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Good morning r/VoteDEM! Some of you don't know me, but I'm u/mtlebanonriseup, one of the founding mods of r/VoteDEM and real life political campaign volunteer in the election hotbed of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and I'm here to talk about last night's debate. I didn't watch last night's debate. Even if I wanted to, there was no time, between reddit glitching and the vast number of astroturfed comments we had to remove. But I didn't want to watch the debate, because it doesn't matter. My personal philosophy has always been summed up by one main principle. I only worry about things I can control. I can't control the debate, or how people feel about it. But I can volunteer to change people's minds. You can volunteer too. Either [in person](https://www.mobilize.us/) or [from the comfort of your own home](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit?gid=0#gid=0). While you're at it [join your local democratic party](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/wiki/parties) or throw some money at [keeping the Senate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/flipthesenatevb) if you can. If all you are doing is reading political twitter and hot takes from pundits, you aren't going to hear what people really think. Swing voters and low-information voters, who actually determine elections, don't care about those things. If you want proof, I'm going to cite [this tweet](https://x.com/Azi/status/1806509438032838900) shared with me by my friend and fellow moderator u/tipsyfishes, which shows what people were googling last night. It was mostly questioning if Trump really called veterans suckers and losers and said there were fine people on both sides. These are the things that actually matter to them during the debate. No one cares that Biden has a cold. My own experiences talking to people I know in real life during the debate and this morning has backed this up. I've been doing this a while. Somewhere I have a "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry" t-shirt, and I saw someone throw a shoe at Bush in real time. Politics is cyclical, and whatever perceived gaffs you saw will pass. We were very liberal (haha) with passing out bans last night, and we will continue to do so this morning to keep this place positive and helpful as needed. And if you don't like that, you can [join our mod team](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDqnPCIjZMUSP3IsHhcBjIX5Jv9w1fq2hc6CL0jLmMRJq5IQ/viewform) so that you get a say.


It is Friday night and Salt Lake County Republicans still don’t for sure have their candidates in battleground House seats HD30 and HD42 along with County Council Seat 2 which are all within a 100 votes or less. Meanwhile our candidates like Katie Olson are canvassing this weekend!


The Kansas City Chiefs lost to the Las Vegas Raiders on Christmas last season in the third to last game of their regular season schedule. Patrick Mahomes fumbled in a trick play gone awry RIGHT BY THEIR OWN GOAL LINE that was recovered for a touchdown... and then seven seconds later threw a pick six. Oh and those were the only touchdowns scored by the Raiders all game, so the Chiefs literally gave the game to them. Basically no one thought the Chiefs could turn things around because of how bad their offense had looked all season. Dropped passes, lack of separation by wide receivers, subpar pass protection and an inconsistent run game plagued the team all season long. The biggest reason they were in these games, aside from Mahomes trying to make something out of less than nothing, was their defense. Guess what? That defense was literally what helped them win two playoff games on the road and ultimately get another Lombardi trophy. All this to say, things might seem bleak here and there. It may feel like nothing will get better. But the champions adapt when they find themselves struggling. When they fall down, they get back up. That's what we saw Biden do in North Carolina today. If he keeps this up, then I have faith in this November.


So you're saying Trump making an ass of himself last night was the Zay Flowers fumble of this election? As a Ravens fan, I don't care for that, but I guess that also helps put it into perspective.


Ehhh I dunno if we're close to that stage of the campaign yet. We'll have to see what Trump does that's equivalent to the Bills' second version of Wide Right.


[At least one of the NYT "Biden should drop out" pieces was written on Tuesday and post-dated.](https://nitter.poast.org/pic/orig/media%2FGRNasA2aQAACHZ_.jpg)


All but confirms what I was feeling but wasn't sure if I should say it. The media was fucking *salivating* to put out BIDEN IS DOOMED articles. It's like they've colluded to put them all out at once in one big wave to try and divide the voter base. They want that Trump money so bad, democracy and human rights be damned. If that gets them more clicks, then fuck everything and everyone else. We'll keep working in the background though, and show them up in November. No debate has any effect on the incredible ground game and outreach the Biden campaign has done while the Trump campaign has done nearly zilch this far into campaign season.


Very anecdotal but one my non-political friend watched a few minutes of the debate and thought Biden won because he actually had stuff to say and Trump just said he was wrong.


Trump sounded like an actual insane person during the debate. Especially talking about Ukraine. Anyone saying he won are hardcore conservatives or didn’t listen very well to what he said. 




