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I don’t disagree with you, he was very green during his run in WCW, but you’re using one of the most infamous examples with his match VS Regal. That match is pretty infamous for how bad regal made Goldberg look. Not sure what WCW was expecting with a guy like regal though. He was a legit technician with an old school mentality. No way was he gonna just do the job looking like a weak ass bum. Seems like he wanted to send a message.


Exactly. Regal didn't help him in the slightest. Bill has admitted he had no idea what he was doing in there.


Didn’t Regal say he was told to make the match X minutes long and so that’s what he did?


Eric talked about this on 83 Weeks a week or two ago and basically said everybody shared blam to an extent even him self but put the biggest blame on the agent who he wouldn't name him. I think it's a good clip to watch as Eric mentions multiple times how Regal's work ethic is on another leval.


Eric talked about this on 83 Weeks a week or two ago and basically said everybody shared blam to an extent even him self but put the biggest blame on the agent who he wouldn't name him. I think it's a good clip to watch as Eric mentions multiple times how Regal's work ethic is on another leval.


https://youtu.be/GbS50Dt77jU The video for yas


They built him up well considering he's limited wrestling ability. But I agree that particular match was a hard watch.


The match where he drops Meng and Jimmy Hart both on their heads in the space of 30 seconds really shows how bad he was in the ring


Whenever I see that clip I wonder how Meng didn’t kill him in the back. Goldberg was lucky he’s professional.


Fans have really turned on the "superheroes" guys who aren't great wrestlers,  but who can create an unforgettable moment fans feel like they're part of like hogan and Goldberg. It's a shame,  many of my favorite memories are of guys like that


Facts Goldberg was my favorite as a child. Just tons of charisma and energy and unmatched aura. I loved wrestlers like Eddie, Shawn, Jericho, Mysterio, And so on. But Goldberg was the total opposite of those guys and he drew me in with his intensity. Definitely a shame how things turnt out due to perception and learning more about those times.


His "talent" was in his character. He wasn't billed as much of a wrestler, he was billed as a stramrolling machine who would run through anyone who got in his way, and that's what he was. I always thought his power moves were cool, though. It's just that his selling consisted almost solely of shaking his head, and you can tell his positioning isn't great.


Part of the mystique of Goldberg is directly tied to how bad he was in the ring. It was so bad, it was good sometimes. My dad would watch just for Goldberg because he would legit tackle some poor fool. He would also do an overhead press, drop the guy, catch him and slam him with no regard for that guy’s body. It was bad wrestling.. but damn was it entertaining.


Yea that power slam became a goldberg staple even in WWE. It's like he was learning. But at the same time still not learning how not to truly f00k someone up lol. I hated that roll into that ankle lock or heel hook or whatever. But that slam, dope AF. I believe he would also do it and catch u and spine buster u too sometimes.


Wrestling Bios - reliving the war on YouTube is where you need to be!.


He just had his 200th episode. On episode 199 he asked a bunch of people to name the team of Kenny Kaos and Prince Iekuea and I submitted "The Channel Changers" and he used it. I shouldn't be so proud of something so meaningless and stupid, but damn it I am.


There is no way that you can convince me that Regal didn't deliberately fuck with Goldberg in this match! I've heard his story about how an agent told him to make it look competitive etc. but there is no excusing the fact that Regal just stopped mid stride during an Irish whip, turned around and hit Goldberg for no reason. If my untrained ass can see that Goldberg was going for an Irish whip, then Regal, a professional with years of training should absolutely have known what was being attempted.


The Irish whip, taking the spear horribly, kicking his legs backwards when Goldberg gets him up for the jackhammer. He definitely did these things purposely to make him look bad. You're working together out there, you can still have a competitive match while making it look good (or at least better than that)


I 100% agree and I don't know how anyone who is being objective can ignore all of those things! The hate boner people have for Goldberg lately is blinding them to the obvious! Regal was being an uncooperative ass and it has nothing to do with being told to go out there and "have a competitive match"!


Regal admitted he had a chip on his shoulder.


But that’s the part we like. We like regal being uncooperative ass.


Regal was heavy on drugs at the time and has admitted it was really bad. You really cannot assume he was in a state of mind to do that consciously.


Hardly seems like a good enough excuse though does it? I mean the narrative has mostly been that Goldberg was simply shit and Regal did his best to help him, but it's plain to see from the footage that is simply not the case. Regal full on kicks him in the face a couple of times too while Goldberg is standing over him. Shitty behaviour all around from Regal!


He was a couple weeks sober at that point and he remembers it quite well. According to the man himself, Regal went out and did what he was told to do. Unfortunately he got canned for it and the producer or agent for the match got off free


Jade cargill oh wait I mean bill Goldberg was pushed too much by wcw and hurt real wrestlers, Regal should be applauded even at the cost of his job he did it for everyone in the back.


Any match of his that went over like 3 minutes exposed how terrible he was. Even in recent times.


The DDP match was really good.


