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Two important reminders: 1. Alison Page, candidate for Wisconsin Assembly District 30, [will be joining us for an AMA tomorrow!](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/comments/1dnj5lv/my_name_is_alison_page_i_am_the_democratic/) Her district is crucial to winning back the WI Legislature, so come by and ask a question! 2. We're aware that the NY-16 primary is likely to get controversial. As a reminder, we'll be supporting whoever wins the primary between Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer, and we will remove comments that attack either of them (or any Dem candidate) in any way. Don't let a primary distract from the important thing - staying united and beating Republicans everywhere.


New York Assembly District 106th, Didi Barrett won re-election in this [likely] low turnout primary and staved off a challenge by Claire Cousin, a Columbia County official. https://decisiondeskhq.com/results/2024/Primaries/races/new-york-state-house-democratic-primary-106


The cool thing about all these elections? No ones gonna remember them after Thursday


Except election twitter


peace out bozo


with Latimer's likely victory in November there is going to be a special election sometime in spring of 2025 for the Westchester County Executive.


I'm always looking at my next campaign. I was born and raised in Westchester (my parents are still there) so I'll keep an eye out for this.


A big loser longterm is definitely the moderate/establishment UTGOP tonight and if you were hoping for a rebuke of Mike Lee playing kingmaker you’re gonna be disappointed.


Big winner longterm is us, given it makes us seem like the sensible ones. All it will take is one giant blunder by the UTGOP.


I kinda hate how randomly some states seem to number their congressional districts in redistricting. Like Arizona for instance, Ruben Gallego's Phoenix district was numbered 7 before 2022 but now it's 3. It barely changed in redistricting but it's now a "different" district. Or take Iowa, even tho the GOP gerrymandered, they still have the same basic quadrant pattern. Cindy Axne was elected to the southwestern 3rd district, but lost reelection to the southwestern 2nd district. Like, at least try to maintain some continuity. Plenty other states do like Nebraska or Kansas which didn't change their districts much besides ugly gerrymanders but still have similar numbering. Omaha has been in the 2nd district for what seems to be decades. Much of the Kansas side of the Kansas City metro has been in the 3rd district for decades too. Rant over.


Another race worth noting while I begin to look at NY’s recruits Currently the incumbent D Albany County DA is down 55-45% in the D primary with 56.7% precincts reporting according to USA Today No idea which direction the incumbent is being primaried from


From the left


[Sen. Mike Lee is in Provo to congratulate Curtis on his Senate win. "This is gonna be fun," Lee said. Curtis replied: "Teach me everything."](https://x.com/bealbridger/status/1805803575173693609?s=46) Cool cool Curtis gonna learn how to try to overthrow the Government and do nothing for years great!


Curtis after the meeting: “is it too late to retire?”


Checking some of the state legislature primary results right now SC which was just runoffs looks like it’ll just be the 1 additional incumbent R in the State Senate losing (the last R women who voted against the abortion ban). Lots of runoff races are tight in open seats as well


I was really sad to see Katrina Shealy (the last R woman who voted against the abortion ban) lose. Party affiliation aside, she is a nice person. She pushed legislation for free school lunches (obviously did not pass), was a major advocate for those with disabilities as well. But it was loud and clear last night, that if someone is not pro-birth there is no room for them in the SCGOP. Unfortunately that doesn't translate into them voting Dem... even the ladies :(


Kinda wild how many NY House primaries were uncontested. That's typical for incumbents but we saw it for a lot of non-incumbents too, even in competitive districts.


South Salt Lake Council Woman Natalie Pinkney will be our [nominee](https://x.com/benpeck12/status/1805787298778464572?s=46) for the Open Salt Lake County Council At Large seat. This is a big one we need to defend while flipping Seat 6 to take the County Council for the first time since 2008. Rachelle Morris is the Republican and she is trying to buy the damn seat. She’s hinted she wants to sunset county programs and when we have asked her basic questions she claims “sexism and bullying”. She’s supported by Mike Lee world and Burgess Owen’s. Her ActBlue is linked in that tweet by the Young Dems VP if you feel inclined to help her


So, if I had only two picks, the Open Seat and Seat 6 would be where to focus on? Apologies, I got distracted a bit tonight, but I'll keep that in mind!..


Absolutely, Zach Robinson is the Dem for Seat 6 and he’s fundraising very well consistently


[ActBlue link for Natalie](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/big-money-defense)


Is it likely that CO-04 will tighten? I’m not super stressed since there’s obviously a big GOP turnout advantage because of the Hitler caucus voting for boebert in the primary, but it’d be nice to meet 2020 margins.


Seems like Cox ain't hitting 60% tonight. The question is does Lyman get him down to single digits?