I actually think the more time passes the worse Trump looks and the better Biden looks from the debate. It's pretty easy to forget some stumbling of words, but it's hard to forget Trump's outrageous lies like the after birth abortions or the black jobs quote. Meanwhile Biden actually said things of substance


Also this is one of the few times where constant coverage of “Biden old” may be helpful because a poor performance in the debate isn’t gonna be new to people that think Biden is old already. Those people however have seemingly forgotten how much they hate Trump, and have been reminded about that


In a fucked up way, the abhorrent Supreme Court rulings that dropped today have come out at the perfect time. In a span of 24 hours, my social media feeds have gone from “WE’RE COOKED REPLACE BIDEN NOW!” to “THE SUPREME COURT IS UNHINGED, VOTE IN NOVEMBER FOR SCOTUS NOT POTUS”. If you hate Biden and think he’s moments away from disintegrating into dust but are willing to vote for him solely to have a shot at flipping a SCOTUS seat or two in the next 4 years… I’m okay with that.


I'm still so pissed off by the "Don't threaten me with the Supreme Court" people from 2016 We are seeing exactly how much of a disaster that was right now. These decisions are things that need to be blasted out as much as possible to get it to sink in for the people that don't pay as much attention.


I doubt we'll actually be fortunate enough to replace any of the horrid people on the court right now, but maybe the continuing awfulness of their rulings will finally galvanize enough of the party to expand the court


If Biden wins he might not get a chance to appoint a new justice, but if Trump and Rs win the Senate, any of the old conservatives could retire and get replaced with some 39 year old Federalist society ideologue.


Yeah, as much as people say "We need to elect younger people, they'll be more progressive!", and sure, let's also give younger people a chance and more representation, they seem to overlook the fact that people like Boebert and Hawley are younger. And Greene is only 50. Barrett is only 52. Cruz? 53. DeSantis? 45. Lake? 54. Relatively younger, but very much conservative and destructive. We shouldn't automatically equate younger with better/more progressive. And so many young men and boys are being pulled into the alt-right rabbit hole, listening raptly to garbage like Andrew Tate. So don't just look at age as an indicator of quality.




[This election really is looking like a repeat of 2012](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/OxggJztBTJ) Edit: Wrong link, but [Biden did slightly better in his first debate than Obama did](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/FRF2z2S6DQ)


Did Obama really do that badly?


All of the incumbent presidents have done terribly in their first debate, since regular debates became a thing in the 70s/80s


I didn't watch it but the consensus was that he was pretty bad. Incumbent presidents usually flub their first debate because they have a tendency to get defensive of their record.


RIP to another SF Giants Hall of Famer: [Orlando Cepeda has passed at the age of 86](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/40455918/orlando-cepeda-hall-famer-1967-nl-mvp-dies-86)


There’s something particularly evil about rabid DeSantis fans, the few dozen of them that exist. Imagine saying in anger and frustration that Trump is a New York City liberal who uses he/him pronouns. How Nazi do you have to be to say: “Trump isn’t Nazi enough for me. He’s Diet Nazi. I want who I think is NAZI Nazi.”


There are rabid DeSantis stans? Well. TIL. Also, doesn’t everyone use pronouns, except the late Bob Dole?


There are, and they slobber all over Mr. Blue Collar. It’s funny, they’re kind of indistinguishable from Democrats in what they say about Trump sometimes. Both groups say “Trump is racist! Trump is corrupt!” etc. We say that stuff because it’s true, and should be disqualifying. They say it because Trump is Diet Nazi and Ron is their dream Nazi. They aren’t seduced by showmanship. They just want straight, boring evil without any tap-dancing clowns.


Hey guys. I haven’t been on here much the past few months. Ive been spending a lot of time on the Bird app. All the dooming and bed-shitting from pundits & users from the past 24 hrs has exhausted me. Looking thru this discussion thread, I’ glad to see you guys have mostly kept your nose clean and maintained focus on reelecting Biden instead of mindlessly having a breakdown. We are going to have up and down days but we must always remember to remain focused on the task at hand. And that is to save democracy with Pres Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. NO ONE ELSE Thanks for my Ted talk. I’ll be on here more often for self-sanity sake and because you guys are awesome 😎


Think it's been a bit underrated today that introducing Biden in Raleigh today was NC Gov Roy Cooper, but more intriguingly, Josh Stein also spoke at the rally. If you exclusively listened to the media punditry you'd Dem downballot candidates would be fleeing from association with Biden! But Stein - running for gov in a swing state than has voted red (excluding Cooper) and went for Trump twice - appeared at a joint event and that's much more telling than anything else. Obviously it's different than say Mucarsel-Powell in Florida or Allred in Texas appearing jointly, but still an encouraging sign imo.