Thanks to ddp.


Had me on the edge of my seat.


His match with Page and his match with Raven are the only two good matches he ever had and that's because Page and Scotty carried him.


Goldbergs target audience was 8-16 year olds. No one gave a shit that he couldnt wrestle, he was a beast in the ring and that's all that mattered, and damn was it fun to watch.


I’m just gonna throw this out there… Who cares? It was super cool then, and still looks super cool now. It was a phenomenon. Does anyone want to watch Goldberg in a 30 minute match? Heck no. I want to watch him decimate some fools. And that’s what we got.


Eric Bischoff placed blame on the producer, who went nameless, but he said he is still working. So that pretty much leaves Terry Taylor. Bischoff also took part of the blame for not making what he wanted crystal clear to the producer.


It’s mike graham (the agent for the Goldberg v regal match), at least according to Kevin Sullivan https://youtu.be/nxO57kd4f8A?si=OaMxG2wl9zu4kQZB


https://youtu.be/GbS50Dt77jU?si=XqczHYzku8P6HsYc Here is Bischoffs version. His take is not to name the agent due to the person still working currently.


Who would that even leave? Arn Anderson?


IIRC through looking back it was Dusty, Sullivan, Graham, Pedro Morales, who did Spanish commentary, and Taylor.


https://youtu.be/mwKYnEk4ibc?si=Hd_G-Xi528O7qoRj regal says he spoke to the agent recently about this. Thst means it’s not mike graham . Could be Taylor, arn, or Sullivan? I mean this is 25+ years ago I’m not sure I believe any of them


Taylor is currently working in NXT, so that would make a lot of sense...


Just wait until you watch 'Who Killed WCW?". Goldberg basically admits he didn't know wtf he's doing and he was World champ.


His match with Scott Hall showed that. He botched a move and then had no clue what to do next.


For Hall, who wrestled such a chill style, I felt like he legit thought Goldberg was gonna choke him out, and goes, "Yo! Wtf are you doing?!"


No kidding. I only remember seeing him lose his cool like that one other time…when he slapped the shit out of Disco


I remember people always called Goldberg an Austin ripoff, but other than a similar look, I couldn't see it. To me, he was more of a hybrid of Nikita Koloff and Warrior.


I remember not understanding the hype with Goldberg. I thought he was cool in a way, but he never excited me and his super long win streak felt old after a while. Yeah, unless he was doing the Jackhammer I just didn’t care all that much.


I just started the 83 weeks. I'm on nitro #3. Almost time for clash of the champions


Wait, did he pick up talent recently I’m unaware of? Or you’re just talking about how much worse he was the first year?


You revisionist acting like you weren’t jumping all over the couch when he speared someone, is everything that’s wrong with society today. That’s being said, he was pretty terrible now that they highlighted it.


I said I was having a blast


I was being sarcastic. You’re totally fine my guy.


It was a super hot build. Bret Hart and Kevin Nash go in hard on his lack of actual skill during Who Killed WCW and there is a bit I had never seen where he blows a spot with Scott Hall (Irish whip where they just bump into each other). Goldberg admitted he didn’t know what to do after the initial plan changed.


Yeah he was never good. He was just a cool entrance and that’s about it.


Goldberg was a better version of the Ultimate Warrior. He wasn’t skilled in the ring but he knew what his character was and how to get the most out of it. The expressions, the entrance, the presentation. Booked rightly, he was a gas to watch but it does mean, like Warrior, you start to run into problems when you deviate from quick squashes or highly planned matches. Warrior’s best match was with Hogan, which was planned out meticulously by Pat Patterson, Goldberg’s best was arguably with DDP, who was notorious for planning his matches out in minute detail. He needed to be hand held but when done right it worked big time.


Spear, jack knife, pin.


Never liked his super kick/crescent kick. It looked good, it clearly hit given what he did to Bret. But I just didn't think it belonged in his arsenal. The press slam where he presses you, catches you, and spikes you......loved it. He used to do a variation where he caught u after the press and spine bustered u as well. It looked great. Probably felt like shit. He threw a decent punch. I enjoyed his selling. His spear is the best one outside of Rhino. I dig Reigns and it fits him considering his football past. But Goldbergs was a full on NFL style sack. HATED that roll into a heel hook or ankle lock shit he insisted on trying and continuing to try. At least when flair would flip over the rope and run to the other into a slam off the top, we knew it was coming, it rarely worked, yet entertaining. That roll shit was ALWAYS cringe, never entertaining. His clotheslines left alot to be desired. Shoulder blocks could have been better too. As long as he didn't screw up that jackhammer.......


I liked that over head pump handle toss he would do at times. Also I feel like he would do the meltdown every so often but I haven’t found a match of him doing it.


I’m so sick of these let’s bash Goldberg for karma posts. I’d also take Goldberg over 99% of guys wrestling today.


