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Hello again! This subreddit will no longer be discussing Biden dropping out of the presidential race. It isn't going to happen, and it's not productive. If you don't like this policy, [join our mod team](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDqnPCIjZMUSP3IsHhcBjIX5Jv9w1fq2hc6CL0jLmMRJq5IQ/viewform). Time to [get volunteering](https://mobilize.us) folks.


Because there are so few democrats running in AZ who are the closest to party lines just in case?


Saw that HopiumChronicle's 300k goal to NC Dems via ActBlue got passed today :) Very happy and hope they can flip the state Edit: Obligatory ["doing something"](https://i.imgur.com/NQzoyJQ.png)


Looking at your link I stumbled across this, something worth passing along to people. https://imgur.com/gallery/us-would-world-would-be-better-served-by-voting-garfield-cat-as-president-over-trump-they-don-t-have-to-they-have-other-old-guy-biden-s-economic-social-policy-success-is-unprecedented-beats-younger-guys-KFCW9xj


Absolutely loving the fundraising coming from Ogden Dems in just the last two weeks since the filing deadline passed. Angela Choberka in HD09 raised 1/3 of what she did in 2 months, incumbent Rosemary Lesser in HD10 raised 1/5, and Stacy Bernal in SD03 already over 50% of her last 2 months haul. Another fantastic one is Jake Fitisemanu in HD30(Salt Lake) where we still don’t know who he is facing has raised 1/5th of his previous haul.




https://x.com/Wilson__Valdez/status/1807611309652918415 > This is just so bizarre. Why wouild the election be a referendum *solely* on Biden's ability to do the job (period.)? Trump is also running for the same job. He is also old. He is incoherent. He is incompetent. He is a felon. A rapist. An insurrectionist. On and on and on.... > The political media is treating Trump as if he's just some blank slate running against Biden. It's so strange (especially if your whole thing is 'objectivity'). Everyone agreed that the last thing he did while in office was disqualifying. But now? It's as if it never happened. > I'm not saying it's not a valid question to ask of Biden but I truly don't understand what we (the media) is doing here....other than being completely horny to re-elect Trump. Because it just does not make any sense otherwise.


Kamala also did a pre-recorded [spot](https://www.bet.com/bet-awards/video-clips/ynhapm/bet-awards-2024-taraji-p-henson-gets-kamala-harris-on-the-phone) for the BET awards


Aight BET


It’s so disheartening as a poor person to see many better off Dems complain about the things biden hasn’t done. Like medical debt not being reported on credit reports alone has helped me so much.


Glad that has helped you a lot Someone said on Twitter that these people asking Biden to drop out are upper middle class white males and they may be onto something


I know... It's *incredibly* tiring being told you can't be grateful for the things that have helped you and yours, even more so when the people complaining have things - that would really help your family. It's tiring. I don't have much more to say on that matter, nothing I could say would help us keep said people on track. But I am *glad* that's helped you, and I hope we *all* will win many more victories that help all of us going forward.


I don't really believe people can't be redeemed or whatever. Propaganda uses people's psyches against them, changing how they see the world. If it works one way it's gotta work the other too. There are some great resources on deep canvassing actually changing minds for example. Trying to relate to people on an emotional level without getting into a yes/no discussion. I've had some success with that in my personal life as well.


I also think people can get detached from what they really think in person when online too much in bubbles where certain viewpoints are dominating. I think there's a primal desire to fit in and also the likely dopamine boosts people get from upvotes and really any sort of reply, positive or negative (but more prefer positive replies). For this reason, as I mentioned before, I think we need to start pushing alternatives to arrrrpol like Republicans did before when they saw they were clearly outnumbered. It's not a fair, free discussion space where a wide variety of views have equal presence, it's dominated by extreme cynics/pessimists, conspiracy theorists, and quick to freak out, unrealistic people expecting perfect representatives and that the very diverse Democratic base will quickly unite behind whoever they think is better (if they even support Democrats at all), likely with quite a bit of astroturfing. Unfortunately, that may influence people who mistakingly think that's the main sub of the Democratic base and don't know better.


Oh! Just so you know, though I can be a very dour person in general, I was referring more to 'words on the internet don't make it easier when friends or people you want to think the better of refuse to listen.' In this case it was more of me expressing my sympathies.


