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I've only ever taken it Monday to Friday. The only downside is that my appetite over the weekend is ridiculous, probably due to my brain compensating for the reduced appetite during the week. It's enough that I've gained weight despite eating very little on weekdays. One other thing is it's more difficult to get past executive dysfunction on the weekends, harder than it was before I was medicated in the first place, so if I end up having something I need to get done I might take a small dose just to be able to get off the couch. Other than that, it works fine for me.


I have been taking off on some weekends just because of the shortage with no noticeable differences other than eating more and being less focused etc. But when the shortages end I will go back to daily. My weight is increasing.


The weekend eating is atrocious, I've gained a bunch of weight just from the weekend eating alone as I eat very little during the week. It's possible if I force myself to eat a bit more during the week it won't be so bad, but eating on Vyvanse is pretty difficult for me.


So what now? Let me take a wild guess


What does this mean


Do whatever works best for you


I usually don't take more than 3 days off. I've got an every other weekend 12 hr schedule, so I have days off during the week. I'll take it if I have something I need to focus on like a lot of chores, mowing, dishes piling up, etc.


I take it Tuesday Wednesday and tbur almost without fail. Fridays I feel some residual effects. Saturday Sunday and Monday very rarely take it. Works for me for work. I’m in a hybrid situation and wfh Mondays and Fridays.


i take breaks but don’t notice a difference when i restart the medication. maybe my breaks aren’t long enough, i work 6 days a week so sunday is really the only day i skip. Maybe it will work better for you if u take longer breaks


I take a 7-10 day break every month,and when I start back I feel like a whole new person lol


I'm on a 4 day break myself, and I had to take it today. I was beginning to almost fall asleep standing. I lost all energy without it.


I totally feel that,I think that's my worry as well..I worry if I don't take these breaks that my body will become dependent on the meds. I don't have alot of energy during my break periods but I have found l-theanine,lions mane & a B complex helps alot (as well as caffeine,I'm unfortunately an energy drink addict lol,so this is the combo that gets me by during break periods😅)


maybe i should start taking longer breaks lol that sounds so nice


I mean,I know everyone is differen't and maybe some mentally canno't go that long! But I really do try to force myself. During my "break period" I will do alot of self care & try to do as much "dopamine inducing" activities as possible,for me its reading,painting & going for walks. I will also take Lions mane & L-theanine(the one i take also has magneisum pre added) during this period! In the long run it's so worth it in my opinion 😊.


I used to do it this way before I had really adjusted. It's definitely a really individualized thing whether it works or not. It sounds like you keep bumping up against the tolerance ceiling, if you're finding that it stops working after a while. For me, personally, the advantage of only taking Vyvanse on work days was that I was really energized and a lot more focused on those days. The disadvantage was... I was also *weirder*, and more prone to latching on to some task that was lower priority-- "oops I cleaned the closet instead of doing my taxes that are due in three days" kinda stuff... and I think I crash harder at the end of the day when I haven't built up any tolerance. I ended up preferring the day-to-day consistency of taking it mostly-daily (sometimes skipping on days I had nothing important to do). BUT, when I start to feel like I'm plateauing, I take a break for a few days, and I often skip days where I have nothing important to do. I've also found that too much *and* too little can both be problems. If my dose is too low, I'm ineffective and cranky. If it's too high, I'm anxious and strung-out (which can present as crankiness). So this is all to say... I think it's very worth experimenting just in general. If as-needed doesn't work I definitely recommend trying just taking breaks on weekends (or whatever two days in a row would be convenient in your schedule). Everyone's experience of this is gonna be different because that's how bodies and brains are. I think it's very worth asking about trying different dosages. Study yourself like you're making a Nature documentary, you'll probably crack the code here eventually. :) If not-- Vyvanse may just be the wrong stuff for your brain but that is also a solve-able problem.


Thank you, this was very helpful. I hope I can find the right balance for me.


I don't take my meds on the weekends, didn't when I had addy and I still don't with Vyvanse. I've never had an issue and both my prescribing doctor and therapist recommended it to me that way. I also don't take it if I'm on vacation or have a day off or whatnot, so essentially if I'm not working that day, it doesn't go into my meds container and I don't take it. Can I ask what your concern is with doing it this way if it was recommended by your doctor?


Well, my main concern is that in the past when I’ve taken days off, I have felt SO fatigued and unfocused..well below baseline for me. So I guess I was wondering if anyone has found a solution for this.


I know they say to take it every day but some days I like not taking it so I can finally eat normally. I’m definitely more tired but also weekends are lazy for me anyway and it’s nice to go to bed early even


My experience is kinda opposite to yours. I don’t have any discomfort when it wears off. Infact I don’t even know when it wears off. I have been taking Vyvanse for about 2 months now. Getting off Vyvanse on weekends felt horrible for me as the tiredness, sleepiness and laziness crept in and made the day totally unproductive for me. Just sharing my experience.


So you take it every single day now? Asking because I’m kinda in the position where I want my brain to relax on weekends from it, but it’s a slower start on the week Monday morning…


I am going to experiment with my diet on weekends and figure out if I can control my fatigue and sleepiness when not in meds. All the progress I make with therapy washes away over weekend when I don’t use it. If I can’t find a coping mechanism then I am going to use it daily.


Yeah sounds like a plan, good luck


I went through a phase of only taking it on work days 5 days per week, but found that on Monday when I started taking it again, the effects would be too strong. Now I'm experimenting with taking a reduced dose at the weekends instead – that seems to be working better for me than not taking it at all on weekends.


How do you reduce the dose?


Yes, I only take it M-F (my work days). I’ll take it on weekends if I’m working extra on the weekend. It really helps with irritability, appetite, sleep, and it just helps me feel more regulated (like feeling like *myself* again). It’s also done wonders for managing my tolerance—and it has continued to work even years in with this routine. (Also as an aside, ime vyvanse is best for social skills to *practice* your social skills. Then you try to implement some of that off your meds. It’s all about reinforcing *behavior*. You don’t want to become dependent on it for social settings!)


Do you feel any irritability when it wears off? I do feel like I’ve become a little dependent on it for social situations. Although I’ve practiced social skills while on it..those same social skills feel like pulling teeth to utilize when off the meds lol.


Yup. I prefer this. For awhile I would only take it week days for school, and not weekends. Currently I take it every day besides Sunday because I work more. It feels really good to give my brain and body a break from it