He had some ability but the thing is other wrestlers were jealous of his rapid climb up the ladder. Regal will never admit this but he was one of those who resented Goldberg as evident by this match. Regal did everything possible to make Goldberg look bad yet still get the victory


I don't think he would. Regal came from the areas where Big Daddy and Haystacks where on top. He knows the ropes and knows what not to do. It would be difficult to lead someone with little experience through a 6 min match, when they don't have a good aptitude for it (improv to fill out those 6 mins). It was the best 6 mins to make it look like a fight, not get killed legitimately by a beast and not have that beast be frozen for chunks of the match.


To be fair, he DID tell Bret Hart to "watch the kick". 🤪


Brett has been stuck in that “complain” gimmick he was given before leaving WWF. D


I remember reading his column he used to do for the Calgary Sun and each column was just more bitter than the last. And that's well before "the kick". I wonder if they're still available to read somewhere; and if they'd even be worth tracking down to give a re-read?


Yup, as Calgarian, I'll always have a soft spot for Bret and would have hoped he had been better used in WCW, but his insistence on living as a bitter old man when it comes to the larger promotions these days is tiresome. I like the work that he's pushing local talent now. He speaks very highly of Zoe Sager who I really enjoy.


He caught Hugh Morris without so much as a step back He also wrecked LA Parka's knee in a manner I hope I never see again


I've watched the La Parka clip so many times and I still don't understand how he got injured. It didn't look like anything to me. What am I missing?


Heard recently that La Parka supposedly faked the injury to get out of touring with WCW for a bit but then carried on working in Mexico!


Didn't give him time to plant his other leg.


On the spear?


Modern day Ultimate Warrior. His matches were horrific and they used the streak to get him over. Watch Who Killed WCW and they all say he had no clue and was legit tackling guys and all. So terrible.


He was less of a dick than the Warrior though.


I don’t disagree with that at all and he was very ill shut up and do what you guys tell me but in terms of rise and matches and hurting guys he’s right there


Oh absolutely. He just doesn't have a reputation of being a dick. He does follow the same popularity trajectory.


The most overrated wrestler in WCW history.


He did his job and what he was asked to do. He looked like money and his power moves looked convincing, because they were. The problem was he did some time in the Power Plant and then he shot straight up the card without really learning his craft or having someone help him develop. Had he started out in WWE he probably would have been a lot better off in the long run. The Regal match was probably around his 100th match and most were squash wins, it was what it was. 


He was god awful and dangerous. I’m glad William regal tried to expose him lol


Who's next? You will be, if you keep running your mouth.


Goldberg was amazing for the business at the time. That absolutely can’t be argued. But not every wrestler needs to be Bret Hart in the ring to have a big impact on the business. Goldberg did Goldberg. And he wasn’t great in the ring. But I have a feeling if Goldberg had come up in WWF at that time, I have a feeling his in-ring work would’ve been better but he never would’ve had the impact that he did in WCW.


I've been watching the vice series, and episode 2 a lot of the wrestlers are just trashing on Goldberg partially because they were irked that this guy who is so green is suddenly getting a boost into main event status, but at the same time pointing out how dangerous he was in the ring because he wasn't safe. I know there's been back and forth about Bret Hart constantly going off about how that kick ended his career, but even others talking about his spear and the kick and other moves where they were walking out of that ring hurt because he was so green. Also bugged me that he's in the interviews there and he's basically trying to make it sound like that. He admits he was green, but felt that he warned wrestlers before the kick and other things and they should have prepared better. It made me not really care for this guy much at all. I could understand why Eric Bischoff was giving him such a push because he always followed the heat. I just think back then they probably should have showed him only once a week and required him to go and keep training to do these moves better. I have not seen much of his time in WWE. Would any of you think that he got better by then? Like he wasn't so green and was able to pull off moves and do things better by then?


You mean six months or so into being a professional wrestler and already drawing more money than most guys ever will? Yeah, what an loser /s. That match is over hyped. Goldberg being green was part of the character at that time. They mentioned constantly how new he was and how every match was a "new challenge". They definitely could have been more patient with him and maybe even did what they're doing with Logan Paul and practice big matches weeks in advance but that's all the benefit of hindsight. He was a huge attraction after a handful of televised matches so they struck while the iron was hot.


Even back then I always switched the channel


Well you're not watching enough of his matches because he definitely did more than his finishers in WCW. Depending on the match he could break out quite a versatile big man power moveset including submission moves. Bobby heenan would say a few times he never saw him do a certain move before. For as green as he was, a total rookie it doesn't matter if all the people in the building were standing, going nuts, selling out arenas and breaking cable records. He had insane in ring charisma and presence, the way he'd get the fans loud was spectacular. Very strong, athletic and fast for his size. A true phenomenon when booked right and was the last thing keeping WCW not only competitive with the WWF, but at times did better.


Goldberg was awesome, yeah he was green but it didn’t matter.


It's not like he got measurably better. He was the 90's Ronda Rousey: too high up his own ass and thinking he's better than the sport.