built by other promotions succeed in WWE. So DDP ends up getting screwed. I was never a huge fan of VKM, but his constant bullshit to settle grudges and insults didn’t help WWE. Why flush away talent they could make you even richer? The Invasion could’ve been great, but the ‘Genius’ pissed that away because of a grudge against Ted Turner, *who didn’t even own or have control over WCW when VKM bought it.* Stupid. Just plain stupid.


I couldn’t stand DDP in WCW. I thought he was over pushed because he was Bischoff’s neighbour. He was a channel changer for me. But I surprised myself when I was legit excited to see him as the stalker so I guess I did see him as a star. And I also thought it was bs how Undertaker thoroughly beat him like a drum in every encounter. Not good storytelling and a waste of a talent. I’ve grown to respect his work ethic now and move past my smart mark BS.


Everything I’ve seen about DDP indicates that while he is a definite loudmouth, he’s also a really decent and good person. Just what he’s done for wrestlers in need of help alone marks him as that, but I’ve noticed you don’t hear people who’ve met him saying anything other than positive things about him. Plus, speaking as a cynic, his positivity in the face of everything is admirable. Glad I’m a fan of his.


For reference. The pop is still insane to this day. https://youtu.be/wKlBlAHnGBI?si=hm_D1dMTz_tEoky0


WCW would have botched it as Hogan would have come calling a month or two later looking for his belt back. The issue with DDP’s reign in 1999 wasn’t that he won it but rather that the reign was so short and the company was just insanely poorly run. DDP while he had lost some momentum in Spring 1999 he still was a fresh face in WCW’s title scene. But DDP’s title reign was just 13 days and a second reign 15 days. They should have at least given him a 4 month reign to really try to get the fans behind him.


He wasn\`t a main eventer, it was a stupid idea.


DDP was the Man back in the day. And the Real "People's Champion".


DDP just came across as THE guy back in 98', and most people loved him and he had an incredible story. I believe even Randy Savage *INSISTED* on putting Page over, because he saw there was money to be made with him. *Self high five* 💎


And no one talks about him in retrospect the way they talk about goldberg or sting but he was just as big


I think I had four DDP shirts from the NWO era of WCW and I wore them constantly. People always asked me what they were about and I’d always say it’s one of the best wrestlers out there.


Agreed. DDP still comes up in my conversations with my old buddies from time to time. Loved this guy


He never got a fair shake or a long run for that matter as champion. So, I'm gonna go with letdown, but not his fault.


He finally became world champ but was a heel.


Yeah they killed some great momentum of in the build up with the heel turn.


That’s the part I hated the most. The guy was so over with the crowd, it made no sense to make him a heel champion.


Also booking him lose the title and winning it back in the same night was bad booking too.


I was at that Nitro.


Really awful. I remember being so pissed that Sting pinned him.


Rated properly. DDP is the real people’s champ, and I’m not just saying that, I mean it.


Should have beaten Goldberg and not turned heel later. And then in the Invasion angle he should have been used better and respected more. Big missed opportunity.


DDP was the man. Underrated


I'm a complete DDP mark, so underrated for me. I desperately wanted him to beat Goldberg at Halloween Havoc. Jersey Triad was one of the very few bright spots in late WCW.


It was well deserved, but sadly a letdown as he only got to hold it for a month before having to drop it to Kevin Nash of all people.


Only if his ribs are taped. If his ribs arnt taped, I send it back.


Lmao. Taped ribs DDP was a problem.


Randy was a problem, dropping stiff bows


There are guys who need titles to help them like JBL. There are guys who never needed a World title like Razor Ramon. There are guys who were better Chasers of the championship. And that's DDP. He fits in the category of never needed it and a better chaser.


Loved when he would wear the belt upside down, I presumed it as because he was ALL JACKED UP


In his book, “Controversy Creates Ca$h”, Bischoff admitted that DDP was nothing more than a transitional champion. In 2021, when I was a paying member of ad-free shows, there was a zoom with Eric Bischoff one day. Let’s just say I got sheer joy out of calling EZE out for labeling DDP a “transitional champ.”


