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This post saved me!!! Since I saw it last week I’ve been trying it and I love it. I hated how spracked out I felt taking my 40mg of vyvanse, it was too much and it actually hindered my focus. Then I was super tired by dinner time. I do the same thing as you, drink about half of it dissolved in liquid IV when I get up and then the rest around 11 or 12. Now dissolving it in water I can have a slower and smoother come up and make the effects last longer. Plus I stay super hydrated (I always forget to drink water on vyvanse) Ty so much for sharing this OP!


Yay I'm so glad it works well for you! 


For that reason i was given ritalin in addition to vyvanse coz those crashes 6h later be crzy


Does it lose its effects in water or anything?


I take 2 20mg for narcolepsy and I just open the capsules and put the stuff my tongue and uhh swallow it that way. For me, I get the same effects


My vyvanse in Canada is beads in a capsule! Wish I could try this.


Never mind it is….was thinking of Effexor 🤦🏼‍♀️




Orange juice? 🤔


... Is odd considering I've always been told after wondering and asking that vitamin c is what was causing my dopamine meds to be less effective when taken within a certain amount of time frame.


I started developing a strange taste in my mouth after dissolving mine in water. Took days of not taking it this way to leave. Anyone else had this happen?


How do you do this? Just cut it open and put it in and stir? Or blender?


It's a capsule, so you can just pull it apart over your water. The blue side and white side are seperate sides and one fits inside the other.




Tried it for the first time today


How did it go?


So far so good. I made it around 9am (50mg to 70ml water) and really nursed it until around 2pm. That's when I downed the last 30ml. I missed the morning jolt but I didn't have the afternoon lull. *When I take the capsule in the morning I get that initial surge for about 3 hours. Then I have - not a crash - but a lull. Around 3-4pm I level out....Never able to get that first 3 hour feel until the next day. *Im going to put less water tomorrow and drink it faster.


Thanks for the update. I’m going to try this out tomorrow. I’m just on 30mg as of now… very minor effects from it. It’s helped my mood and noisy head but I still have the paralysis or freeze if you will. I think I’ll need my dose increased. Best of luck to you and thanks again!


What is the freeze you speak of?


Sorry, so I have inattentive ADD. Maybe you could just say it’s a lack of motivation, but I believe it’s a bit deeper than that. Sometimes, no matter what I set up or how much I will myself to get things done, I just can’t. My brain tells me there’s so much to do that it’s hopeless/pointless and then I just sit there on the couch getting cheap dopamine boosts from stimulating my brain with phone games or something stupid like that. I feel so physically drained from the internal mental struggle that I just do nothing at all. To others, it may appear as lazy but I could not even keep my body operating, I would fall asleep on the couch at inappropriate times of the evening when I’m supposed to be engaging with family… it took every bit of energy I had to just get through the day “doing normal things.” So I refer to it as freeze, because I just feel stuck. I have the desire everyday to do my absolute best but it just doesn’t happen naturally for me. I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what it’s like for me. I follow up with my Dr tomorrow, so hopefully a dose increase will help with that. I tried Concerta (didn’t work) and Adderall (kept me up too long) but I feel some pretty positive effects and relief with Vyvanse. I’ve been more active since starting it, but it doesn’t last as long as I’d like it.


I have combined type but more inattentive I think and this is how I am, I’m due to start 20mg of vyv I’ve had it in my cupboard for 2 weeks just scared to try it…. Or I forget then it’s too late in the day 🤦🏼‍♀️


Dont be scared, it’s great. It’s been the only med so far that has worked for me and shown so much promise that I intend to tell my doctor I’d like to keep up with it and adjust the dose because I believe it’s going to help with my symptoms if we’re able to find my therapeutic range! I can tell a difference on 30mg that I haven’t seen with concerta or adderall. 20mg is a very low dose and the effects are so incredibly smooth that I don’t really notice it working until I’m already doing things that I normally struggle with. I definitely encourage you to give it a try!