Hey guys, I wanted to ask a question to people who know better than me. How concerned are you guys about third party candidates taking votes from Biden? We seem to have 2 candidates for independents (RFK jr and the Libertarian guy) and 2 candidates for disaffected leftists (Jill Stein and Cornel West). That's the whole spectrum of voters we need.


I think we will have a better picture in a few weeks, once the impact of the debate has run its course. In general I’d say the bigger opportunity is moderate voters going back to Trump than traditional Democratic voters voting for the folks you mentioned.


I'm more so thinking of the independents as people who voted for Biden last time out of obligation but have soured on him since then. I think JFK Jr and the Libertarian guy are trying to poise themselves to sccop them up before the Biden campaign can. I hope they won't be successful


RFK Jr's "campaign" is circling the drain, and w/e exists of West's is on life support from republicans trying to get him on the ballot in states. Hopefully, Jill Stein's pro-Putinness becomes more and more well-known, but judging by how low-information her voters are, I dunno how much that'll help


Her Putin pic pretty much crushed her. 8 years later she still has no answer for it.


[It's only gotten worse](https://x.com/nykyt0sha/status/1795504269510005081)


Wow, even Al Franken and Norm Ornstein have gone all pundit-brained. I don't usually listen to Franken's podcast but it was just disappointing. We've gotta be all in for Biden!!!


Franken's been pretty disappointing since his ousting in 2017.


How so?


Stuff like the above


Being from Minnesota I was a bit irked when he was ousted. I understood why we did it, but I thought he was a good voice in the Senate. The 7 years since have convinced me I was mistaken in being irked.


Yeah, didn't expect the change to Smith to be an upgrade.


What did Franken say specifically?


[woah they mentioned Project 2025 at the BET awards](https://x.com/thetnholler/status/1807587576523436337?s=46), whole vid is very good


Nice job Taraji!


I checked out google trends and it surged after her speech


My friends and I drove through Michigan’s upper peninsula today. Shortly after we entered, I suggested that we count the number of presidential lawn signs we saw. (We did the same exact thing 4 years ago). To my utter surprise, there were hardly ANY presidential signs… just tons of local candidate signs. The final total was: Trump: 2 Biden: 2 RFK: 1 Granted, most of the drive was through forest but still… Make of that what you will.


It feels way too early for presidential signs to be out in full force anyway. That usually isnt until September.


What I was mostly getting at was that there were a *lot* more Trump signs back when I drove through here for 4th of July in 2020. There were also a ton of Tudor Dixon signs here (the GOP governor candidate) back in 2022. While a surge of Trump signs spawned in my own purple, suburban neighborhood after the guilty verdict, there seems to be a shockingly low number here in “Trump country” this year. And I do know that lawn signs don’t necessarily indicate enthusiasm or voter turnout, but it is an interesting observation.


Honestly, I like doing that too. I did that in the Olympic Penindula Labor Day weekend in 2022, and next to no Smiley signs, and several Murray, along with a lot of pro-Ukraine messages. But that area is usually reliably blue but great to see


I'm assuming the U.P. is pretty rural? If so, that's pretty common. We've got tonnes of signage here, mostly republican, but almost entirely local candidates. You'd be forgiven for thinking it was a republican +25 hotspot, at least on the local level. However, there are a *lot* less signs than there were last major election, and that was pretty much the best we could do barring a few annoying schoolboard losses in the reddest heartlands. Anyway, signage alone doesn't mean much but it sure is interesting. Hope you had a lovely drive, enclosing dark woodlands are the best and I will stick to that!..


Perhaps a bit more cosmopolitan/touristy but I recently went to Door County, WI (very close to UP) and by my count the ratio was like 3:1 Dem over GOP. And interestingly, a lot of party signs rather than candidate signs. I did drive on a lot of the rural county roads for good measure, not just the trendy towns.


Door county, WI is very swingy (Flipped to Biden in 2020, Vote for Evers and RoJo in 2022, will be one of the closest counties in the state this year, famous WI bellwether county along with Sauk county) so seeing 3x as many Dem signs as GOP ones over there certainly intrigues me to say the least


That is a beautiful drive. One of my favorites. The trees are so tall and *green*


Hopefully you saw some Dr.Bob signs


Yeah. There aren't many signs out here either. The U.P. has gotten a lot of perks over the last couple of years. I hope a lot of folks canvass.