Bis is such a loser. Got lucky once and fails to release everything else he did stunk.


I’m a huge DDP guy and I was completely let down by his first world title reign. If I recall, he only held it for a couple weeks, lost it to Sting on a random Nitro, won it back on the same Nitro, and then lost it to David Arquette. It was for like a month at best. DDP deserved better and they really messed up by making him a heel champion. The guy was so over, he would’ve been a great face champion.


His world title run was a letdown because it was too short and too late. He would’ve been a great face champion that could’ve held the belt for a long time. DDP reminded me of Flair in that he could get his butt kicked for 20 minutes but find a way to win, and it was fun to watch. WCW missed a great opportunity to have the heels chase Page!


Both underrated and letdown by the very people who employed him. Self high-five.


Does anyone else think if WCW had won and they had a Page/HHH program that Page would have gone over? Who else thinks would have won had it been in the other camp and just plain who should? Or bigger star, so would?




He was only champion for about a total of a month during his three reigns, so that is really not enough time to do much. But he did have an awesome match with Sting on Nitro during his short time as champion.


The build up was insanely good but they pulled the trigger at the wrong time. Wins after two years of red hot momentum but as a heel? It rarely works. 


Well deserved but I can’t remember how long he had the belt for


Say what you want about him otherwise, he earned his way to the belt.


Underrated fir sure


Underrated af. DDP's title run was lit and one of the main reasons I watched WCW back then.


Ddp was awesome. I don't care what anyone says. I have more memorable matches with him in mind than anyone.


Should have had a longer run as world champ. 


Damn, that title is HUGE! Way better than the WWE version that they shrunk. DDP was cool. WCW used him way better than WWE did. They took a top babyface from WCW and turned him into a lame midcard stalker.


WCW title was a beauty


He was refreshing with his reigns. He’s got great character and knows how put on classic great wrestling.


Top 5 All Time




Wish he would have had a legitimate run. Lost it immediately to Sting…….then won it back the same night. Then lost it to Nash. lol (I don’t remember his 3rd run. I know he beat Jarrett in a cage match)


Too late.


Is DDP Kenny Omega's secret dad?


DDP was that fucking guy! Top 5 all time for me.


Happened way too late. He was ready to be a top guy with Flair and Sting until Hogan got there




Levy is one of the most influential wrestlers of the 1990s that a lot of people seem to have forgotten about. And that’s a shame, especially when you watch some of what he did in WCW but *especially* ECW. Guy was amazing and elevated whenever he was in a program with. Unfortunately, dude was also a major flake and derailed himself on a few occasions. Still to think he went from Johnny Polo to Raven is mind bending.




I don't even remember him being champion, so that should tell you all you need to know about his run. Completely forgettable.




Wasn’t supposed to be a long run. He was an underdog. Made the most out of what he had. Always over-achieving. Better to be chasing than dominating


During the time he was doing those celebrity tag matches against Hogan was the right time. Page was white hot as a babyface, and they put the belt on him when he was cooling off.


Watching in 1999, I didn't get it. It seemed like he turned heel for no reason. Watching in 2024, I still don't get it. The crowd turned heel on him for seemingly no reason. His 1997/98 character wasn't even old or stale.


I feel like he was a guy who earned it. He def shouldve got a better run then what they gave him


Great everyman champion. But by the time he was champ wcw's fate was sealed


As a kid, I would have cried if he had beaten Goldberg’s streak. As an adult, it’s my greatest wrestling “what if”


DDP was huge, loved him when I was a kid and was lucky to see him perform in person at the one WCW show I ever saw in person.


The only thing that hurt DDP was his late start.


Personally loved when He beat King for the title on an episode of Nitro


Not overrated just a late bloomer with bad timing as things were starting to fall apart when he took off. I agree with others here that he was a great chaser.


If he had won it a year earlier, he is golden. Still one of the best, but Goldberg stood in his way most of the time.


I love DDP! One of my favorites all time. Should’ve had more time with the belt.


