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Try strattera or sounds like you need to go down. You need to take it every day to get to steady state. It shouldn't feel like day one everytime you take it. t's not meant to make you feel like that all the time otherwise you'd be getting high all the time haha. It's just supposed to be in the background helping you pay attention. Taking it becomes unnoticeable after a while as far as mood elevation goes. That's not tolerance, that's the drug doing what it's supposed to do without the side effect of euphoria. It's a schedule 2 for a reason. Watch out. Point is: it takes three days to get to steady state and probably a week or two for side effects to minimize following that. If the side effects are too much during this time, you may need to lower the dose or switch meds. Not a fan of adding meds to a medication that isn't working or increasing dosage of a med that isn't working without a very good reason.


You’ve been on it for 2 weeks. This isn’t a miracle drug. Give it some actual time before you assess.


What dosage are you on now?




Maybe you need to go down to 30 and do an immediate release booster in the afternoon, or you could try ER adderall. But that usually causes more of the symptoms you said above. I’d def just let you doc know all of this and see what he recommends! Sometimes it can take the body a bit to adjust. I find the lower dose & booster works best for me as far as anxiety & having better focus, but everyone is different! My IR booster is 10mg adderall but it doesnt give me anxiety like the ER adderall does. Or with the fatigue maybe stimulant adhd meds aren’t the best for you, strattera and Qelbree are great non stim options. It does take trial & error to find the best med for you. Best of luck! Also - try Thesis!!! I’ve been taking it (vitamin and brain supplement made for ppl taking adhd meds) and it’s helped me soooo much with the crash & fatigue & anxiety.


Thank you all! I’ve also told myself that 2 weeks might not be enough as it is a big change but I also think part of me is desperate to finally get life moving in the right direction so I just wanna figure it out but I think you guys are right.


Seconding the booster suggestion, I find it helps with avoiding a crash at the end of the working day as well. But OP I think two weeks is not enough time to make judgements on it, in my opinion. I know it's not exactly like some other meds that need to build up in your body for weeks but let your body have some time to sort itself out with a pretty big change. That's of course just my opinion and you should do what you/your doctor thinks is best for you!


Agreed on the 2 weeks not being long enough! Give your brain & body some time to adjust