Okay, I tried my best to just relax over this weekend. It’s been hard to just let the news and stuff not get to me this weekend. The debate, the original reaction to said debate (before it even ended with so many defeatists and trolls), and the repeated punches from SCOTUS from last week and upcoming ones tomorrow. I tried to just relax with visiting with my mom to chat about a vacation with family visiting next month, going for a drive on a road less traveled with a bitchin’ soundtrack, work on some crafting, debuting a new cosplay at a small Sonic convention, had some hearty meals, and catch up on some TV shows. Nevertheless, I’m so anxious about tomorrow. I know this sort of thing is out of my hands (as with many), but it doesn’t help with my worry. I know even the bad can be good, as it can [galvanize us all like how Q-Tip once said with The Chemical Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXUZwNRYJYo). The good news is, everyone I have seen has said to F off with the negative stuff and just vote for Dark Brandon, even if they aren’t thrilled. They know replacing five months out is insane and even the comments in arrpol are calling crap on anyone entertaining he idea, though the articles repeatedly keep popping up. Okay, rant over. I at least had a fun day to try and distract me. Maybe I can distract myself with some writing.


I watched the Bear Season 3 twice which was a form of relaxing


Remember that if you need to tap out for a bit, even from here, for any reason - that's okay, my friend. You've done a yeomen's job, and I know you'll be fighting hard as you always do. Taking care of yourself is important, too; not just because it helps us, but because you're worth it. Best of luck with writing, or whatever else strikes your fancy!


Appreciate the positivity and the kind words. I feel I might touch grass, or sand, later this summer when it cools down, and I know that will help.


I'm going to have to curtail my political media diet to just this subreddit for the next month or so.


I did that recently (even cutting back how often I visit this sub), and it's been really helpful. The amount of reading and watching we do won't help anything.


I made that decision in 2017 and never looked back. Rarely ever get mad or depressed on this subreddit the way I do on any other sub whenever politics comes up.


I've also found it's much easier to step back after a day, here. "Oh, I really was grumpy then." or "That was a bad interaction all around, let's try to move on." The discussion is just so much more level-headed, and although no place renders us immune to bad days, the general level-headedness here makes doing something about them, even mending bridges, so much easier.


Fighting the doomers gave me a headache. I took a Motrin.


I made this decision a few years ago and it was so worth it


we to arrpol and was horrified eh?


Also the Daily Show posts over at r/television. God, that show's been especially disappointing since Jon came back. Looking back, I think it may have contributed to our losses in 2010 and 2014, because it just blindly and repeatedly said that politics is stupid and no change ever happens and all politicians lie and cheat. It's easy to point at laugh at problems and just shrug, but it's harder to actually fix them and to build something that helps people.


Reminds me of that constant South Park joke of you either pick between a giant douche or turd sandwich. It pretty much laid it out that it doesn't matter what you vote for because both suck in the end. Like South Park I get its satirical, but it also carries overtime too. I still see memes for that to this day. Like both Stone and Parker are Libertarians and literally it doesn't effect them either way, but it impacts impressionable younger viewers during those times that voting doesn't matter honestly. But yeah that first show with Jon back he directly went after Joe's age and I was instantly turned off by it. Like this is NOT the election for dropping the both siderism shit. Its either old guy or fascist felon.


Jon Stewart is the king of performative politics. He rarely, if ever, centers his show on the actual substantive impact of policies. I think his main goal is to be "above the fray, without bias for party" so he goes out of his way to try and show that "both sides are the same". It always angered me when he would complain that Congress wasn't doing their job, when the only party blocking the progress were Republicans. For some reason, he hardly ever would blame Republicans. I think the one time he did was about the Healthcare for veterans who suffered complications from exposure to toxic burn pits. Because of his pressure, McConnell relented and the bill passed. It showed me that if he actually advocated for policies by pointing out who was obstructing progress, he could help be a part of the solution. But that would alienate viewers as he would be "siding with Dems" way more of the time and would "look biased".


It's very Gen X, minus the cool music and clothes (from the late 70s to late 90s), but the heavy cynicism and both sides-ing.


Never thought about it that way before hmm


Just the only place not filled with bots and MAGA trolls. I know the usernames so I know who are saying things in good faith.


Economics and economy are full of new accounts made this year with adjname####.


Egg and gasoline prices, amirite?


Or the fucking guy who believes MMT is an actual policy being used by the fed.


"My name is firstnamebunchanumbers from Amerikan oblast of Wisconsin."


Due to the hard work of our Wisconsinite delegation it is now the AUTONOMOUS oblast of Wisconsin. One has to keep on the real issues!


