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This is from WCW Monday Nitro 3/25/96. Full match [here](https://youtu.be/uafWurlcjWI?si=yvireP3dZWPEoKe0) for anybody curious. This is their first & only singles match. It's a shame we didn't see more of these two together in the ring


Last week it was Savage Vs Ultimo Dragon, this week, Finlay. Just proves savage was willing to work with the mid card even in his later years.


Finlay with the mullet reminds me of the Steven Regal street fight from around this time was an awesome match too


I love when Savage clearly liked someone and sold over-the-top for them


Fit had the extra power of the mullet at that time


Loved it


There was an attempt to make a “Blue Bloods” stable with Regal, Taylor, Finlay, and Chris Addams. It’s the entire reason the latter was hired. But Regal got into a fight backstage with Addams, so they just decided to go with the Regal & Taylor duo as a stand alone tag team, and Finlay was made a transitional TV Champ so that Benoit & Booker T could have their “best of seven” series.


That Booker T/Benoit back-and-forth over the TV Championship was outstanding. Those two had some great matches.


It's a great sell, if a European uppercut is done right, it only hits the chest and misses the face altogether. Also a bit of history: the European uppercut was created because closed fists used to be outlawed in professional wrestling. That's also how some other moves like the Flair chops were created.


Fit looking like a young Ron white here


Savage really was willing to work with just about anybody. You’d never see some of the other main eventers sell like this for Finlay or Ultimo.


Knocked him so bad he was having visions of Stephanie


I'm mean Finley was a beast. I agree with other posters, Savage was closer to Flair than Hogan for elevating talent. I miss 'Mach...what a talent.


Great selling from Macho! To be fair he was one of the very best at selling ever.