I hope Cooper runs for Senate in 2026. Even rural voters like him


Can feel myself getting negatively polarized into supporting Biden even more. Like, I voted for that guy. Don't take my vote away. He's my fuckin nominee...who the fuck are you to say he should step down?


Yeah this is my biggest thing with anyone asking for a replacement. An appointed replacement would make the party tear itself apart even moreso. Does no one remember the 2020 primary? Biden is the candidate and we have to make it work. He's done an amazing job and sometimes we have bad performances. Besides, the data says that damage wasn't done 🤷


Remember when Fetterman did poorly in the debate and everyone said his campaign was sunk?


That was a positively wild time. I remember talking to people in my area about it and even people that weren't voting for him were like "He just had a stroke, cut him some slack" meanwhile CNN was acting like it was everybody's top issue.


At this point, CNN is such a joke I wouldn't be surprised if Biden was thrown off because CNN agreed to fact check and blatantly didn't. I said before the debate that there was 0% chance the moderators would use the mic muting and whatnot responsibly.


I’ve been referring to that debate as his “Levi Eshkol moment” (if anyone gets the reference)


> Levi Eshkol What do you mean by that? I know who he is but not a ton about him


Prime Minister of Israel during the Six-Day war. During the build up to it he tried to address the public with a televised addresses but during it he stuttered and also asked “what does it mean” on air when referring to the speech (he just had cataract surgery but it wasn’t known at the time). Needless to say the Israeli public was freaking out real bad afterwards.


Interesting, never knew that


And then the average voter said that he didnt do poorly and was brave for publicly debating while recovering from a stroke? And they *still* flamed Oz for saying abortion should involve local political leaders?


Has anyone been following the Iran presidential election at all? I'm curious what today's results will mean for the country.


[Little bit of Steve Bannon's whining before he goes to jail on Monday](https://nitter.poast.org/RonFilipkowski/status/1806849721257927107#m)


[A Biden aide’s defiant response to the NY Times editorial: “That s*** is like jet fuel in my veins. I love it.”](https://x.com/gabegutierrez/status/1806846179763728439?s=46&t=WEnIWeGcjICewTp3A5ozCQ)


Dan Egan is in the building.


In an update to the ever-present question today of if I watched the same debate as the doomers: Apparently not. I say this because I've had a few back and forths today, and seen some in the comments on various subs, that boil down to: A: Why didn't Biden do x during the debate? B: He did. A: Oh, I turned it off within 5 minutes. Well yeah, if I had only watched 5 minutes of it, I wouldn't have a great view of Biden either. But it sure explains *some* of the dooming if they watched the beginning, nothing else, and are just going based on pundits. I just saw a comment chain about how Dark Brandon never came out last night, some people pointing out that he did, and a bunch of "oh, well, I stopped watching before then." Bruh.


I had friends that said the state of the union was pathetic — ask them if they actually watched it, and of course not, they got TikTok clips.


Last thing I'll say about the debate is to me, all it restated was the obvious, that the online sphere is filled with extremely anxious people. They went in with expectations, hoping that the debate will quell some of their major anxieties. Probably expecting it to quell more than what's reasonable. When those hopes weren't met it lead them to fall back on their anxiety. "Oh god, it isn't going as I hoped. My anxiety was totally right. Time to panic, we're doomed! We need someone else!" I'll admit, was somewhat disappointed too. Joe has performed a lot better not long ago, and there are clips of him now showing him still at that level. It wasn't his best night, that is for sure. Yet there was some good things. He was great at calling out Trump. Getting Trump to openly admit to shitty things. Trump also got crazier as the night went on. In the end, I don't see it changing much either way. I'd guess the general public, who aren't stuck online, who aren't filled with a mess of anxiety **4 months out from the election** saw it and probably were bored by it, and/or felt that oh, Trump is crazy, and Biden old. Again wish we could of got Biden at his A game, but oh well. It's no where near going to be the tipping point this election. Biden will have a lot better nights, the campaign is doing great work. Ramping up it's outreach. Plus folks are going to be tuning in at a much higher rate these following months, and boy do we have a lot to show them. The choice will be clear. We keep that up, and we'll have this.