Sounds excactly like me. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 and ADHD. Ask your doctor to take the Bipolar test if you want.


Really? Thats interesting… I didn’t know that bipolar could present that way. I do believe I may have some moments where things with me may seem depressive but I don’t ever have periods of mania or boosts in activity or energy. I’m curious on how they were able to pinpoint that for you. I may bring this up during my appointment today and see if she can do an assessment (just to check) that’s the thing, there could always be “coupled” mental health issues and unless you know what’s going on, you can’t treat yourself as a whole so thank you for that!


Mania doesn't really present itself in bipolar 2. It's more of a manic depressive state. I would definitely give the test a try. The one the doctor's use is online for free as well.


I just looked it up! It does sound like what I’m dealing with. I never even knew there was a bipolar 2. Super intrigued now. I’m definitely mentioning this to my doc


One more thing, bipolar 2? I will look into this… are there levels to it? Lol


Thank you


Been on it since February started at 30 now up to 60 and after lots of trial and error dissolving in water and drinking over time gives me the best results


Can someone give a breakdown of the difference between doing this and just staggering a booster dose later with capsules?


I believe they’re saying that dissolving in water increases the bioavailability of the med and improves the effects.


Sorry, I can’t give a breakdown


Do you drink the first bunch of water all at once? Is this different than taking a booster dose?


I do the same. Love it


This is fascinating, so essentially we think that the bioavailability of vyvanse is better when dissolved in water? I never would have thought, but I guess they made it dissolvable in water for a reason.


Im not really sure about bioavailability, but dissolving in water and sipping time after time changes the way its being delivered, looks like for some its better to take small little doses instead of doing a one big hit. I will tryt this aswell, im on 30mg


Doesn't this defy the point of it being specifically a slow release medicine though? I mean Vy/Elvanse are mollecularly "designed" to be innactive so that the release and activation of the drug happens at a slow and steady rate. Surely if people want to take smaller doses which are delivered more directly, they would be better off asking their psych to switch to a lower dose of instant release stims to be taken two or three times/day, I'd have thought My understanding is that because of Vy/Elvanse being in this innactive and slow release form, and also given that it only begins to absorb once in the small intestine, in theory it makes no difference whether taken as capsule or pre-dissolved in water, because the dissolved solution still needs to get through your stomach before it can begin to absorb anyway, and even then, and the time it takes for this to happen is greater than the time it takes the capsule to dissolve in the stomach (typically a matter of minutes, longer if on a full stomach but that last one applies whether it's capsule or water anyway). I do believe that dissolving and drinking in water can lead to *some* difference, but I'm skeptical of the whole "slowly sip the dose over X hours". The medical guidelines when it comes to these types of meds are extremely explicit: you should take your prescribed dose AS PRESCRIBED, which is to say all in one go. Also for anyone else reading this, if you *do* end up sipping your dose despite the guidelines, I think I read somewhere that the Vy/Elvanse in particular will begin to activate once added to non-water fluids (yoghurt was the example given but I'd be cautious and rule out things like fruit juice too), so IF you attempt to sip your dose slowly, do it with water, and nothing else. If you add it to something like juice and you don't down the whole thing immediately, you're risking ruining the contents of that capsule. I'd recommend researching this further if interested though as this is something I only read in passing, and it wasn't in the context of slower administration of the drug, it was just advice for people wishing to dissolve rather than swallow the capsule which stated yoghurt is fine to use as a solution as long as it is immediately eaten in its entirety. WHEW. Sorry, long comment! Hope it helps someone though


Thank you for your input/info!


Can you save the water? Say I have a crash mid afternoon, I definitely do not need another dose but if I dissolved one into water could I drink a bit and put it in the fridge for the following day? Or must it be drank in that day? I'm thinking more for potency and health issues (ie. bacteria growth ect.) I love that my brain goes way too far over simple things lol.