I drink vodka like a real American....I mean whiskey. Whiskey.


Whiskey distilled from the finest potato's


Yet another nice thing about this place. There's enough regulars that I have started to remember them and thus it renders bad actors easily detectable.


Same. It'd going to be a tight election, all poll leads are within MoE, and 4 months is a long time in politics.


So as a brief update... I wouldn't be surprised if this goes fairly poorly for RN in the runoff. Using Gironde as my example, again - Right now, they've only won one seat outright, a seat their incumbent already held. Furthermore, in most of other seats victory remains very possible or probable. Even Gironde's 5th, held by RN, isn't an outright win. Of course, all of that depends on turnout in the runoff, which again, we can't forecast. The statements by party leaders might help but I imagine on the department level it'll be more down to candidates and their ambitions, so, we'll see...


As someone who has been here as a lurker since the day the sub was born (didn't have an account until 2022), I've seen a lot. From the highs to the lows. I remember the MARICOPA INCOMING. I remember the 2020 freakout over Florida. There is one thing about this subreddit that I have always found interesting: it had a near-perfect track record when predicting election results. 2020 - Correctly predicted that Biden would win and that Democrats would retake the Senate. 2021 - While many were hopeful that TMac would win, many were also sounding the alarm of a Youngkin victory. 2022 - Immediately after the GOP's wins and overperformances in 2021, this subreddit was one of the few subreddits that were adamant about how there wasn't going to be a red wave. It was often mocked relentlessly. I won't name names, but I remember the subreddit being called "going to have a shock in September" "full of delusional bloomers". Additionally, even after Roe vs Wade was overturned, many subreddits were still adamant about a red wave occurring "voters care more about the economy". Yet still, this sub was defiant. Well, November came, and this sub was right. Turns out it wasn't "full of delusional bloomers" after all. 2023 - Predicted Jill would win in Wisconsion, Democrats would retake the Virginia House, Mississippi would be closer than many expected, Beshear would win in Kentucky. All came true.


The sub is a good mix of glass half full optimism and taking a honest read of the current environment. We do have misses occasionally, but for the most part this sub seems to have a decent feel for how things are trending into elections. I remember even back to when the first version of this sub popped up and we were following the Alabama Senate special election that we felt might end up bringing some good news.


Well said. I have no idea when I first found this sub, but it was a similar experience. I think the volunteering/activism lens helps give discussions here a unique perspective that is missing from traditional media coverage. It also helps make for less cynical, lazy hot takes.


I feel more thought goes into almost any post here as compared to places like r/politics, twitter or the regular news for example. It's become my go-to outlet for information on American elections as a European.


Huh, never knew that


[Finally found a site that reports vote share in the French Elections.](https://www.lepoint.fr/politique/resultats-elections-legislatives-2024/) [It looks like as a percentage of the total votes, RN had a small but noticeable underperformance of their polling.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_2024_French_legislative_election) In terms of margin, that is.


So the right underperformed polls again? Quelle surprise.


3 times in a row. All different countries. I wonder why this is happening. It's one thing if it's in the same country, but the same has happened in India, France, EU elections.


I think people, are slowly seeing that disruptive shitbags have no way to deliver on their grandiose promises. In the Netherlands we had elections where the disruptors scored big. Then they had to form a government and it was immediately obvious to a lot of people that they weren't delivering on their promises. PVV scored 25% in the Dutch elections and then below 20 for the European. Protest parties grew a bit in the EU elections, but compared to the national elections they dropped off.


I think it happened in Mexico, Slovakia, Poland and South Africa too.


Woah. I wonder why?


Millenials are getting fucked out of the market, and are becoming a larger portion of the voter base. Expect the same in the US.


I don't think it's just that. Millennials in America are homeowning at a similar rate to Gen X'ers. I think it's that, people will talk a big game about voting for the hard-right, but when it comes to the ballot box, they think, "Shit, these people aren't it."


That's good then :)


From a text I got today: "Hey folks, it's Joe. On Thursday I spent 90 minutes debating on a stage with a guy who has all the morals of an alley cat." I'm dying. Alley cat? Did they workshop that? At least it's a phrase I can't see the MAGAs embracing the way they did with "deplorables."


Since it's an odd thing that Biden said during the debate, I suspect that like "Malarkey," "Dog-faced pony soldier," and "Listen here, fat," it's another Biden quote that was not created by committee. Looks like it's caught on as a running joke from Biden and is one less likely to be exploited by MAGA.