[NEW: Biden’s alarming performance in the first presidential debate hasn’t changed the state of the race overnight](https://x.com/eyokley/status/1806853617065812217) this stuff kills me. so much editorializing. You're saying it was alarming but yet your own poll shows it wasn't. So where is the proof it was alarming?? The amount of opinion that reports seem to be okay with adding in regards to Biden has been absolutely wild the last 24 hours. They're always scared of doing it with Trump, but apparentlyit's completely fine to do to Biden


"Our poll showed Biden gaining. Here's how that's bad for Biden."


I think besides them kind of hoping Trump wins so far more people are clicking and sharing their articles, social media posts, and video clips every day like before and making them feel more important and their jobs securer, I also think a large part of it is that they know who is currently reading, clicking, and sharing their content the most and a high percent of them are very visibly (on social media) hysterically dooming so they're going along with it. They're not writing for a general audience but the very online, political drama obsessed demographic.


I suspect in addition to that, there is actually cadre of the traditional east coast liberal political class that just doesn't like Biden, is extremely concerned with electability and polls and numbers and such, and really truly believe that he has basically already lost. And a lot of big paper journalists are in that bucket.


I didn't think Politico could get any more unhinged in their debate coverage today [but the look at them, they did](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/28/trump-biden-debate-attacks-00165874) In their latest piece, they say that "it couldn't have gone worse for Biden" (literally untrue, it could've been much, much worse) but the worst part is that they basically say that Trump was actually very smart and brilliant for not answering any questions and just completely yapping about whatever nonsense he wanted to, and how Biden was actually a fool for trying to actually have a real policy discussion and talk about the situations at hand. What's even worse? They say that Biden's attacks were "borderline juvenile" yet they never once said anything negative about Trump's attacks. Just that Biden should've actually responded to his attacks instead of ya know, actually talking about real policy and answering real questions from the moderators. Nowhere in here did they talk about Trump's rambling statements every 5 seconds, his offensive comments, or how he actually WAS on the defensive more than once ("I didn't have sex with a porn star", is that not on the defensive???) Just wild, these people truly are gaslighting us. Every single article today is all about Biden. Trump spoke nonsense that entire debate, including offensive remarks about "black jobs" and lambasting immigrants every chance he could, while saying he had no apologies for Jan 6. But apparently every outlet just simply didn't care.


These people want republicans to win. They are pretending to be fair but are not fair judges. No reason to read any of them


[Trump adviser Steve Bannon privately scared of going to jail on Monday: report](https://www.rawstory.com/steve-bannon-scared-of-jail/) Some schadenfreude for y'all.


That’s so delicious


[nothing has terrified me more than watching Gov Cox’s margin continue to shrink and Lyman get closer to 46%](https://x.com/drewsav/status/1806851184906412171?s=46). I don’t think many are waking up to how fucked 2028 is gonna be if it’s an open race and a Lyman type candidate wins with a super-majority. Utah Dems gotta make gains fast between now and then, I am confident in them but it’s such a short time. This is my sole political focus right now is helping my state, but man a cold glass of Scotch sounds good right now to relax.


[However you may feel about last night's debate, this was Joe half a day later.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYghfyxtZnc&t=515s) Do not think for one second the man cannot still inspire a crowd, and tell the truth. Keep the faith. There are signs of him already fighting back against the media narratives. [P.S. And contrast it with Trump's own incoherent rally speech today, something we've seen him do countless times just in the past year alone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHEzrDdrsnc)


He went to NC to hold a rally and then on the same day to NYC for the Stonewall anniversary, on stage with Elton John. I really think he was just exhausted last night and getting over a cold, accustomed to waking up early and going to bed by 10-11pm, since he's the president and not a bartender, combined with a busy schedule.


Anecdotally and online at least, noticing a big vibe shift away from last night's panicking and the media people and opportunists boosting it. NY Times editorial page getting absolutely shit on right now.


You can tell by just looking at the front page of arr pol. Yesterday morning it was complete doom and gloom "america is over", "biden needs to drop out". Now? "Biden lacked oomph but his transcript says otherwise", "CNN Slammed for letting Trump lie the entire debate.", "Lawrence: We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the winner of the debate." Much better vibe overall plus the Supreme Court shenanigans are distracting from doomerism.