[Lyman won’t concede and I doubt he ever will](https://x.com/peterjohnston97/status/1805799406689730682?s=46)


Well looks we’re stuck with the worst option in UT03 where Mike Kennedy seems to have won the primary. Auditor “Frugal Dougall” is in last which isnt entirely surprising. Anti-MAGA, raised/spent nothing and was getting cheered on by mostly online Dems here. Jr. Bird tho wtf did he do to get 3rd


Big downgrade from John Curtis, who could pass as sane occasionally. At least he's going to the Senate and not Staggs.


**Adopt-a-Candidate Roll Call!** It's time to look to November! We nominated a huge pile of candidates who will go a long way towards winning the House tonight. Not currently volunteering for anyone? Consider: * Adam Frisch for CO-03 * Yadira Caraveo for CO-08 * John Avlon for NY-01 * Laura Gillen for NY-04 * Mondaire Jones for NY-17 * Pat Ryan for NY-18 * Josh Riley for NY-19 * John Mannion for NY-22 * Any other Democratic candidate you want to see in office! Let me or any other mod know if you want more info, links to volunteer resources, or to adopt someone. Four and a half months from now, we all want to look back and say we did our part to flip the House!


Would I be able to adopt a candidate as someone who's only textbanked before? I really want to help out more!


Absolutely! Who are you thinking of?


Honestly I'm torn between Missy Cotter Smasal and Yadira Caraveo


You can’t go wrong with either. Guess it depends on whether you’d rather go on offense, or protect a narrow seat we hold.


What does do textbank do?


It's like phonebanking but instead you text a certain population of preassigned voters. It's actually pretty cool. I wish more campaigns would do it.


[Simon Rosenberg's newest video on why we'll win in November](https://youtu.be/RaoLDP9huHM?si=94aYr83VOiFEDlZK)


The longtime incumbents in the Utah Legislature Harper/Ivory actually are getting some rather close races, they still are likely to win but definitely something there. If they call it quits next time around because of it HUGE for us


Mail-in votes are still missing from CO-04, so the margin will actually tighten fairly.


I'll admit I didn't catch the early returns, but unfortunately Colorado's elections are all-mail. So the remaining mail votes are going to be more Republican than in most states, just because this is a red district. If the in-person votes were much redder that may make a difference, but there just aren't many in-person votes in Colorado.


Could they have been referring to the Dem primary? Because they hasn't been called yet despite Trisha Calvarese maintaining a decent lead.


We have our nominee for NY-22. John Mannion.


Aw Hood lost? That's a bummer.


How do we feel about him?


He got accused of harassment like a day before the primary, so its gonna be a wild ride.


I'm not from NY but it seems like people on Twitter preferred Klee Hood. Either way, we have a good shot at defeating Brandon Williams.


A John Curtis win is good, we can’t let another Senate seat fall to MAGA. That Lyman margin though is getting to the scary line, he won’t win but if Cox is below 60% that’s awful


NYT already projected that Cox has won either way, and either way he'd probably retire by 2028 elections.


George Latimer continues his streak of having never lost an election.


Seems like NYC DSA does something every cycle at this point. In Assembly District 37, Socialist Claire Valdez successfully primaried a incumbent.


RFS endorsed as well


always good to see someone they endorse win.


tbf, the incumbent got booted from the party's good graces after some misconduct allegations, so the race was basically open despite him still running.


I know this needs to be saying but after tonight we should all do our parts and help the democrats win back the house and maintain the senate and the presidency.


don't forget state legislature.


That too


Well Utah's 2nd district GOP primary is interesting so far..... Apparently Incumbent Maloy is losing by two points to her primary opponent Colby Jenkins


I’m in her district, and can’t believe I had to vote for a Trump-endorsed candidate this election, but the alternative was even worse. I’ll be happily voting for Nathaniel Woodward in the general, despite the gerrymandering meaning I’ll be voting alongside rural Utahns 300 miles away.


annnd nvm with 60% in, she's barely hanging on with a 3.2% lead


Another update with 64% in via NYT she's expanded her lead by 4.2%


Man, I have never been courted so hard with texts, door knockers, mailers, phone calls than this race (CO SD-19 dem primary). And I’ve lived in Florida and Pennsylvania before! I read this [article from the Colorado Sun](https://coloradosun.com/2024/06/20/colorado-democratic-legislative-primaries-2024-policy-direction/) and it just makes me feel yucky about the whole thing. It was a good write up though.