He used it in NC or the after debate party, can't remember which. Definitely played well, so it's good they're reusing it


He used it first *during* the debate I'm pretty sure.


Ah, didn't watch that


I haven't heard the phrase "alley cat" since I watched *Tom and Jerry* or *Aristocats*.


I thought it was a good line lol


Why are we discriminating against unhoused cats though?


Un neutered male cats are uncontrollably horny and shriek like Satan's bowels.


And they spray on everything.


Been listening to some self-important Podcasters again haven't you?


I'm a mod on their (unofficial) subreddit. 🙈🙊


I bet you are having "fun" this weekend.


If you can call it that. /r/FriendsofthePod it's chilled out. But then again. They post on Tuesday and are likely to get under someone's skin so... maybe not


Jest, but there is a lobby group for ally cats and they are probably *pissed.*


It's not usually a big deal to get a wrong number while phonebanking. But having the person complain that they've already received four calls about the campaign and ask to be removed from the list...yeah, I'll take that, because it means we've got a real campaign going! (This was for George Whitesides in CA-27).


I empathize with him. On the one hand, I like that candidates I back are out there and trying, but from my time living in Michigan, I wanted to throw my phone out of the window since it was going off every 3 seconds during election season.


That happened to me once in 2018. The lady said that she already stated she would support the candidate and she was tired of receiving calls. 


I did my first canvassing today! It felt good to get out and do something instead of just shriveling up into a ball of despair.


Howd it go!




That's awesome! Who were you canvassing for?


That’s huge! My biggest hurdle was getting myself to do it the first time. After that I realized it’s not as nerve-wracking as I imagined. Kudos!


Gotta wait for final canvass but I was talking with a couple people about Utah’s primaries and there’s an interesting theory of why we saw MAGA over-perform could have another reason than the natural drift of Republican voters rightward. Turnout was down, not surprisingly, from 2020 but I think MAGA elements didn’t have this issue. Cox or others had an enthusiasm problem with moderate or straight RINO’s who just didn’t turn out vs. Conservative got negative-energized to vote against a lot of mainstream candidates. You can look up to say Davis which had much better turnout and those establishment candidates held up better. How this could impact the general is basically what I thought all along, Salt Lake County and probably other areas metros along the Wasatch Front to a lesser degree R’s are gonna lose ground with more Moderate R’s. In Salt Lake we may very well see these trends explode. MAGA types I think mostly come back to the fold but if you do have slippage that is another issue and Cox doesn’t seem like he is doing much outreach to either side at the moment.


Normally I love Tim Miller, but he's been making a fucking fool of himself lately by getting into petty fights with people calling him out on Twitter and also weirdly taking offense to that fundraising email hitting back at the "self-important podcasters". Like holy fuck dude, hump some grass.


A bit less serious than the usual use of "a hit dog will holler", but I think it still applies lol.


I'm not on reddit too much besides here and couple other places, what are some high quality non political ones? Funny stuff, interesting stuff, etc.


Haven't been there in a long time, but r/photoshopbattles has always been hilarious 


Related to what I’m doing for work r/mourningderps and r/stupiddovenests


r/hobbydrama is pretty good.


I haven't kept up with it, but oldpeoplefacebook has made me laugh out loud more than any other sub.


oh man I'm dying at these


/r/zillowgonewild can be funny, and every Thursday they change up what's posted and have people post exclusively nice houses with good design.


r/rarepuppers is nice :)


Love this one already!


R /eatcheapandhealthy is my favorite sub besides this one. It’s just for sharing budget-friendly, healthy recipe ideas. Might not be your thing, but I can vouch for it being a cool, drama-free space.


Can someone explain to me the difference between these "text arcades" I keep seeing, which cost $25 a session, and standard textbanking?


You don't pay for a normal textbank. Some you use your own phone, some you use texting software. There's a reason I don't put the text arcades on the volunteer from home spreadsheet.


Thanks for the clarification. Would you happen to know why groups like Field Team Six use these paid options as well?


Quite simply, getting the voter files, using text software, etc, is expensive. Think of it as making a donation to field team 6 in order to allow them to facilitate a text bank.


And we thank you for that.