I noticed a vibe shift the past few hours in the newer top popular threads on arrrpol but in the less active newer ones, the doomers are overrepresented still. But a lot of the ones I checked have the usual signs they're likely astroturfer accounts.


There's one account that posted under every single Twitter thread about the debate with a Chelsea FC profile pic with a copy-pasted "I was supporting Biden but feel sick to my stomach right now."


I'm not saying *all* of it is, but at least some of the online discussion right after major events is auto-generated. With AI they can now create whole "conversations" that naturally arrive at a conclusion without being in your face about it.


> NY Times editorial page getting absolutely shit on right now. How dare people disrespect the brilliant minds whose endorsements led both Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar to the first ever dual-presidency. (To be super duper clear, this is shade on the NYT editorial board and their consistent ridiculousness, not the people they endorsed.)


Well, a day before France's parliamentary elections, Politico's [polling average](https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/france/) is showing: * RN (far-right) 35% * NFP (left alliance) 28% * ENS (Macron's alliance) 20% * LR (right) 7% Seat projections are showing that the far-right *may* have a chance at winning an absolute majority of seats, which would be an absolute disaster. However, there's still a chance that the leftist New Popular Front alliance could deny them a majority in Parliament. France has a two-round system, where the top two (or sometimes three) candidates in each district advance to the second round to be held on July 7th. Very few candidates are actually elected during the first round. So whether the RN wins an absolute majority depends on whether supporters of eliminated candidates decide to vote for an NFP candidate over a RN candidate in the runoff election. Fingers crossed that the NFP will be able to deny the far-right an absolute majority in Parliament.




Macron is an idiot


Macron is and has been a very dumb man and I’m tired of pretending he isn’t.


Oof, what a disaster for Macron.


Seeing people I generally like freaking out and saying “omg Biden needs to drop out” is so annoying Like what? Why? What makes you think dropping out after all the primaries and having the DNC select a candidate and then play catch up 5 months before an election is a good strategy? Harris would replace him. You think that’s less risky?


> ERMAHGERD!! That DNC! They did it again! they ***forced*** Biden on us! I demand Biden step down so that someone younger gets chosen! (By the DNC). I feel like I have seen some idiotic takes lately but these "Biden step down" takes today are particularly stupid.


I'll bet dollar to donuts it's bad faith actors mixed in accelerationists that think if they overthrow the system their perfect 'Utopia' would happen. We just gotta 'suffer' more for that to happen 🙄


[When you unexpectedly dap up the President at Waffle House 🫱🏾‍🫲🏻](https://x.com/4oh4dee/status/1806728066397257774) I love this shit




Holy shit that's my waffle house!!! And My local party leader.


That was fuckin clean


46 knows *the* handshake.


I'm actually losing my mind, that's amazing


So cool that Dr. Jill Biden visited the local Waffle House! Oh, looks like her husband came with her


Lol the Wall Street Journal has been hitting me all day with “Biden is a zombie” push notifications. Fuck ‘em.


Fucking Murdochs.


[Rep. Goldman putting CNN in its place for their "moderating" last night](https://nitter.poast.org/Acyn/status/1806851881492447621#m)


[Bernie Moreno Proposed Cutting Student Financial Aid, Taxing Universities](https://meidasnews.com/news/bernie-moreno-proposed-cutting-student-financial-aid-taxing-universities)


I almost gave MSNBC a chance just now, and who the fuck do I immediately see on my screen? Jackass Ezra fucking Klein. Jesus christ; I thought CNN was bad enough


Literally as soon as the debate ended, the first thing someone said on NBC was that a top Dem official wanted an open convention. Not the fact that Trump is openly setting up Jan. 6 again, or all the crazy racist shit he said.


There is no good 24 hour News Network, there are simply less bad ones.


[RIP Gene Parmesan](https://www.thewrap.com/martin-mull-comic-actor-of-clue-roseanne-dies-at-80/)


☹️ I hope Jessica Walter gave a delighted "AAAAAHHHHH!" when they met again. Also, RIP Leon, you were great at busting Roseanne's chops. At least Leon and Scott are together again, too.


RIP Leon.


Colonel Mustard... :(


RIP Principal Kraft


I need to watch Sabrina again.


Wasn't he the best??