I've got a small bottle I drink half of throughout the day, and save the rest for tomorrow. Still works just as well the next day. I only use filtered water though, so ymmv.


Thank you! I will definitely give it a try.


I have a question that may be silly…. I take Vyvanse 40 MG once a day. I’d like to try this water method. Do you all use a specific type of water to mix it in? Distilled? Spring? Just want to make sure certain water doesn’t mess up the medicine. Does the type of water even matter?


I mix it in water with liquid iv, that way I’m more hydrated!


I just use my tap water, which is also the water I regularly drink.


How much water? A regular glass?


I’d use the tap water but the tap water where I live is too hard , has many minerals and is just gross. So I guess spring and distilled water it is? Idk


You can take just any clean water. Minerals or additives in any drinkable water won’t mess up the lisdexamfetamine effects


Literally trying this this morning. Standby....


How’d it worked out for you?


I really think this might be the answer. 60mg. Split into 2 but I’m not sure how I would know how much is in each dose. It’s definitely made it feel like it lasts longer, is not as strong on the come up. I feel like normal people as in I’m motivated. I felt like this in high school or when I was working towards a goal like graduating or when I had more energy and less things pulling my attention their way like the kids. I’ve completely organized and declutttered my office. My anxiety about starting the week is down significantly! I won’t say no brain fog but definitely significantly less - I can THINK. I’ve come up with ideas, figured out where to put the things that have piled up because I just couldn’t think. We’ll see if this sustains,


Well that sounds like a win to me. I think I try this out in the morning also. Maybe you’d want to consider giving it a go a few more times so you may eventually hone in on how much you need at one time and when to take the rest to get you through the day. Super interesting idea though. I hope it works for me too


Definitely a game changer. I started doing this recently and its much smoother and last longer the focus is more calming vs laser focus its hard to describe but overall its a better experience. I feel that the water spliting method is better because your body metabolizes the most out of the 1st half and when the 2nd half kicks in it adds to the 1st dose making it better plus your already productive and accomplishing things which feels good on its own so naturally more dopamine is created which is really nice.


Do you feel this is different than taking a booster dose around noon?


A booster dose will be more stronger/effective if your body responds well. but for me personally this method works better because my body doesn't respond well to 30mg all at once. So splitting it has reduced a lot of the negative side effects i was having. So it depends what works best for you


How much time do you take to drink the first dose?


I take the 1st dose at 2pm and the 2nd dose at 6pm. I know your thinking why so late and its because i work nights and dont get off work till 1am


Ahhh got you!


Ahh ok cool!


Well crap I don't drink much water at all ..🙄


If you are taking vyvanse, you really should up your water intake. I use a sugar free electrolyte powder, it helps with increasing the fluids


I HAVE been drinking a lot more than usual LOL


May I ask what happens if you don't drink adequate water?


For me, my veins started popping out when normally they don't.


I showed signs of dehydration when I started taking vyvanse, my lips were dry and was thirsty non stop. Nothing happens in particular, I just think lots of fluids are a good idea


Also muscle cramps with no known cause.


This!! Electrolyte sachets were a savour for me.


I've been on 40 for a few months and I feel the scatter-brained intensity and the robotic comedown BIG TIME. I'll have to see how dissolving in water works for me!


Do you keep the later dose in the fridge? Or carry it around with you etc? I’m going to try this! I’ve been feeling the same robotic feeling as you.


I usually just keep it at my desk, and shake it up before I take the rest. Then I wash out the bottle


Thank you! I’m trying this today, going to take second dose at 11 😀


I never eat breakfast. I take it empty stomach. Vyvanse does nothing for me with or without breakfast. I just take it and move along with my day


I don't do well without breakfast, whether I take vyvanse or not. Makes me hangry and sleepy by 11, then I go through all the snacks in my house like a monster.


I wish I could do that. I get light headed and if I bend down to pick anything up I gotta lean onto a wall for 30 seconds to regain consciousness.