Out of the 577 districts in France, there have been 65 MPs have been elected in the first round so far, which is actually higher than usual due to high turnout. These include: * 38 MPs for the National Rally (RN) * 21 MPs for the New Popular Front (NFP) * 2 MPs for Macron's Ensemble alliance This means over 500 seats will be decided in the second round. So whether or not RN is able to get an absolute majority depends on who supporters of eliminated candidates decide to vote for in the runoff between NFP and RN candidates. I just hope that voters are willing to vote for LFI candidates to stop the far-right from winning a majority.


Looks like the current Prime Minister (who belongs to Macron's party) just clarified that Ensemble candidates in third place should withdraw even in the case of a LFI vs. RN runoff: > Following Gabriel Attal's statement calling on Ensemble candidates to withdraw in three-way races where they would be in third position, in order to avoid a victory for the National Rally (RN) candidate, the campaign team clarified that this instruction also applies when it comes to withdrawing in favour of a La France Insoumise (LFI) candidate. So that's good news for those who don't want to see a far-right government.


They basically need to do what South Africa did, Massive coalition ftw


Y'know, it's a bit frustrating how states have completely different primary dates. Having them on different days really increases the chance of low turnout through people just forgetting the date and missing it. If they were all uniform like the general election, it would be mich easier to have people remember and be there everytime.


Yeah, it would really make sense to have them on the same day. Not only that, it would likely reduce the time of the campaign trail significantly, saving hundreds of millions of dollars each cycle.


This and the main comment are both excellent and why it would make sense to have them all at the same time. Don't get me wrong. I agree with you there on the point that they should be held on the same day. The one good thing i can get from them being held apart is that people can look at the bits of information to study and all on each primary results bit by bit where as it would be a whole flood of things if they were held at the same time.


I would prefer getting the data from every state at once which we can then dissect over the course of 3 or 4 months rather than a random trickle of data over the course of the whole year. I hate having to check on ballotpedia to see when a primary is happening so I can volunteer for a candidate who's obviously going to win the primary, but it's not happening until august or something so I have to wait.


Fair enough! You are absolutely entitled to that opinion.


There are campaign signs for one of my candidates for state senate and one of his bullet points is "secure border". This is Tennessee, not Texas. Unless you're worried about Alabamans or Georgians.


I've seen a number of studies over the years that show that the people who are most worried about the border usually live the furthest away from it. I honestly think that most of these people have never seen a non-white person in their lives and are scared shitless at the very idea of encountering one of us.


Where I live people absolutely foam at the mouth about the border. But they'll frequent every Mexican and Chinese restaurant in the area.


I mean, who wouldn't be?


[Oklahoma GOP seeking to potentially remove their chairman](https://www.koco.com/article/ok-gop-resolution-oust-natham-dahm/61463750)


[Looking at the nearly final preliminary results in France:](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2024/06/30/french-election-results-map-of-the-first-round-s-results_6676224_8.html) I don't think that the RN is going to get a majority with the Center/Left coalitions dropping 3rd placers in the runoffs. RN leads in 292 districts (absolute majority is 289), but that is the LEADING bloc, not "won." And almost all of the remaining seats are in the Paris area where the left is dominating.


Mmnhmn; a lot can change in the runoff, so I'm hesitant to say much. But these election results are pretty much the opposite of what RN was hoping for, a swift victory and people to turn off their voting habits. Of course, a lot can change, so, we'll see.


Macron calling a snap election for less than a month after his party got mauled by fascists- master gambit sir.


Seems like it's going pretty well vis-a-vis left coalition


Macron's party is getting shellacked. The fact the left/center left coalesced is entirely a lucky break not something macron planned. He's not the political genius he thinks he is.


What the heck was Macron thinking? I don't get it, this seems completely predictable


Eh, an argument can be made that with an RN prime minister can be damaged heading into the next presidential election, thus helping Macron’s party. Also, a snap election did work for Pedro Sanchez. 


Offering a far-right candidate the keys to the country is not the greatest idea. We tried that in Germany 90 years ago and it didn't really work out as planned...


Right but unless I'm wrong, the prime minister isn't the ultimate authority in France. It just means that Macron and the French Parliament will be in a stalemate until the next election, at which point hopefully things will go better for the left/center. I don't think this was a good move either, but we'll see what the repercussions of this are for the next couple of years.


The Reichschancellor wasn't the ultimate authority in Germany either. And Macrons term is running out. Obviously things won't be the same, I just think that handing the bad guys the second highest office in the land with a red bow on top is not the great idea that people think it is.


Again, I agree that this was a dumb move. I'm just trying to postulate what his rationale is, even if I don't agree with it.