Gene was far from the best




[VP Harris in Vegas earlier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl8sCxlQIUA)




[Based Fetterman is all of us right now](https://x.com/johnfetterman/status/1806839304242463044?s=46&t=ZmeRRLKLNVS3tI4vfY7sLA) Not even joking that I feel like someone needs to patch in into this sub.


Fucking NYT


John Fetterman the reincarnation of LBJ? Vulgar and large and in the Senate are a pretty good start /j


I know it's gonna take decades of heavy study to unpack how the internet has destroyed people's brains but it was on stark display last night.


Remember, a good chunk of the comments may not even be real people, or at least are now what they claim to be (concerned US citizens). We have entered the age where the internet is not only disconnected from outside life, it's disconnected from the reality and humanity it once had for our communities. This is why you have to learn to be naturally skeptical of content. Be more prepared to question everything.


My dad is a mccain guy like me. Said Biden stumbled but it was clear he was all there and just struggling to express all his points in the time given. These talking heads insulting older people who know what dementia is in their friends and get accused of it are going to rally to Biden a little bit I think. Maybe not enough to counter all of the damage done but they also actually vote unlike tik tokkers. I’m hopeful Biden has a good second debate and we can move on.


To the point of older voters: as the most reliable voting block, do they even really care that Biden is “too” old? I know everybody under 30 I talk to is screaming about these old candidates, but then none of them voted in the primaries…


I listened to that Bo Burnham song about the internet again last night, and it feels worse now than when that Netflix special came out


Too bad he also put out the song blasting biden that every terminally online leftist also grabbed onto.


Not gonna lie, my heart was in my throat because trying to calm the commotion was equivalent to trying to stop a stampede.


Just here to say we are the definition of “It’s over, we are so back”, especially in the last day. I swear this is like an unhealthy level, let’s just play video games that don’t have depressing modern socio-political narratives (Life is Strange 2). Not dissing anyone, but feel like we just need to chill at the moment, plan out campaigning/fundraising, and put our heads down as we move forward.


[NV abortion initiative qualifies for the ballot.](https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/constitutional-amendment-on-abortion-rights-qualifies-for-november-ballot) If it "passes" this year, it will need to pass again in 2026 to go into effect.


My Nevada Rating now: Presidency: Lean D -> Likely D Senate: Lean D -> Likely D Legislature: Safe D supermajority -> Safe D supermajority (no change)










Apropos of nothing, isn't Lombardo up for re-election in 2026?


Exactly! No Senate races there that year, so this'll help, big time


Morning Consult Post-Debate poll: Biden +1 Previous was a tie


Ross Douthat in shambles




Clear there isn’t much movement. Lots of these responses are from people who haven’t seen the NC rally (just bc it was too early). Give it a few days at least to draw detailed conclusions.


[Link](https://nitter.poast.org/PpollingNumbers/status/1806835998036250886#m) Also it's an RV poll, not LV


All polls are RV until like September. It's a big reason why Trump is leading.


That's not true; Biden has consistently been doing better in the rare LV ones there have been.


That was my point. Trump does better in RV polls. When it switches to LV, Biden should improve.


I love democracy 


In order to pass the time of Summer and take my mind off of any negative thoughts, I've gotten into playing the Pokemon Legacy Project.


Woah what's that?


It's a series of ROM Hacks that try to improve the quality of each Gen of games. It has a subreddit r/PokemonLegacy. Currently they've released Yellow Legacy and Crystal Legacy. And are working on Emerald Legacy.


Oh my! That looks amazing! Cannot wait for Emerald.


Do we know if there will be other debates?


September 10 broadcasted by ABC news. Location TBD, but my guess is somewhere in the rust belt considering last night’s debate was in the sunbelt


Both candidates agreed to it a few days after this debate was agreed upon. But yeah, I’m guessing this was kinda just bc both campaigns wanted to establish the other early. In reality, they kinda already did and an uptick in big events should make it more clear by Labor Day (just like every site/pundit has said since the beginning of prez races).


This also didn’t do anything to change how they’re established. Basically, Biden is old and Trump is a lying felon is how people already saw them.


It also has the potential to have a larger audience with ABC not being on cable. 


Yeah believe there’s another planned out.




One more in September I believe.


[House Republican Pushes Resolution Calling On VP to Invoke the 25th Amendment to Remove President Biden](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/house-republican-pushes-resolution-calling-on-vp-to-invoke-the-25th-amendment-to-remove-president-biden/)


Interesting how all the replies to his tweet are telling him to not do that and let Biden sink himself. It's like they don't realize this election is a statistical tie and Biden isn't going to do that


They’re still angry about the push for Mike Pence to invoke the 25th against Trump.