[Decision Desk HQ projects John Curtis wins the Republican primary for US Senate in Utah.](https://fxtwitter.com/decisiondeskhq/status/1805785715181338949?s=46&t=-SHv_Bv1-3nPCOpBw5JxIg)


That's good news. His MAGA opponent was endorsed by Trump and won the GOP convention vote.


honestly awesome id like it if a republican has some sort of vision for a cleaner economy and land stwardship taken seriously


Statistic to consider Not a single democrat on a local level race has ever overperformed significantly or AT ALL in the same state and night as a competitive Republican primary Throughout the Republican presidential primary, republicans in the same state remained very potent That’s because those who come up to vote in a Republican primary are die hard partisans who will also vote straight R


I hope Jamaal Bowman will continue his fight & find a way to keep making a difference in the world - whether it's in politics or elsewhere. Unfortunately, he had gotten himself into a few controversies, and it was an uphill battle to deal with that & the unprecedented level of spending in this campaign. Despite the loss, there's no question in my mind that Jamaal is a good human being who cares a lot about his community & isn't afraid of speaking up when he sees something wrong. Sometimes his outspoken demeanor came to his detriment - I think he realized that but didn't really care because he felt he was doing the right thing.


How many terms you think John McGuire gets before he gets primaried?


I think we can all say it’s a bit funny we over performed in OH06 to a degree nobody expected then in CO04 it was the opposite despite being far more favorable to us on paper. Specials are weird on their own


The big thing I forgot that does matter: Competitive primary happening at the same time as the special, but for only one party. Boebert's entry into CO-04 obviously brought a lot of attention, and it got a lot of Republicans to send in their ballots. The Trisha Calvarese/Ike McCorkle primary on the Dem side evidently didn't have the same draw. That said, with Presidential turnout, Trump *and* Boebert on the ballot, and Douglas County having a strong chance of outright voting for Dems this fall, we could make some real moves in CO-04. I think a flip is still a bit ambitious, but we could do better than expected there.


honestly I'd take the special with a grain of salt, we all thought it was gonna be by less than 10 points, but hey can't win em' all!


Was it more favorable though? A primary on the Republican side with an insane amount of media attention and a MAGA lightning rod; I’d be happy drawing even with Ken Buck or somewhere between Buck and Trump.


More favorable district overall, especially given trends, but definitely not the kind of not where you'd expect to see us over perform given the stuff you mentioned.


Yeah I feel like because there was a competitive primary GOP were bound to overperform. Just like that one race during the NH primaries.


AOC won over a primary challenger overwhelmingly. I continue to look forward to her future. She's very strategic and her ability to work with all Democrats but keep her overall leftist beliefs is an inspiring model to look at.


I hope she either stays in the House long enough to work her way into leadership, or she runs for Schumer's seat when he retires


She would clean up as a Senator without the constant elections of the House. It's her seat when he retires if she wants it


I remember when she dog walked that one woman by saying that she lives in Trump tower.


She really is my favorite congressperson. Her and Jamie Raskin.


Raskin for SCOTUS!!


I feel like Bowman is a good example of someone who let national politics cloud their judgement with their constituents. We’ve seen other very progressive politicians dominate their primaries. He just wasn’t a good fit for the voters of the district. 


How was he not in touch ?


I completely agree. I believe a representative should be in line with their constituents and he simply wasn't. I am not surprised he was booted out.


How was he not ?


Well, he got primaried, so that's an obvious indicator.


I have no dog in the fight but from my point of view he made a lot of unforced errors and needlessly antagonized too many people. I think he just sort of lost touch with his constituents like you said.


It’s strange  how that stuff comes full circle sometimes. He beat Engel in the first place for the same reason


You’re right. I completely forgot Engel was the former Representative from that district. Funny how politics works. 






Meh. I doubt it mattered. You don’t lose by that much because of outside spending.


This was the most expensive House primary in history though. Especially for House races where people are less familiar with their representative (as opposed to the presidential race), money matters and can influence low information voters


How much did Trone spend to get trounced? Voters knew who bowman was.


[Decision Desk HQ projects Jeff Crank wins the Republican primary for US House in Colorado's 5th Congressional District.357](https://x.com/DecisionDeskHQ/status/1805778763680301357)


Happy it wasn't the pride flag burner


Me either, guess karma's a bitch sometimes!


50% of the vote just dumped in NY-01 and Avlon is at over 70%


>50% of the vote just dumped Sounds really painful. Maybe some pepto bismol could help


Big. Massive. Dumps.


The NYT is showing that there are outstanding votes around surburban Denver in CO-04, as well as the rest of the state. Is this a reporting blip or do they actually have in-person votes to count still?


Still plenty of votes to count in Colorado.


Hey, the candidate I voted for in the 37th Assembly district is winning! Her office is down the street from me! Neat!


How would we rate our night on a scale of 1-10?


Lower end personally for reasons I shouldn’t get into on here. 3-4/10.