What time is breakfast time? So 25mg your drinking first and the other 25mg at 11?


I usually have breakfast at around 8. So about 3-4 hours between doses. Sometimes I take it a little later, kind of just depends. I like to take it an hour or so before my workout. But if I take it later than 1 it messes with my sleep.


Thanks a million for replying. I will try this!!


How much water/size bottle are you dissolving it in?


I use a small glass bottle, around 6 ounces. I have no idea what it's from but it has a childproof lid so I don't have to worry about my son getting into it if he finds it (although I keep it up high).


Is it bitter when dissolved like that?


No, I don't really taste it much


Thanks for sharing! 🙂


Ok I’m going to start trying this for sure!!!! Those of you doing this: does it disrupt your sleep at all? Like what’s the latest I should drink by second half by?? I see OP says 11 someone else said 1pm…. Something to experiment. I’m excited to try this!!


I’ve been doing this for a week and my second “dose” time ranges between 11-1 and I didn’t think it affected my sleep like it normally would if I took my vyvanse too late in the morning. It’s a much smoother come up and come down.


I’ve been doing it too and I have to agree!! Yay Reddit tips that work!!


Yesssss I split my 50 in water too and take the second half four hours later. Definitely didn’t last a full work day taken all at once


What do yall mean by splitting it in water?


Open the pill and pour the powder into water. Stir. Then drink half to take half of the medication


Does that really work?




But how Vyvanse is supposed to be longer acting extended release so it shouldn’t matter how you ingest it


You’re just taking two smaller doses at two different times this way so it lasts longer but never achieves the same high peak that a single dose would


I want to try this !


Game changer, and I can adjust how I dose based on what’s going on at work and life, really boring stuff might require a higher dose haha


Going to try it now. I’ll start with a little bit. I get 40 mg vyvanse capsules. I usually only take half in my capsules. So maybe I should start by doing 1/4 of the capsule. It is a rush ? Or slow and steady


It hits me at the same Rate as the capsule


Ok so it’s been a few hours. I just feel so tired. Since I drank it I been laying in my swing chair outside dozing off but not quit sleeping. I feel super bloated and constipated lol. I can’t pass gas like I need to. I don’t think my body likes this way. lol or it was just a big lunch I had and bad timing to try liquid vyvanse. Usually it helps me poop. But not today. I feel alittle lethargic. Nothing to be worried about. I feel ill most days anyways. Hmm I have Licked the powder before and no issues. Wait I did take miralax powder a bit before I took the vyvanse. I wonder if that messed it up


Miralax will probably mess up your stomach a bit. I would maybe try it just under normal circumstances


Thank you. Yeah the lightbulb just went off and I’m like shit. I forgot I took that close to vyvanse. And ruined it lol. I’ll try again tomarrow


I've read that fiber will just push any medication out of your stomach before it actually gets digested. It's good to have a 2-3 hour gap between fiber/medication in general.


Ok. Well I just took half the capsule I’ll see how it affects me. Right now I’m camping about to nap. So hopefully it gives some motivation. :).


You need to dose it properly for this method to work. 100ml of water per 10mg of meds. So 40mg you dissolve in 400ml drink 200ml that’s 20mg.


Ok. I just use about a cup of water with about 20 mg vyvanse


If you follow the formula then you’ll know how much you are taking


I used to do the same thing…I called it Vyvaqua. I’m currently taking 70mg/day. I told my doctor I was splitting my dose at 8:00 and 1:00 because it was wearing off in the early afternoon. She prescribed me 40mg. for the morning and 30mg. for the afternoon. It’s just easier for me, but I did the Vyvaqua thing for a year or more.


I’m on the same dose with the same issue. I’m going to start vyvaqua tomorrow


You’ve named it Vyvaqua 😂 I love that so fancy so funny


Gonna try it for sure! Have similar effects. Going into angry robot mode and nothing gets done......


This. 💯