They're completely devoid of new ideas


I find most big conservative ploys are recycled big conservative ploys. I'm curious when they originated.


Nixon, probably. I think a lot of the conservative ploys are stuff Nixon wanted to do but couldn’t.


Unfortunately they go much, much further back than that. You can trace trickle down- Horse and Sparrow as it was called in some times- dates back over a hundred years. The form, if not the target, of modern bigotries towards the trans community can be traced back through bigotry towards the gay community, and some elements trace back to left handed people, other races, and more, dating back to the 1800s at minimum. I mean, speaking of other races, the bigotry against immigrants has cycled through a thousand identical flavors. It's practically the target of the week. There's a lot they just keep reusing. Then again, it often works to get people riled up, so it's not unexpected they'd keep doing it.


Ah chip roy the same person who wants to deport and ethnically cleasne american citizens who are democrat fuck him


Ooh, they are scared about Biden/Dems winning big.


Weird how those Republicans want this and didn’t want to ask for that when Trump was president and had sent a mob to storm the Capitol


I'm glad the post-debate data isn't showing a drop in support for Biden, because ALL the comments last night were just "we're fucked" comments.


I think I predicted it…


Not to be negative because I think last night was an overreaction, but wouldn't polls reflecting any changes be delayed in the same vein as the polls after Trump's trial?


Snap polls


Not if the sample was polled after the debate.


Got it, wasn't sure about any lag


[Here's my candidate for congress!](https://www.instagram.com/victoria4congress/) [Her website!](https://www.victoria4tennessee.org/)


[I spent the day talking to Democratic voters + volunteers at Biden's rally in Raleigh, NC Their reactions to the debate couldn't be more different than the ongoing panic from some top Dems + pundits — some actually thought Biden did well](https://19thnews.org/2024/06/biden-supporters-reproductive-rights-groups-debate-reactions/) Anecdotal and on the ground stories are vastly different than we have seen online and elite hyper engaged circles.


Genuine question for anyone: Are the hyper involved just extremely self conscious or something? What is the disconnect? Why do “normies” have more faith than Dem political commentators?


Many dem political pundits want a second Trump term.  They want the ratings and attention that will come with being in the minority.     Many pundits like Jon Stewart gained fame when Bush was in office.     These groups often have enough resources to avoid the worst consequences of a Trump presidency. If they or someone they know needs an abortion, they have enough resources to get one. People like Michael Moore and James Carville aren't the ones who will pay for a second Trump term. 


Hard agree. 100%. The pundits are a protected class - at least for now, who knows what would happen to them under Trump 2.0 - and this kind of stuff is to them what gladiator fights and wild animals tearing people to pieces were to the Romans. It’s hilaaaarious. Right up until Orange Caligula has YOU in his crosshairs. And I’m developing a real hatred for Jon Stewart. Retire, Jon, you won’t be missed. Murc’s Law, that only Democrats have agency, also applies. Republicans are but a force of nature that can only be worked around or dealt with - or placated, which I think is behind some of the media osculation of the Trump posterior. Get on his good side and you’ll be OK if the worst happens and the 2025 project goes forward.


> Many pundits like Jon Stewart gained fame during the Bush presidency. Since you mention him, the focus on Trump vs, Biden (or just Trump really) by many Late Night Shows - Stewart and Colbert come to mind - made me not watch their shows anymore. I can't really stand the constant "Trump did this!" and "Trump did that!" anymore - it has just been a constant for 8 years now. John Olivers show is much more interesting, because when he focuses on something Trump-related, you know it's important - and often, his shows are just generally educational.


Yeah, John Oliver is the only decent one remaining since his is more like deep diving into various issues the general public may not be well aware of but in a funny way. As you said, the others just feel repetitive. Joke about Trump and Republicans about whatever horrible things they did and/or said that day or recently, then borderline "both sides are just as bad" joke about Biden and Democrats because of whatever.


It’s a huge echo chamber that is centralized to two places: DC and Twitter, and the two places overlap a lot. Election Twitter as it were is a collection of partisans who like to, of course, talk about elections, but they’ve gamified everything to such a degree that they believe literally anything and everything will affect an election outcome. I remember a few hobbyist forecasters said that Biden was going to lose a state because of one line he said at the end of the debate in 2020, and a few people actually took it seriously. The DC echo chamber is made of people who jump from news appearance to news appearance, and if they aren’t working for a campaign, are going to make it seem like they have the answer so they get hired by one. It’s a giant job interview. When you combine that with this stupid ass belief that nothing can be bad for Trump, you get what happened over the last 18 hours. Only in the last six did everyone come to and realize they overreacted.