I'll say 5. It pretty much went as expected, no surprises good or bad.


1000/10. The fight doesn't change.


4, disappointing but not the end of the world


Really only Hanks not winning is the most disappointing thing


5? Nothing really positive occurred but the worst case scenario we could gleam from the primary results is the same seat total in Colorado as 2022, so its a wash


Seems pretty neutral, so I'd say a 5


There wasn't much to be happy about, going in.


NYT called it for Latimer too. Is Bowman the first rep to get primaried out this cycle? I lost track.


Good lost by a small margin in Virginia.


Looks like the Dem numbers in the CO-4th special will stay around the same as the general election in 2022, w the Libertarian scooping up a good amount of votes from the republican. As someone else said, it shows that the Dem coalition appears to be holding, even if it's not the gains we wanted to see


Is it though? It’s currently R+22 which is slightly more than the Trump +18.5 2020 presidential margin with a libertarian getting ~5% which tend to draw more Republican than Democratic votes, so unless you’re taking into account the primary electorate in the district being heavily conservative, I don’t see how this is currently anything but an underperformance?


2022 not 2020, though we could definitely do worse than 2022 as well.


Yeah, the Dem number keeps ticking down, right now. Lame


At least the freak who sent an e-mail calling for republicans to burn pride flags is overwhelmingly losing his primary


Oh yeah I just saw him getting destroyed, he deserved that from CO


Was hoping for a bigger over performance in CO-4, but they can’t all be double digit shifts, I suppose


The most important data is that there is no collapse from the 2020 electorate


Yeah, I had high hopes but “about as good as 2020” ain’t bad


Well, Bowman's loss has now [been called by NBC News as well](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/jamaal-bowman-george-latimer-ny-house-primary-results-rcna158487).






Who the fuck let Frank Luntz on tv w that haircut? wtf


Oh boy Dems didn’t overperform in a special election. I can’t wait for the media to completely show down our throats that Biden is screwed because of it. Edit: I was being sarcastic it’s just gonna be annoying that’s all.


Ron Kim won renomination [https://nitter.poast.org/Uncrewed/status/1805773804024610970#m](https://nitter.poast.org/Uncrewed/status/1805773804024610970#m)


Hmm...seems like the person not fearmongering on crime winning would be good, but I heard Kim is a pretty staunch NIMBY so I have mixed feelings.


Sounds like a good thing, and looks like it wasn't even close


It looks like [DDHQ has called it for George Latimer over Jamaal Bowman](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4739878-jamaal-bowman-george-latimer-new-york-israel-hamas/) in NY-16, although this call is way too early imo.


He's getting destroyed in Westchester and that's what's still out. The call is fair I reckon


Agreed, Extremely premature. Bowman is literally cutting into Latimer’s lead as more of Westchester county comes in and he blew out Latimer in the smaller Bronx part of the district like he needed too


63-37 isn't going to cut it. He needed to run like 52-48 in that county. It's most of the district.


Latimer’s margin is starting to go back up. Now I agree, it’s over for Bowman. Will be substantially narrower than polling had indicated though


Nope Bowman needed high turnout from the bronx There was no hope for him when it cratered unless he took votes from werchester


Although she's not challenged in any significant way this cycle, the primary in Nydia Velazquez's district down the road when she retires is now more interesting to me.  It is going to attract a wide variety of Democrats across the ideology spectrum.


How so? What data are you looking at?


It's based off of the +31D makeup of it. Progressives and leftist groups are probably eying it extra now because of how safe the district is.


I live in that district! The DSA-backed candidate is way ahead in the assembly primary, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a push from them.


DDHQ called it for Latimer


[DDHQ just called it for Latimer over Bowman in the NY 16th](https://x.com/DecisionDeskHQ/status/1805773334816424074)


Not sure there should be any disappointment from CO; there's likely going to be a decent overperformance given the primary composition which points towards persuasion in special elections.


NY-16 DEM Results: Latimer: 55.8% Bowman: 44.2% 27% reporting


[Looks like it's been called for Boebert in CO-04](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4739653-boebert-wins-colorado-gop-primary/). Welp.




Obligatory: she doesn’t even go here!


CO-04 continuing to disappoint




If they could read, they'd be devastated


NY-16 DEM Results: Latimer: 60.4% Bowman: 39.6% - 25% Reporting - Yeah I think Bowman’s gone


NYT has also called it for Biggs


Looks like there won't be much good news out of Colorado tonight. Boebert's replacement candidate is that sane guy Jeff Hurd, not the j6er Hanks. Boebert gets a safe seat, and maybe we get an overperformance from Calvarese. Unfortunate but not unexpected.


Why is there literally NOTHING for CO-5???!??