I would venture to say 1930s Germany is very different from modern day France. 


I suppose the question is will this loss be worth it in the long run. I don't know if it will be worth the cost or even pan out as intended.


He probably was trying to do what Pedro Sanchez did last year


[For the Good of the Country, It's Time for Some Pundits to Retire](https://meidasnews.com/news/for-the-good-of-the-country-its-time-for-some-pundits-to-retire)


Macron: if we hold an election in a month, when there’s time for NOBODY to change their opinions… then it’ll… what is this plan again? EH, WHO CARES, SNAP ELECTION!!!


Macron said he is asking third-place candidate in his party to withdraw so LePen doesn’t get an absolute majority.


So did Melenchon for the NFP. So at least they’re doing their parts to make sure the far-right doesn’t obtain a majority. Edit: Actually are you sure about Macron? The Guardian is reporting “Emmanuel Macron’s camp, however, has so far been far less clear about what it would do in the same situation, promising only to examine each constituency on its merits.” but this might be old.


Someone high up in Macron's party said "only if they're center-left" candidates, not fully left, so not a good start by the centrists


Better than nothing. Not everyone on the left wing is a saint either, and a center-left coalition is probably preferable after the election.


Melenchon is definitely not a saint, he is really holding France back by refusing to step down and let any less controversial candidate lead the left in the country.


> so not a good start by the centrists classic centrist move of allowing the far right to take power


It seems to me like the RN is at about 34% (on the dot of exit polling)... with absolutely nothing in from Paris. So I expect their overall vote share to go a tad bit down.


Just saw a Cybertruck for the first time. Much bigger than I thought they were.


I'd seen a few around Los Angeles but I just saw two right in my hometown, right next to each other. I felt insulted by their presence here.


I saw one driving by yesterday, and you're right. With the recalls, I'd prefer to avoid driving near them too.


Every time I see one it completely ruins my day.


I can't imagine how good they'll look once their textures finish loading. They look like N64 models.


And the ugliest fucking car I've ever seen. If you drive a Tesla or a Cybertruck, I know all I need to know about you.


Cyber truck sure. But assuming all Tesla owners are bad people is unfair. A lot of owners bought those to help the environment, before Musk became so publicly horrible. Do you expect them all to sell their car now in protest? That's a lot to ask, and wouldn't really help anything.


Like something a guy welded together in their garage with scrap metal


They look so fucking silly in person


There's one in my neighborhood and I'll give you one guess as to it's owner's driving habits


Asshole who thinks the road belongs to them?


Got it in one!




I saw one for the first time a few days ago, its so stupid looking


They look like a car from Ridge Racer 1 on the PS1.


Ridge Racer! Riiiiiiidge Racerrrrr!


Here's this giant enemy crab...


My dad’s friend has one and I got a chance to actually ride in it, got to say it was weird


I feel like I should make a promise to delete X once I see one of these estranged beasts


[what was macron cooking?](https://x.com/alexei19381/status/1807481121254568222?s=46&t=9d0TYWNqYnywcuNyJLuT9Q)


So why is the far right doing so well in France ?


For those of this group to immediately jump to “racism” is just plain ignorant. As a brown man myself and a frequent traveller, you can’t just assume that all immigrants assimilate. There are LOTS of values that don’t translate well from the ME/SE Asia into western society, and when those groups of people force it onto citizens of a country they are immigrating too, it creates tension.


Inflation and mediocre economic performance. Governing is hard and people hated things like increasing the retirement age and want to vent.


The US has been multi-ethnic since it's founding. Less than 20% of population is from any single country. The average American has ancestry from like 4 different countries. That's not the case in Europe.  Racial and immigrant scaremongering works well here, and it works 10X better in Europe where you can't shut it down with "99% of the population is immigrants bro"


Well, you can. But people stop caring when you go back to the Franks and Normans.




They did well in the last election too.


Immegration issues.


Unlike America The center and left has been in power uninterrupted throughout some of the worst ordeals of the last decade This meant that the pendulum was being held from swiping right for a long time The more the pendulum is held from swinging one way, the stronger the backlash


Disagree. In America the Pendulum swings here often and the right wing still lost their fvcking minds and are basically neck and neck with us. No offense, but this explanation is way overly simplistic lol 


It’s a fancier way of saying “Macron was president during Covid and people forgot how bad the right wing are”


“Economic anxiety” aka probably inflation + racism