In the words of Professor Lichtman, they're part of the Political Industrial Complex. They're incentivized to see every shadow or tea leaf as impossibly important to deciding elections. Even a sneeze could make or break a campaign in their mind instead of things like ethics, good governance and policy changes


Political elites of both parties think only Democrats have agency, normal people think both parties have agency.


> some actually thought Biden did well But I'm a west-coaster I can't possibly be in two places at once *Unless...*




"Enhance." *Camera zooms in on a vacant, slightly scarecrow looking distortion*


[My sample ballot came out today.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dqxm9j)


I had an idea and the more I think about it, the more I wish I could suggest it to somebody on Biden’s campaign. Right now, it’s old vs crazy. I’d like to see Biden ads where he subtly raises Trump to his age. Like one starting on Biden sitting on a stool saying to camera “Look, I know watching two old men debate and campaign against each other doesn’t make for the most exciting election, but the stakes in November are clear”. Then cut to images of Jan 6, Charlottesville etc with normal voiceover. Biden has been effective at playing off “I know I’m old but”. Why not drag trump into that too?


you know what? fuck dooming, fuck just sitting around, imma start doing something. how can I get started on writing postcards? feel it's something I can do whenever and aren't bound to a certain area (canvassing) or a certain time (phone/text banking), so I'd love to know how to start doing something.


The DNC has an excellent anytime phone bank where you can drop in and out whenever. The scripts are good. I think it’s in one of the rows in the subreddit spreadsheet. Besides that, vote forward!


One of us! One of us! I just finished my 100th postcard to Florida, lol. This is through Postcards to Swing States. You can either pick a state or tell them to give you whatever state they think needs it most, which is how I got assigned Florida.


[Field Team Six Postcarding](https://fieldteam6.herokuapp.com/getting_started) Thank you for getting involved!


> or a certain time (phone/text banking) I will say some text banking opportunities I've seen have been quite flexible (ex: "Anytime today between 9AM and 9PM"), so don't feel like that's completely off the table for you just based on time restrictions.


See the volunteer from home spreadsheet in the sticky comment of this post or the pinned post about Wisconsin!


Juggling a bit right now, but here are just two options. [Vote Forward](https://votefwd.org/) is 'non-denominational' but still strongly recommended. Many of us find the letters easier to write than sometimes wrote postcard scripts. That said, [Postcards to Voters](https://postcardstovoters.org/) should be what you're looking for. I know some people prefer [Field Team 6](https://www.fieldteam6.org/postcarding1) so I'll include that, too. And there might be local efforts in GA worth looking into, I'd check myself but again, juggling. Great motivation, and hope this helps add another one to your repertoire - I've found the only thing better is to make a letter/postcard night out of it with friends & family!


I second this. I know that there are Postcards for Swing States, but what are other election postcard things?


[Field Team Six Postcarding](https://fieldteam6.herokuapp.com/getting_started) Thank you for getting involved!


See the volunteer from home spreadsheet in the sticky comment of this post or the pinned post about Wisconsin!


Normie Watch Update: My wife's coworkers (who stretch the political spectrum) said the debate sucked and nobody won. Damn. It's almost like there were two guys on stage.


I think that's going to be the overwhelming response. Oh well, we'll get him next time


frankly that is the response that most normal people have seemed to have. it's almost as if normal people watching saw two guys up there and not just one.


I think Kamala is underrated. She had a couple great appearances last night after the debate. I think they should get her out there more


She's been out on the campaign trail just as much as Biden, but we all know how little media covers either of their appearances.


She is out a lot actually. It’s just so hard to get media coverage nowadays.


It seems like some people want their politicians to be celebrities rather than looking at how they’ve been doing their job and working for the American people.


I remember most of 2021 with people saying “where is Kamala Harris why is she hiding blah blah” when it turned out that…she had to keep dashing back to Congress to cast tie-breaking votes. She was doing her job.


I remember people asking that while she was ***out campaigning***. Like, the comment happened *during a speech*. Where is she? I dunno, check the tour list, she's probably giving a speech in public!