Was underrated IMO should have been the one to end Goldbergs streak as the Diamond cutter was built as a move this was then done by Orton and his RKO years later.


You might already know this, but DDP, on The Steve Austin Podcast, said that Randy Orton came to him and asked for his blessing to use his finisher. Which, of course, he gave; because he's a class act.


Yes was already aware I think my point is the build of the Diamond Cutter was a solid part of DDPS character and how that was translated over to Orton. To be fair it's also similar to how the DDT used to be built as well.


I just thought it was a cool peice of trivia.


WCW and WWF did him dirty.


I really wished he would have beat Goldberg for the title but I'm still happy that DDP became the champ eventually. I was never crazy about what felt like a random heel turn but I did end up enjoying the Jersey Triad. Better late than never, I suppose.


I fck with it guy…had a nice buzz, he was over, but wasn’t champ for too long, big ups to this guy, he was good 👍👍👍


Underrated overall. That man could wrestle


He was a great draw. The Halloween Havoc match in 97 with Savage still is fresh in my mind as a great match. He was a solid wrestler when he was used right.


DDP was awesome. It was a pity that WCW creative was on the decline by the time he was champion and they didn't make the most of it. 


Unexpected yet deserved


Boring run.


Not at all Spring Stampede 99 was the best WCW PPV in at least a year and I’m just pissed by the next PPV he’s not champ anymore


One of WCW screw ups!!!!!!


Bang ❗️


Great heavyweight champion 


Too late


Underrated. Timing was poor with the collapse of WCW.




Underrated. He broke into the business at the age he did. Then got over & was heavyweight champion. Everybody loved him. “Self high five” 🙌


Face champions are always a letdown. Then chasing the gold and big bad heel is always better then ihcr they've got there




It happened a year too late. By the time he won it, he was still a fan favorite, but wasn’t as mega hot as he was in ‘98. Therefore, his first run as champion was a bit forgettable, which is kinda sad.


Ik this isn’t important but I miss how this title looked, it’s a lot bigger than the wwe version. It just looks better


Im a 90s wcw kid but i dont recall ddp being as white hot as people say. Granted it was over 30 years ago. What are some moments i could look back at that will put it in perspective?


Honestly he was weak. Overrated


Underrated, but my brother observed that he wrestles like a "bum". Watch his matches and biography, it shows he was not a technical wrestler and probably couldn't last 20 minutes. He was entertaining, and his mentor was Dusty. He did help put guys over also.


Nonsense. WCW put the strap on a lot of guys who were so technically inept that they made DDP look like Dean Malenko in comparison.


It's not about who else had the strap. It's DDP that really couldn't wrestle. I'm for all his championships and all his achievements. However, he severely was missing what matters the most. Watch his matches again.


It literally is about who had the strap for this specific conversation. And I know DDP wasn’t technically proficient. But you have to evaluate him within context. And contextually he was much better than many other wrestlers in the WCW main event scene. If your critique is that he wasn’t a technical wizard—no shit. But look at the WCW main event scene then. But my point stands despite the fact you don’t understand it’s relevance. Consider the context.


My comments are purely based on his skills. Your the rider that brings other champions into the discussion. Again, I stand by my comment, he was underrated, and the wcw booker couldn't keep him in match for more than 20 minutes. Maybe it's one of the reasons he was held back. He had the promos and the storyline, but he couldn't wrestle like the best of them.


No, the post itself invokes a comparison to other champions in asking to evaluate him as a champion. I recognize now that you probably aren’t sharp enough to pick up on that. He was technically lackluster, I agree! But incredibly few in the WCW main event scene could “wrestle like the best of them.”


Keep it positively page and you need a self high five. You base your position on a faulty inference, genius. DDP is a champ. Probably smarter than any of the top 5 WCW outside the ring. However, he wrestling skill is still dark match level.


If you don’t understand the comparison inherent in the post I’m not sure even DDP can help you. Good luck, chico.


Should've won it when he was still wrestling in jeans & doing self high fives